
Beloit, Rock County, Wisconsin

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Magilton, W.
413 Broad ? - 1890 - ? blacksmith
Malone, B. M.
361 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? attorney
Marinoff's Grocery
1354 E. Grand ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Martin, J.
360 Wadsworth ? - 1890 - ? drayman
Martin, J. A.
120 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? meat market
Martin, John
216 State ? - 1890 - ? grocer
Martin, R.
1042 Church ? - 1890 - ? drayman
Martin, Z.
411 Broad ? - 1890 - ? grain dealer
McCoy, H. E.
202 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? jeweler
McGavock's in Beloit
----- ----- [see Beloit Historical Society article*]
McIntosh, J. C.
355 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? insurance & real estate
McLellan's Store
East Grand ? - 1946 - ? -----
McQuire Bros.
144 W. Bridge ? - 1890 - ? baker & confectioner
Meehan, John
----- ? - 1913 - ? fancy groceries & canned goods [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under The Senior Increscent)]
Meehan & Son
319 Grand ? - 1912 - 1913 - ? funeral directors & embalmers; wall paper, crockery, glassware, window shades [ad from Beloit Historical Society*]
Merklein's Grocery
102 Moore ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Merriam & Eaton's
Brown's Block, State Street ? - 1857 - ? wholesale & retail goods; J. W. Merriam & H. H. Eaton, props. [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under 1857 City Directory)]
Merrill (O. E.) & Co.
----- ? - 1872 - 1886 - ? water wheel makers; iron founders; paper machinery mfg.; became Merrill & Houston Iron Works [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under Various, Beloit Free Press)]
Merrill & Houston Iron Works
----- Abt. 1873 - ? previously O. E. Merrill & Co.; 1873 officers: John B. Merrill, pres.; G. A. Houston, v.p.; O. E. Merrill, superintendent; S. T. Merrill, treas.; C. F. G. Collins, secretary; manufacturer of water-wheels & paper mill machinery
Millen & Shue
310 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? tonsorial parlor [barber]
Miller (C.) & Co.
411 Broad ? - 1890 - ? grain dealers
Miller, D. P. [or D. B.]
312 Mill ? - 1872 - 1890 - ? livery
Miller (Fred) Brewing Co.
134 State ? - 1901 - ? brewer; F. Schlenk [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under Schlenk and Beloit Gas Light & Coke Co.)]
Mills, R. H.
Eclipse office ? - 1872 - 1890 - ? attorney; U.S. Court Commissioner (1872)
Minnesota Lumber Co.
660-670 Third ? - 1890 - ? lumber
Moody & Purcell
State St. ? - 1873 - ? boot & shoe factory
Moody's Grocery
1050 Hackett ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Moore (H. A.) & Sons
State ? - 1873 - ? merchants
Morrill (R. T.) Plumbing & Heating
----- ? - 1929 - ? plumbing; heating; Hoover vacuums [article from the Beloit Historical Society*]
Mosher's TV
1116 Woodward ? - 1962 - ? televisions & radios [ad from Beloit Historical Society*]
Munger, C. W.
200 Pleasant ? - 1873 - 1890 - ? carriages, wagons & farm mach.
Munger & Dennison
1416 Liberty ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Murray's Grocery
1447 Wisconsin ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Murray Bros.
445 Broad ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Mutchow Bros.
West side ? - 1913 - ? dry goods, millinery, ready-to-wear clothing [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under The Senior Increscent)]
Napp's Grocery
1100 Euclid ? - 1931 - ? grocer
National Tea Co.
216 State; 418 E. Grand; 166 W. Grand ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Nelson's Grocery
1306 Yates ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Nichols, John
318 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? shoe dealer
Northrop, Marshall A.
over City Drug Store, west side of river ? - 1857 - ? attorney, counselor & notary [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under 1857 City Directory)]
Northrop & Estes
427 State ? - 1890 - ? painter, paperhanger, etc.
Northwest Paper Co.
----- 1869 - 1872 - ? paper manufacturer
Novelty Carriage Works
212 State ? - 1890 - ? carriages, wagons & farm mach.
O'Donnell's Grocery
967 Hackett ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Oliver, Chas.
223 State ? - 1890 - ? cigar mfr.
Olmstead (O. B.) & Co.
----- ? - 1872 - 1873 - ? windmills (Wheeler's Eclipse Wind Engine), turbine water wheels, stove pipe shelves, "Eureka Iron Bridge"; etc.
O'Riordan (J.) & Bro.
347-351 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? dry goods
Orton, O. H.
314 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? attorney
Palton, S.
State ? - 1873 - ? groceries & stoneware
350 East Grand ? - 1913 - ? Steam & french dry cleaning [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under The Senior Increscent)]
Paper Pail Works
----- ? - 1890 - ? -----
Park Avenue Grocery
1621 Park ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Parker (J. E.) Pumps
West Bridge & 3rd ? - 1886 - ? dealer in pumps, steam & water supplies; successor to J. M. Farnsworth [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under Various, Beloit Free Press)]
Parr & Bibbins
609 Portland ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Patch Grocery
1226 Strong ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Peck, S. W.
----- ? - 1872 - ? lumber
Peet & Keeler
108 State (office corner of State & Race) ? - 1872 - 1890 - ? lumber, coal, etc. [ad from Beloit Historical Society*]
Pentland & Harmon
325 State ? - 1890 - ? grocer
Pentland & Simmons
State ? - 1873 - ? grocer
Perkins, Jas.
208 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? hardware
Perkins, L. S.
R.R. track, 2nd warehouse from the G.&C.U. Depot ? - 1857 - ? forwarding & commission merchant; hides, pelts & furs; green & dried fruits [ad from Beloit Historical Society* (under 1857 City Directory)]
Perry, J. A.
624 Third ? - 1890 - ? cooper
Peterson & Dix
1010 Liberty ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Pierron, J. J.
505 Prospect ? - 1890 - ? contractors & builders
Piggly Wiggly
160 W. Grand ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Pipitone's Grocery
408 Broad ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Porter Avenue Grocery
1448 Porter ? - 1931 - ? grocer
Powers, M. J.
312 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? harness makers
Prager's Variety Store
312 State ? - 1929 - 1930 - ? general merchant [ads from Beloit Historical Society*]
Purves, Thos.
321 Bridge ? - 1890 - ? cigar mfr.
Quinn & Kilgore
660 Third ? - 1890 - ? contractors & builders

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