The American Civil War (1861-1865) was a civil war between the United States of America, called the Union, and the Confederate States of America, formed by eleven Southern states that had declared their secession from the Union. The Union won a decisive victory, followed by a period of Reconstruction. The war produced more than 970,000 casualties (3 percent of population), including approximately 560,000 deaths. The Civil War was the most devastating war in America's history, it split us apart, yet in the end, made us a nation.  In some instances, brother literally fought brother.  It was the only war where all the casualties on both sides were U.S. soldiers.

A few years back, Dave Maas sent in the basis for this page -- since then, we've collected and researched additional items.  Many thanks to Mary at the National Records & Archives in Washington D.C. for her help with this project as well as referring me to the Grand Army of the Republic folks.  My 2 great-grandfathers and my great-great grandfather served in the Civil War and are buried in Wisconsin.  This page is by no means complete, nor is it for Union Veterans only... any Civil War soldier who served, lived or is buried in Shawano County can be listed here.  And, you are encouraged to send in your ancestor's names -- and we are already collecting data for a follow-up page with the names of PENSIONERS -- these include the wives of Civil War veterans.

The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) was a voluntary, fraternal association of men who served in the Union Army, Navy, or Marine Corps between the years 1861 and 1865, and were honorably discharged from service. It was the largest organization of Union Civil War veterans and the forerunner of the modern American veterans organizations.  Shawano County had 4 posts:

No. GAR Post Name City Charter Date
#81 W. H. Hawley Shawano May 4, 1883
#178 Henry C. Isbell Birnamwood December 18, 1884
#256 E. W. Long Wittenberg June 29, 1889
#261 Jos. Ledergerber Keshena August 16, 1889

The official records of the Grand Army of the Republic are held at the Wisconsin Veterans Museum Research Center. This collection also contains records of many Wisconsin posts.  The GAR also generated several auxiliary organizations such as the National Woman's Relief Corps, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, and Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, 1861-1865, many of which are still active.

Again, thanks Dave, for the research and inspiration... Jerry Dalum compiled a database, Civil War Veterans by Jerry Dalum, using the raw data from the 1890 Federal Census Special Schedule -- very nicely done, Jerry.  If anyone has additional information to share, just email me and we'll post it.

Jerry's Civil War pages include specific information on the following people associated with Shawano County - be sure to check it out!

