How is this information useful?  I just had an opportunity while making this first page to use some of the data.  A couple weeks back, I was helping a researcher looking for information in Maple Grove Twp. -- we wondered why the wife's name was on the plat map and not the husband's... was he already deceased?  When making this page, I ran across the husband's name and the date when the mortgage was paid off --- with this information, you can then look for PROBATE or LAND TRANSFER DEEDS.  If this page has helped you, please email and let me know....

Please note -- this is the index -- this does not tell the whole story nor does it explain why the charges were filed.. this is just an index -- no more or no less...  JUST AN INDEX. (period). 

The original records are stored at the Cofrin Library in Green Bay and the complete UNEDITED index is permanently online at their site.  Also, some of the divorce petitions do have copies of the marriage certificate in the case files.  This is a GREAT RESOURCE if you are having trouble locating early Shawano County marriage/divorce information.  To request a copy of a record, please print out a copy of your search results from the Cofrin Library site and send this to the Cofrin Library along with a completed Court Record Request Form. Each request costs $5.00. Payment and mailing instructions appear on the form.

These are divided up into 2 SECTIONS -- and about 725 names per page...about 26,000+ names.
Shawano Circuit Series 54 & Shawano County Series 55

Shawano Series 55, Shawano County case files

Hoersch, John 1942 Defendant Divorce 061/30
Hoffman, Alex; et al. 1941 Plaintiff Discharge of Bond of Support 053/03
Hoffman, Anton; et al. 1941 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 053/04
Hoffman, Clarence; et al. 1938 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 030/15
Hoffman, Harold 1932 Additional Party Burglary 069/31
Hoffman, Herman F.; et al. 1937 Defendant Cancellation 013/01
Hoffman, J.H. 1930 Additional Party Burglary 068/07
Hoffman, John 1927 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 065/15
Hoffman, John M. 1937 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 019/27
Hoffman, Joseph 1938 Plaintiff Wrongful Death; Damages 027/14
Hoffman, Joseph (Mrs.) 1926 Additional Party Child Abuse/ Neglect 064/01
Hoffman, Joseph M.; et al. 1936 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 009/18
Hoffman, Michael; Hoffman, Susanna 1941 Additional Party Discharge of Bond of Support 053/03
Hoffman, Michael; Hoffman, Susanna 1941 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 053/04
Hoffman, Phillip 1925 Additional Party Breach of Peace; Resisting Arrest 063/04
Hoffman, Tony; Hoffman, Donna Mae; Hoffman, Betty 1937 Additional Party   075/49
Hoffmier, Alma 1929 Additional Party Paternity 067/08
Hoffmier, Rueben 1938 Defendant Forgery; Fraud 076/43
Hognestad, Bernard 1941 Defendant Wrongful Death; Damages 056/16
Hohense, John; Hohense, Henrietta; Hohense, Otto; Hohense, John Jr.; Reinke, Adeline 1941 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 059/06
Hohensee, Frank 1941 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 059/06
Hohensee, Herbert 1937 Defendant Fraud 076/24
Hohn, E.A. 1937 Defendant Restraint 013/19
Hohn, Ed 1936 Plaintiff Replevin; Damages 011/17
Hohn, Fred 1936 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 009/18
Hohn, Fred Jr. 1939 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 033/07
Hohn, Fredrick; Hohn, Louisa 1939 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 033/07
Holewinski, Aleck; et al. 1936 Defendant Damages 009/04
Holewinski, Aleck; et al. 1936 Defendant Damages 009/05
Holewinski, Aleck; et al. 1936 Defendant Damages 009/06
Holewinski, Aleck; et al. 1936 Defendant Damages 009/07
Holewinski, Aleck; et al. 1936 Defendant Damages 009/08
Holewinski, Aleck; et al. 1936 Defendant Damages 009/09
Holewinski, Antone 1936 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 075/10
Holloway, Emily 1938 Plaintiff Divorce 026/08
Holloway, Helen; Holloway, Arthur; Holloway, Frank; Holloway, Jerrold; Holloway, William; Holloway, Orla; Cruelty; Intoxication; Assault; Embezzlement 1938 Additional Party Divorce 026/08
Holloway, Max 1938 Defendant Divorce 026/08
Holm, Haybert; et al. 1936 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 007/18
Holm, Oscar; et al. 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 004/21
Holmes, Thomas 1938 Defendant Damages 039/02
Holmes, Thomas 1938 Defendant Damages 039/03
Holtz, Emma 1941 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 058/09
Holtz, Ted; et al. 1940 Defendant Breach of Contract; Deed Annulment 050/05
Holtz, Theodore; et al. 1935 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 005/04
Holzman, Herman; et al. 1939 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 040/22
Home Loan and Investment Company 1941 Plaintiff Replevin 056/08
Home Loan and Investment Company 1939 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 038/03
Home Loan Investment Company 1938 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 019/36
Home Mutual Casualty Company 1941 Defendant Damages 057/17
Home Owners' Loan Corporation 1941 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 051/01
Home Owners' Loan Corporation 1941 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 052/15
Homel, Elizabeth; Homel, Eva 1936 Additional Party Child Abuse/ Neglect 075/17
Homel, Frank; Homel, Edward; Homel, Eva; Homel, Elizabeth; Intoxication; Assault; Cruelty; Neglect 1934 Additional Party Divorce 001/02
Homel, Joe 1936 Defendant Child Abuse/ Neglect 075/17
Homel, Joseph 1934 Defendant Divorce 001/02
Homel, Ludwik; et al. 1939 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 033/11
Homel, Mary 1934 Plaintiff Divorce 001/02
Homel, Stanislau; Homel, Weronica 1939 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 033/11
Hoppe, August; et al. 1940 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 049/25
Horn, Carl; Horn, Anna 1937 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 019/17
Horn, Henry 1936 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 007/03
Horn, Henry 1937 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 019/17
Horn, Herbert; et al. 1940 Defendant Damages 049/15
Horn, John 1926 Additional Party Burglary 064/08
Hornig, Adolph 1937 Plaintiff Breach of Contract; Eviction 018/09
