Plymouth Township Churches

Rock County, Wisconsin

Footville lies in Plymouth and Center Township so Footville churches are listed in both Center and Plymouth townships.

Orfordville lies mostly in Spring Valley Township but some of the city's churches are in Plymouth Township so Orfordville churches are listed in both Plymouth and Spring Valley townships.



Church of Christ
117 Church St.
Footville, WI 53537
Church of Christ
located in Plymouth Township
Footville Catholic Church
Gilbert St.
Footville, WI
no longer in existence; located in Plymouth Twp.
Harvest Community Church
519 E. Beloit St.
Orfordville, WI 53576
located in Spring Valley Township
Immanuel Lutheran Church
8212 High St.
Orfordville, WI 53576
located in Plymouth Township
Methodist Episcopal Church
Janesville St.
Footville, WI (Center Twp.)
Methodist Epsicopal
building still standing (minus the steeple), but no longer a church; located in Center Township
Orfordville Lutheran Church*
210 N. Main St.
Orfordville, WI 53576
located in Spring Valley Township
Orfordville United Methodist Church
118 N. Main St.
Orfordville, WI 53576
United Methodist
Plymouth United Methodist Church
Plymouth Church Rd. & County H
Orfordville, WI
United Methodist
St. Augustine's Church*
286 Haberdale Dr.
P.O. Box 325
Footville, WI 53537
located in Center Township
Trinity Church of Orfordville
519 E. Beloit St.
Orfordville, WI 53576

If you know of a church (or a church's website) in Plymouth Township not listed here, please e-mail the Rock County Coordinator.

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