Many thanks to Mark
Fruendt for his help in starting this page by sending in
some GREAT PHOTOS from his mother & grandmother's
collection, along with the Clintoville newspaper item
written about his grandmother. The additional 2 news items (1919 &
1922) were added by me.
frequently get
asked questions about Native American research and the
Indian Missions & Schools in Shawano County... not much
has been written about them...YET. This is MY
attempt to offer a glimpse of the Indian Mission on
Mission Lake as well as the WHY & HOW behind
them... the first one we're researching is the Red Springs
Indian Mission on Mission Lake, just outside of Gresham in
the town of Red Springs... since all of our Shawano GenWeb pages are
updated when additional information is obtained, I look
forward to updating this one as well... please
send in anything you would like to share.
This page, as well as ALL THE PAGES in the
Shawano GenWeb Project, are copyright protected-ATC© 2009
Again, many thanks to
Mark for the inspiration and for the great pictures.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and I believe
it! Mark sent in the following Tribune Gazette
newspaper article written about his mother's experiences
while living at the Lutheran Church's Red Springs Indian
Mission where her mother was a cook. Life was hard
for Tillie... it was 1920 and Tillie Hafemann
was a young widow with two small children to support. Her
husband, Fred Hafemann, had died during the flu epidemic
two years earlier... Tillie not only managed to provide
for her young family during the Depression, she also sent
them through college. Very hard-working woman! |

following article appeared in the Clintonville, Wisconsin
Tribune Gazette, the exact date is not known, but it is
estimated to be in February, 1981:
Remembering the Mission
Becky Schnurr
“My brother, Andrew Raisler, took me up there. I watched
his car leave with tears running down my face. About an
hour later, Miss Amanda Graper got there. She worked so
fast, and she helped me with whatever she could. She was
just like the sun coming out on a cloudy day.”
That’s how Tillie Mandery, 33 Hughes street,
Clintonville, describes her arrival at the Lutheran Indian
Mission, about three miles northeast of Gresham on Mission
Lake, and a recent addition to the National Register of
Historic Places.
It was 1920 and Mrs. Mandery, then Tillie Hafemann,
was a young widow with two small children to support. Her
husband, Fred Hafemann, had died during the flu epidemic
two years earlier. Tillie and her children, Lucille and
Donald, had moved to her parent’s home in Nicholson and
she went to work at a mill.
But then she was told that the Lutheran Indian
Mission needed a cook and an aide, and she was asked to
take the job as cook and bring along whoever she wanted as
an aide. Tillie agreed to give it a try, and brought
Esther Roesler along as her helper, she says.
“The thing that made me so happy was when the pastor
told me I could have a place of my own and could have my
children with me,” Mrs. Mandery recalls. And the family
did get their own little apartment in the mission’s
dormitory building.
Thus the Hafemanns arrived at the mission prior to
the start of the 1920-21 school year. At the time, the
main buildings were the church, built in 1901, which is
still in use, and a dormitory-school building, built in
1902. There were almost 120 children enrolled in the
school, mostly from the Stockbridge-Munsee tribe. But
actually, 11 tribes were represented recalls Tillie’s
daughter, Lucille Fruendt, with students from as far away
as the Dakotas.
There were three teachers and three classrooms at the
mission. In 1920, the first and second grade classroom
was in the church, while third through fifth and sixth
through eighth grades each had a room in the other
building. Lucille started school there that fall,
attending first grade in the church classroom. By the
time Donald started school a few years later, a new
dormitory building has been completed and the older
building now held all three classrooms.
The new dormitory was a beautiful building
overlooking the lake, constructed by area Stockbridge
Indians. The building has since been torn down, however.
The pupils at the Lutheran Indiana Mission were
mostly boarding students. They paid no fees to attend,
but they did have to help with the work, says Mrs.
Mandery. Each child was assigned a job, be it hauling
water, helping with the baking, laundry, chopping and
hauling wood, peeling potatoes or drying dishes, among
others. The jobs were rotated each month, she adds, so
that each student learned every job.
During all the cooking for 120 pupils was by no means
an easy job, even though the girls helped with the bread
baking. They made 50 to 60 loaves of bread every day.
Mrs. Mandery says, adding, “Sometimes when I was done
baking bread at night, I was so tired I’d just cry.”
