I occasionally run across "bits and pieces" of information from old
books or newspapers that just quite don't fit anywhere else in the web
site. Hence, the new page! I welcome any of your "bits 'n
pieces" that you might have collected over the years. This could
be a clipping out of a newspaper that isn't an obituary or doesn't "fit"
into any of the other sections on the website.
RECORDS INDEX (includes divorces, paid-off mortgages, etc.)
Shawano Circuit Series 54, Shawano County case files
Shawano Series 55, Shawano County case files |
List of Jurors (May 1896)
Shawano Newspaper, Shawano Wisconsin
The following is a list of petit jurors drawn to serve at the
term of circuit court which will be held in this city, commencing on the
25th ___:
Almon |
Geo. Palmer |
Angelica |
Robert Black |
Belle Plaine |
William Harbeck, Ferdinand Krauze (Krause) |
Fairbanks |
John Stern, Herman Spiegel, James Rhody |
Germania |
Ernst Harning |
Grant |
J. Radke, W. Oppermann |
G. Valley |
Albert Bergner |
Hartland |
Henry Zuelke, Chas. Ladke (Laedtke) |
Herman |
Martin Raasch, Aug. Kroll |
Lessor |
Helge Erickson, Ole Severson |
M. Grove |
Martin Paulus |
Morris |
Chas. Little |
Navarino |
Wm. Conklin |
Pella |
Wm. Westphal, Aug. Wichmann |
Richmond |
Aug. Engel, Fred Steinke |
Washington |
Frank Isstas |
Waukechon |
Alf. Chase, Fred Stolzmann, Lewis Olson |
Wittenberg |
Peter Vanderhigh |
Shawano City |
J. C. Black, A. K. Porter, Henry Murdock, Joseph Gorliam |
Birnamwood vil. |
E. Krake, G. W. Madison |
Shawano County Journal, November 15, 1934
Contributed by ShawanoGenWeb Volunteer
Rev. H. Baumann of this city celebrated his seventy-second birthday
anniversary Sunday evening, when relatives and friends gathered at his
home for a birthday dinner.
Rev. Baumann was born November 11, 1862, in Germany. He served in
the German army and in 1888 came to America, settling first in Clintonville
and later in Belle Plaine. He was ordained a minister at Acton, North Dakota,
in 1894.
He was united in marriage to Miss Anna Schoenrock in Belle Plaine
and together they went to North Dakota, where Rev. Baumann served as a
missionary at large. He came back to Wisconsin and settled at Bowler,
and then to the town of Grant, serving in both churches. It was during
his ministry in the town of Grant that the church which still stands on
the corner of county trunk M, one and one-half miles out of Caroline, was
built, largely through the efforts of Rev. Baumann.
Five years ago Rev. Baumann retired after 35 years of active work
serving his God. With his wife he has made his home in this city
at 301 W. Fifth Street. They have seven children, William, now a
minister at Neillsville; Malinda, Mrs. R. H. Brockopp, Alexander, Minn.;
Martha, Mrs. K. G. Brockopp, of Glidden; Walter, a minister in the town
of Richmond; Ella, Mrs. O. E. Hoffman, Elk Mound; Vila, Mrs. W. H, Meyer
of this city, and Emmanuel, a minister at Mavis, Minn. David, the youngest
son, died in 1922. |
Shawano County Journal, June 7, 1934
Contributed by ShawanoGenWeb Volunteer
In the last three days in June a celebration of the 100th anniversary
of the coming of the Richie family to America will be held in Manawa, Royalton
and Bear Lake. One hundred years ago three of the Richie brothers landed
in America coming from north Ireland.
Their progeny now number into the hundreds. They are located
largely in three areas: Wisconsin, Ohio, and California. The representatives
of the family in Shawano are the Stanleys, Mrs. Charlotte Richie, and the
Veslaks. For forty years and over the family has held reunions in
June without miss. Because this is the hundredth anniversary, a three-day
observance will be made. On Friday a reunion picnic will be held
at Bear Lake. On Saturday evening a historical pageant portraying
the true story of the family will be enacted at Manawa. On Sunday
religious, services will be held at the Congregational church in Royalton. |
Shawano County Journal, September 18, 1930
Sunday, September 21st, the congregation of the Immanuel Lutheran
church of the town of Washington, near White Clay Lake, will celebrate
the fiftieth anniversary of the forming of the congregation. There
will be three services commemorating the event: the first a service at
10:00 in the morning with the Rev. List delivering the sermon in the German
language. At 2:30 Rev. Wm. Schultz will preside and in the evening
Rev. F. Droegemuller will head the service. The Revs. List and Droegemuller
are former pastors of the church. The Ladies of the congregation
will serve a chicken dinner at noon, and in the evening lunch will be served.
The history of this congregation is the story of pioneer days of
hardship. In 1872, Rev. Peter Dicke, the first Lutheran minister
in the town of Washington induced the residents of that community to assemble
in religious services. In 1889 the congregation was formed.
It was a very small congregation, but all of its members were faithful.
None of the members of the original congregation are living, but there
are two men, sons of these old members who are now part of the present
congregation. They are Karl Fischer and Frederich Moesch. In
1881 the contract for the building of the first church was let to Wm. Mayer
for the sum of thirty-four dollars. This building was very crude,
made of logs and rough home-made benches were placed in the church.
In 1888 they built the parsonage. The little log church served the
community for many years and as the congregation increased the members
were able to abandon the old log building for a better one and a frame
structure was erected, 1892.
This served their needs until 1923 when a new brick building was
erected. The present church is a very beautiful edifice, and has
just recently been painted and redecorated, the work done by an outside
The ministers who have served the congregation since its formation
are: Rev. O. List, Rev. Droegemuller, Rev. Paul Kolb, Rev. L. Schultz and
Rev. H. F. Braum, the present pastor, who has had charge of this pastorate
since 1919. |
Shawano Advocate Newspaper, April 6, 1906
Letter Read by M. Wescott at the Club Meeting at O.
We have met here today at the kind invitation of our respected
host, Orlin Andrews. Not as much to enjoy a feast which none know
better how to provide than he and his beloved wife, as to bring together
the early settlers of fifty years ago, where we can refresh our recollections
of early experiences and with pride and pleasure relate some of the maiden
adventures and social events of the early settlement of Shawano County
fifty years ago.
This carries me back to the time when Lucina Murray, J. M. and Edward
Robinson(?), Charles Munn, the Grimmer family (?) and some others whose
names I can not recall, were enrolled as school children in School Dist.
No. 1 were we attended regularly when the weather was not too cold or the
snow too deep(?) to permit us to go fishing.
Speaking of our school days, reminds me of when Orlin was our teacher.
I and one of the other boys, violated the rules of the school by trying
to settle a dispute according to the approved style of the times.
I do not remember which came out best in the encounter, but the question,
as we supposed was settled, but Orlin hearing of it, would not let the
matter go on that way, and forthwith sent me out to cut a blue beach.
I did not know who it was cut for and cut a good one, but I soon found
out and got the full benefit of it. I, of course thought myself unjustly
punished and was planning all sorts of revenge but soon after the other
fellow for some offense took the same dose of blue beach, which went a
long way in healing the sore spots and made the plank seats much more comfortable
for me.
As I look back now and think of the long journey from New York here,
consuming two long weeks on the way, and the frequent changes necessary
from stage coach to cars, from cars to steamboat and finally ending in
a three days trip in an open row boat. I realize the courage and
determination of our fathers to face the hardships and unknown dangers
to be encountered in the settlement of the then wilds of Wisconsin.
