From The Weyauwegan Newspaper – March 7, 1856
Transcribed and submitted to the Waupaca County Website
by Paula Vaughan March 2003

The following paragraphs we clip from the traveling correspondence of the Milwaukee Sentinel.

New London, Waupaca Co., is 20 miles from Appleton, and situated on Wolf River, at the mouth of the Embarrass, and is the head of navigation of the Wolf. The Wolf, at this point, is some 15 rods wide, and from 12 to 14 feet deep, and makes a fine curve as it passes through the town. Both the Wolf and the Embarrass are remarkably crooked streams, and at this point they seem to have been vieing with each other in describing circles and zigzag courses. In a bend of the Embarrass near its junction with the Wolf, was formerly an Indian burial ground and corn field. On the sacred spot, where but a few years since the red man of the forest held undisputed sway, and the camp-fires burned brightly, illuminated the dark thickets that surrounded them and casting their mellow light upon the glassy surface of the Wolf as its deep waters swept so gracefully around the hallowed spot of earth containing the dust of their warriors, and chiefs, and fathers, may now be seen a thriving town just emerging from the wilderness, with its Pearl, South Pearl and State Streets, and so on throughout a long list of appropriately names streets-its Washington Square, Market Square, Lyceums, Schools &c. Although New London is only a two year old, yet it has already attained to quite a manly growth; and posses all the elements necessary to a vigorous manhood.

It contains three hotels, four dry goods, grocery and hardware stores, one tin shop, two blacksmith shops, one steam saw mill, two ware-houses, three carpenter shops, one large tannery, a good boarding house, and a post-office, of which Wm. McMillin, Esq. an intelligent, energetic and worthy Scotchman, is post master, and furnished me on a short notice, with some ten or twelve subscribers for the Sentinel.

Excellent farming lands may be obtained in abundance for a great distance up both the Wolf and Embarrass rivers, at GOVERNMENT prices, presenting a fine opportunity for the enterprising pioneer to grow up with the country, and prosper, as all must with the immense tide of immigration now flowing into our State—Roads are opening in every direction, and but a few years will pass before there will be a railroad built, from Fond du Lac, via Oshkosh, Neenah, Appleton, New London, and up the Valley of the Wolf to Carp river and Lake Superior, connection the whole north-western portion of the State with its commercial emporium and the east.

New London will possess, during the coming season, an uninterrupted communication with Oshkosh, sixty miles below, by a daily Line of Steamboats. Large supplies of merchandise, produce and lumber will seek a transit through navigation of the Wolf and all will conspire to make this point a place of some considerable business at no distant day. Reeder Smith possesses quite a large landed interest here and with his usual energy at pioneering is doing much towards building up the town.

The Pineries, on the little Wolf and its branches, present just now a scene of busy life. There reverberating blows of an axe-man, in felling the tall pines, the continuous buzz of the :cross cuts" in manufacturing them into logs and the cheerful notes of the woodsman as he rolls three or four massive "cuts" upon his "bobs" and starts his team of three or four yoke of oxen for the banks of the river, made fine music these frosty days. The Moore Brothers are manufacturing at their mills at North Royalton, on the Little Wolf about 10,000 feet of lumber daily, and the river is full of logs for some distance above the dam. The Mieklejohns, a few miles farther up, are doing a fine business in the manufacturing of lumber. They have recently erected a Grist Mill at that Point.





Transcribed and submitted to the Waupaca County Website by Paula Vaughan

From the Collections of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin Edited by Lyman Copeland Draper, LL. D., Secretary of the Society Volume III

Being a page-for-page reprint of the Original Issue 1857

Under the Editorial Direction of Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL. D., Sec. and Superintendent

Madison, Published by the Society 1904

New London and Neighborhood By A. J. Lawson

New London, in Waupaca County, was long the great camping-ground of the Indian Tribes, a locality favorable to hunting and fishing, as well as agriculture, in a very rude way. Abundant evidence is furnished, by the innumerable corn-hills and mounds that, for many generations, this has been planting ground. It was evidently occupied centuries ago, by a race far more skillful, industrious and civilized than the present wandering tribes, and furnishes proof of the superior fertility of the soil here for the product of grains,