Ackerman, Parmalee Albee, Perry Aldrich, Gaines D Allender, Daniel
Allender, Thomas Allan, John Allen, James A. Ball, Henry
Ball, Joseph Baurfeind, Henry Becher, Joseph Benjamin, Ephriam G.
Benninghausen, George Berg, Otto H. O. Bierbaum, John H. H. Bishop, David S.
Boyd, Alfred Brace, Hiram Brewster, Charles Bruce, Nathan C.
Brodhagen, Ferdinand Brodhagen, William Brown, Benjamin F. Brown, John H.
Brown, Washington Brumm, John Brusewitz, Daniel Buck, Thomas F.
Butler, Don C. Cady, Benjamin A. Calhoon, William Carpenter, William H.
Carroll, Joseph A. Cartwright, William Cawles, John R. Chase, Nathan O.
Chase, Wm B. Cheever, Orlo Christianson, Chris. Clark, Reuben
Cochran, M. B. Craben, Wm Crofoot, William W. Culver, Charles A.
Culver, F. Cornelius Darroid, Alfred M. Darrow, John H. Darrow, Richard
Davids, Daniel Dean, Edwin C. Degner, (Frederick) Denny/Welch, Synamiond
Devlin, Michael Divo, David Dodge, Frank Dodge, Frederic
Dodge, T. H. Drake, Robert Duir, Phillip Eastman, Adelbert
Eckart, Henry Elithorpe, Isaac N. Elling, Sieverson Engel, Charley
Erb, Jacob Frailing, Charles J. Franklin, Edward R. Frazer, George H.
Fredrick, Chas Frisbec, Samuel W. Fuller, William H. Fullerton, Andrew
Gardiner, James Garfield,Henry T. Glass, Adam Gorham, D. Sr.
Greenbay, J. Gregory, Irving Habermann Hagen, William J. H.
Halsten, Paul Hancock, John Hartwig, Charles Hayter, Henry
Hedges, John Herning, William B. Herning, Wilson Hill, Christopher
Hollester, Joseph R. Hollister, William W. Howard, Jessie Howard, Samuel
Howe, Charles Hughes, Daniel Hunter, Allen Huntington, Backus
Irish, Reuben Jackson, R. M. James, Charles Johnson, Halver
Johnson, Moses Johnson, Tom S. Joslin, Thomas Kaempf, Johann
Kah-Koh-Mahat, J. Killian, Charles King, John Kinney, L.
Kittelson, Ole Klebersadel, Charles Klickman, John Knapp, George W.
Knapp, Robert A. Knowles, Renick Knud, Tastenson Krake, Delos W.
Krake, Ephriam Lade, Wm F. Lafave, John B. Lake, Nathan
Lane, Edwin Lange, Charles Law, John Lawler, Peter
Ledle, George L. Lee, Elmer Loan, John H. Long, John
Longely, B. H. Lorenz, Charles Luecke, Henry Manson, John
Matteson, Charles Mattison, Ole Mayer, J. D. Mayer, Jacob
McArther, William McCulley, Andrew McDonell, Duncan McEwen, James
McMurrey, Thomas L. Melvin, William J. Menore, Oliver Mienhardt, Rudolph
Miller, F. A. Mills, John Mills, Seymour Monroe, Edward
Morrison, Daniel A. Munsil, Benjamin Murdock, Robert E. Murdock, W. H.
Murray, Julius Nadeau, Harry A. Nayer, George H. Newton, Charles H.
Nischke, John Nickels, Salathiel Nieland, William Olmstead, John T.
Olson, John M. Onson, Samuel C. Pahlow, August Parker, A. R.
Patterson, Fayett Peaslee, Hiram Pens, Louis Perry, David G.
Perry, Joseph Peterson, Alexander Peterson, Soren Phalen, James
Plier, William Pollock, Amazi Polzin, William A. Pool, Albert M.
Porter, Albert K. Porter, Milo M. Porter, William Preuss, Martin
Proctor, Wm. Provoncha, Peter Quallman, John Quick, Walter
Raasch, Charles F. Reschke, Fred Retzlaff, William Rhoades, William
Rice, A. Rice, Horace S. Rice, James Rice, Ranson F.
Richard, Frank Richmond, Abial Risum, Otto A. Roberts, Elvan J.
Robins, Egbert Robinson, John M. Roscoe, Andrew F. Ruppenthal, Peter
Ruppenthal, Philip Savage, Thomas Scheufel, Michael Schmidt, Charles G.
Schmidt, George Schoenfeld, Edward Schultz, William Schulz, Gotfried
Schweers, Frederick Schweers, John M. Shaw, John H. Sharp, Walter B.
Slader, Cornelius Smith, John H. Smith, John P. Smith, Phillip
Smith, Russell R. Springstead, Aaron St. Cyr, John Stanke, Carl
Stebbs, Frederick Stevens, Melvin R. Stevens, Solomon Strehlow, Heinrich
Strupp, Peter Thieme, Charles Thompson, Francis Tietz, William
Toomey, Timothy Towle, James D. Van Patten, Cornelius J Vaughan, Ira S.
Venus, Joseph Vert, John Vosburg, Alonza Wagner, Peter
Walter, Henry I Warnick, John Warwick, William Watters, Lyman M.
Weed, Charles F. Wescott, William E. Westphal, August J. Whitaker, Samuel
Wilber, John Williams, Jas. Williams, Samuel Wills, James C.
Winkler, August Wirth, Fred Wolf, William Wood, Frank
Wood, Joseph Wright, Charles W. Wussow, Carl Yeager, Spencer G.
Young, Frank Zerwas, Anton Zimdars, Daniel  
And let's not forget the widows that are mentioned in the 1890 census!
Lydia A Boynton Ulreka Brusewitz Martha H Chase Augusta Culver
Martha E Darrow Louisa Degner Harriet E Denny Sarah L Field
Elizabeth Fullerton

