Robberies & Thefts

Rock County, Wisconsin



1903 - Sept. "Tinker" Smith found stealing from grocery wagon; escapes but caugh 6 days later in Belvidere, IL; given 18-months in prison
1903 - Oct. 22 Roy Young (Beloit) steals a locomotive
1903 - Nov. 13 Burglars steal $12,000 in silks & furs from J. M. Bostwick's store; escape in boat down Rock River
1904 - March 25 Walter Conroy & Hugh Wagoner rob Volney Atwood's chicken coop
1908 - April 25 Janesville Officer Thomas Morrissey catches Fritz Boutan breaking into J. L. Spellman's cigar store; Boutan receives a suspended sentence
1914 - May 2 W. S. Stewart broke into doctors' offices for "dope" (morphine)
1915 - Aug. 4 Walter Martin (RR conductor) robbed by Austin Cairns & unknown

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