About one thousand Menominee Indians were found here when the white settler caused the jealous eye of the Red Man to love his hunting grounds more than ever. The tribe was once large and powerful, and generally lived around the Green Bay country. Their women occasionally married Winnebagoes, but not often. As a tribe of Indians, they were represented as quiet and peaceable, and were friendly to the whites. The acting chief of the nation, Tomah, was highly spoken of by the old traders, as a good man. Small bands of the Menominees occasionally pass through the town. The deep trodden trails of the Indian pony, the marks of Indian graves-some of the emblems remaining -tell a story too true, of the injustice of the white man towards a race who have been most deeply, most irretrievably wronged. But the destiny of the Indian is written. As the white man advances they recede, though lords of the soil. What the Red Man once thought to be the utmost boundary of civilization, is now dotted with cities and villages, leaving no hope to him but that of finding a peaceful grave beneath the rolling billows of the Pacific. Here their trails are yet upon the soil, but their wigwams have long since crumble to earth, and their canoes have disappeared from the placid waters of the Wolf.

The early settlement of Western towns is usually attended with incidents of no small interest. Nowhere in the States have there been enacted more stirring scenes, than in the pioneer settlements of Wisconsin. In every locality-by every lake and crag, and winding river-there exists the warp and woof of events which, if they were all written-the journeyings into the wilderness-the hand-to-hand struggle with hardship and want-the years of toil-the stern and loftly heroism, in strifes where no world looks on to applaud-would produce a history whose pages would outshine the greatest work of fiction that the imagination could possibly produce.

"The West" was not once where it now is. The time was not long ago, when the Indians trail was where the railway now links one city with another. It is within our memory, when the Indian council-fire was seen where princely structures now cast their shadows. As the past few years come back and mingle their shadowy forms with the present, it all seems like a dream. Even the rude pioneer-cabin lives only in memory. Under the mighty march of enterprise, empires have been reared, and bloom upon the woodland mould.

Some four years since, our enterprising fellow-townsman, Lucius Taft, Esq., starting out to seek his fortune, having a keep penetration and foresight, as had those who followed him, located here, having in connection with Ira Millerd & Son, purchased the claim of the half-breeds, Johnson, who made this an Indian trading post. Mr. Ira Brown, now of Northport, in the previous autumn, located on a farm adjoining, making a claim, now the property of Alfred Lyon, Esq., a portion of which is a pleasant, and prosperous portion of the town. These may be considered, the pioneers of New London. They had now doubt employed themselves mostly in seeking out a locality which might be favorable as a permanent settlement, with prospect of advancing to something of real importance. It was evident to their minds, that this point with its natural advantages, at the confluence of two important streams, and as the grand gateway of the pinery above, must, at some future day, become a large town. The prediction which they made at that time, thought then a wilderness, has been more than verified. They truly found the philosopher's stone. And although, when they resolved to here pitch their tents, such a determination involved no inconsiderable zeal and risk, yet their energy and perseverance were equal to the attempt, and a good reward crowned their undertaking.

Perhaps it may not be proper to here refer to some of the first settlers in the vicinity, as their interests are woven with that of those who happened to settle nearer the Wolf. Mr. Runnell, a man of intelligence, wealth and moral worth, located a farm near where Mr. Brown settled, and Mr. Yeoman, at the foot of the Wolf Peak, commonly called Musquito Hill. Mr. J. G. Nordman, formerly a volunteer in the Mexican War, settled on a farm a few miles south. These, with those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, four years ago, were all, or nearly all, the settlers for many miles around, to our knowledge. But, however, the plank-road grade war finished through to this point and people began, three years ago, to come in and look at the place, and a few located,. More would have undoubtedly done so, had it not been for the difficulty of procuring lumber. What solemn spirit doth inhabit here, or what sacred oracle here hath a home, is full of poetic expression, understood only by those men who first made the forest echo with the implements of civilization.