Tonie Halsten

Julia James Eliza Joslin
Carolyn A Knapp Adaline E Lafave Barbara Lange Christine A Manson
Martha L Melvin Diana E Mills Hattie H Morrison Margaret Murray
Laura Netzel Barbara A Nichols Rose M Parkins Soprona N Perry
Maria Phalen Martha J Reiland Mary A Rice Sarah E Rice
Josephine Schroeder Wilhelmine Schulz Alvin Clara Thieme Mary A Vert

We're also including the images of the 1890 Veterans Schedule so you can view the original documents.  Thanks RMC for making these images available. 


(Remember to use your BROWSER BACKSPACE ARROW to return to this page
after viewing the selected PDF census pages.  Need to install a FREE SAFE PDF VIEWER?)



Contributed by Dave Maas. Thank You, Dave!
ALLEN, Arthur FRISBIE, S. W. NOYES, George
BUCK, Thomas GORHAM, David, Sr. PERKINS, Joseph
DODGE, John MILLER, George S. WEED, Henry
DODGE, Theodore MILLS, Seymour WEST, Lon

This database is continuing to grow as we have a team of 4 different researchers working on this page and they add their records as they transcribe them.  We started this project back in 2007 and have the raw data collected -- we'll post it ASAP.  Thanks for your patience!


Please respect OUR VOLUNTEERS by not using Shawano GenWeb data on local  commercial pages without our WRITTEN permission.  Our data is for our patrons' PERSONAL USE only and is not to be reorganized, reposted and then "recopyrighted". -- I deeply regret having to explain this...

Note: Residence is the town at the time of enlistment.  Shawano had just become a county in 1853 and the population in 1860 was about 828 people. During the Civil War in 1862, the Homestead Act was passed and this brought in homesteaders by the thousands to Northeastern Wisconsin.  The Homestead Act provided that any adult citizen, or intended citizen, who had never fought against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land. Claimants were required to improve the land by building a dwelling and cultivating the land. After 5 years on the land, the original filer was entitled to the property, free and clear, except for a small registration fee. Title could also be acquired after only a 6-month residency and trivial improvements, provided the claimant paid the government $1.25 per acre. After the Civil War, Union soldiers could get credit for the time they had served from the residency requirements.

This Residence data is a great addition, as in some cases, it lists the previous home prior to moving to Wisconsin.