Hornig, Adolph; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 022/01
Hottenstein, Arnold; Wolf, Ervin 1928 Defendant Theft 066/18
Hottenstein, Mary 1939 Plaintiff Divorce 041/08
Hottenstein, Oliver 1939 Defendant Divorce 041/08
Hottenstein, Wesley; Cruelty; Assault;    1939 Additional Party Divorce 041/08
Hottenstien, Albert 1926 Defendant Burglary 064/08
Hottenstine, Albert 1939 Plaintiff Damages 045/15
Hotz Manufacturing Company; et al. 1938 Defendant Determination of Ownership 030/30
Hotz, Carrie 1940 Defendant Divorce 049/21
Hotz, Helen; Hotz, Leona; Hotz, Loren; Desertion 1940 Additional Party Divorce 049/21
Hotz, O.L. 1935 Plaintiff Foreclosure of Land Contract 002/42
Hotz, Oscar L. 1940 Plaintiff Divorce 049/21
Howel, Lester 1938 Additional Party Burglary 077/27
Hoyt, Richard 1934 Defendant Theft 073/01
Hubert, Beatrice; Bastardy 1932 Additional Party Paternity 071/05
Hubert, Walter 1926 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 063/46
Huebner Ice Cream Company 1932 Additional Party Burglary 069/46
Huebner, Arthur 1935 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 012/08
Huebner, Charles E. 1928 Defendant Theft 066/15
Huebner, E.A.; et al. 1937 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 012/32
Huebner, Emil A. 1936 Defendant Divorce 008/28
Huebner, Emil; et al. 1940 Defendant Foreclosure of Land Contract 045/12
Huebner, Henry 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 012/08
Huebner, Leah; Huebner, Emil; Huebner, Lois; Huebner, Carl; Cruelty; Intoxication; Neglect 1936 Additional Party Divorce 008/28
Huebner, Nellie 1936 Plaintiff Divorce 008/28
Hueston, Ivan; et al. 1936 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 010/09
Huff, Earl 1937 Defendant Child Abuse/ Neglect 075/06
Hujawa, Balbina 1937 Additional Party Land/Real Estate 016/15
Hulehan, J.H. 1925 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 063/03
Hull, Alice 1937 Additional Party Paternity 076/23
Hull, Roger 1935 Plaintiff Guardianship 003/31
Hull, Walter 1931 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 069/18
Huntington, John 1928 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 066/20
Huntington, John 1938 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 026/15
Husman, E.R. 1935 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 003/39
Huybers, Delia; et al. 1937 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 014/22
Ibach, H.F.; et al. 1938 Defendant Misappropriation of Funds 025/01
Ibach, H.F.; et al. 1938 Defendant Misappropriation of Funds 025/02
Ibach, H.F.; et al. 1938 Defendant Misappropriation of Funds 025/03
Ibach, H.F.; et al. 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 037/19
Independent Cooperative Dairy Company; et al. 1938 Defendant Land/Real Estate; Nonpayment of Debt 025/15
Innerbrenner, Martin 1932 Additional Party Theft 070/11
Insanity 1931 Additional Party Forgery; Fraud 069/19
Insanity 1934 Additional Party Theft 072/31
Insanity; Adultery; Intoxication; LaBarge, Nancy; LaBarge, Alexander; LaBarge, Lyle; LaBarge, Orland; Cruelty; Assault 1938 Additional Party Divorce 022/05
Insanity; Cruelty; Dahse, Evelyn; Dahse, LaVern; Dahse, Beverly 1938 Additional Party Divorce 043/16
Insanity; Grothe, Goldie; Bastardy 1933 Additional Party Paternity 072/03
Insanity; Romberg, Jessie 1930 Additional Party Attempted Murder 068/04
Intoxication 1942 Additional Party Divorce 061/30
Intoxication 1929 Additional Party Attempted Murder 067/34
Intoxication; Assault; Cruelty 1937 Additional Party Divorce 024/11
Intoxication; Assault; Impotence; Neglect 1937 Additional Party Divorce 014/02
Intoxication; Assault; Threat to Kill 1938 Additional Party Divorce 025/19
Intoxication; Menominee Indians 1935 Additional Party Divorce 002/08
Intoxication; Neglect; Extramarital Relationships; Desertion 1935 Additional Party Divorce 006/04
Irish, Claud 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 003/37
Irish, Claude 1938 Defendant Garnishing 024/12
Irving, George Jr. 1936 Defendant Theft 075/08
Jacobs, Elsie T. 1935 Plaintiff Divorce 002/09
Jacobs, Henry 1927 Defendant Theft 065/24
Jacobs, Henry 1935 Defendant Divorce 002/09
Jacobs, Henry Eugene; Jacobs, Clifton Louis; Menominee Indians; Neglect; Desertion 1935 Additional Party Divorce 002/09
Jacobs, John 1938 Defendant   077/35
Jacobs, R.W. 1939 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 041/09
Jacobson, Axel 1935 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 002/26
Jacobson, Marie 1941 Defendant Divorce 057/14
Jacobson, Oscar 1941 Plaintiff Divorce 057/14
Jacobson, Oscar; et al. 1936 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 011/11
Jacobson, T.R. 1933 Additional Party Theft 072/01
Jaeckel, F.A. 1937 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 017/08
Jaeckel, J.G. (Mrs.) 1937 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 015/06
Jahn, H.F. 1940 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 050/22
Jahnke, Pauline 1937 Additional Party Adultery 076/29
Jahnke, Pauline 1938 Defendant Adultery 076/33
Jaje, Babe 1939 Defendant Forgery; Fraud 077/45
Jaje, Rudolph 1934 Defendant Burglary 073/05
Jaje, Tom 1936 Defendant Burglary 075/35
Janke, Anna 1936 Plaintiff Divorce 011/10
Janke, Anna; Janke, Margaret 1936 Additional Party Desertion 075/42
Janke, H.E.; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 027/13
Janke, Margaret; Cruelty; Neglect 1936 Additional Party Divorce 011/10
Janke, Paul 1936 Defendant Divorce 011/10
Janke, Paul 1936 Defendant Desertion 075/42
Janke, Paul A.; et al. 1937 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 012/10
Jannusch, Henry A.; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 027/13
Januszewski, Clara; Bastardy 1932 Additional Party Paternity 070/01
Jarack, Irene 1938 Defendant Divorce 041/01
Jarack, Stanley 1938 Plaintiff Divorce 041/01
Jarek, Joseph; Jarek, Mary 1940 Additional Party Discharge of Bond of Support 047/16
Jaseph, Lynn D.; et al. 1939 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 034/06
Jasman, Ernest 1927 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 065/27
Jasman, Ernst 1927 Additional Party Burglary 065/33
Jelich, Tom; et al. 1936 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 008/03
Jelinski, Leo T. 1939 Defendant Removal from Office 043/14
Jennerjahn, Gordon 1937 Defendant Child Abuse/ Neglect 076/27
Jennerjahn, Thomas 1937 Additional Party Child Abuse/ Neglect 076/27