Especially when we take into consideration the fact that they were leaving
behind all the comforts of civilization, homes, friends, relatives, and
the association of their childhood days, to penetrate the wilds of the
west, there from the unbroken forest hew out a home for themselves
and their little ones. Little does the rising generation of today
realize the hardship, privations, and dangerous they often endured.
The first white man to make a permanent settlement in Shawano County
was Charles D. Wescott, who came here in 1843. At the time, my father
moved here ten or more years later there was no roads or way of communicating
with the outside world except by weekly or semi-monthly mail carried on
horse back or on foot from New London, the nearest settlement over an Indian
If I remember rightly, the town of New London consisted of a small
log store, a steamboat dock and two or three log or board houses.
I think we stayed overnight in one of the log houses before resuming
our journey up wolf River in an open rowboat , propelled by six lusty Indians,
arriving here on the third day, camping out on the bank of the river at
night. The picture we presented on that first night camping
out presented a wild scene to me, although but a small boy , but one I
have never forgotten. The night was cold and frosty. A shelter
was provided by spreading blankets and canvas over poles slanting windward
and a huge log fire burning in the center. On one side was my father,
my mother tired and weary from the long journey, and the constant care
of her youngest child, Addie, only a few weeks old. My sister Annie,
who had been sick during the whole voyage, myself and brothers Sheldron
and Johnny and Lucy Olmsted occupied one side of the camp and Grandfather
and Grandmother Wescott, Uncle Wm. E. Wescott and Lydia Wescott occupied
the other side. The Indian crew was camped near by. It was
a wild scene to me and to all of us who were unaccustomed to camp life.
The following year our little colony was increased by the arrival
of Myron McCord Sr. and his family, soon after James Munn and Family, Ogden
Brooks and family, Francis Robinson and family, and Nelson Olmstead and
two daughters, and J. Y. Olmstead settled here. I think there were
other families that came here about that time, but only lived here a few
months. As I remember them, the names of the families who were living
here at the time we came, were C. D. Wescott, David Maxfield, James Whitehouse,
James Alexander, William and James Grimmer, Joseph Maurer, Julius A. Murray,
Mrs. Semple and her three sons James, Parlan, and Archi and her daughter,
now Mrs. Hammond, Abial Richmond, Harry and William Sanders and E. F. Senger.
Capt. Con. Powell, James Cowan, the Dousmans and John and Wiley were living
at or near Keshena and William Allender, who kept a stopping place at the
crossing of the Embarrass River. In the fall of 1854 the little colony
experienced a hard time, cold weather set in early in the fall and the
barges laden with the winter supplies were frozen in between Shiocton and
the Red Banks and it was near Christmas before the teams could be got to
them. During this time, flour and salt meats were a scarce article
but as there was a fairly good crop of wild rice gathered by the Indians,
which, with the fish and wild game, supplied from the lake and forest,
the settlement was tided over until the barge supplies were brought up
by teams.
I have perhaps taken more than my share of time already, for there
are others we wish to hear from; but I cannot close without paying a brief
tribute of appreciation and respect to the hardy and noble pioneers who
were so instrumental in blazing the way, whose latch string was always
on the outside and the new comer was always received and welcomed.
Little did they know that they were opening the way for the thousands who
have since followed after them and have established happy and prosperous
homes within the bounds of our county. |
FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY of the Pella Opening Church
Shawano Journal, September 13, 1928
The St. Peter’s Lutheran Church of Pella Opening will commemorate
their fiftieth anniversary next Sunday, Sept. 1, at their church in Pella
Opening. The congregation was established fifty years ago in 1878,
and the first church building was built that year.
To fittingly commemorate the happy occasion of their fiftieth anniversary,
services will be held in the morning and in the afternoon. At 10
o’clock a.m., Rev. C. H. Schilling of Amherst, former pastor of the church,
will preach in the German language. At noon the ladies of the congregation
will serve a sumptuous chicken dinner. Afternoon services will start
at 2:30 when Prof. Barth, of the Concordia College of Milwaukee, a son
of the first pastor of the St. Peter’s church, will preach in the German
language. A short English service will also follow the German in
the afternoon.
Special music will be furnished by the Belle Plaine band, refreshments
will be served on the ground and arrangements are made to receive a large
crowd on this occasion. The congregation extends a cordial invitation
to friends of the church and the public generally to join with them in
the celebration of this memorable anniversary.
Green Bay Press-Gazette, August 30, 1935
Public Observance is Arranged for Sunday.
(Special to Press-Gazette)
PULASKI, Wis.—The village of Cecil will celebrate its 50th birthday
Sunday with a gay party befitting the occasion. Everyone in the village
has put forth his best effort to make the day a memorable one for those
attending the event.
There will be a grand old time parade, kitten ball games with a
quarter-barrel of beer as the prize to the winning team, a baseball game
between Cecil and Zachow, guessing games, beer drinking, and pie eating
contests, fat men’s and women’s races, and a tug of war. In fact
there will be every type of contest and game that goes to make up a huge
party. Three bands, the Platten Brothers’ brass band of Green Bay,
the Shawano Pretzel band, and the Cecil band are to furnish the music.
There will be dancing afternoon and evening.
Timber Brought Settlers
It was the tall timber and agricultural possibilities that first
brought the early settlers to Cecil. Mose Curtis, John
McNair, M. Alberts and John Freeborn, Sr., came from Oshkosh by team through
Bonduel, to start logging in the area around White Clay lake, Shawano lake,
and the surrounding territory. Hauling their logs over Mud lake to
Shawano lake, they met the usual hardships of pioneers. They broke
a span of valuable horses, broke through ice several times until they dredged
a channel through Mud lake, built a dam in the creek and floated logs into
Shawano lake, down the Wolf River and thence down to Oshkosh.
In 1884 the first railroad through the town was finished and it
was then that the settlement really grew. The depot was built on
posts over a water hole but later moved to its present location.
Shortly after this H. Bocher constructed the Washington house and the W.
C. Zachow company started business.
The fact that there was no railroad running through eastern Shawano
county made it necessary that all freight for Bonduel be received at Cecil.
Following storms the roads were often muddy and impassible. Recognizing
the need for a grain market, W. C. Zachow put up an elevator. The
railroad also provided beneficial to the farmers. Because of it a
timber market grew and residents were able to sell logs cleared from their
It was after completion of the railroad that the town was “christened”
taking its name from a daughter of one of the railroad officials.
Built First School
In the fall of 1885 the first school was built and Miss Mary Naber,
now Mrs. W. C. Zachow, became the first teacher. The year 1890 found
a new source of income. The Wisconsin Ice company of Milwaukee
and Armstrong brothers of Indianapolis erected a large icehouse and employed
about 500 men in cutting and shipping ice.
The village was incorporated in 1905, with A. von Heimburg acting
as first president with Joseph Grab, William J. Fagan, J. H. Kuehl, Jacob
Meyer, William Freeborn, and Chris Hinkle as trustees, P. J. Meyer, clerk,
H. Bocher, treasurer, and F. Issas, supervisor. Conrad Adderholdt
acted as marshal. A village hall was built and the first graded school
in Shawano county was erected in Cecil. In 1906 the State Bank
was organized with H. Bocher as president, W. C. Zachow as vice president,
and J. H. Kuehl as cashier. It was through the efforts of the Rev.
J. H. H. Bierbaum that a church was constructed.
Paul Meyer organized the telephone company in 1909 and in 1922 the
Badger Utility company of Pulaski built power lines into Cecil.