Wisconsin, at that period, contained about three hundred thousand inhabitants. Now is has three-quarter of a million souls. New London has not been without her increase. The first house that was seen to peer up in the humble solitude, still stands as a monument, and as a faithful observer of the march of progress. At the end of 1855, this miniature city numbered about 150 habitants. An impulse was given to affairs, in 1854, by the erection of a steam saw-mill by Doty and Smith, who, however, for a time, failed to make it answer the purpose for which it was designed, until the experienced skill of Capt. Coffin, set it running; and it has done much towards building the town thus far. The neighboring mills have done their share, and they should all look with a friendly eye upon our prosperity, as securing their own. From this date, the attention of eastern men was drawn to the town, by it natural and prospective advantages.

Half a dozen houses had hardly been erected in the town, when a school was formed under the direction of Miss Maria Millerd. She commenced it in a log house. Five scholars made their appearance on the first day. How pleasant and suggestive was the sight, to see this young and spirited lady, here in the woods, her only visitor the Indian, endeavoring to imbue the tender mind with practical truths! This fact alone speaks well for the place. It is significant. It shows that the early settlers had not forgotten the parental impressions of their childhood-the old village church spire, and the familiar weather-beaten school-house which they left behind them. These emblems of peace were fondly cherished.

It was the steamers Badger State and Barlow, that made the first trips on the Wolf to this point, in 1853. Their trips were not very regular. In the following year, the Eureka, Capt. Drummond, commenced her regular trips to Oshkosh. Little did the Red Men, whose canoes had for so many years graced the placid waters of the river, imagine that thus soon would the shrill whistle of the steamboat drive the antlered deer from their hunting grounds. But the early settlers hailed the steamer's coming The mechanic looked upon its graceful curve, as it majestically parted the waters to which it was wedded, as a triumph of skill, as well as a moving evidence of the progress of civilization; and the merchant discovered in it new channels of trade. It was material advance in Wisconsin's onward march. Peace, unity, and prosperity were in every revolution of the paddle-wheel.

A post office was established in 1854, of which William McMillin, Esq. was post master. The mail, at that period, could be carried in a man's hat. It is needless to say, that the mail then was an institution more fully appreciate than those latter days, but perhaps not so much so as in "ye olden times", when Franklin traveled with it, or when the pioneers of Wisconsin were often times months without intelligence of what was passing in other parts of the world.

But the New London of 1857, is not the New London of 1854. Now we have a town containing a dozen mercantile establishments, three hotels, a printing office, churches, schools, professional men, mechanics, and manufacturers, with two hundred buildings, and a population of not less than eight hundred. The citizens are mostly from New England, maintaining their character for thrift, enterprise and intelligence. It is located on a noble river, and the pineries above afford every facility for obtaining lumber in abundance, and at the cheapest rates.


From Wisconsin County Histories, Waupaca County Edited by John M. Ware 1917
Transcribed and submitted to the Waupaca County Website
by Paula Vaughan January 2002

New London, a growing and well-built city of about 3,800 people, lies on both sides of the Wolf River at the mouth of the Embarrass. Its eastern area, now one of its five wards, has extended far over into Outagamie County on the east. This section of the city lies on high ground, which gradually rises from the banks of the Wolf and embraces much of the most attractive residence districts of New London. The business and industrial portions are on the more level tracts along and near the' rivers, and represent the pioneer periods of the city's history when their waters were jammed with logs from bank to bank, when the air was filled with the din of numerous sawmills and the river wharves were piled with freight, both going and coming. Of course, the bulk of the city's trade is far more now than then, but is less congested and is not centered in the one industry of getting the timber of the Wolf River pineries to the mills.

As early as 1848 a half-breed named Johnson established a trading post on the present site of New London, but it remained for such sub-stantial men as Lucius Taft and Ira Millerd to found a real settlement with staying powers. Mr. Taft made a claim on the site in the spring of 1851 and in the following year, with Mr. Millerd, bought the Johnson trading post. In May, 1853, Mr. Taft secured his patent from the Government for the land which embraced most of the tracts now covered by the city.