Jensen, Alfred 1937 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 017/16
Jensen, Augusta 1937 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 017/16
Jensen, B.; et al. 1938 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 030/17
Jensen, Harvey 1940 Plaintiff Damages 046/01
Jensen, Irene; Jensen, Allan; Jensen, Harold; Adoption; Threat to Kill; Lane, Harold; Cruelty; Extramarital Relationships 1941 Additional Party Divorce 055/05
Jensen, Lillian; et al. 1940 Plaintiff Damages 056/21
Jersey, Harry; et al. 1937 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 011/16
Jeske, Arthur 1932 Defendant Paternity 069/39
Jeske, August; et al. 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 037/06
Jeske, Carl; Jeske, Mathilda 1936 Additional Party Discharge of Bond of Support 006/05
Jeske, Emil; et al. 1935 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 005/02
Jeske, Emil; et al. 1940 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 046/07
Jeske, Emil; et al. 1940 Defendant Garnishing 046/08
Jeske, Emil; et al. 1940 Defendant Garnishing 046/09
Jeske, Frank; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Determination of Ownership 030/30
Jeske, Frank; et al. 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 038/08
Jeske, Fred 1936 Plaintiff Discharge of Bond of Support 006/05
Jeske, Fred 1939 Plaintiff Damages 047/11
Jeske, Fred 1926 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 063/22
Jeske, Wilhelm 1935 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 005/02
Jesky, Adolph; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 022/15
Jesse, H.M. 1936 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 007/18
Jewson, Alpheus 1937 Defendant Arson 076/02
Jewson, Earl 1937 Defendant Arson 076/01
Joergenson, Pete 1938 Defendant Theft 077/38
Johannes, Arthur 1938 Plaintiff Divorce 038/05
Johannes, Thora 1938 Defendant Divorce 038/05
Johnson, Alvin 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 040/18
Johnson, Bruno; et al. 1935 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 001/34
Johnson, Carl 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 039/16
Johnson, Carl 1940 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 049/11
Johnson, Carl; et al. 1937 Defendant Cancellation 014/19
Johnson, Evelyn 1929 Additional Party   067/36
Johnson, James E. 1937 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 017/14
Johnson, James; et al. 1938 Defendant Foreclosure of Land Contract 028/04
Johnson, John F.; Johnson, Jennie B. 1941 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 057/21
Johnson, John; et al. 1937 Defendant Land/Real Estate 014/18
Johnson, Levern; et al. 1941 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 057/21
Johnson, Martin 1937 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 017/14
Johnson, O.K. 1938 Plaintiff Damages 026/32
Johnson, Oscar; et al. 1937 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 017/22
Johnson, Raymond 1933 Defendant Theft 071/26
Johnston, R.W. 1940 Plaintiff Correction 048/22
Jolin, Garnette 1932 Additional Party    070/05
Jolitz, Herman 1937 Plaintiff Damages 018/02
Jonapaw, Hattie 1936 Plaintiff Divorce 008/30
Jonapaw, Louis 1936 Defendant Divorce 008/30
Jones, Obadiah B. 1938 Defendant Paternity 077/33
Jordan, Elias 1927 Additional Party Assault 065/40
Jossi, Martin 1931 Defendant Forgery; Fraud 069/19
Joubert, Beatrice 1935 Additional Party Paternity 074/06
Juedes, Charles; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 027/11
Julius, Ernest H. 1937 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 017/11
Jung, Albert 1933 Defendant Paternity 071/08
Jung, Edgar; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 020/02
Jurgilanis, Casimer 1941 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 054/14
Jurgilanis, Casmir; et al. 1942 Defendant Foreclosure of Land Contract 061/09
Juskowiak, Victoria; Juskowiak, Jarldine 1933 Additional Party Desertion; Child Abuse/ Neglect 072/17
Juskowiak, Vincent 1933 Defendant Desertion; Child Abuse/ Neglect 072/17
Juvenile Delinquency; Olson, Peter K.; Ness, Herman; Thompson, Stewart; Thompson, Olga 1927 Additional Party Theft 065/14
Kabara, Anton; et al. 1939 Defendant Wrongful Death; Damages 044/03
Kabara, Anton; et al. 1939 Defendant Wrongful Death; Damages 044/04
Kabara, Joseph; et al. 1939 Plaintiff Damages 043/13
Kable, Gotthart; Kable, Emma; Diemel, Tillie 1940 Additional Party Theft; Deed Annulment 047/14
Kaczorowski, Lawrence 1939 Plaintiff Damages 044/10
Kaczorowski, Paul 1934 Defendant Theft 072/15
Kading, Paul 1931 Defendant Burglary 069/27
Kaempf, Urvin; et al. 1941 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 051/04
Kakatosh, Joe 1926 Defendant Theft 064/05
Kakkak, Harry 1935 Plaintiff Divorce 001/08
Kakkak, Julia 1935 Defendant Divorce 001/08
Kalbl, Emma 1940 Defendant Theft; Deed Annulment 047/14
Kalbl, Gotthart 1940 Plaintiff Theft; Deed Annulment 047/14
Kalkofen, Anna; et al. 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 036/02
Kallies, Arnold J.; et al. 1937 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 019/01
Kamke, Emma; et al. 1935 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 004/15
Kammerman, W.H.; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 025/09
Kammermann, W.H.; et al. 1939 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 042/02
Karich, Frank 1932 Defendant Burglary 070/09
Karolus, Arthur 1933 Additional Party Assault 071/12
Karolus, Fred 1936 Defendant Embezzlement 075/24
Karolus, Fred 1941 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 054/10
Karolus, Fred; et al. 1936 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 006/28
Karolus, Henry; et al. 1940 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 046/02
Karolus, Herman 1940 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 046/02
Karth, M.C. 1941 Plaintiff Garnishing 054/03
Karth, M.C.; et al. 1935 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 004/09
Karth, Martin 1935 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 003/33
Karth, Martin C. 1935 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 002/06
Karth, Martin C. 1942 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 061/16
Kasprych, John 1934 Defendant Paternity 072/36
Kasson, Rodney 1933 Defendant Theft 072/01
Kassube, Elsie 1940 Plaintiff Divorce 047/02
Kassube, Gary Lynn; Cruelty; Neglect 1940 Additional Party Divorce 047/02
