Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Association Members

from Rock County, Wisconsin

The Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Association was formed February 22, 1901. Membership cost 50 cents per year.





AUSTIN, Alva G. Janesville 1909 Vice President
AUSTIN, Alvina L. Evansville 1909 -----
AUSTIN, Clifford P. Janesville 1909 -----
AUSTIN, George M. Janesville 1909 -----
AUSTIN, W. B. Janesville 1909 -----
AUSTIN, William D. Janesville 1909 -----
BABCOCK, J. G. Evansville 1909 -----
BARKER, E. S. Janesville 1909 -----
BENEDICT, E. L. Beloit 1909 -----
BINGHAM, E. L. Milton 1909 -----
CAIG, Ernest M. Milton Junction 1909 -----
CALDO, Leslie Janesville 1909 -----
CHASE, Albert L. Milton 1909 -----
CHURCHILL, Arthur Janesville (Rt. 7) 1909 -----
COOPER, Maurice W. Edgerton 1909 -----
DOUGAN, W. J. Beloit (Rt. 30) 1909 -----
ELLIS, E. J. Evansville 1909 -----
EMERY, Sydney Edgerton 1909 -----
FISH, Esli Janesville (Rt. 7) 1909 -----
GODFREY, Burt K. Janesville (Rt. 1) 1909 -----
GREEN, J. I. Clinton 1909 -----
HEMINGWAY, George L. Hanover 1909 -----
HOLMES, U. C. Evansville 1909 -----
JACOBS, S. M. Janesville 1909 -----
KIMBLE, N. G. Milton Junctioin 1909 -----
KLEIN, W. C. Orfordville 1909 -----
LATHERS, Charles F. Beloit 1909 -----
LATTA, F. L. Clinton Junction 1909 -----
LUNDE, K. I. Edgerton 1909 -----
McCOY, George L. Evansville 1909 -----
MARSTON, Albert Beloit (Rt. 30) 1909 -----
MARSTON, Roy C. Beloit 1909 -----
MOSELEY, H. B. Beloit 1909 -----
NELSON, Martin Milton 1909 -----
PECK, Edward Edgerton 1909 -----
PELK, Edmund Emery Farm, Edgerton 1909 -----
PIERCE, Henry Milton Junction 1909 -----
PORTER, J. K. P. Evansville 1909 -----
PORTER, L. W. Evansville 1909 -----
RASEY, Edwin L. Beloit (Rt. 27) 1909 -----
SMITH, L. E. Beloit (Rt. 3) 1909 -----
SNYDER, Clyde L. Footville 1909 -----
SNYDER, Elmer G. Clinton 1909 -----
SNYDER, R. B. Clinton 1909 -----

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