Rock County WI Neighbors




Dane Green Jefferson Walworth Boone Winnebago
County site at WIGenWeb Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cemeteries at WIGenWeb-Rock Co. Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
USBiographies Project Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
USGenWeb Project Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
USGenWeb Archives Project Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

WIGenWeb logoUSGenWeb logo
The USGenWeb Project logo is the property of The USGenWeb Project
The WIGenWeb-Rock County Logo was created by former Rock County Coordinator Lori Niemuth

Links to external web sites (marked *) are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or approval of any of the products, services or opinions contained in any external web site.

WIGenWeb Acting State Coordinator:  Marcia Ann Kuehl
WIGenWeb Assistant State Coordinator:  Rebecca Maloney

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