Tillie ordered her supplies for the school from Green
Bay. They were shipped by train from Green Bay to
Lindhurst, and from there to the mission by horse-drawn
wagon or, in winter, by sleigh.
Another drawback during the first year, while they
were still in the old building, was the “kitchen” and
“laundry room” were one and the same. Long rows of
clotheslines were strung across the room, so Tillie and
the girls who helped her had to dodge wet laundry as they
prepared meals. “It was much better when the new building
was built.” Mrs. Mandery says.
Miss Graper was a tremendous help to Tillie during the
early days at the mission. A Clintonville native, Miss
Graper had already been at the mission for four years when
the Hafemanns arrived, so she “knew the ropes.” Says Mrs.
Mandery. Together, they managed to get most of the
weekend work finished on Saturday so they could go to
church on Sunday.
The mission used margarine on the bread, Mrs. Mandery
recalls, and back then, it wasn’t colored, so it was very
white. Once when she and Miss Graper colored the
margarine yellow, a state official found out, and they
were fined.
The pupils at the mission were always quite
cooperative, according to Mrs. Mandery. If they hadn’t
done their work just right, and she said they had to do it
over, they did it without feeling angry or hurt.
“They just felt that was my job,” she explains. “I
have to give them credit for that.”
Favorite food among the mission students, Mrs.
Mandery recalls, was baked beans. Given their choice for
Sunday dinner between baked beans or beef roast, the
student’s chose beans every time.
Like any other kids, those at the mission appreciated
a good joke. On his very first Sunday at the mission,
they taught little Donald about “wild Indians.” Donald
had been “warned” by his grandmother to “be careful of the
Indians.” A few of the students decided to play a little
joke, so they put strips of cloth around their heads, then
got a few feathers from the mission’s chickens and stuck
these in their hair. Then they went to surprise Donald,
who promptly turned and ran to his mother screaming, “The
Indians are coming! The Indians are coming!”
Despite the help and cooperation she received, the
first year at the Lutheran Indian Mission was a tough one
for Tillie.
“It was an awfully hard year. I had decided I wasn’t
going to come back,” she says.
But Lucille was doing well in school, and the mission
board begged Tillie to stay, so she finally agreed. And
she stayed not only that year, but the next and the next,
and finally ended up spending seven years there.
Lucille was able to complete all eight grades in
those seven years. Apparently, she got a quality
education at the mission school, too, because when she
took the eighth grade tests required by the county, she
had the highest score of anyone. And she had no trouble
with her studies when she attended Lutheran High in
Milwaukee for the next four years.
“We learned how to study, and I’m still grateful for
that,” Mrs. Fruendt says. “We had a good system. There
was a required study period every night.”
Being the only white student in her grade school
classes didn’t cause any problems for Lucille either.
“As far as I was concerned, I didn’t actually realize
that I was white and different,” she explains. “They were
all very good friends of mine.”
After Lucille graduated from eighth grade, Tillie
accepted a position as a cook at Concordia College in
Milwaukee, where she spent more than 10 years, working
until her children were through college. And she’s proud
that she was able to provide her children with a good
education, even though she was a widow with just an eighth
grade education herself.
“I’m thankful the Lord gave me the health and
strength to do what I did.” Mrs. Mandery concludes. |

New dormitory at the
Lutheran Indian Mission dedicated in May 1921.
Notice the teepee on the roof of the building. |
click on the thumbnail pics below to see the larger more
detailed picture... and we can use your help on
identifying people in the photographs as well! |
Reception Hall at Mission Dormitory |
Mr. Wallechlarger Senior
Department 1925
Can you help identify the students? |
Confirmation Class 1927
Lucille Hafemann on far right.
Can you help identify any of the people? |
Inside Alter View
Miss Zinke at the organ |
Confirmation class of 1924
and Margaret Hammer baptized
Can you help identify the students? |
Lutheran Indian Mission Church |
Note: It is not my
intention to offend anyone with any portion of the Shawano
GenWeb site. My Grandmother Taylor was Native
American and I know first-hand how Indian people were
viewed. In the 1880s, my grandmother wasn't even
registered as being born because she was part Indian
living off-reservation... in
the early 1900s, some of her family were taken away to
Government Schools to be "taught the ways of the white
man" -- as far away as Carlisle, PA. In the 1920s when
she was asked to enroll officially in the tribe, she
declined as she had been trying to pass as white her
entire life to avoid the social stigmatism she endured
so her children could be considered "white"... So I
do understand completely... portions of this page contain
articles I located that were written by the founders of the mission schools
and do reflect the belief they had regarding the
WHY & HOW. Again, this was
the belief of a few people in the 1920s -- this is not
my feeling but I think it is important to include it to
understand WHY the missions and schools existed.