Today the lakeside village has changed to quite an extent.
Once a formidable logging market it is quiet resort town with a population
of approximately 500. Among the members of the village board are
William Moede, president, Clarence W. Schroeder, Nick Markooth, August
Koehler, Henry Engle, Herman Miller, and Art Rosnow, trustees. Acting
village marshall is Clarence Lemke.
Old Car Will Run
The three men in charge of the celebration and to whom most of
the credit for the cooperation of the townspeople is due are W. C. Bast,
August Heller, and L. W. Smits.
One of the interesting features in the parade will be a 1906 Buick.
At present it is being repaired by Charles Bartels who claims it will be
in running order for the procession. It was the 718th Buick put out
by the automobile company, and was driven to Cecil from Chicago by a chauffeur
and Jessie Scheller for the owner, Henry Scheller. |
Indians’ Bible Kept in Vault
Milwaukee Journal, July 17, 1927
Gift of Prince of Wales in Treasure of Little Church
Shawano, Wis. – In the little frame Presbyterian church at Red Springs
is a Bible presented to the Stockbridge Indians in 1742 by George III when
he was Prince of Wales.
When the Stockbridge’s migrated from Massachusetts they carried
the Bible, which is in two volumes and weighs 36 pounds. They brought
it with them when they came in 1856 to the reservation set aside for them
in northern Wisconsin.
Then it disappeared and the tribe was disconsolate, for surely the
wrath of the white God would fall upon them.
Found in Rubbish Heap
Andrew Jamison Minnesota Kuni, a descendant of those earlier Stockbridges,
was poking aimlessly about a rubbish heap in 1875 when he saw what looked
like a piece of good leather. He dug around it and uncovered the
old Bible with thick leather binding, and its inscription, “Given by his
royal highness, George, prince of Wales, to the governor of Massachusetts
colony, for the benefit of the Stockbridge Indians.”
The pages of the book bestowed by the paunchy monarch when he was
still the hope of a nation are yellowed with age. Slipped between
the leaves, the old Indian found a picture of Jonathon Edwards, first missionary
to the Stockbridge Indians, and later president of Princeton University.
Kuni kept the Bible in his own possession for 30 years, only taking
it out from time to time to show the devout among his own people or curious
tourists. The number of these latter was constantly increasing: the
fame of the old book spread as far as Philadelphia and people came from
there to see it.
Combination Is Secret
Ten years ago he consented to let it be kept in the church in a
small safe, but he alone has the combination of that safe.
“I’ve tried to get it from him many a time,” says the Rev. McGreaham,
pastor of the church for some years, “but he just laughs and says he’ll
give it to me before one of us dies.”
And now Andrew Jamison Minnesota Kuni is dying. He has been
ill for a long time and he has not long to live. Unless he gives
up the combination before his death, it may be necessary at some future
time to blast open the safe to bring forth King George’s Bible. |
Milwaukee Sentinel, February 17, 1895
Besides the Common Branches of Learning the Young Indians Are Instructed
in Farming, Wagon Work, Shoemaking and Other Industrial Arts—Girls Are
Taught Housekeeping, Sewing and Dressmaking.
Shawano, Wis. Feb. 15—The United Sates government has shown
faith in the value of education for its Indian wards—a faith that has been
more than justified by the results of the educational work at the government
schools which are in successful operation in all parts of the country where
the Indian population is large enough to justify it.
Northern Wisconsin affords a fine opportunity for educational work
among the Indians and this work is being especially well done on the Oneida,
Stockbridge and Menominee reservations in Shawano county.
In the winter of 1865 the only Indian school in Shawano county was
located at Keshena, about eight miles north of Shawano city on the Menominee
reservation. The school house was a little one-story wooden building,
with high board seats, and the teachers were Mrs. Rosella Dousman (better
known among the Indians as “Mother Dousman”) and her two daughters, Misses
Kate and Jane Dousman.
The winter of 1895 shows that in this past thirty years great progress
has been made in educational work among the Indians. The schools
are now housed in large and comfortable buildings with efficient teachers,
and every educational advantage; with a course of nine years and a list
of text books similar to those used in the state schools.
The school houses at Keshena consists of the government buildings,
with a building for boys, one for girls, a large industrial workshop, a
farm barn and 170 acres of farming land, the buildings include sleeping
and boarding accommodations for about 150 pupils. The employees number
sixteen—seven male and nine female—of whom five are Indians. The
superintendent is Leslie Watson, who ranks high as an educator and has
been superintendent for several years.
At Oneida is located another government school with two brick school
houses, an industrial building, a farm barn and a farm of eighty acres.
The buildings furnish accommodations for about eighty-five pupils.
The superintendent is Charles F. Peirce.
In addition to the government boarding schools there are several
day schools, as follows: Stockbridge reservation, attendance 40; Oneida
reservation No. 1, 30; Oneida reservation No. 2 21; Oneida reservation
No. 3, 35.
The Menominee Indian reservation has three day schools with an attendance
of over 100.
In addition to the government boarding schools there are twp large
contract boarding schools. St, Joseph’s (Catholic) at Keshena, has
accommodations for 200 pupils and eleven teachers. The government
pays $108 for each pupil per annum. The Wittenberg (Lutheran) school
is located in Wittenberg, Shawano county, and has accommodations for about
200 pupils. The superintendent is A. Jacobson and the pupils come
largely from the Winnebago Indians scattered over Northern Wisconsin and
numbering about 170 families with no reservation.
In the government schools rations are issued for the pupils consisting
of the following articles in the quantities named per week: Flour
or corn meal, 110 pounds; beef and pork, 110 pounds; coffee (or 1 ½
pounds tea), 3 ½ pounds; sugar, 10 pounds; beans or hominy, 10 pounds;
dried fruit, 10 pounds; syrup, 1 gallon; vinegar, 1 quart; salt, 4 pounds;
pepper, 4 ounces; soap, 7 pounds; baking powder, 1 pound. In addition
to the above, milk, butter, eggs, garden vegetables, etc. produced on the
school farms are supplied and used by the pupils, giving a good healthful
bill of fare which is well cooked and attractively placed upon the tables
by experienced cooks and assistants. Changes in the bill of fare
can be made by the superintendent, provided it involves no additional expense
to the government. Teachers and employees board at the schools and
are allowed to purchase supplies at cost price, including transpiration.
Plain, substantial and uniform clothing is furnished the pupils
and each is given two suits, with an extra pair of trousers for the boys,
and three dresses for the girls. All are kept well mended and suffice
for a year’s use, with a better suit for Sundays and holidays. In
addition, pupils are furnished with suitable underwear, nightclothes, handkerchiefs,
over coats, cloaks, shoes, stockings, and overshoes.
The dormitories are furnished with pain substantial furniture, and
supplied with necessary toilet articles, including soap, towels, mirrors,
combs, hair, shoe, nail and tooth brushes and whisk brooms, which enable
the pupils to form habits of personal neatness.
The requirements at the government contract schools are similar
to those in the boarding schools.
Instruction in music is given in all of the schools, and there are
at Keshena two good brass bands, the players in which are Indian pupils,
who have been taught by Prof. Campbell.
The industrial teachers instruct the boys in farming, shoemaking,
wagon work, blacksmithing, woodworking, etc. The girls are instructed
in dressmaking, sewing of every variety and housekeeping.