Name: John Ackerman
Residence: Shawano, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 20 Apr 1861
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 20 April 1861.
Enlisted in Company B, 3rd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 20 Apr 1861. Discharged from Company B, 3rd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 26 Oct 1862.
Name: Parmalee Ackerman
Residence: Shawano, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 5 Aug 1862
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Corporal on 5 August 1862.
Enlisted in Company I, 32nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 5 Aug 1862. Mustered Out Company I, 32nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 12 Jun 1865 at Crystal Springs, MD.
Name: Moses Ahwahshaska
Residence: Keshena, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 30 Mar 1864
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 30 March 1864.
Enlisted in Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 30 Mar 1864.  Mustered Out Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 14 Jul 1865 at Louisville, KY.
Name: Perry Albee
Residence: Fremont, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 29 Mar 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 29 March 1864.
Enlisted in Company B, 37th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 29 Mar 1864. Transferred into Regiment U.S. Veteran Reserve Corps on 1 Jun 1865. Transferred out of Company B, 37th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 1 Jun 1865.
Name: Gaines D. Aldrich
Residence: Amherst, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 15 Aug 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 August 1864.
Enlisted in Company A, 42nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 15 Aug 1864.  Mustered Out Company A, 42nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 20 Jun 1865 at Milwaukee, WI.
Name: Elisha Alexander
Residence: Shawano, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 8 Oct 1861
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 8 October 1861.
Enlisted in Company A, 18th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 8 Oct 1861.  Died Company A, 18th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 15 Jun 1862 at Macon, GA.
Name: James Allen
Residence: 23 Oct 1861
Enlistment Date: Potsdam, New York 
Side Served: Union 
State Served: New York
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 23 October 1861 at the age of 21.
Enlisted in Company I, 92nd Infantry Regiment New York on 23 Oct 1861.  Received a disability discharge from Company I, 92nd Infantry Regiment New York on 6 Feb 1863 at New Haven, CT.
Name: John Allen
Residence: Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 2 Jun 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 2 June 1864.
Enlisted in Company G, 39th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 2 Jun 1864.  Mustered Out Company G, 39th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 22 Sep 1864 at Milwaukee, WI.
Name: Daniel Allender
Enlistment Date: 25 Oct 1861
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Teamster on 25 October 1861.  Enlisted in Company E, 1st Cavalry Regiment Wisconsin on 25 Oct 1861.  Mustered Out Company E, 1st Cavalry Regiment Wisconsin on 31 Oct 1864.
Name: Joseph Allender
Residence: Shawano, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 18 Jun 1861
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 18 June 1861.
Enlisted in Company E, 6th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 18 Jun 1861.  Promoted to Full Hospital Steward on 6 Jun 1865.
Mustered Out Company E, 6th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 14 Jul 1865.
Name: Thomas Allender
Residence: Waukechon, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 30 Aug 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 30 August 1864.
Enlisted in Company K, 1st Heavy Artillery Regiment Wisconsin on 30 Aug 1864.  Mustered Out Company K, 1st Heavy Artillery Regiment Wisconsin on 26 Jun 1865.
Name: Joseph Antoine
Residence: Keshena, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 7 Feb 1862
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 7 February 1862.
Enlisted in Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 7 Feb 1862.  Died of disease Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 30 Mar 1862 at Benton Barracks, St Louis, MO.
Name: Henry Ball/Bell
Residence: Williamstown, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 13 Feb 1865
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 13 February 1865.
Enlisted in Company I, 44th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 13 Feb 1865.  Mustered Out Company I, 44th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 28 Aug 1865 at Paducah, KY.
Name: Joseph Ball
Enlistment Date: April 1864 - May 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: 37th Wis Infantry - Company E. No other data found.
Name: Henry Baurfeind
Residence: Kortright, New York
Enlistment Date: 25 Mar 1865
Side Served: Union
State Served: New York
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 25 March 1865 at the age of 18.
Enlisted in Company G, 193rd Infantry Regiment New York on 25 Mar 1865.  Mustered Out Company G, 193rd Infantry Regiment New York on 18 Jan 1866 at Harper's Ferry, WV.
Name: Joseph Becher
Residence: Ellington, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 20 Mar 1865
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 20 March 1865.
Enlisted in Company K, 51st Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 20 Mar 1865.  Mustered Out Company K, 51st Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 4 May 1865.
Name: Ephraim Benjamin
Residence: 15 Jul 1861
Enlistment Date: Mankota, Blue Earth CO., Minnesota 
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Minnesota