Kassube, Hugo 1930 Defendant Burglary 068/07
Kassube, Martin 1940 Defendant Divorce 047/02
Kasten, Earl; Krause, Ernest 1933 Defendant Burglary 072/11
Katzenmeyer, Danelda; Adultery; Extramarital Relationships; Krenger, Edward; 1934 Additional Party Divorce 001/16
Katzenmeyer, Hattie 1936 Additional Party Child Abuse/ Neglect 073/15
Katzenmeyer, Margaret 1934 Defendant Divorce 001/16
Katzenmeyer, Margaret; Katzenmeyer, Danelda; Adultery; Extramarital Relationships; Krenger, Edward; 1935 Additional Party Alienation of Affection; Damages 001/15
Katzenmeyer, Walter 1934 Plaintiff Divorce 001/16
Katzenmeyer, Walter 1935 Plaintiff Alienation of Affection; Damages 001/15
Kaufman, Gust 1928 Defendant   066/55
Kaufmann, Otto; et al. 1939 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 041/18
Keating, Lambert; et al. 1941 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 052/04
Keller, Norma 1933 Additional Party Adultery 072/02
Keller, Paul 1940 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 049/23
Kellner, Gertrude 1937 Defendant Prostitution 076/26
Kelly, Joe 1926 Defendant   064/02
Kelly, Joe L. 1940 Defendant Divorce 045/11
Kelly, Myrtle 1940 Plaintiff Divorce 045/11
Kelm, Edwin 1935 Defendant Divorce 005/10
Kelm, Viola 1935 Plaintiff Divorce 005/10
Kennedy 1937 Defendant Unknown 019/07
Keohane, John 1941 Defendant Divorce 053/02
Keohane, Mae 1941 Plaintiff Divorce 053/02
Keohane, Mae M.; et al. 1937 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 011/26
Keohane, Rose Marie; Crelty; Intoxication 1941 Additional Party Divorce 053/02
Keohane, Timothy; et al. 1937 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 011/26
Kersten, Henry; et al. 1939 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 031/18
Kersten, William; et al. 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 003/36
Kessen, George 1931 Defendant Theft 068/12
Kessen, Harry 1925 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 063/14
Kessen, Kermit 1932 Defendant Assault; Theft 069/29
Kessen, Kermit 1935 Defendant Paternity 074/38
Kessen, Walter 1939 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 038/03
Kessen, Walter 1928 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 066/09
Keup, Frieda 1938 Plaintiff Divorce 025/18
Keup, John 1938 Defendant Divorce 025/18
Keup, Pearl; Keup, Rolland; Keup, Corlyss; Intoxication 1938 Additional Party Divorce 025/18
Keup, Roland 1939 Defendant Theft 077/44
Kibilowski, Stanley 1940 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 044/08
Kiechanmister, John Jr.; et al. 1937 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 012/12
Kielblock, Herman 1941 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 054/10
Kielpinski, Edmund; et al. 1939 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 031/08
Kiermas, Frances Lucille 1935 Plaintiff Divorce 004/39
Kiermas, John 1935 Defendant Divorce 004/39
Kiermas, Lorraine 1935 Additional Party Paternity 074/31
Kiermas, Raymond; Kiermas, Arthur; Kiermas, Lillian; Kiermas, Lorraine; Kiermas, Janet; Kiermas, Violet; Cruelty; Assault; Neglect; Intoxication 1935 Additional Party Divorce 004/39
Kilian, Vernon 1936 Plaintiff Damages 007/06
Kinepoway, Mary Jane 1935 Additional Party   073/13
King, James 1928 Defendant Fraud; Forgery 066/49
Kirchenwitz, Norma 1938 Additional Party Paternity 076/46
Kitchenmaster, Carl Stuart; Bastardy 1926 Additional Party Child Abuse/ Neglect 063/39
Kitchenmaster, Forest 1926 Defendant Child Abuse/ Neglect 063/39
Kitson, Joseph 1937 Defendant Divorce 015/12
Kitson, Louise O. 1937 Plaintiff Divorce 015/12
Klansky, Arthur 1939 Plaintiff Divorce 042/23
Klansky, Gertrude 1939 Defendant Divorce 042/23
Klapper, Frank; Klapper, Amalie 1935 Additional Party Discharge of Bond of Support 004/18
Klapper, Leonard; et al. 1935 Plaintiff Discharge of Bond of Support 004/18
Klatt, Adolph 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 005/21
Kleeman, G.A. 1939 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 042/03
Kleeman, Gus 1935 Additional Party Burglary 074/14
Kleeman, Gustav 1936 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 007/21
Kleman, Ludwig; Kleman, Wilhelmina 1935 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 002/35
Kleman, Max 1935 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 002/35
Kleman, Max 1937 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 014/07
Klemenich, William; et al. 1940 Defendant Damages 046/10
Klement, George 1937 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 022/13
Klement, James 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 001/19
Klement, James 1937 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 022/13
Klevesahl, Auguste 1941 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 055/04
Klevesahl, Fred; et al. 1941 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 055/04
Klineberg, Fred 1941 Defendant Divorce 059/12
Klineberg, Lydia 1941 Plaintiff Divorce 059/12
Klineberg, Virginia; Separation 1941 Additional Party Divorce 059/12
Kling, Carl 1927 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 065/21
Kling, Esther 1931 Defendant Prostitution 069/01
Klitzke, Elsie; et al. 1941 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 050/23
Klitzke, William 1941 Plaintiff Damages 062/02
Kloetzke, Arthur 1926 Defendant Neglect 063/26
Kloetzke, Paulina; Kloetz, Harry; Kloetz, George 1926 Additional Party Neglect 063/26
Klosterman, Adolph 1934 Additional Party Theft 072/27
Klosterman, Helen 1941 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 054/09
Klosterman, Mamie 1925 Additional Party   063/19
Klosterman, Mamie 1925 Additional Party Paternity 063/20
Klosterman, Robert 1936 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 009/24
Klovdahl, Anna 1925 Additional Party Neglect 063/13
Klovdahl, Simon 1925 Defendant Neglect 063/13
Kneupple, Elmer 1931 Defendant Paternity 069/08
Knoebner, Otto 1941 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 051/11
Knoener, Otto 1941 Additional Party Damages 062/02
Knope, Jack 1927 Defendant   064/15
Knope, Melvin 1927 Defendant   064/14
Knutson, Clarence; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 026/07
Kobielek, Ed 1932 Defendant Paternity 070/15
Kobs, Bertha; et al. 1937 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 014/11
Kobs, Emil 1938 Defendant Embezzlement 077/11
Koch, Bernard; Schlais, Margaret 1930 Defendant Adultery 068/01
