
Janesville, Rock County, Wisconsin


(grain elevators, mills, saddlery, tobacco, tractors, etc.)


(barbers, binders, carvers, decorators, florists, jewelers, painters, printers, etc.)

Business Cards


(blacksmiths, builders, contractors, hardware, lumber, painters, plumbers, quaries, realties, surveyors, etc.)


(books, dancing, hobby shops, music, pets, theater, etc.)

Financial Institutions

(banks, loan offices, etc.)

Food Industry

(bakers, bottlers, brewers, butchers, confectioners, grocers, ice, mills, restaurants, etc.)

Funeral Homes

Garment Industry

(boots, cleaners, cotton mills, garments, milliners, sewing machines, shoes, tailors, washing machines, woolen mills, etc.)

General Merchandise

(department stores, furniture, household goods, merchants, manufacturers, etc.)

Hotels & Boarding Houses

Industrial & Manufacturing

(boxes, brooms, cigar boxes, furniture, paper, etc.)

Legal Professionals

(attorneys, counselors, insurance, justices of the peace, etc.)

Medical Professionals

(clinics, dentists, druggists, hospitals, pharmacies, physicians, veterinarians, etc.)

Photographers & Photography Studios

Public Services

(electricity, gas, insurance, telephone, etc.)


(automobiles, carriages, dealerships, garages, parts, trucks, saddlery, tractors, wagons, etc.)

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The USGenWeb Project logo is the property of The USGenWeb Project
The WIGenWeb-Rock County Logo was created by former Rock County Coordinator Lori Niemuth

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