The government (not legible) at all schools is that the pupils have
suitable mental, moral and industrial training with wholesome food, suitable
clothing, sufficient warmth and good water; also that sanitary laws and
regulations are complied with and that the buildings shall be kept in good
repair, properly heated, lighted, ventilated and well cared for, and medical
attendance and supervision provided.
In 1865, it was uncommon to hear an Indian—man, woman or child—speak
English; now nearly the entire tribe, except the older Indians, speak English
fluently. |
Some Important Events in the History Of Wittenberg
Wittenberg Enterprise, June 24, 1909
Graduation Address of Miss Ida Hitzke
Wittenberg is distinguished from all other towns of it size because
of the number and importance of its religious and public institutions;
and it is to a few facts concerning their founding and subsequent development
that I wish to call your attention.
In 1880 Rev. Homme came to what is now Wittenberg, which event happened
in the following way. The Norwegian Synod, to which Rev. Homme belonged
at that time, had for several years discussed the great need for a home
for orphaned children and homeless old people, as no such institution existed
among the Norwegian Lutherans of America. Rev. Homme declared his
willingness to take the lead in this move towards establishing such a home,
on the condition he be at liberty to select the place for it. To
this the Synod agreed, and they also promised to lend their support to
every honest means he might make use of in furthering the cause.
Rev. Homme immediately petitioned the railroad company asking that the
station, which was then in contemplation of establishment, might be called
Wittenberg, to which the railroad company responded favorably. The
railroad at that time had not reached this far, and the whole region about
was a dark and lonely wilderness, devoid of the habitation of man.
The following year 1881, Rev. Homme built his residence and moved
his family here in November. By August 28, 1882, the Orphans’ Home
was completed and on that day was opened with the enrollment of four children
and one aged man. During the next summer, 1883, Rev. Homme built
a second building, a school house, for the use of the Orphans. This
institution was located on Blocks 30 and 31, in the southern part of the
Rev. Homme came to Wittenberg a poor man, yet fearlessly and hopefully
built and equipped a home, that furnished a retreat for so many homeless
boys and girls which he soon began to realize was too small for his philanthropic
purpose. Securing a tract of three hundred sixty acres of heavily
timbered land on the Embarrass River one and one-half miles from Wittenberg,
he there established a fine water power and erected a saw-mill. He
soon began the erection of the new Orphans’ Home, which was completed in
1896. It will accommodate two hundred children, has an excellent
school, and a select library. The old Orphans’ Home was converted
into a Home for the Aged.
In 1889, a number of German Lutheran clergymen resolved to forma
an association for the purpose of establishing a High School for the congregations
in this section of the State. Rev. Homme was a member of this association.
The German brethren decided to locate their high school in the same place
Mr. Homme had built his Orphans’ Home. The same fall of 1883, the
German Lutheran clergymen had their High School building completed, and
school began on 1st of September. After a course of six months, however,
the building was consumed by fire, and the school resumed in Rev. Homme’s
Orphans’ Home. In the summer of 1884 the building was rebuilt, but
the school was not continued. It was converted into what used to
be the German Lutheran Orphans Home. In the year 1899, the children
were taken to a Home in Milwaukee. The present Wittenberg Academy
was incorporated in the summer of 1901, with E. J. Onstad as principal,
Rev. Randt, assistant, and eight pupils. Inauspicious as this may
have seemed, the school has, however, experienced a steady and healthy
growth, which is both encouraging and gratifying to its friends and promoters.
In 1904, a music department was added, which together with the other courses
now offered, shows to what extent the aims and purpose of its founders
have been realized.
On June 11, 1882, a Norwegian Lutheran congregation was formed.
The first trustees of the congregation were Andrew Gunderson, Henry Westgor
and Albert Dahl. The minister serving this congregation was Rev.
In 1882, on motion of Rev. Homme, a committee was appointed by the
Norwegian Synod to investigate what could be done in regard to the founding
of an Indian Mission in this vicinity. As the Synod did not take
any steps to realize the Mission, the committee went to work independently
to establish an Indian Mission. It selected a place three and one
half miles west of the village. In the fall of 1884 a small school
was established and engaged a teacher. In 1885, the mission school
was moved nearer to town, and Rev. Larson of Minnesota was chosen principal
of the Mission school. Rev. Homme made an application to the National
Government for pecuniary aid for the school, which was complied with. In
1887 the Norwegian Synod obtained full possession of the mission, and continued
it until the year 1895, when the school was leased by the Government.
In the year 1900, the Government purchased the school.
Wittenberg was no sooner founded than the people dreamed it necessary
to have a public school, and in the fall of 1881, the first school house
was completed. The school house which was built is now part of Dr.
Puchner’s office, and in it the fall term began with Miss Root as teacher
and an enrollment of about ten children. The school was held in this
building until there was need for more room, when a larger school house
was erected. At present this building is used as our village hall.
But in time this building was too small to accommodate all the children,
so the larger pupils were taught in the building which as present is the
town hall. In the year 1897, part of our present school building
was erected. At the time it was built, it was thought to be large
enough to accommodate all the children for many years; but it was not,
and in 1904 an addition was built, which makes our public school one of
the best, largest, up to date schools in any town or village its size in
northern Wisconsin. It was in 1899 that a High School was organized
and a three-year English course was begun with Mr. P. F. Dolan as principal.
In 1901, under the principalship of M. B. Franklin, a four-year course
was organized, and in 1904, under Principal E. A. Ketcham, the German and
Latin courses were added. It became necessary in 1906 to eliminate
the Latin and remodel the English and German courses. The High school
was then placed upon the list of schools accredited at the University of
Wisconsin, and this event speaks well for pupils, teachers, equipment and
progress of our public school. The high School now offers three years
German, there work in mathematics, physics, history, geography, book-keeping,
and English; has a splendid laboratory well equipped for science work and
a library of about one thousand select volumes of reference, fiction and
Such is the history of the movements which have made Wittenberg
known in many states of the Union. May we be blest in the future
as we have in the past by many public-spirited men and women. May
the wheels of progress continue to turn with regularity and decision. |
to Deb Walsh by Audrey (Buettner) Sperberg
November 2001 - print source and date unknown
The three Sperberg brothers, Ludwig, William, and Herman, lived
near the Opperman Bridge. The bothers decided to go to the state of Texas
and sold their farms. However, instead of moving to Texas they bought farms
near the reservation line and named the road, the Texas Road.
The children from this area attended the Red River School until
it became too crowed. Residents in the locality offered to buy Paul Martens,
Sr. a new hat if he would get a new district organized. Mr. Martens got
his hat and in 1908 a school was built on property of Henry Korth and it
was named the Texas School. Miss Eunice Ainsworth (Gueths), mother of Everett
Gueths, a member of Jt. Dist. #8 Board of Education, was the first teacher.
Miss Ainsworth drove 5 miles every morning and night with horse and buggy.
She left the horse in the neighbor's barn and walked the rest of the way
to school.
There were 53 pupils attending the school. Some of the first students
were William Kumm, Martha Kumm, Eric Kumm, Erna Buettner, Max Martens,
Phoebe Martens, Ben Martens, Ruth Martens, Herman Martens, Paul Martens,
Erna Martens, Flora Martens, Marie Martens, Henry Martens, Louis Sperberg,
Alfred Sperberg, Lavina Sperberg, Alice Sperberg, Evelyn Moede, Clara Moede,
Elsie Moede, Henry Kroenke, John Kroenke, Ella Kroenke, Art Kroenke, Theodore
Martzke, Hubert Martzke, Linda Martzke, Bill Martzke, Edward Martzke, Alfred
Martzke, Minnie Martzke, Hatie Zimdars, Elsie Zimdars, Fred Kosbab, Ella
Ziemer, Ida Ziemer, Harvey Pieper, Walter Pieper, Adolph Pieper, Mabel
Pieper, Fred Pieper, John Pieper, Alfred Wendorf, George Nuske, Dora Nuske,
Stella Nuske and Erna Ziemer.