The missions and schools
were originally opened to offer Native American children
an education, accompanied by Christian doctrine... in
1910, the federal government's Bureau of Indian Affairs
established a policy allowing 2 hours each day to be spent
on religious activities in these schools. These
Indian School Missions had both positive & negative
effects as we look back -- hindsight being 20/20.
They took small children out of their homes and attempted
to "Americanize" them into society... most rebelled, some
participated but when all was said and done at the end of
the day, these children were losing their language,
culture & deep family traditions. Now, for a few
words on behalf of the church missions, they were not
doing this to be malicious or cruel -- it was their intent
to HELP these children function in the modern world... and
they did have many good points: they offered food &
shelter AND education. Deaths among Native American
babies & children were unbelievably high compared to their
white neighbors... along with Christianity, the missions
brought medical care & new ways of preventing illness.
There were pros and cons to the issue but by the 1950s &
1960s, the federal government discontinued their support
of the Indian Mission Schools and eventually they were
closed. History is the real judge of the success of
Indian Mission Schools... I know this is a very
controversial subject and I am trying to give both
I WELCOME any information
regarding the schools from people who attended them.
I know there are still older folks who attended them that
could shed more light on how they felt being there... I
would love your input!
WHERE... |
Located on County Road G in the Red Springs Township on
Mission Lake, this church is listed on the National Register
of Historic Places. It was originally known as the
Emmanuel Mohican Lutheran Church Mission School for Native
American children in the area. The Mohican
Indian Lutheran Church, with a school annex, was built in
1901 on a small lake now called Mission Lake. The
dormitory next to the church was built in 1908. In about
1923, after a new dormitory was built, the two-story
building next to the church became the school. The
boarding school closed in 1933, a day school continued
until 1958. The church, parsonage and school building
remain in use by the Mohican Immanuel Lutheran
Congregation. |
WHY & HOW... |
Published articles... |
mission work among the American Indians by Albert Keiser
Published by Augsburg Publishing House, 1922
(AGAIN, this is his view as written in 1922!)
Original from Harvard University
Digitized Jan 2, 2007 - 189 pages
It was in 1898 that a delegation of Stockbridge Indians
came to Rev. Th. Nickel, at that time pastor in Shawano,
and requested that he begin church work among them. With
alacrity Rev. Nickel accepted the invitation, all the more
so since these Indians understood the English language. In
that language he preached to them, a considerable number
attending the services. In addition, several showed a
willingness to take instruction and be baptized. The whole
undertaking thus had an auspicious start.
In the following year the Missouri Synod decided to take
over the mission, the work to be under the direction of an
Indian mission board. Mr. J. D. Larsen, of Springfield
Theological Seminary, was called as the first missionary.
On September 3, 1899, he was ordained and installed among
his future charges. For the purposes of the mission twenty
acres were bought, and a parsonage was erected at once,
one room of which was to serve as a place for religious
meetings. However, only nine short months was Rev. Larsen
permitted to work among the Indians, his failing health
demanding the discontinuation of the highly successful
labors. Since it was not possible to secure a new
missionary immediately, a student named E. Biegener
supplied the mission for one year. The services were well
attended. Soon the meeting room became too small, and in
1901 a church had to be built, an addition to which served
for school purposes. The mission station is known as Red
Springs, while the mail is received at Gresham.
