-- From Shawano County Centurawno
The Town of Almon was organized by the Shawano County Board in 1873.
A few years later the Towns of Birnamwood, Aniwa and Hutchins were organized
out of this area. In 1913 the Town of Bartelme was created, leaving the
Town of Almon thirty-six square miles, or thirty-six sections.
The first road district and the first school district were organized
April 22, 1873. Each district comprised the whole town of Almon.
Carl Beilke was the first pathmaster in road district number one, and
Herman Jahnke, Henrietta Staege and Bonlyn Baker were some of the first
teachers in school district number one. The log schoolhouse was built on
the Carl Kolpack farm.
St. Peter's Church was the first church to be constructed in the Town
of Almon. It was built of logs and was also erected on the Herman Kolpack
farm. One of its first pastors was the Reverend Emil Stubenvoll.
The first postoffice in the Town of Almon was named Stoneville. Carl
Kolpack, the first chairman of the Town of Almon, was the first postmaster
and the postoffice was in his dwelling house on his farm.
The star mail carrier made a round trip once a week between Leopolis
and Stoneville, either on horse back or wagon and sleigh. Some years later,
at the time Herman Jahnke became postmaster, the name of Stoneville was
changed to Regina, and in 1909, when William Zahn was postmaster, the office
was discontinued.
Among the early families who settled in the Town of Almon were the following:
Frederich Schenk, August Witte, Carl
Kolpack, August Kunzack, Fritz Schultz, William Kolpack, Carl Schenk, Carl
Beilke, William Luepke, August Beilke, John Kowalske, William Gutt, Christof
Kolpack, Peter Froelich, Gottfried Pukall, Herman Oppenberg, Edwin Lane,
August Zander, Friederich Matz, Ferdinand Lindner,
George Helvey, William Weikel, August Tullberg, John Olson,
William Gehrman, Theodore Till, Theodore Strassburg, Mike Radun, Gottfried
Gutt, Christian Pukall, Carl Wohlfeil, Gottfried Leiskau, Jacob Gehrman
and Fred Pukall.
Information contributed by:
William Zahn, Clerk,
Town of Almon.