Lucius Taft died at the home of his son in Columbus, Ohio, on the 21st of July, 1899. He was a Vermonter, moved to New York in his boyhood, went West in the '40s, and made New London his first permanent abiding place. Mr. Taft went to Connecticut for his wife, whom he married in 1855 and who shared with him all the trials and joys of the rugged pioneer times. She survived him until 1915.

In July, 1851, Mr. Taft commenced to build the first frame house in New London, the lumber for it having been floated down the river from Hortonville. During that winter the house was occupied by a Mr. Price and wife, with whom Mr. Taft boarded. When the village site was platted soon afterward, it was found that the house stood in the middle of a street; it was consequently moved to the present site of the Lipke Block.

Mr. Taft resided in New London until 1897 and, in numerous ways, was active in its development; in fact, for years he was considered its good father. In 1915 Taft Park was dedicated in his honor and in affectionate remembrance of his character and: activities. His aged widow passed away soon afterward, and shortly before her death wrote an interesting letter to Charles F. Carr, of the New London Press, and an old family friend. The author has had the privilege of making the fol-lowing extracts from it: "When I read in your issue of the 10th of September the notice regarding the naming of a park you have in contemplation, I thought I must express to you our thanks (my own, as well as my son's) for your kind expression to the public; that is, naming it in memory of my husband. What he did for New London can hardly be realized by the present inhabitants.

The next plat after Mr.. Taft's was made on the south side by Mr. Reeder Smith, of Appleton. No name had been given to the place as yet, and a meeting was appointed for that purpose. Mr. Taft had then taken Mr. Millerd as a partner. So the north side was Millerd & Taft's and the south side, Reeder Smith's.

The time came when a name must be given this little city in embryo. A meeting of the inhabitants, and Mr. Reeder Smith (who was to represent the south side), was called, and the name of New London was suggested by him. It must be named for his honored father, who lived in the Town of New London, Connecticut. Mir. Millerd and Mr. Taft were overpowered by his arguments and silently acquiesced.

"Soon after, or about that time a missionary located here, and not long afterward Mr. Taft brought me here. Mr. Lathrop, the minister, was talking with me one day and strongly protested against the name New London. He understood the injustice of the act, and suggested that it should be changed, if possible; He proposed the name of Taft, and tried very hard to effect the change, but Mr. Taft was too modest to contend, so nothing was done about it. Mr. Lathrop also suggested the name Tafton. Tafton Park sounding a little more euphonious than Taft Park, when I read your article the name recurred to me. I wish it might be called so. It would be a 'better-late-than-never' 'act.

"I write this to you as a friend. I have many reasons for retaining my love for New London. It was the home of my married life, and can never cease to be of interest to me. The few of us that were there then know of the difficulties early settlers have to encounter, though there were a great many things to enjoy. Building up a new community is 'no fool of a job,' if you are at all conscious of your ability and positively certain of your disability. The joys and the sorrows, the expectations and the failures, are only known to those who have had experience.

"Mr. Taft owned the first colt, a two-year old; the first pair of horses; the first carriage, a long-bodied wagon; built the first house, the first warehouse and the first barn. We didn't have the first baby, but did have the first baby buggy-one with two wheels, a red body and a black leather top."

Mrs. Taft's dissatisfaction with the name New London seems to have been generally shared by the early settlers, but when Uncle Sam has once entered a postoffice name in the national directory, and placed it on the map also, it is difficult to replace the name with something more appropriate.

Another old settler refers to the matter in these words: "Frequently people wonder why it was that the early city pioneers selected the name 'New London' when their application for a postoffice was made, this postoffice being established in 1854. The name was the outcome of the smooth manner in which an argument was put forth by Rev. Reeder Smith. All the other names suggested would perhaps have been better than that which was finally agreed upon. Reeder Smith's father was born in New London, Connecticut, and as a sort of honor for his parent he wished the name of New London. Mr. Smith had some plank road and railways laid out on paper for reaching this city and of course was quite prominent here. He had also purchased some land in the then hamlet, and the few who had congregated in McMillen's store for the final making out of the application, agreed to his name. The name of 'Embarrass' at first took the lead. The name of 'Wolf City' was also suggested. Some of the gathering proposed the name 'Tafton,' in honor of the first settler, Lucius Taft. The place was known for over four years as 'Taft's Landing.'

