- AE - aged
- Ålder - age (Swedish)
- Alter - age (German)
- år - year (Norwegian; Swedish)
- b. - born
- barn - child (Norwegian; Swedish)
- d. - died
- dau. - daughter
- d/o - daughter of
- død - death (Norwegian)
- d's - days
- ektemann - husband (Norwegian)
- far - father (Norwegian; Swedish)
- född - born (Swedish)
- foreldre - parents (Norwegian)
- gattin - wife (German)
- geb. - geboren - born (German)
- geboren - born (German)
- h/o - husband of
- hustru - wife (Norwegian; Swedish)
- Jahr - year (German)
- kone - wife (Norwegian)
- m. - married
- mann - man (Norwegian)
- mo. - month
- mor - mother (Norwegian)
- mutter - mother (German)
- nd - no date
- ossw - on the same stone with (two or more people listed
on one stone)
- s/o - son of
- sohn - son (German)
- tochter - daughter (German)
- uncut - not carved
- vater - father (German)
- w/o - wife of
- Y's - years