This information was compiled by Mrs. Isabell Stuber, teacher at
the Texas School, with the help of Mrs. Otto Habeck, Mrs. Paul Martens
and John Kroenke. |
Shawano Leader, July 13, 1922
Next Sunday the Lutheran St. Paul’s Congregation at Stony Hill,
six miles west of Shawano, will lay the corner stone of its new church
edifice. The Reverend M. Treff of Amherst, Wisconsin, a former pastor
of the congregation, will preach the sermon. The service will begin
at 10 o’clock.
In the afternoon at 2:30, the fiftieth anniversary of the congregation
will be celebrated in a special jubilee service which will be held in the
park of the congregation and will be conducted by the Reverend H. A. Handrich
of Luxembourg, Wisconsin.
Since its organization in 1872 the St. Paul’s congregation has grown
from four families to 43 voting and 151 communicant members and 259 souls.
During the past 50 years it has been served by the following pastors:
Rev. Dieke (1872 – 1880), Rev. C. Ebert (1880 – 1882), Rev. W. Hudtloff
(1882 – 1893), Rev. Uplegger (1893), Rev. M. Treff (1893 – 1907). Rev.
K. Rose (1907 – 1909), Rev. T. Fiess (1909 – 1919), Rev. A. F. Ramlow (1920
- ).
All friends of the church are cordially invited to join in this
double celebration. A light luncheon will be served free of charge
and the customary refreshments may be had at moderate prices. |
Shawano Journal - June 21, 1928
Her folks brought up river in scow poled by five native Indians.
The Rotary Club listened to a talk Monday under conditions that
very few clubs have had the honor of experiencing. The speech was
made by a lady ninety years old. Grandma Winans gave the story of
her life and some of the early history of Shawano county. She is
the oldest living pioneer and when she goes much of the early lore will
go with her.
She was born in a small town in Indiana in 1839. In 1851 her
grandfather was appointed Indian agent at Keshena. A year later,
the grandfather sent for Mrs. Winan’s father, Julius Murray. The
father came to Keshena and he with Mr. Tourtillot, father of James, built
the three first houses on what is now the main street of Keshena.
It so happens that Mrs. Winans is living in one of those houses now.
In 1853 Mr. Murray went back to Indiana to get the family.
He hired a man with a covered wagon to make the trip as far as Sheboygan.
They came through Chicago, which wasn’t any bigger than Oshkosh is now.
They got to Sheboygan in due time and sent the covered wagon back to Indiana
and went to Fond du Lac by stage. They got a steamboat, which brought
them to New London. At New London they waited two days for five Indians
who came down from Keshena after them.
These five Indians put their goods and all the family into a big
scow and poled the boat up river. A day out from New London there
came up a big storm. The mother of the family had a baby four weeks
old besides four other little children. The party was drenched to
the skin. But in spite of being alone out in the woods, the Indians
knew just how to manipulate and soon had a fire and everybody dried out.
They poled the scow to Keshena where the family landed just seventy-five
years ago. The next spring the family came to Shawano. The
hotel was run by a man named Maxfield. There were only four families
in the town. In 1855 Hiram Wescott built the old Wescott House that
was so important to early Shawano history. In 1854 there was a Fourth
of July celebration in Shawano and there were just enough people to make
two sets for the square dances. There were just two fiddlers north
of Oshkosh.
Mrs. Winans was married in 1857 and for more than fifty years she
and her husband and family lived in the Winans home just across the river.
She taught school for one year in the school of the section located
near the town line bridge. A stump left in the ground and protruding
up through the floor, constituted the teacher’s desk. She had seven
pupils. She showed an old school register for the year 1857.
We noted that the name Wescott came quite frequently in the pupil list.
Mrs. Winans showed a journal from the first Shawano store.
The book is seventy-eight years old. The entries are simple, mostly
for socks, corn meal, flour, pork, tobacco, and pipes. There were
frequent entries for candle wicking.
The speaker said that Shawano county was organized for judicial
purposes in the fall of 1854. Her father, Julius Murray, was the
first register of deeds, Edward f. Sawyer, first surveyor, Dr. John Wiley
was first Treasurer, and James Grimmer, first justice of the peace.
The club sang Auld Lang Syne and When You and I Were Young, Maggie,
for the speaker. |
Marinette Star, December 29, 1924
Clintonville, Wisconsin -- On Friday, the Bethlehem Lutheran congregation
of Pella, celebrated the 65th anniversary of its founding. This church
was founded by Charles Klebeshdel, a pioneer teacher and missionary of
the Lutheran faith when Pella was wilderness. Ten families constituted
the original organization. During the 65 years of its existence this
church has been served by but four pastors, the Rev. Mr. Dicke, the Rev.
latter has served this congregation Mr. Barth, the Rev. Mr. Schwan and
the Rev. Mr. Stoubenvoll. The for 33 years. During this period he
has baptized 547 children, confirmed 564 people, married 157 couples and
conducted 148 funerals. The first child baptized in the new church
was Mary Moldenhouer who still lives in the community.
The name of the town which centers around this church, Pella, is
of biblical origin and means “Refuge”. It was given to the community
by Mr. Klebesadel, who organized the church. The Rev. Mr. Steubenvoll,
the present pastor is a vigorous type of man, well-known not only among
the clergy but also as an enthusiastic hunter and fisherman. |
The Centenarian Spirit in Wisconsin...
This booklet was published in April 2000 by the Bureau of Aging to honor
some of our "treasures"...all these folks were born between 1895 - 1901... since
then, they have passed away. I thought I would include these items as most
of the information was supplied from the person themselves and they have some
great outlooks on life to share.
Fred Bartelt
5/6/1901 - 12/26/2000
Born on May 6, 1901 in
Shawano, Fred grew up on a farm and became a farmer as an adult. He
married Margaret Jansen in 1934. He was a deputy for Shawano County for 60
years. Fred always enjoyed fishing and hunting and wants to be able work
for as long as he can. He says, "Life is good; I've had fun. Even now my
days are filled with many things. I have no complaints." |
Ruth I Below
1/29/1901 - 5/28/2000
On January 29, 1901, Ruth
was born in Belle Plaine, Iowa. She attended Colorado State Teachers
College and taught school in Iowa. She became a professional seamstress
and made wedding dresses, theatrical costumes, men's suits, as well as
furniture slipcovers and upholstering. Ruth married Leonard Below in 1923
and lived in many cities. In the 1950s, Ruth and Leonard started spending
the winters in Corpus Christie, Texas. Her advice is to "keep active, find
a hobby or activity that you like and stick with it. Be independent." |
Gertrude Doherty
7/7/1901 - 1/25/2007
Gertrude was born on July
7, 1901 in Almond. She became a school teacher and married Hugh Doherty.
They have four children and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Gertrude has always liked music, crocheting, playing cards and working
crossword puzzles. She enjoys watching football games on television.
