State of Wisconsin.
USGenWeb Project.



Adopting a County

To adopt a county in Wisconsin, first check the County List to see if the county you wish to adopt is available. If it is available, email the State Coordinator, She will verify that the county is available, and will contact you.

Page Guidelines

To provide unity in the USGenWeb Project (which WIGenWeb is a part of), essential components have been outlined to be included on all county master index pages:

  1. All County Coordinators are required to join the mailing list for Wisconsin County Coordinators. This list is where we will discuss all matters having to do with the WIGenWeb Project. This list is our way to communicate with each other, and work together. All WIGenWeb Project volunteers are encouraged to use it for that purpose. It will not only answer a question that you may been struggling with, share a resource that will be beneficial to all, but serve as a tool for us all to work together.

  2. Every page must have a pointer to the Wisconsin State Page. It is encouraged that a link, also be included to the Wisconsin County Selection List maintained by the Assistant State Coordinator. It would also be helpful to individuals interested in hosting WI County pages, if a note be included instructing individuals to contact the state coordinator and give his/her email address, and county of interest. The current Wisconsin State Coordinator is Marcia Ann Kuehl . The Assistant State Coordinator is Marcia Ann Kuehl.

  3. Every county must provide a query page. This can be handled either with an automated query system, or with email to the page owner and updated manually, and both ways are being used.

  4. Every page must provide some kind of resource information for county. (This can be look ups or where to go to get information.)

  5. The WIGenWeb Project has designated a color series of logos or banners to identify the WIGenWeb Project.  The  design is  mandatory on the main page of each WI County belonging to WIGenWeb."  The graphic can be found here.

    The USGenWeb Project by-laws, Article IX. Guidelines/Standards for Websites/Members, Section 1, states: 'All websites shall include prominent display of The USGenWeb Project logo on the home page. A state project logo may be required depending on the guidelines/standards in effect for that state.' 

  6. The USGenWeb Project by-laws, Article IX. Guidelines/Standards for Website/Members, Section 2, states: 'Solicitation of funds for personal gain is inappropriate. This is defined as the direct appeal on the home page of any of the websites comprising The USGenWeb Project for funding to do research, to pay for server space, to do look-ups, etc. A website may, however, acknowledge any entities who may host their website (i.e., provide server space at no cost) or may include a link to a coordinator's personal page on which they offer research services for reimbursement. The acknowledgement may include a link to the hosting entity's website. A website may list research materials and/or services which may be for sale/hire, either by the coordinator, a genealogy society, or others. Such a listing shall not be on the main web page for the site, but may be linked from the main web page. It may be appropriate to include a disclaimer that the coordinator and The USGenWeb Project do not guarantee the contents of such research materials and/or the expertise of any professional researchers.'

  7. No use of copyright material without prior approval from the author. This includes but is not limited to graphics, backgrounds, coding, and such things as lists of links that other people have compiled.

  8. Although the following 2 pointers are not mandatory since they have been placed on the State page, it is recommended that they also appear on your county page for the convenience of those visiting.

    A link to the USGenWeb page.

  9. It is recommended that all websites within the USGenWeb Project carry the following copyright notice:

    Copyright © year -  <name of coordinator>

The  WIGenWeb Project requires a majority vote  for modification, whether it be an addition or deletion to these current guidelines