The same year a new missionary was secured in the person
of Rev. R. Kretzmann, who was installed on July 14, 1901,
at the same time the newly built church and school being
dedicated. Rev. Kretzmann began his work with great
enthusiasm. Already in 1901 he extended his field to the
town of Keshena, and succeeded in establishing a preaching
place there. The same result was obtained at Morgan. And
in time Gresham was also visited, where he ministered to a
number of Indian families. It has always been realized
that a successful mission is largely dependent upon a
school where the children may be imbued with the spirit of
Christ and thus won over. Rev. Kretzmann as well as the
board had no doubt on this point. What else could one
expect of members of the Missouri Synod, whose parochial
school system has been unapproached by any other Lutheran
body in America! Mr. O. W. Volkert was accordingly engaged
as teacher for the mission school. In August, 1902, he
began his work, but already in 1903 God called His
faithful servant to his eternal rest. Tho the position
remained vacant for some time, the work was continued
nevertheless. Rev. Kretzmann himself instructed in
religion, while the other subjects were taught for a time
by an educated Christian Indian woman. Later, former Rev.
Kraft and a student named Gleffe served in the same
capacity. It was not till 1905 that a regular teacher was
secured in the person of J. F. Luebke, a graduate of the
Teachers' Seminary at Addison. Under his careful guidance
the school in Red Springs began to flourish. Children
whose parents lived too far from the school were now
admitted into the homes of Christian Indians, and this
increased the attendance of the school considerably.
Rev. Kretzmann worked with great zeal and enthusiasm, and
soon added another place to his already extensive parish.
Twenty miles from Red Springs, almost buried in the
primeval forest, is the so-called Wiaskesit Settlement of
the Menominee Reservation. The missionary in his tour of
investigation was informed that a number of children
probably could be secured if a school were opened. Acting
upon this information, the mission board had a school
built, later also a house, and thus the station Zoar came
into being. The Indians of that vicinity were still
heathen, and sanitary conditions among them were unknown.
As teacher of the school a certain Barneko was called,
whose references seemed to indicate that he would be the
proper person for the trying position. But unequal to the
chaotic conditions, he left after a few weeks. In order
that the work might go on, Rev. Kretzmann secured the
services of educated Christian Indian women. But as a rule
no one was willing to perform the dreary task long, and
the teachers passed in rapid succession.
It was imperative that a regular teacher be secured, and
finally the board was successful in calling Mr. A. Krenke.
In September, 1904, he began his duties, but already in
March, 1905, the illness of his wife compelled him to
relinquish the position. After his resignation, educated
Indian girls taught for a time, while later the school was
abandoned temporarily. However, soon a great change for
the better took place. The former missionary, J. D.
Larsen, accepted a call to Zoar, arriving in January,
1906. His wife taught school, while he himself did
missionary work, besides teaching wherever an opportunity
offered itself. But the position of the missionary was
anything but pleasant. The Indians were very much addicted
to rum, and when their Government allowances were paid,
their indulgence knew no bounds. Under such conditions
life among them became at times dangerous, tho no real
harm was ever done to the missionaries. But in spite of
all efforts no visible fruit was seen, for not a single
Indian became a Christian. However, Rev. Larsen and his
heroic wife worked on till conditions in Red Springs
necessitated their removal thither.
The work in Red Springs, the chief station, did not always
progress according to the expectations of Rev. Kretzmann.
The vices of the Indians especially caused the missionary
many a gloomy hour. But in spite of it he worked on
courageously, fearlessly denouncing the sins. In time the
Indians grew impatient of the continued admonition and
became hostile. Mr. Luebke, the faithful teacher of the
school, did not escape. And soon the hostile Indians
requested the Presbyterians to serve them, an invitation
which was accepted. By this time the severe labor had
tolled on the missionary, and in 1908 ill health compelled
him to accept a call from a white congregation. Soon
after, the teacher, Mr. Luebke, also left, since the
school had almost gone out of existence. For a time the
board tried unsuccessfully to fill the vacancy, tho an
early appointment had become imperative, as the minister
of the Presbyterians was expected within a short time.
In order to save the field, Rev. Larsen of Zoar had to be
transferred to Red Springs, where he began his work in
April, 1908, one week after the representative of the
Presbyterians, a half-blood Sioux Indian, had arrived
there. However, Rev. Larsen had this advantage over his
rival that he had been stationed in Red Springs before and
enjoyed the confidence of the Indians. Under these
circumstances the half-blood Sioux soon found it advisable
to abandon the field. The incursion of the Presbyterians
had had few ill effects. Soon large audiences again
greeted the missionary, and the Indians also requested
that a school be opened.