Gertrude also wants everyone to know that she is very proud of her age. |
Leonora (Nickel) Gruner
3/18/1901 - 6/10/2005
Born on March 18, 1901 in
Seymour, Leonora graduated from Seymour High School. She took teacher's
training and taught school until she married. (At that time, married women
were not permitted to teach.) During World War II, she was permitted to be
a substitute teacher. Major lifestyle changes include Leonora's move
from her home of 48 years to an apartment, starting to spend winters in
Florida during the 1960s and 1970s, and adjusting to being a widow. She
has some advice for others: "Don't talk about your aches and pains, (if)
you don't use your mental and physical abilities, you lose them. Force
yourself to dressed every morning and keep up your appearance." |
Irene Hoffman
9/15/1900 - 12/20/1999
Irene was born on September
15, 1900 in Regina. She grew up in Regina and met and married Frank
Hoffman there. They had two children and seven grandchildren. Irene
enjoys knitting, quilting and crocheting. She has always had a very close
relationship with her family and was active in her church. |
Viola (Maahs) Long
5/6/1901 - 1/26/2005
On May 6, 1901, Viola was
born in Wittenberg. She grew up in Wittenberg and went through the eighth
grade. Viola married Chancie Long in 1918. They had four children. She was
a homemaker and farmed with her husband. She says that "work was my hobby
— this included gardening and canning." Her advice for longevity: "I never
drank or smoked; I had a healthy lifestyle. I think that has a lot to do
with living a long life." |
Mary Barbara Montour
7/1/1900 - 8/6/2000
Mary was born on July 1,
1900 in the Town of Waukechon and has lived in the Shawano area all her
life. She married Henry Robert Montoure in 1918. They had five children
and have 19 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.
Mary has always been an avid gardener and
homemaker. She enjoys knitting, crocheting, embroidering and sewing. She
was active in her church and in various civic and social groups. She
always liked to travel. |
Susie (Ainsworth) Opperman
8/16/1898 - 3/14/2007
Susie was born on August
16, 1898 in the Town of Waukechon. Her father died when she was 13. As her
mother was expecting another child, Susie and her brother Henry did much
of the farm work. Susie married Frank Opperman and they had eight
children. There are now 29 grandchildren and 46 great-grandchildren. Susie
always enjoyed babysitting for her grandchildren. Susie was always a
homemaker - all her life she enjoyed sewing, knitting, crocheting, baking,
cooking and canning. She notes, "I always worked hard." At the present
time, she enjoys playing bingo twice a week and visiting with friends. |
Frieda B. (Hohn) Peters
1/11/1901 - 10/16/2003
On January 11, 1901 Frieda
was born in the town of Herman. She farmed with her husband, Ed Peters.
They have one daughter, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Besides
doing farm work, Frieda spent some time working in a nursing home. Her
motto in life: "Live clean and tell the truth. Don't hide anything that
comes up." |
Alta B. Robel
11/29/1901 - 12/31/1999
Born on November 29, 1901,
Alta Martin grew up in Spencer, the town in which she was born. She worked
at Yellowstone National Park in "The Old Faithful Inn." She married Jack
Robel. They had no children but were very close to their nieces and
nephews. Alta and Jack played bridge with four other couples for about
40 years. Alta was a seamstress and a knitter, a good cook and baker, and
was very active in her church. |
Verna (Hogan) Schuh
6/3/1899 - 8/30/2005
Verna was born in Bergen,
Norway on June 3, 1899 and came to America when she was nine years old.
The house they left in Norway was large and had running water. She found
it easy to learn English. She worked at the Conway Hotel in Appleton as a
waitress for 20 years. Verna left to go home to take care of her mother
who was ill. In 1950, she married Joe Schuh who had three children.
Verna liked to sew and to dance. She says,
"People said I was light on my feet." Her advice to young people: "Learn
to appreciate the little things in life. Be satisfied with what you have."
"In November of 1956, I was very happy to take a trip to Los Angeles
and get to see Lawrence Welk." |
Jessie Sohr
Born on September 3, 1895
in Greenville, Jessie grew up and was a teacher for 17 years. She always
enjoyed gardening, sewing, crocheting, crewel embroidery and reading. The
inventions that she remembers the most were the automobile and owning
their first TV. An important event to Jessie was the building of her own
home. Jessie's advice: "Don't smoke or drink, stay out of the sun, eat
fruits and vegetables. |
Nina L. (Sonergaard) Steichen
1/21/1900 - 4/20/2004
Nina was born on January
21, 1900 in Dwight, Illinois and became a telephone operator in the days
when Central (the operator) had to be rung up before a call could be made.
After her marriage to William Steichen, Nina became a farm wife until 1973
when William retired. He died in 1975 and Nina kept their house until 1994
when she left for Bonduel, Wisconsin.
A note: Nina's parents were Danish and her
mother often spoke Danish on the telephone. In that way, Nina says, "all
the neighbors who listened in on the party line would not be able to
understand her conversation." |
This is an awesome resource that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints - Mormon church has placed online for researchers. It is just
FILLED with biographies and family histories that are searchable by individual
words or surnames. Here's some links to Shawano area items -- click on the
link and then search the document for Shawano (or the town or surname) in the "SEARCH THIS OBJECT" search
engine. Click on the BLUE TYPE to go to the
actual book online. (Most are "bits and pieces" of info pertaining to Shawano
Co. -- but some are ***** (5 gold stars!) |
A Challeen family history : a record of ancestors,
descendants and relatives of Magnus and Andrew Challeen, half-brothers who
emigrated to the United States in 1869 from Dalsland, Sweden and settled
on the shores of Rush Lake in Nessel Township, Chisago County, Minnesota
Township, Chisago County, Minnesota |
A History of Manitowoc County |
A long way from Tipperary : seven generations of the Ryan and Boyle
Ryan family; Boyle
family; Burke family; Cannell family; O'Reilly family; |
An Armstrong ancestry : a genealogy of the descendants of Robert R.