Service Record: Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 July 1861 at the age of 21.  Enlisted in Company H, 2nd Infantry Regiment Minnesota on 15 Jul 1861.
Discharged from Company H, 2nd Infantry Regiment Minnesota on 14 Jul 1864.
Name: George Benninghausen
Residence: Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 19 Jan 1865
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 19 January 1865.
Enlisted in Company F, 45th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 19 Jan 1865.  Mustered Out Company F, 45th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 17 Jul 1865 at Nashville, TN.
Name: David Bishop
Residence: Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 20 Dec 1861
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Sergeant on 20 December 1861.
Enlisted in Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 20 Dec 1861.  Promoted to Full 1st Lieutenant (Not Mustered) on 15 Dec 1862.
Discharged for wounds Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 18 Jan 1863.
Name: Gabriel Bishop
Residence: Belle Plaine, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 28 Oct 1864
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 28 October 1864.
Drafted into Company E, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 28 Oct 1864.  Mustered Out Company E, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 29 Jul 1865.
Name: Warren Bly
Residence: Shawano, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 11 Dec 1861
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 11 December 1861.
Enlisted in Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 11 Dec 1861.  Received a disability discharge from Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 10 Jul 1862.
Name: Alfred Boyd
Residence: Keshena, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 18 Jul 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Corporal on 18 July 1864.
Enlisted in Company F, 38th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 18 Jul 1864.  Mustered Out Company F, 38th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 26 Jul 1865 at Washington, DC.
Name: Hiram Brace
Residence: 15 Aug 1863
Enlistment Date: Nunda, New York 
Side Served: Union
State Served: New York
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 August 1863 at the age of 21.
Enlisted in Company D, 1st Vet Cavalry Regiment New York on 10 Oct 1863.  Mustered Out Company D, 1st Vet Cavalry Regiment New York on 20 Jul 1865 at Camp Piatt, WV.
Name: Samuel Brackett
Residence: Shawano, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 9 Aug 1862
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 9 August 1862.
Enlisted in Company I, 32nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 9 Aug 1862.  Discharged from Company I, 32nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 7 Feb 1863.
Name: Charles Brewster
Residence: 24 Oct 1861
Enlistment Date: Ogdensburgh, New York
Side Served: Union 
State Served: New York 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 24 October 1861 at the age of 30.
Enlisted in Company C, 60th Infantry Regiment New York on 30 Oct 1861.  Received a disability discharge from Company C, 60th Infantry Regiment New York on 19 Feb 1863 at Harper's Ferry, WV.
Name: Nathan Brice/Bruce
Residence: 21 Sep 1861
Enlistment Date: Potsdam, New York 
Side Served: Union
State Served: New York 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 21 September 1861 at the age of 18.
Enlisted in Company B, 16th Infantry Regiment New York on 12 Nov 1861.  Received a disability discharge from Company B, 16th Infantry Regiment New York on 23 Oct 1862 at Philadelphia, PA.
Name: William Bridge
Residence: Shawano, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 6 Dec 1861
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Corporal on 6 December 1861.
Enlisted in Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 6 Dec 1861.  Received a disability discharge from Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 14 Aug 1862.
Name: Ferdinand Brodhaugen / Brodhagen
Residence: Elba, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: Date:11 Feb 1865
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 11 February 1865.
Enlisted in Company D, 50th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 11 Feb 1865.  Mustered Out Company D, 50th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 6 Jun 1865.
Name: William Brodhagen
Residence: Winchester, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 24 Nov 1863
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 24 November 1863.
Drafted into Company I, 37th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 24 Nov 1863.  Mustered Out Company I, 37th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 3 Aug 1865.
Name: Benjamin Brown
Residence: 9 Feb 1865
Enlistment Date: Colesville, New York
Side Served: Union
State Served: New York
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 9 February 1865 at the age of 18.
Enlisted in Company K, 185th Infantry Regiment New York on 9 Feb 1865.  Transferred into Company H, 5th Infantry Regiment New York on 3 Jun 1865.  Transferred out of Company K, 185th Infantry Regiment New York on 3 Jun 1865.
Name: John Brown
Residence: Marion, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 15 Aug 1864
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 15 August 1864.
Enlisted in Company D, 42nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 15 Aug 1864.  Mustered Out Company D, 42nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 20 Jun 1865 at Milwaukee, WI.
Name: Washington Brown
Residence: Greenfield, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 1 Mar 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 1 March 1864.
Enlisted in Company E, 14th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 1 Mar 1864.  Mustered Out Company E, 14th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 9 Oct 1865 at Mobile, AL.