Koehler, Fred 1935 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 001/35
Koeneman, A.E. 1940 Defendant Damages 048/21
Koenig, Otto 1936 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 011/07
Koepke, Charles 1934 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 003/22
Koepsel, B.F. 1937 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 019/01
Koerner, C.L. 1941 Defendant Damages 056/15
Kohn, Emil 1941 Plaintiff Damages 057/17
Kolb, Frank 1936 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 009/14
Kolb, Frank; et al. 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 004/06
Kollath, Emil; et al. 1937 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 012/07
Kolodziejczak, Florence; Bastardy 1934 Additional Party Paternity 072/36
Kolpack, Herman W.; et al. 1937 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 020/06
Konaha, George 1934 Defendant Theft 073/06
Konkel, Alma 1937 Plaintiff Divorce 018/07
Konkel, John 1937 Defendant Divorce 018/07
Konz Box and Lumber Company 1936 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 025/05
Kornaus, Albert; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 028/01
Kort, Tony 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 003/01
Kortbein, Albert 1941 Defendant Replevin; Damages 060/05
Kosinski, Alex; et al. 1940 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 049/01
Kosinski, Helen B. 1937 Plaintiff Land/Real Estate 016/15
Koske, Arnold 1939 Additional Party Embezzlement; Damages 040/01
Koske, H.A.; et al. 1936 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 039/13
Koske, Paul 1932 Defendant Paternity 070/01
Koslowski, Francis; Bastardy 1933 Additional Party Paternity 071/24
Koten, Stanley 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 040/06
Kowalczyk, Walter 1936 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 008/03
Kowalczyk, Walter; et al. 1940 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 049/07
Kowalske, Johan 1935 Additional Party Discharge of Bond of Support 001/21
Kowalske, Otto; et al. 1935 Plaintiff Discharge of Bond of Support 001/21
Kozicki, Louis 1925 Defendant   063/19
Kozicki, Louis 1925 Defendant Paternity 063/20
Kozlowski, Leo 1935 Defendant Forgery; Fraud 074/20
Kraeger, Harry; et al. 1941 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 055/07
Kraft, Marie 1925 Additional Party Paternity 063/10
Kramer, Alice 1937 Plaintiff Divorce 019/24
Kramer, Dean; Kramer, James; Kramer, Phillip; Cruelty; Neglect; Assault 1935 Additional Party Divorce 001/23
Kramer, Elmer 1935 Defendant Divorce 001/23
Kramer, Joe 1937 Defendant Divorce 019/24
Kramer, Nione 1935 Plaintiff Divorce 001/23
Kramer, Raymond; Kramer, Roland; Kramer, Elmer; Kramer, Beatrice; Cruelty; Intoxication; Assault 1937 Additional Party Divorce 019/24
Kramer, Roland 1928 Defendant Theft 066/17
Kramer, Roland; et al. 1937 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 016/06
Krause, Della 1941 Plaintiff Divorce 053/13
Krause, Dora 1927 Additional Party Paternity 065/16
Krause, Gladys; Krause, Lloyd; Krause, Grace; Cruelty; Assault; Birnamwood Dairy Products Company 1941 Additional Party Divorce 053/13
Krause, Irvin; et al. 1939 Defendant Damages 042/14
Krause, Irvin; et al. 1939 Defendant Damages 049/27
Krause, Oscar 1941 Defendant Divorce 053/13
Krautkramer, George; et al. 1941 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 060/04
Krenger, Edward 1935 Defendant Alienation of Affection; Damages 001/15
Krenke, Theo. H. 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 003/42
Kriegel, Augusta 1935 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 001/18
Kriegel, Carl 1935 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 001/18
Kriegel, Carl 1941 Defendant Replevin; Damages 055/13
Kriegel, George 1936 Plaintiff Fraud; Deed Annulment 008/04
Kriegel, George R.; et al. 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 003/40
Kriegel, Ida 1941 Plaintiff Replevin; Damages 055/13
Kriegel, Robert M. 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 003/02
Kriesel, Charles W. 1942 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 061/13
Kriesel, Herman 1936 Plaintiff Replevin; Damages 007/19
Kriesel, John 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 006/33
Kriesel, Minnie 1936 Plaintiff Assault; Damages 007/20
Kriewaldt, Gilbert 1938 Defendant Slander; Damages 027/15
Kriewaldt, Julius; et al. 1935 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 003/13
Kriewaldt, Loretta 1938 Defendant Slander; Damages 027/16
Kriewaldt, R.P.; et al. 1935 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 007/07
Kristof, John; Kristof, Marie 1937 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 012/18
Kristof, Peter 1937 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 012/18
Kristof, Peter; et al. 1940 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 050/17
Kroening, Emil 1939 Defendant Divorce 040/08
Kroening, Margaret 1939 Plaintiff Divorce 040/08
Kroenke, Charles; Kroenke, Louise 1938 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 024/20
Kroenke, Gustav; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 024/20
Kroger, Idella 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 005/08
Kroll, August; Kroll, Pauline 1939 Additional Party Discharge of Lien 039/09
Kroll, Henry; et al. 1938 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 030/21
Kroll, Henry; et al. 1938 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 030/23
Kronser, Josephine; Kronser, Antone; Mader, Andrew; Guardianship 1937 Additional Party Nonpayment of Debt 017/08
Kronser, Loretta 1936 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 017/07
Kropf, August; et al. 1936 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 006/07
Krubsack, G.W. 1939 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 035/03
Krubsack, Herbert; et al. 1940 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 050/03
Krueger, A.C. 1939 Plaintiff Mechanic's Lien 036/07
Krueger, Alfred 1934 Defendant Fraud 072/14
Krueger, August F. 1935 Plaintiff Correction 005/01
Krueger, August; et al. 1937 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 012/24
Krueger, Doris 1938 Additional Party   077/30
Krueger, Edward C. 1936 Defendant Divorce 010/27
Krueger, Edward C. 1942 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 061/28
Krueger, Evelyn; et al. 1940 Defendant Damages 051/07
Krueger, Evelyn; et al. 1941 Defendant Mechanic's Lien 060/17
