1. On the first one we know the people in the photo, but don't know
where the house is located. We are pretty sure it is located on
County M west of Shawano - either in towns of Richmond or Belle
(The home is probably somewhere near County M west of Shawano 5-8
FAMILY: Emma (nee Krubsack), Adela, Dave, Grover and A. C.
Beversdorf taken approx. 1899 - 1900 |
2. Anyone know this family or can you identify where the
home is?
UPDATE: Recieved the following
in an email from Tom (wonderful detective work, Tom!)
<<I cannot say that I can I identify the photos, but maybe I can
put some put some perspective on them. My wife's grandparents
where neighbors of the Beversdorfs. They were George and Rose (Krumbach)
Braatz. Their house is located on what is now Capitol Dr south
of County M. It is the house on the top of the hill. The
address had been Route 3 Box 30. House numbers were assigned
after the property was sold, so we don't know what the address
is now. Their house is similar to the house in the second
photo. They lived there from their marriage in 1911 until maybe
the early 80's. Prior to the Braatz ownership, the land was
owned by Rose's parents Fredrick William and Cecelia (Stromski)
I did send the photos to a couple of George and Rose's
daughters. Here are their responses:
“You might contact Mrs. Hugo Beversdorf in Shawano, WI for some
info. (Hugo is deceased). Hugo's wife is the sister of
Wallace's wife. Wallace's wife was Lulubelle. I can't remember
Hugo's wife's name. To my knowledge she is the only lineage
member of the immediate family of Paul and Matilda Beversdorf.
All of their children are deceased. My cousin, Mildred
Beversdorf Bates, died a few years ago. She lived in Bear
Creek, WI. Perhaps you could tract down some of the Bates
family for more info.”
“You are right. The bottom photo looks a lot like the farm, but
the people are complete strangers. And I have no idea of what
make of car that is so it is hard to figure out the approximate
date. Unfortunately a lot of homes were built in this style. I
keep thinking this top house that the people were identified as
Beversdorf looks a lot like the house Wallace Beversdorf lived
in (he is dead now but one of his sons still has the house) and
is located on Hy M. The lower photo also looks like the house
that stood on M at the corner of Capital Drive and M where there
only is a barn now, and used to belong to a Dillenberg. And I
am going by memory only which maybe is playing tricks on me
since the house is no longer there I can't really say that was
it, but that Dillenberg house looked a lot like my folks house.”
“I had said the bottom photo (that looked kind of like my folks
place) perhaps was from the Dillenberg farm that was right on
the corner of M and Capital Drive. However just about 1/8 mile
down M from Capital Drive is where Wendorf lived when my folks
were alive and this house may look someone like that. I don't
know who Wenforf bought from though. There were too many
discrepancies about the photo and my folks place for it to be
Unfortunately the Braatz house has been "remodeled". The
reference to Emma (nee Krubsack) may actually be Krumbach,
although "Emma" is not a familiar name to my wife's family. That
is just speculation on my part.
The important point here may be that there were several houses
in the area of the same design. The design maybe a pre-1900
version of a tract house.
Can you help me find more information on this property? I am
looking for when the Krumbach's purchased the property. It was
certainly pre-1900. Who, if anyone, owned the property prior to
them. I'm also looking for when the property was transferred to
the Braatz family. That would be post 1911. Where would these
records be located?>>
and then, Tom sent this
<<The photo has generated some
cyberspace conversations within the family. There are
corrections to my previous email. Some of this information may
not be directly applicable to the photo, but may be relevant in
the larger scheme of things. I would never have guessed that
trillium would have been a protected species 75 years ago.
Here's a couple responses that I've gotten:
“I believe Emma Krubsack Beversdorf and family are correctly
identified in the picture by the house. Emma Beversdorf lived
on Cty M next to (Paul and Matilda) Beversdorf. Wallace
Beversdorf's son now owns the property east of where Emma
Beversdorf lived. I remember Emma as she always had creeping
phlox growing into the ditch in front of her house. When I went
to Klebsdal School (which not longer exists - a private home is
on that sight) our teacher used to take us to pick mayflowers &
buttercups. That was our field trip. We could not pick
trilliums as they were a protected species. At that time (75
years ago) Emma lived alone in the house.
I think your best bet is to contact Wallace Beversdorf's son.
He should be able to fill you in on more details. Perhaps you
might want to contact other people that live on Cty M near
Wallace's son. They might be able to fill you in on the
whereabouts of some of the heir's people living in the George
Braatz family.
Contact Betty Lohrengel (John Braatz's daughter). She worked at
the Shawano County Court House for years and would know the
person to contact.”
“We did have an Emma in the family, but she was married to Uncle
Frank Krumbach. They lived next door to the Braatz farm until
they moved to Mattoon, WI. They had 2 children (Al and Ruth).
Actually Al's name was something else and I think it was Frank
but he always was called Al. Both of them and their spouses are
deceased. After they moved to Mattoon was when Uncle Paul
Beversdorf and Aunt Tillie (Matilda) moved onto the farm. This
is the farm right next to thee Braatz farm going toward M. Aunt
Emma was never married to anyone other then Uncle Frank, so the
reference to Emma did not pertain to her.
I don't know when the Krumbach's purchased the property, but my
Mom was born in that house (she was born in 1891). However at
that time it was not as big as it is now as the dining room and
kitchen area was added on about 1915 or so, as I remember Mom
talking about it. I think the deed from Krumbach to Braatz was
sometime between 1910 and 1934, as Grandpa and Grandma Krumbach
sold it to my Mom and Dad with a life estate clause with the
provision that Mom and Dad would take care of them the rest of
their lives. Grandma Krumbach died when I was either 3 or 4 as
I only remember her sitting in a chair by the dining room window
playing cards with me. And I never knew Grandpa Krumbach.
I do hope you can find out more information as this is just like
a plot of a mystery, only no murders involved.
Tom Wentzel>> |