Armstrong family;
Adkins family; Covey family; Darrow family; Elvidge family; Ganser family;
Brechler family; |
Ancestors and descendants of Joseph John Ross and Mabel Ellen Love
Ross family; Kreis
family; Love family; Becker family; Carson family; Gibbs family; Phelps
family; Spencer family; Tholke family; Woodruff family; |
Christian Eberhard and allied families, 1764-1994 : a history of the
Everharts of Davidson County, North Carolina, USA
Eberhard family;
Everhart family; Everhardt family; Beck family; Berrier family; Byerly
family; Fritts family; Hedrick family; Hill family; Hinkle family; Leonard
family; Myers family; Sink family; |
Descendants of Emmanuel Rouse of East Greenwich and Smithfield, Rhode
Rouse family; Clark
family; Earl family; Harrington family; Lane family; Long family; |
Descendants of Jakob Schild of Brienz
Schild family; Schilt
family; Bock family; Ender family; Johnson family; Pilger family; Schield
family; Senn family; |
Descendants of Stephen Myers (Sr) and Catherine (Katy) Graham
Myers family; |
Genealogy of the Kennan family
Kennan family; Barker
family; Brown family; Brewster family; Burton family; Burt family; Chapman
family; Chittenden family; Clifford family; Cottrell family; Cutting
family; Damon family; Darling family; Dennison family; Ewing family; Gore
family; Grant family; Harris family; Hill family; Hubbard family; Hall
family; Hutchins family; King family; Lothrop
family; Lawrence family; Lindsay family; Lincoln family; Lord family; Mac
Kennan family; Morser family; McBride family; Mausolff family; McAllister
family; Minor family; Mitchell family; Palmer family; Purdy family;
Russell family; Rundle family; Shelley family; Smith family; Staege
family; Taylor family; Thompson family; Thomas family; Tull family;
Williams family; Witter family; Zimpel family; Kennon family; Cottrill
family; Lathrop family; McCallister family; Miner family; Rundell family;
Shelly family; Tullar family; |
History of Waupaca County |
Marquardt family : 100 years of history
Marquardt family;
Assmann family; Berger family; Bilzi family; Breitenfeldt family; Dedolph
family; Field family; Kersten family; Kerstner family; Kunst family;
Ladwig family; Newman family; Prokash family; Wade family; Wickersham
family; Erickson family; Tessmer family; Fields family; Neumann family; |
McKendree : the life of McKendree Petty (1827-1887), professor at the
University of Vermont and minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with
biographical sketches of his ancestors, descendants and other kinfolk in
New England, New York and beyond
Petty family; Allerton
family; Belden family; Chase family; Curtis family; Cushman family; Holton
family; Kilmore family; Shute family; Towle family; Truax family; Tuthill
family; Whitehorn family; |
(Lessor Twp Norwegian
Community) |
Naevra-Erickson : a Sigdal family
Erickson family; Naevra
family; Nevra family; Thompson family; Bergan family; Sonju family; Blom
family; Odegaarden family; Swanby family; |
Prottengeier-Koeberle family tree
Prottengeier family;
Koeberle family; |
Some North American descendants of John Elmes of Lincolnshire England
through his great-grandson Christopher Helme of Rhode Island
Helme family; Helm
family; Helmes family; Helms family; Elmes family; Elme family; Babcock
family; Barr family; Bernhisel family; Burdick family; Carpenter family;
Clay family; Cross family; Curtis family; Dixon family; Drake family;
Fairbanks family; Fifield family; Fowler family; Greene family; Haight
family; Hale family; Hanner family; Hazard family; Hopkins family; Hoxie
family; Jefferds family; Jeffords family; Jeffrey family; Kenyon family;
Kirkpatrick family; Lanegan family; McClallen family; McKenzie family;
Marsh family; Merriman family; Mingo family; Nash family; Niles family;
Peck family; Perkins family; Perry family; Potter family; Rickard family;
Smith family; Strater family; Tatlow family; Tucker family; Van Orden
family; Ward family; Watson family; Wood family; |
The ancestors of David Daniel Dabill
family; Bennett family; Edwards family;
Knowles family; Schimke family; Schultz family; Stillman family; Topping
family; |
The Carr family records : embacing [sic] the record of the first families
who settled in America and their descendants, with many branches who came
to this country at a later date
Carr family; Carpenter
family; Chase family; Hill family; Hopkins family; Phillips family;
Sanders family; Saunders family; |
The Eliason-Varo family of Vaerlandet, Norway
Eliason family; Varo
family; Varoy family; Vaeroy family; |
(Lessor Twp Norwegian
Community) |
The family of Simon D. and Emma (Soyck) Peterson and the Peterson / Oien
Peterson family; Neitze
family; Stahl family; |
Genealogy and memoirs of Isaac Stearns and his descendants, vol. 2 =
Genealogy and memoirs of Charles and Nathaniel Stearns and their
Stearns family; Bemis family; Dewey family;
Hartwell family; Hastings family; Hubbard family; Lawrence family;
Marshall family; Sanderson family; Wellington family; Wilborn family;
Abbott family; Adams family; Aldrich family; Allen family; Apthorp family;
Avery family; Baker family; Ball family; Barrus family; Batchelder family;
Bates family; Benton family; Blackman family; Boutelle family; Bowker
family; Bridges family; Brigham family; Brooks family; Brown family;
Bullin family; Carswell family; Chandler family; Chase family; Child
family; Clark family; Cobb family; Cosby family; Crehore family; Cummings
family; Damon family; Danielson family; Davis family; Dimmock family;
Dudley family; Edwards family; Ellis family; Everett family; Farnsworth
family; Fisher family; Fiske family; Frost family; Fuller family; Gates
family; Gibson family; Gilbert family; Gorham family; Green family; Griggs
family; Grover family; Hagar family; Hall family; Hannstead family;
Harrington family; Harvey family; Heaton family; Hicks family; Hill
family; Hoard family; Hagadon family; Hoge family; Hooker family; Howe
family; Hutchins family; Johnson family; Jones family; Kendall family;
Lane family; Leonard family; Lethe family; Marshall family; Martin family;
Maynard family; Miller family; Morse family; Moseley family; Munroe
family; Murphy family; Myrick family; Olds family; Palmer family; Parker
family; Parkhurst family; Pease family; Percival family; Perkins family;
Philbrick family; Pickering family; Pierce family; Platts family; Pond
family; Pratt family; Redington family; Reed family; Rice family; Robbins
family; Robinson family; Rogers family; Root family; Russell family; Scott
family; Shattuck family; Shaw family; Shepard family; Sherman family;
Smith family; Spaulding family; Sprague family; Steele family; Stevens
family; Stimson family; Storms family; Sutfin family; Tarbell family;
Taylor family; Thayer family; Thompson family; Tregellas family; Tulloss
family; Van Wagenen family; Waldron family; Waller family; Ward family;
Warland family; Washburn family; Wells family; Wheeler family; White
family; Wilcox family; Wilder family; Wilkinson family; Williams family;
Wood family; Wright family; Yoemans family; Young family; |
The Ramaker family
Ramaker family; Dropper family; Hesselink family;
Hofenfeldt family; Huisheere family; Navis family; Ten Pas family; |
Shawano County Journal, Thursday, June 8, 1939
Fifty boys and girls will receive diplomas
Friday evening when the annual commencement exercises at St. James' Lutheran
School will take place in the school hall. The program will open at 8:00
o'clock. The commencement speaker is Rev. J. F. Potratz of Belle Plaine.
This week the third addition of St. James' school annual was placed in the hands
of the students. The annual is dedicated to E. H. Ruprecht, teacher in the
school since 1927.