Krueger, Frank 1942 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 061/10
Krueger, Frank F. 1936 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 007/10
Krueger, Gilbert 1938 Defendant   077/30
Krueger, H.W. 1936 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 009/13
Krueger, H.W.; et al. 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 041/02
Krueger, Helmuth 1925 Defendant Paternity 063/09
Krueger, Howard 1928 Defendant Fornication 066/13
Krueger, Irene 1936 Plaintiff Divorce 010/27
Krueger, John E.; et al. 1936 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 007/21
Krueger, John; et al. 1937 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 015/06
Krueger, Melvin; Jaje, Steve 1932 Defendant Burglary 069/31
Krueger, W.J. 1939 Defendant Damages 048/24
Krueger, W.J. 1940 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 048/18
Krueger, W.J.; et al. 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 048/17
Krueger, W.J.; et al. 1941 Plaintiff Foreclosure of Land Contract 060/08
Krull, C. William; et al. 1939 Defendant Damages 042/01
Krull, Carl; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 028/07
Kruschke, Audrey 1936 Plaintiff Damages 009/07
Kruschke, Lloyd 1936 Plaintiff Damages 009/06
Kruse, Augusta 1937 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 012/12
Kubiak, Joe 1938 Defendant Paternity 076/46
Kuchinski, Joseph 1936 Defendant Breach of Agreement; Damages 008/17
Kucksdorf, Elsie R.; et al. 1938 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 034/10
Kucksdorf, Elsie; et al. 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 032/01
Kucksdorf, George; et al. 1941 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 054/02
Kucksdorf, Rudolph 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 032/27
Kucksdorf, Rudolph; et al. 1937 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 013/04
Kuckuk, Antone 1938 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 023/21
Kuckuk, Antone 1938 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 023/22
Kuckuk, O.H. 1942 Plaintiff Damages 061/05
Kuehl, Arthur; et al. 1939 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 042/02
Kuehl, Charles 1933 Additional Party Burglary 072/11
Kuehn, William 1941 Defendant Breach of Contract; Damages 060/01
Kuester, August F.; et al. 1938 Defendant Garnishing 020/04
Kuester, George 1940 Defendant Damages 059/04
Kugel, James 1939 Defendant Divorce 043/01
Kugel, Norma; Kugel, Lorraine; Kugel, Doris; Intoxication; Neglect 1939 Additional Party Divorce 043/01
Kugel, Rose 1939 Plaintiff Divorce 043/01
Kuhn, Henry 1938 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 026/04
Kuhn, John F. Jr. 1939 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 041/07
Kuhn, John Sr; Kuhn, Wilhelmine 1939 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 041/07
Kuhn, Theo. 1938 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 030/16
Kuhn, Theodore 1938 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 030/14
Kuhnke, Adeline; Kuhnke, Phyllis; Cruelty; Desertion; Neglect; Assault; Intoxication; Wrongful Miscarriage 1935 Additional Party Divorce 002/03
Kuhnke, Dora 1935 Plaintiff Divorce 002/03
Kuhnke, Elmer 1935 Defendant Divorce 002/03
Kunschke, Gerald; Kunschke, Jacquelin; Kunschke, Reginald; Cruelty; Intoxication; Assault; Neglect 1940 Additional Party Divorce 053/14
Kunschke, Leonhardt 1935 Defendant Divorce 003/07
Kunschke, Leonhardt 1940 Defendant Divorce 053/14
Kunschke, Norma 1935 Plaintiff Divorce 003/07
Kunschke, Norma 1940 Plaintiff Divorce 053/14
Kunzak, Walter 1936 Defendant Burglary 075/37
Kupsky, Kathryn 1940 Defendant Divorce 052/03
Kupsky, Rosalee; Cruelty; Assault 1940 Additional Party Divorce 052/03
Kupsky, Rudolph 1940 Plaintiff Divorce 052/03
Kurowski, Helen; Kurowski, Ralph; Kurowski, Edward; Kurowski, Dorothy; Kurowski, Norman; Kurowski, Florence; Kurowski, Marcelle; Kurowski, Vivian 1933 Additional Party Desertion; Child Abuse/ Neglect 071/19
Kurowski, John 1933 Defendant Desertion; Child Abuse/ Neglect 071/19
Kurowski, Stephen; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 021/02
Kurtz, George 1938 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 024/17
Kurtz, Janet E.; et al. 1940 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 048/03
Kusserow, P.H. and Son 1936 Additional Party Burglary 075/33
Kusta, Charles J. 1942 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 061/28
Kutchek, Andrew 1940 Plaintiff Damages 045/05
Laasch, Fred 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 042/22
Laasch, Herman 1934 Additional Party Burglary 073/05
Laatsch, Adolph; et al. 1939 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 040/17
Laatsch, Emma 1939 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 040/17
LaBarge, Nancy; LaBarge, Jack; LaBarge, Lyle 1931 Additional Party Child Abuse/ Neglect 069/09
Labarge, Nancy; Labarge, Jack; Labarge, Lyle 1928 Additional Party Desertion; Child Abuse/ Neglect 067/13
LaBarge, Rudolph 1931 Defendant Child Abuse/ Neglect 069/09
Labutzke, Lester; et al. 1938 Defendant Wrongful Death; Damages 027/14
Labutzke, Lester; et al. 1938 Defendant Damages 029/02
Labutzke, Lester; et al. 1939 Defendant Damages 029/01
Labutzke, Maynard 1938 Additional Party Theft 077/24
Lacey, James 1932 Defendant Burglary 070/03
LaCrosse Citizens Loan and Investment Company 1935 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 001/19
Laehn Coal and Wood Company 1937 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 012/32
Laehn Coal and Wood Company 1936 Defendant Replevin 006/14
Laehn Coal and Wood Company 1941 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 060/03
Laehn Coal and Wood Company; et al. 1938 Defendant Damages 026/09
Laehn Coal and Wood Company; et al. 1938 Defendant Damages 026/10
Laehn Coal and Wood Company; et al. 1938 Defendant Damages 026/11
Laehn Coal and Wood Company; et al. 1938 Defendant Damages 026/12
Laehn, Arno C.; et al. 1938 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 056/24
Laehn, Herman A. 1935 Additional Party Theft 074/17
Laehn, William; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 026/19
Laehn, William; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 026/25
Laehn, William; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 036/09
Laehn, William; et al. 1936 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 008/06