Within a short time their request was granted. For in the
same year the synod at its general convention decided to
erect an administration building and dormitory at Red
Springs. In the fall of 1908 the plans were carried out,
the building with its equipment costing in the
neighborhood of $5,000. Soon seventy-nine children
attended the school. Mrs. Larsen had charge of the school,
while Rev. Larsen himself taught Catechism and Bible
History. Thus the work prospered, a strong impression also
being made upon the adults.
Some of the conversions were truly remarkable. One in
particular may be mentioned here. During Kretzmann's
residence in Red Springs an old heathen Indian, a former
soldier, had exposed himself to the cold while
intoxicated, with the result that he became very sick.
Rev. Kretzmann visited him and spoke to him about his
sins. The Indian appeared to be repentant, was baptized,
and promised that he would take further instruction and be
confirmed just as soon as his state of health permitted.
But with the return of health he continued the former
sinful life. Again his intoxication threw him upon the
sickbed which became his deathbed. Rev. Larsen, who was
then in charge of the mission station at Red Springs,
visited him and reproved him sharply on account of his
sins. The Indian replied : "You are right, Reverend. I
have lived a bad life. You cannot enumerate all the bad
things I have done. But now I'll change." When the
missionary voiced his doubt about the sincerity of the
repentance, the Indian answered: "What you say is all
true. They have often called me and I would not come. But
now I feel that I must go. My end is coming, and I want to
be saved." He desired instruction and the consolation of
God's Word. The missionary gave both. When the Catholic
priest heard of the sickness of the man, he went to him.
Seeing the poverty, he promised to provide all the
necessities of life if the man only would turn Catholic.
But his offer was met with the reply: "You cannot bait me
with a soup bone." Rev. Larsen was rejoiced to see how
gladly his instruction was received. Even when the sick
man became weaker and weaker, he would rise in bed, raise
the folded hands and his face toward Heaven, and exclaim:
"Take me, Lord Jesus, Son of God, take me! I come, I
come!" With these sentiments he departed this life.
Not much need be said of Rev. Larsen's activities during
his later years, as he became more and more indifferent
toward the mission and went into farming and stock raising
for himself. Finally, in 1914, the board ended the
intolerable condition by accepting the resignation of the
As successor Rev. Carl Guenther was now called, who
formerly had worked for twelve years among the Apaches in
Arizona, ill health at last forcing his resignation. He
entered upon the duties of his new office on December 6,
1914. As a true missionary he accounted it a privilege to
supervise the boarding school and to serve the Indian
congregation. The children, to the number of sixty,
ranging from six to sixteen years, found a true father in
Rev. Guenther, who worked unceasingly for the moral and
spiritual uplift of his charges. They were instructed in
religion during school hours and had their regular
devotional services in connection with their meals. In
addition the missionary assembled them at other times,
talking to them and praying and singing with them. Miss
Koehler in the school did her best to transmit some
knowledge to the minds entrusted to her care. Soon the
cheerful Christian spirit spread from the children to the
parents. Stricter measures in regard to the congregation,
insistence upon order, etc., brought only temporary
opposition. And the mission board gave its hearty
co-operation for the advancement of the station.
But the work of the missionary was destined to be short.
Some time after Easter he found his strength failing, but
instead of enjoying a much needed rest, he was forced to
carry the additional burden of six weeks' instruction in
the school. The board, notified of his condition, urged
him to hold out till the end of June. When this seemed
inadvisable, Rev. Guenther handed in his resignation,
which was, however, not accepted, a second attempt sharing
the same fate. At the end of the school year he was forced
to leave. When the rest brought no improvement, the
resignation was finally accepted, as another man was now
ready to take up the work.
After the resignation of Rev. Guenther a new missionary
was secured in the person of Otis L. Lang, a graduate of
the theological seminary at St. Louis, Missouri. He
arrived in August, 1915, and immediately took charge. His
task was principally to superintend the boarding school of
the mission, to do general mission work, and perform the
duties as pastor of the Indian congregation, then
numbering twelve voting members. As the school was without
an instructor at that time, he opened it personally the
following September with an initial attendance of fifty
children. Within a short time Mr. E. Hassold, a student
from the seminary at St. Louis, was secured, who ably
conducted the school during the year. In the fall Mr. E.