A. J. Felten, principal, has announced the
following commencement program:
Salutatory - Leona Buhrandt
Piano Solo - Ruth Potratz
Speaker - Rev. J. F. Potratz, Belle Plaine
Cornet Solo - Reginald Ringel
Class Motto - Ruth Potratz
Class Colors - Rose Spohn
Our Class Flower - Rachel Lemke
Class History - Duane Malley
Class Prophecy - Ardis Giese
Valedictory - Duane Malley
Distribution of Diplomas
Closing Address
The 1939 class of St. James' is as follows:
Carlton Schmidt, William Stach, Wallace Grosskopf, Merton Fischer, Harvey
Marotz, Duane Malley, Florence Darling, Ruth Potratz, Leona Buhrandt, Arlene
Packard, Beverly Mae Krause, Robert Moesch, Harold Koenig, Marlin Zueske, Neal
Knope, Earl Druckrey, Margaret Anderson, Marion Hesse, Lenor Hanke, Mae Kruse,
Rose Spohn, Doris Mae Krueger, Robert Packard, Gordon Ebelt, Clyde Zahn, Willard
brown, Arnold Koepsell, Ardis Giese, Maxine Schroeder, Ruth Reinholz, Dorothy
Behnke, Rachel Lemke, Ruth Beversdorf, William Scheider, Marvin Hesse, Harvey
Wetzel, Reginald Ringel, Willis Heling, Dorothy Beske, Adeline Heling, Alice
Schultz, Lucille Huebner, Adell Kroenke, Dorothy Salzman, Eugene Miller, Eldor
Marotz, Frederick Beversdorf, Irvin Rosenberg, Robert Bratz and Raymond Bluemke. |
Adamski, Andrew |
Seymour, R. 2 |
Hofa Park |
Banaszynski, Leo L |
Pulaski, R. 3 |
Square Deal |
Belle Plaine & Richmond
Cheese & Butter Assoc |
Shawano, R. 3 |
Belle Plaine & Richmond |
Bergner, Emil A |
Bonduel, R. 3 |
Highland |
Birnamwood Cry. Co |
Birnamwood |
Birnamwood |
Bleick, W. C |
Bonduel, R. 2 |
Top Hill |
Boettcher, August |
Cecil |
Washington |
Braatz, William F. |
Shawano, R. 3 |
Elm Grove |
Brei, Julius |
Clintonville, R. 3 |
Mill Creek |
Brzezinski Bros |
Krakow |
Krakow |
A. W. Buss & Louis
Schultz |
Tigerton, R. 3 |
Valley View |
Buss, Frank R |
Caroline |
Caroline |
Robert Joseph |
Split Rock |
Split Rock |
Ciesietczyk, Xavier |
Pulaski, R. 3 |
Angelica |
Dehn, Henry W |
Bonduel, R. 2 |
Hillcrest |
Dieck, Adolph |
Leopolis, R. 4 |
Brunner's Corner |
Draheim, William F |
Mattoon |
Mattoon |
Ebel, Otto |
Cecil |
Cecil |
Ebert, C. J. |
Gresham |
Gresham |
Elm Gr. Ch. & Btr. Co |
Marion |
Elm Grove |
Farmers Coop. Ch.
As. of Red
Spring |
Gresham, R. 1 |
Farmers Coop. |
Flynn, Frank A |
Pulaski |
Briarton |
Fountain Coop. Ch. Fcty.
Assoc |
Shawano, R. 1 |
Fountain |
Ganschow Bros |
Bonduel |
Ganschow |
Grant Ch. & Btr. Co |
Shawano, R. No. 1 |
Grant |
Gruenstern, Edward |
Marion, R. 2 |
Pella |
Harbarth, Henry A |
Wittenberg |
Riverside |
Harman, Edgar C |
Shawano, R. 3 |
Mill Creek Valley |
Hilse, Alfred |
Birnamwood, R. 4 |
East Aniwa |
Huebner, William F |
Belle Plaine |
Belle Plaine |
Janke, H. E |
Birnamwood, R. 1 |
Five Corners |
Knaack, Emil |
Tigerton |
Blue Ribbon |
Kohn, Emil H |
Cecil |
Round Hill |
Kolpack, Herman W |
Mattoon, R. 1 |
South Mattoon |
Kopitzke, Leonard E |
Marion, R. 2 |
Star |
Krakow Coop. Ch. Fcty |
Krakow |
Krakow |
Krause, Ervin M |
Shawano, R.4 |
Grass Lake |
Kriewaldt, J. E |
Shawano, R. 2 |
Kriewaldt |
Kriewaldt, Richard P |
Bowler |
Bowler |
Kryger, Vincent |
Pulaski |
Northern |
Kusta, William J |
Bonduel, R. 3 |
Shawano Lake |
Landstad Dairy Co |
Bonduel |
Landstad |
Lessor-Maple Grove
Dairy Co |
Seymour, R. 2 |
Lessor-Maple Gr. |
Lime Kiln Btr. & Ch. Co |
Shawano |
Lime Kiln |
Luebke, Carl H |
Pulaski, R. 3 |
Clover Leaf |
Lyons, Michael |
Pulaski, R. 2 |
Lyons |
Maciejewski, Stanley |
Stanley, R.2 |
Welhaven |
Magee, Hugh B |
Pulaski, R. 3 |
Hillside |
Mallien, Art |
Pulcifer |
Pulcifer |
Malueg, Julius |
Wittenberg, R. 2 |
Lakeside |
Malueg, Julius |
Sobieski, R. 2 |
Square Deal |
Malueg, Otto |
Tigerton, R. 2 |
Spring Brook |
Malueg, Victor H |
Shawano, R. 2 |
Hermansfort |
Martin, Thomas S |
Navarino, R. 1 |
Island |
Mech, Edward G |
Shepley |
Shepley |
Mechelke, Eugene V |
Birnamwood |
Birnamwood |
Mechelke, Louis |
Birnamwood/R. 1 |
Elm Grove |
Meyer, F. X |
Leopolis |
Leopolis |
Mitchell, Richard N |
Cecil, R. 1 |
Advance |
Nelson, Edwin |
Pella |
Smitsville |
Nuske, George |
Shawano, R. 2 |
Stony Hill |
Oak Grove
Fcty |
Clintonville, R. 3 |
Oak Grove |
Olson, David A |
Oconto Falls, R. 2 |
County Line |
Peters, Carl R |
Shawano, R. 2 |
Blunk |
Pleasant Valley Coop.
Ch. |
Tigerton, R.
1 |
Valley |
Prey, H. O |
Shawano |
Lunds |
Radtke, Albert R |
Tigerton |
Tigerton |
Reisner, Clarence |
Bonduel, R. 1 |
Hillside |
Reisner, Walter |
Bonduel |
Gippsfied |
Coop. Btr. & Ch. Co |
Shawano, R. 2 |
Richmond |
Ringle, Louis A |
Shawano, R. 3 |
Four Corners |
Rose Brook Coop. Assoc. |
Shawano |
Rose Brook |
Rose Lawn Dairyman's
Assoc |
Pulaski, R. 2 |
Rose Lawn |
Rosenow, Victor R |
Navarino |
Galesburg |
Sazama, James A |
R, 1 |
Roosevelt |
Schoen, Louis M |
Pulaski, R.4 |
Laney |
Schreiber, Ervin E |
Cecil |
Clay Lake |
Schreiber, Oscar H |
Cecil |
Tracy Corners |
Schuster, Alanius |
Shawano, R.
2 |
River |
So. Branch Coop. Dairy
Co |
Wittenberg |
South Branch |
Speering, Albert H |
Lyndhurst |
Brick Church |
Stecker, Arno W |
Aniwa |
Aniwa Star |
Stoehr, Henry |
Gresham |
Red Springs |
Struck, August E |
Tigerton |
Rocky Ridge |
Suehring, Marcus R |
Tigerton, R. 3 |
Weasel Dam |
Terrian, Earl C |
Leopolis |
Seneca |
Teschke, William F |
R. 1 |
Fairview |
Timler, Frank |
Pulaski, R.3 |
Green Valley |
Timler, Leo |
Green Valley |
Cuba |
Tischhauser, John |
Tilleda |
Tilleda |
Tomashek, Charles J |
Shawano, R. 1 |
Tomashek |
Town Line Ch. Fcty |
Tigerton |
Town Line |
Umland, Arthur R |
R, 2 |
Hillside |
Valentine, Mark |
Underhill |
Mark Valentine |
Valley Ch. Fcty |
Bonduel, R. 3 |
Valley |
Vanden Heuvel, Anton |
R. 2 |
Elmlawn |
Vogt, Richard |
Birnamwood, R. 1 |
Town Line |
West End Coop. Dairy Co |
Wittenberg |
West End |
Westfahl, C. J |
Eland |
Eland |
Winter, Samuel |
Cecil, R.
1 |
Valley |
Wolf River
Co |
Embarrass, R.
1 |
River |
Zarling, H. F |
Clintonville, R. 3 |
Belle Plaine |