Name: Daniel Brusewitz
Residence: Hartland, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 24 Nov 1863
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 24 November 1863.
Enlisted in Company I, 32nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 24 Nov 1863.  Transferred into Company C, 16th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 4 Jun 1865. Transferred out of Company I, 32nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 4 Jun 1865.
Name: Thomas Buck
Residence: Oshkosh, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 29 Aug 1864
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 29 August 1864.
Enlisted in Company E, 5th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 29 Aug 1864.  Received a disability discharge from Company E, 5th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 17 May 1865.
Name: Ferdinand Butler
Residence: Pella, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 27 Mar 1865
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 27 March 1865.
Drafted into Company F, 11th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 27 Mar 1865.  Died of disease Company F, 11th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 9 Aug 1865 at Mobile, AL.
Name: Garrett Butler
Residence: Metomen, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 30 Jan 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 30 January 1864.
Enlisted in Company I, 3rd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 30 Jan 1864.  Absent, wounded Company I, 3rd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 18 Jul 1865.
Name: Benjamin Cady
Residence: Poysippi, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 25 Nov 1863
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 25 November 1863.
Drafted into Company I, 37th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 25 Nov 1863.
Received a disability discharge from Company I, 37th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 20 Jun 1865.
Name: William Calhoun
Residence: Waterford, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 10 Feb 1865
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 10 February 1865.
Enlisted in Company A, 48th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 10 Feb 1865.  Mustered Out Company A, 48th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 30 Dec 1865.
Name: William Carpenter
Residence: Buffalo, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 12 Nov 1864
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 12 November 1864.
Enlisted in Company E, 44th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 12 Nov 1864.
Mustered Out Company E, 44th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 30 May 1865.
Name: Joseph Carrow
Residence: Keshena, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 30 Dec 1863
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 30 December 1863.
Enlisted in Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 30 Dec 1863.  Killed Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 16 May 1864 at Athens, AL.
Name: Joseph Carroll
Enlistment Date: 5 Sep 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: New Hampshire
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 5 September 1864 at the age of 19.
Enlisted in Company A, 18th Infantry Regiment New Hampshire on 13 Sep 1864.
Mustered Out Company A, 18th Infantry Regiment New Hampshire on 10 Jun 1865.
Name: William Cartwright
Residence: Montello, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 11 Aug 1864
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 11 August 1864.
Enlisted in Company I, 3rd Cavalry Regiment Wisconsin on 11 Aug 1864.  Mustered Out Company I, 3rd Cavalry Regiment Wisconsin on 19 Jun 1865.
Name: Nathan Chase
Residence: Berlin, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 3 Sep 1864
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 3 September 1864.
Enlisted in Company C, 38th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 3 Sep 1864.  Mustered Out Company C, 38th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 2 Jun 1865.
Name: William Chase
Residence: 18 Aug 1862
Enlistment Date: Sargeant, Rice CO., Minnesota 
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Minnesota 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Corporal on 18 August 1862 at the age of 28.
Enlisted in Company B, 8th Infantry Regiment Minnesota on 11 Nov 1862.  Discharged from Company B, 8th Infantry Regiment Minnesota on 31 May 1865.
Name: Orlo Cheever
Enlistment Place: Depauville, New York 
Enlistment Date: 1 Oct 1861
Side Served: Union
State Served: New York
Service Record: Enlisted as a Sergeant on 1 October 1861 at the age of 28.
Enlisted in Company E, 94th Infantry Regiment New York on 9 Dec 1861.  Discharged for wounds Company E, 94th Infantry Regiment New York on 25 Feb 1863.
Name: Christian Christianson
Residence: Clayton, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 31 Aug 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 31 August 1864.
Enlisted in Company H, 1st Heavy Artillery Regiment Wisconsin on 31 Aug 1864.  Mustered Out Company H, 1st Heavy Artillery Regiment Wisconsin on 26 Jun 1865.
Name: George Clark
Residence: Shawano, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 6 Dec 1861
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 6 December 1861.
Enlisted in Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 6 Dec 1861.  Killed Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 3 Oct 1862 at Corinth, MS.
Name: Reuben Clark
Residence: Belle Plaine, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 13 Aug 1864
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 13 August 1864.
Enlisted in Company A, 42nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 13 Aug 1864.  Mustered Out Company A, 42nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 20 Jun 1865 at Milwaukee, WI.
