Histories of

Cities, Villages & Settlements

Rock County, Wisconsin

Afton Anderson Avalon
Avon Belcrest Beloit
Bergen Butts Corners Cainville
Charley Bluff Christilla Heights Clinton
Clinton Junction Cooksville Crestview
Croaks Settlement Edgerton* Emerald Grove
Evansville Fairfield Fishers Corner
Footville Fosters Ferry Fulton
Fulton Center Garden Village Hanover
Holiday Hills Indianford Inmansville
Janesville Jefferson Prairie Johnstown
Johnstown Center Leydon Lima Center
Magnolia Milton Milton Junction
Morses Landing Newark Newville
Orfordville Porters Rock Prairie
Shopiere Spring Valley Corners Stebbinsville
Tiffany Turtleville Union
Utters Corners Victory Heights Waucoma

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