Laehn, William; et al. 1937 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 017/10
Laehn, William; et al. 1940 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 046/07
Laehn, William; et al. 1940 Plaintiff Garnishing 046/08
Laehn, William; et al. 1939 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 038/08
Laehn, William; et al. 1935 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 005/21
Laehn, William; et al. 1936 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 008/14
Laehn, William; et al. 1940 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 049/03
Laehn, William; et al. 1935 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 011/22
Laehn, William; et al. 1939 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 040/12
Laehn, William; et al. 1936 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 008/08
Laehn, William; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 026/18
Laehn, William; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 030/31
Laehn, William; et al. 1936 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 008/22
LaGest, Gordon; et al. 1935 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 001/34
Laird, John; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 028/14
Lake, Boyd 1928 Additional Party Theft 066/47
Lamberies, Allen; Lamberies, Eugene; Cruelty; Adultery; 1938 Additional Party Divorce 024/19
Lamberies, Aloys 1936 Plaintiff Divorce 010/02
Lamberies, Lawrence 1938 Defendant Divorce 024/19
Lamberies, Leona 1938 Plaintiff Divorce 024/19
Lamberies, Lucille 1936 Defendant Divorce 010/02
Lambert, Aloysius 1933 Additional Party Theft 072/13
Lambrecht, Erwin 1938 Defendant Divorce 026/24
Lambrecht, Gene; Lambrecht, Frederick; Cruelty 1938 Additional Party Divorce 026/24
Lambrecht, Lillian 1938 Plaintiff Divorce 026/24
Lamont, M.K. 1940 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 048/02
Lamont, M.K. 1940 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 047/21
Lamont, M.K. 1940 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 045/01
LaMont, M.K.; et al. 1941 Plaintiff Land/Real Estate 054/11
LaMotte, Joe 1933 Defendant Theft 071/50
LaMotte, Joe; Beauprie, Peter W. 1929 Defendant Theft 066/46
LaMountain, Maurice; et al. 1939 Defendant Mechanic's Lien 036/07
Landowski, Casmir (Charles) 1929 Defendant Child Abuse/ Neglect 067/16
Landowski, Valeria; Landowski, Irene; 1929 Additional Party Child Abuse/ Neglect 067/16
Landsverk, A.J. 1941 Defendant Nonsatisfaction of Judgement 061/19
Landwehr, Ottomor; et al. 1940 Defendant Damages 048/19
Lane, Eugene 1941 Defendant Divorce 055/05
Lane, Irene 1941 Plaintiff Divorce 055/05
Lane, R.W. 1939 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 040/21
Lane, Roy; et al. 1939 Defendant Damages 047/08
Lane, Roy; et al. 1939 Defendant Damages 047/09
Lang, Fred 1941 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 057/07
Lang, Fred L.; et al. 1941 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 060/03
Lang, Fred; et al. 1941 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 056/22
Lange, Bertha 1937 Plaintiff Correction 013/09
Lange, Frank 1938 Defendant Fraud; Damages 034/01
Langman, Charles; et al. 1936 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 005/15
Laque, Pedro 1931 Defendant Theft 068/29
LaRock, Emma 1936 Plaintiff Divorce 009/15
LaRock, Joe 1936 Defendant Divorce 009/15
Larsen, Charles 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 004/10
Larson, Arthur G. 1925 Defendant Embezzlement 063/18
Larson, Celia A. 1938 Plaintiff Taxes 027/04
Larson, Ervin 1933 Defendant   071/46
Larson, John; et al. 1935 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 003/32
Larson, John; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 022/07
Larson, Oliver; et al. 1937 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 015/01
Larson, Russell 1933 Defendant Theft 075/45
Lasecki, Albert 1939 Plaintiff Wrongful Death; Damages 044/03
Lasecki, Leonard; Lasecki, Anna; Motor Vehicle Accident 1939 Additional Party Wrongful Death; Damages 044/03
Lasecki, Leonard; Lasecki, Anna; Motor Vehicle Accident 1939 Additional Party Wrongful Death; Damages 044/04
Lasecki, Lucille 1939 Plaintiff Wrongful Death; Damages 044/04
Lathrop, Irvin R.; et al. 1935 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 002/31
Laubenstein, E.I. 1937 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 017/18
Laubenstein, E.I. 1936 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 008/24
Laubenstein, E.I. 1937 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 017/19
Laubenstein, E.I. 1936 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 008/25
Laubenstein, Ella I. 1935 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 003/05
Lauermans Brothers 1936 Additional Party Theft 075/05
Lavario, Don 1938 Plaintiff Divorce 039/17
Lavario, Olyve 1938 Defendant Divorce 039/17
Lavigne, Wilfred Robert 1932 Defendant Adultery 071/01
Law, Theodore 1933 Defendant Adultery 071/29
Lawe, Theodore 1934 Defendant   067/44
Lawe, Theodore 1933 Additional Party Adultery 071/30
Lawe, Theodore; Kittacon, Herbert; Caldwell, John J.; Stone, Mitchel; Peterson, Roy; Hanks, Barney 1926 Defendant Theft 065/39
Lebarge, Nancy; Lebarge, Elliot; Lebarge, June 1927 Additional Party Child Abuse/ Neglect 065/02
Lebarge, Rudolf 1927 Defendant Child Abuse/ Neglect 065/02
Lebarge, Rudolph 1928 Defendant Desertion; Child Abuse/ Neglect 067/13
Lee, Betty Jane; Lee, Robert Evan; Cruelty; Assault; Intoxication; Child Abuse/ Neglect 1938 Additional Party Divorce 021/17
Lee, Dagmar 1938 Plaintiff Divorce 021/17
Lee, Elmore 1938 Defendant Divorce 021/17
Lehman, Paul; et al. 1937 Defendant Foreclosure of Land Contract 012/01
Leisch, Harold; Gutt, Walter; Gutt, Arnold 1932 Defendant Theft 069/36
Leisch, Howard; Kessen, Kermit; Thompson, Earl 1932 Defendant Assault 069/30
Leiskau, Albert 1932 Additional Party Libel 069/47
Leiskau, Albert 1931 Additional Party Theft 068/18
Leiskau, August; et al. 1936 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 008/37
Leiskau, Beverly Ann; Cruelty; Assault; Intoxication; Extramarital Relationships 1939 Additional Party Divorce 038/02
Leiskau, Ed; et al. 1939 Defendant Land/Real Estate 043/09
Leiskau, Edward 1939 Defendant Divorce 038/02
Leiskau, Edward (Mrs.) 1935 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 001/31
Leiskau, Fred Jr. 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 003/18
