Ladysmith Tornado
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Cuppa Joe - previously an Italian restaurant, sports shop, and Holiday Service Station.
Another view of the United Church of Christ. This is the oldest church in Ladysmith. It was previously known as the Congregational Church. Before that, it was a German church.
Home on Lake Avenue.
Building directly east of the UCC Church on Lake Avenue. Previously Doris Ann Beauty Salon.
Another view of the United Church of Christ (UCC) on Lake Avenue. The original church roof can be seen in this picture.
Another picture of the old Carnegie Library on Lake Avenue. This building was recently converted into the Carnegie Bed and Breakfast.
Remains of the water tower on Lake Avenue. The tower left a one foot crater in the ground when it crashed.
The remains of the antique store on Lake Avenue. This building used to be an old livery stable. It was located directly across the street from the United Church of Christ.
Destruction on Lake Avenue.
This is the old Schultz Brothers dime store. More recently it had been a mini-mall. It is located on Miner Avenue.
J&J Apparel building on Miner Avenue. This building formerly housed Ditmanson's Department Store.
Damage to J&J Apparel building on Miner Avenue.
The old State Bank of Ladysmith on Miner Avenue. It was later known as the Pioneer National Bank. Most recently it housed a clinic.
Damage to apartment buildings on Miner Avenue.
Front view of the old State Bank of Ladysmith (Pioneer National Bank) on Miner Avenue.
Damage to apartment buildings on Miner Avenue.
Damage to home and apartment buildings on Miner Avenue.
Destruction of apartment building on Miner Avenue.
Remains of apartment building on Miner Avenue.
Viewing the sky through the ceiling of an apartment building on Miner Avenue.
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