A. Peetzke took charge, but the increase in the attendance
to almost eighty made a division into two sections
necessary. Miss Ina Kempf was in charge of the lower class
till the summer of 1917, when Irene Brehmer was secured,
who remained at her post until health conditions forced
her to resign. In the meantime the school had increased to
almost one hundred children.
The missionary took great delight in the religious and
secular training of the Indian children as they progressed
in faith and knowledge. "To hear them answer the questions
of the catechism and give account of their faith in
religious instruction, to hear them cheerfully singing
praise to their Maker, Redeemer, and Comforter in their
Christian hymns, to see them kneeling about their little
beds at retiring, saying their evening prayers, is an
experience that thrills the heart and melts the eyes in
tears of joy of anyone who is familiar with the blind
heathendom and savagery that mark the history of their
forefathers; it shows by striking examples the Gospel's
power in the heart of children when brought under its
influence. And to prove the strength of the faith of these
little ones, I shall relate an instance. One of them fell
victim to the disease so prevalent among the Indians,
tuberculosis, and failed very rapidly. She was removed
from the school and placed in the care of a relative.
Shortly before her death, a Roman Catholic priest, in
whose denomination she had been baptized, came to see her
and tried with persuasion, threats, and even force to
induce her to return to his church. But she marvelously
held her ground, refuting his arguments with passages of
Scripture. When finally he told her that her only
salvation would be by imploring the Virgin Mary to
intercede for her, she pointed to a little prayer book I
had left with her and said: 'I pray directly to my Lord
Jesus. He has redeemed me and He loves me. He is almighty
to save and my only comfort and hope. I need none other to
intercede for me.' Thereupon she bade him go. She is
seeing now what she faithfully believed."
The mission work in general was also successful. Besides
Red Springs with the mission school and congregation, two
preaching stations were also served. Until he left, in the
early part of 1918, the missionary had baptized three
adults and fifteen children, confirming ten in all. He
also had the blessed experience of witnessing on deathbeds
the triumph of faith in the last bitter hour, the greatest
satisfaction and recompense mission work can offer. The
Red Springs congregation had almost doubled when in the
early part of 1918 ill health forced Rev. Lang to hand in
his resignation. But he has not lost his interest in his
former charges, which is evident from the following
passage: "To behold a Christian congregation of Indians is
a remarkable and, indeed, cheering sight, if one reflects
upon the history of these people. While formerly the women
were treated like despicable beasts by the haughty
warriors, they now come arm in arm to sing their Maker's
praise. How often did I think of that when glancing over
the eager copper faced audience before me. God bless our
Indian Mission!"
When Rev. Lang was forced to leave, a call was tendered to
and accepted by H. M. Tjernagel, a former missionary among
the Eskimos in Alaska, who arrived on the field April 5,
1918, receiving a royal welcome from a committee of five
Indian women who had prepared a splendid supper in the
parsonage. Since that time the work has steadily
progressed. However, in late years the boarding school had
outgrown its quarters, the building provided in 1908 being
entirely too small. The school rooms were overcrowded, and
the equipment, including playground, entirely inadequate.
The same could be said in regard to dormitory conditions.
For some time the synod had been aware of the pressing
needs of the mission, and in 1917 made an appropriation of
$26,000 for a modern building and equipment. But at first
lack of funds, and then the war and the high cost of
construction made the mission board hesitate to go ahead.
However, at last necessity compelled action, and during
the summer of 1920 the erection of a dormitory
accommodating about one hundred pupils and the employees
was begun. The estimated cost of the building is $37,000,
and it is hoped that it will be fully equipped and ready
for occupancy at the opening of the new school year in
September, 1921. The old dormitory is being remodeled and
will be used as a school building.
During the last two years on the average a few more than
one hundred pupils were enrolled in the boarding school.
All the eight grades are taught by the two teachers, the
missionary himself giving instruction in religion. When
Mr. Peetzke left in 1918, being drafted into the army,
women teachers and students were employed in the school.
As these assistants under the supervision of the
missionary have given satisfaction, and as there is a
scarcity of the regular parochial teachers, no change is
contemplated for the present.