Leiskau, Fred Jr.; et al. 1934 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 002/17
Leiskau, Leona 1939 Plaintiff Divorce 038/02
Leiskau, Leona 1936 Additional Party Paternity 075/12
Leiskau, Paul; et al. 1941 Defendant Damages 058/01
LeMieux, Alvina 1933 Additional Party Adultery 071/29
LeMieux, Alvina 1933 Defendant Adultery 071/30
Lemke, Clarence; et al. 1937 Plaintiff Land/Real Estate 013/10
Lemke, Ersila 1935 Additional Party   074/18
Lemke, Fred; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 020/17
Lemke, Linda 1935 Plaintiff Divorce 005/27
Lemke, Robert 1935 Defendant   074/18
Lemke, Robert; Lemke, Isobel 1935 Additional Party Divorce 005/27
Lemke, Walter 1935 Defendant Divorce 005/27
Lenning, Oden 1941 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 059/09
Lepak, Frank; et al. 1936 Plaintiff Discharge of Mortgage 005/22
Lepak, Frank; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 026/28
Lepak, J.F.; et al. 1935 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 005/19
Lepak, John F.; et al. 1938 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 022/02
Lepak, Josephine 1936 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 005/22
Lepak, Mike; et al. 1937 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 012/07
Lepak, Thomas 1942 Plaintiff Land/Real Estate 061/29
Licerse, Frank; et al. 1939 Defendant Enjoinment 042/09
Lichterman, Cecelia 1926 Additional Party Paternity 063/43
Liebel, Barbara 1929 Additional Party Paternity 067/30
Liebman, William 1935 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 004/02
Liebman, William 1935 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 006/33
Lieg, Joseph; et al. 1936 Plaintiff Land/Real Estate 008/32
Liesch, Harold 1939 Defendant Land/Real Estate 042/19
Liesch, Harold 1940 Defendant Theft; Damages 052/07
Liesch, Herman 1931 Additional Party Burglary 069/32
Liesch, William 1941 Plaintiff Damages 056/15
Lilla, Alex B. 1939 Defendant Divorce 041/10
Lilla, Athlie 1939 Plaintiff Divorce 041/10
Lilla, Lawrence Leroy; Cruelty; Neglect 1939 Additional Party Divorce 041/10
Lillie, George; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Discharge of Bond of Support 023/12
Limestone Castle; et al. 1935 Defendant Garnishing 002/18
Lindow, Herman; et al. 1936 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 010/14
Lindow, Lester; Lindow, Ida 1931 Additional Party Child Abuse/ Neglect 067/45
Lindow, Ora 1931 Defendant Child Abuse/ Neglect 067/45
Linke, Leonard 1939 Plaintiff Damages 043/04
Linke, William 1939 Plaintiff Damages 043/05
Lipke, Ada May 1937 Plaintiff Divorce 014/17
Lipke, Marjorie; Lipke, Frances Belle; Separation; Neglect 1937 Additional Party Divorce 014/17
Lipke, William Franklin 1937 Defendant Divorce 014/17
Lisch, Emil; et al. 1937 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 013/05
Liskow, Edwin 1940 Defendant Enjoinment 048/10
Liskow, LaVonn; Voight, Hugo (Mrs.); Divorce 1940 Additional Party Enjoinment 048/10
Liskow, Selman 1940 Plaintiff Enjoinment 048/10
Literski, John 1934 Defendant Theft 072/31
Little Bear, Arvilla; Bastardy 1931 Additional Party Paternity 069/17
Little, Bernie; et al. 1936 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 008/24
Little, Wilbur; et al. 1941 Plaintiff Foreclosure of Land Contract 054/15
Litzen, Floyd L. 1939 Plaintiff Damages 036/12
Litzen, Floyd L. 1936 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 007/16
Litzen, Sylvia 1939 Plaintiff Damages 037/01
Livermore, Jack 1938 Defendant Child Abuse/ Neglect; Desertion 076/41
Livermore, Jackson 1939 Defendant Divorce 040/14
Livermore, Margaret Ann; Livermore, Jackson; Neglect 1939 Additional Party Divorce 040/14
Livermore, Virginia Warden 1939 Plaintiff Divorce 040/14
Livermore, Virginia; Livermore, Margaret Ann; Livermore, Jackson 1938 Additional Party Child Abuse/ Neglect; Desertion 076/41
Livingstone, Fay; Harlow, Mable 1927 Defendant Adultery 066/27
Locke, August; et al. 1939 Defendant Fraud; Land/Real Estate 039/05
Lohmiller, Harry 1928 Defendant Violation of Liquor Laws 066/31
Lohmiller, Harry 1931 Defendant Prostitution 069/04
Lomber, Henry 1940 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 050/03
Lomker, Marie 1925 Additional Party Paternity 063/11
Long, Anna Mae 1936 Plaintiff Divorce 008/31
Long, Howard 1936 Defendant Divorce 008/31
Long, Leo; et al. 1940 Defendant Damages 050/11
Long, M.F. 1936 Defendant Blackmail 075/21
Long, Suzanne Mary; Long, Patrick Timothy; Intoxication; Cruelty; Neglect; McCarthy, Anna Mae 1936 Additional Party Divorce 008/31
Long, Viola; Bastardy 1937 Additional Party Paternity 075/47
Lonkey, George H. 1938 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 028/15
Lorrig, John J. 1940 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 044/12
Lorrig, John J. 1940 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 045/09
Lotto, M.B.; et al. 1936 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 008/18
Loudbaer, Louise O.; Menominee Indians; Desertion 1937 Additional Party Divorce 015/12
Loudbear, Florence 1927 Additional Party   064/22
Loudbear, Florence; Belongie, Margaret 1927 Additional Party Juvenile Delinquency 064/25
Loudbear, Joe 1936 Defendant Theft 075/15
Low, Delbert 1938 Defendant   076/42
Ludolph, John 1935 Plaintiff Damages 007/17
Ludolph, Lena 1935 Plaintiff Damages 007/15
Ludolph, Lena; Motor Vehicle Accident 1935 Additional Party Damages 007/17
Luebke, Martha; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Damages 036/04
Luebke, Martha; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Damages 036/05
Luebke, Martha; et al. 1938 Plaintiff Damages 036/06
Lueck, Andrew 1936 Plaintiff Mortgage Foreclosure 005/17
Luepke, Carl; Luepke, Amelia 1935 Additional Party Discharge of Mortgage 002/27
Luepke, Charley 1940 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 050/09
Luepke, Frank 1940 Defendant Nonpayment of Debt 047/19
Luetzow, Frank 1928 Additional Party Breach of Peace; Assault 066/42
Lund, Richard Lee; Lund, Gertrude; Health Care Costs; Bastardy 1935 Additional Party Paternity 074/34
Lundy 1937 Plaintiff Unknown 019/07
Luntkowski, Ben; et al. 1941 Plaintiff Nonpayment of Debt 058/12
Luntkowski, Bernard; et al. 1940 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 044/08
Luntkowski, Bernard; et al. 1940 Defendant Mortgage Foreclosure 049/12
Luntkowski, Frank 1936 Defendant Theft 075/30

NEXT PAGE Shawano Series 55, Shawano County case files