Name: Dr. Milton B. Cochran
Residence: Iowa City, Iowa
Enlistment Date: 29 Jul 1861
Side Served: Union
State Served: Iowa
Death Date: 23 May 1898
Service Record: Enlisted as a Surgeon on 29 July 1861 at the age of 35.
Commission in Company S, 1st Cavalry Regiment Iowa on 5 Aug 1861.  Commission in Medical Staff Regiment U.S. Volunteers on 18 May 1864.  Discharged for promotion Company S, 1st Cavalry Regiment Iowa on 18 May 1864.  Promoted to Full Assistant Surgeon on 18 May 1864.  Promoted to Full Surgeon on 25 Nov 1864.
Promoted to Brevet Lieutenant Colonel on 1 Nov 1865.  Mustered Out Medical Staff Regiment U.S. Volunteers on 11 Nov 1865.
Name: George Cole
Residence: Clinton, Maine
Enlistment Date: 22 Dec 1863
Side Served: Union
State Served: Maine
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 22 December 1863 at the age of 20.
Enlisted in Company I, 2nd Cavalry Regiment Maine on 22 Dec 1863.
Received a disability discharge from Company I, 2nd Cavalry Regiment Maine on 11 Aug 1864.
Name: Jackson Corn
Residence: Keshena, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 7 Feb 1862
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 7 February 1862.
Enlisted in Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 7 Feb 1862.
Mustered Out Company K, 17th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 14 Jul 1865 at Louisville, KY.
Name: William Craven
Residence: Stoughton, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 13 Sep 1861
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Corporal on 13 September 1861.
Enlisted in Company H, 8th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 13 Sep 1861.  Mustered Out Company H, 8th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 5 Sep 1865 at Demopolis, AL.
Name: William Crofoot
Residence: Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 7 Nov 1863?
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private. Enlisted in Company A, 32nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin.  Transferred out of Company A, 32nd Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 7 Nov 1863.  Transferred into Company A, 16th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 7 Nov 1863.  Mustered Out Company A, 16th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 12 Jul 1865 at Louisville, KY.
Name: Alfred Darrow
Residence: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 14 Sep 1863
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Corporal on 14 September 1863.
Enlisted in Company C, 1st Heavy Artillery Regiment Wisconsin on 14 Sep 1863.  Mustered Out Company C, 1st Heavy Artillery Regiment Wisconsin on 21 Sep 1865 at Washington, DC.
Name: John Darrow
Residence: New Diggings, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 2 Oct 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 2 October 1864.
Enlisted in Company F, 44th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 2 Oct 1864.  Mustered Out Company F, 44th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 16 Aug 1865.
Name: Richard Darrow
Residence: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 3 Jun 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 3 June 1864.
Enlisted in Company F, 38th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 3 Jun 1864.  Discharged from Company F, 38th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 26 Jul 1865.
Name: Daniel Davids
Residence: Brothertown, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 5 Sep 1864
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 5 September 1864.
Enlisted in Company C, 38th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 5 Sep 1864.  Mustered Out Company C, 38th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 2 Jun 1865.
Name: Edwin Dean
Residence: Omro, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 19 Jul 1862
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 19 July 1862.
Enlisted in Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 19 Jul 1862.  Mustered Out Company C, 14th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 18 Jul 1865.
Name: Peter Debrien
Residence: Keshena, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 1 Oct 1864
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 1 October 1864.
Drafted into Company E, 18th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 1 Oct 1864.
Mustered Out Company E, 18th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 18 Jul 1865 at Louisville, KY.
Name: Frederick Degner
Residence: Belle Plaine, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 4 Oct 1864
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 4 October 1864.
Drafted into Company F, 18th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 4 Oct 1864.  Mustered Out Company F, 18th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 14 Aug 1865.
Name: Synanious Denny or Welch
Residence: Stockbridge, Wisconsin 
Enlistment Date: 16 Oct 1861
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 16 October 1861.
Enlisted in Company A, 2nd Cavalry Regiment Wisconsin on 16 Oct 1861.  Received a disability discharge from Company A, 2nd Cavalry Regiment Wisconsin on 19 Aug 1862.
Name: Michael Devlin
Residence: Rockford, Illinois
Enlistment Date: 5 Aug 1862
Side Served: Union 
State Served: Illinois 
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 5 August 1862.
Enlisted in Company A, 90th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 31 Aug 1862.  Mustered Out Company A, 90th Infantry Regiment Illinois on 6 Jun 1865 at Washington, DC.
Name: David Duerow
Residence: Sheboygan, Wisconsin
Enlistment Date: 12 Sep 1861
Side Served: Union
State Served: Wisconsin
Service Record: Enlisted as a Private on 12 September 1861.
Enlisted in Company A, 9th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 12 Sep 1861.  Mustered Out Company A, 9th Infantry Regiment Wisconsin on 3 Dec 1864.