At the present time, the missionary work is carried on at
three different places. Red Springs with its church and
boarding school forms the center. At Morgan Siding, four
miles from Red Springs, preaching services are conducted
every second Sunday. Since there seems to be considerable
interest, the synod in 1920 appropriated $1,000 for the
erection of a chapel. Semi-monthly services are also held
at Neopit, twelve miles from Red Springs, where a number
of Lutheran Stockbridges work in the mill. Besides giving
spiritual food to these people, the services are
instrumental in winning annually a number of children for
the boarding school at Red Springs. At the three stations
there are eighteen voting members, forty communicants, and
two hundred forty-four souls, while in all about four
hundred persons are reached thru instruction and
preaching. Some of the adult Indians are well versed in
Lutheran theology, and are good church members.
Thus the work is bearing fruit and showing gratifying
results. As an appropriate working motto the missionary
has chosen Isaiah 55 :10-11: "For as the rain cometh down,
and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but
watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud,
that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the
eater, so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my
mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall
accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in
the thing whereto I sent it." On the strength of this he
not only hopes but knows that the expenditures in labor
and money are not in vain. |
The Lutheran Pioneer by
Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America -
(AGAIN, this is his view as written in 1919!)
Original from Harvard University
An Urgent Appeal...It was
once thought that the Indian question could be easily
solved by herding the red men of the country into a number
of reservations, where they could be taken care of as long
as they might last, which was supposed to be but a very
short time. But the "vanishing" Indian race refuses to
vanish; there are today as many red men in America as
there were when the white men first came. At the present
time there are more than 300,000 Indians in the United
States, not including Alaska, They are principally found
in Oklahoma, Smith Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Montana, and Washington, Not
one-third of them are American citizens, and only a little
over one-third speak English.
Missions of various
denominations are supporting 76 schools for the red men,
but there are 115,789 Indian children of school-age who
attend no school. When we remember that some of the
founders of our Church in this country were among the
pioneers to do missionary work among the red men, our
Lutheran Church might be expected to be doing a great part
of the work. But in reality our Church is spending less
than a cent a year to make the Indian a Christian. The Synodical Conference is working among the Stockbridge
Indians of Wisconsin and among the Apaches of Arizona. In
both fields the workers are laying great emphasis upon the
teaching of the young, which is done by means of Christian
day-schools, where religious instruction is a part of
every day's work.
In 1908 it was decided to
open a boarding school for Indian children in connection
with the mission conducted among the Stockbridge Indians
located in Shawano County, Wis., and a suitable building
was erected. This boarding-school has by this time
outgrown its quarters. Last year ninety-six pupils were
enrolled in this school, of which number no less than
seventy-five had their home in the dormitory, and were fed
and largely clothed by the mission during the school year.
A new building ought to be erected to remove the present
congestion, and it is estimated that about $48,000 will
be needed for this new building and other necessary
There can be no doubt
that the only proper way of carrying on work among the
Indians is by means of boarding schools. Among the
Indians the bringing up of the children is left to the
mother, and she has absolute power in the home. Habits
which the children acquire
under her teaching they carry with them the rest of their
lives. It is in the homes and in the tepees on the
reservations that Christian workers are needed. It is here
that the diseases which work such havoc among the Indians
get their first start, Three-fifths of the Indian babies
die before the age of five. About thirteen per cent, of
the Indian population is affected with tuberculosis and
more than twenty per cent, with trachoma. Dark tepees or huta, dirt, unsanitary conditions, and lack of fresh air
lie at the bottom of these troubles. But no white
missionary, if he values the success of his labors, will
go into the tepees and houses, and tell the Indian woman
that her dish-pan needs
washing, or that her baby needs a bath. The squaw would
consider this an intrusion, and would not hesitate to say
so. Native Indian girls and boys, Christians, who have
been thoroughly instructed in the theory and practice of
housekeeping, and who from practical experience know what
it is to live in a truly sanitary and healthful way, are
the only people who can successfully carry on the work of
lifting up the Indian to a truly Christian level. While we
do not attach any saving properties to soap, water, and
sanitation, we are of the firm conviction that, all other
things being equal, the Gospel will make greater progress
where the preaching of the Word goes hand in hand with
the application of a generous quantity of soap and water
and a liberal supply of fresh air, together with thorough
We hope that the Stockbridge Indian Mission, so signally
blessed in the past, may not be checked in its progress
because of the lack of the necessary funds to erect another
building so necessary to carry on the good work. F. J. L.