Check back later for more updates...

CIVIL WAR RECORDS: Some 2.8 million men served the Union and Confederate armies during the Civil War (1861-65), and more books, periodical articles, and Internet sites discuss the Civil War than any other American military conflict. These include references to both Union and Confederate soldiers and their widows and are a valuable source for genealogists.

The National Archives has pension applications and records of pension payments for veterans, their widows, and other heirs. The pension records in the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C. are based on service in the armed forces of the United States between 1775 and 1916. Pension application files usually provide the most genealogical information. These files often contain supporting documents such as: narratives of events during service, marriage certificates, birth records, death certificates, pages from family Bibles, family letters, depositions of witnesses, affidavits, discharge papers and other supporting papers.

Military pension files, service records, and other documents were created as a result of the Civil War. Records also include indexes to pension files, compiled military service records and related indexes, unit and regimental histories, Civil War draft records, militia rolls, soldiers' home records, discharge records, and more.   The PENSION RECORDS is where the real genealogy is -- the application forms allows you to chose between SERVICE (NATF Form 86) and PENSION (NATF Form 85) RECORDS.  I ordered both my Great-Grandfathers records a few years back.  Although the service record is pretty cool to look at -- it tells where the soldier enlisted, battles fought by the regiment and discharge information, the real find was in the PENSION RECORDS.  There I located his marriage information (1st & 2nd wife) along with death certificate information for the soldier and his last wife, who died 2 decades later.  Well worth the fee charged by the National Archive.  These two forms (NATF Form 85 and 86) are not available online.  You must email or write to the national Archive for the form -- here's the link on the internet as well as the mailing address to request these forms.  There is no fee required to order the forms -- the fee is sent in as directed on the completed form.  Also, there is a link to a site where you can order these records ONLINE using a credit card -- personally I have not tried this out, I've ordered all my copies through the mail.

To obtain NATF Form 85 or NATF Form 86:

  • Provide your name and postal mailing address
  • Specify the form number
  • State the number of forms you need (limit 5 per order)
  • order the forms online at NARA or
  • in a letter addressed to the National Archives and Records Administration, Attn: NWCTB, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20408-0001

And here's a link to an online database that lists CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS & SAILORS -- very helpful and nicely done.