"The Madison Argus in February, 1857, contained this item: 'We advise the people of New London to change the name of their village forthwith, the sooner the better. We have a rooted aversion to such names.'

"The local paper added this: 'We have a rooted aversion to the name of our village, too. The western country is prolific with appropriate names for all villages without seeking names from the east.' "Of the various names proposed in the early day, we favor that of 'Tafton.' New London may not be an ideal name, but it's the best town on the map, all the same."

Ira Millerd, and his son of the same name, came to New London from Ohio in 1852 and, with Mr. Taft, bought the land on the north side of the Embarrass River which was platted as a portion of New London-all of the town except the south side owned by Mr. Taft and the overpowering Smith. 'The senior Millerd was the first merchant in New London, his store and stock being about midway between the New London and Angier hotels of a later date. Two years after locating he withdrew from business of a mercantile nature, and took up surveying and dealings in pine lands. Mr. Millerd served as county surveyor for four years, was county commissioner, held various village offices, and was long a prominent and high-minded citizen. He has numerous descendants in the city and county who are a credit to him and his good wife.

Isaac Brown, subsequently of Northport, had located on a claim north of the river adjoining the land purchased by Messrs. Taft and Millerd, and was living there at the time of Mr. Millerd's arrival. These three are considered the first settlers on the present site of New London.

Half a dozen houses had scarcely been erected in the town before Miss Maria Millerd, daughter of Ira Millerd, opened a school of half a dozen pupils. But the class grew, although, there is no record that it waxed tremendously. Long after Miss Millerd had become Mrs. C. L. Allen she recorded her pioneer experiences as a teacher in a paper read before the Old Settlers' Society of New London. "In the year 1852," she says, "we arrived at the village of New London, known as 'the mouth of the Embarrass.' The village consisted of two families, and in order to draw school money for the ensuing year we were obliged to have three months school before a stated time. I was chosen teacher, being the only young lady in town who could devote time to the undertaking.

"The next thing to be considered was the certificate. Being quite young, still in the period of short dresses, I looked forward to the examination with fear and trembling. In those days teachers were placed under the supervision of town superintendents.

"The superintendent came on Sunday. The much dreaded examination consisted of the questions 'Where are the Straits of Behring?' and 'How far have you been in arithmetic ?' Grammar and all other studies were omitted, I suppose for the sake of brevity. He asked me to give him a sample of my penmanship. I wrote 'Sabath morning,' leaving out one of the b's in the first word, for the same reason, we will premise, that he left out the other studies.

"The school began the next week, it being then the spring of 1853. One of my dresses had, in the meantime, been lengthened, to add dignity to my youthful appearance.

"The other half of the building was still used as a stable and, as the flies were very thick, the oxen were kept there through the day. With their lowing and stamping, the unloading of freight and the occasional visit of an Indian, our school was not a model of order.

"Within an enclosure near the school room was kept an old muley cow, which went crazy at the sight of an Indian. To go and quiet her was one of my duties whenever a noble red man put in an appearance.

"There were seven pupils enrolled, but the average attendance was about two and a half. One of them in particular I was never sure of. He was always there at roll call, but when it came time for him to read he was generally missing. Being extremely hard to catch, he usually went without instruction in that branch.

"At the end of the year I received ten dollars, which I invested in real estate that eventually brought me two hundred dollars. I shall
leave others to say whether value was received for services rendered."

It was March 10, 1853, that the first marriage ceremony was per-formed at the old Johnson's trading post, which had not yet been named as a settlement. It was also called by the settlers farther down the river as "the mouth of the Embarrass." The settlement then consisted of a log house formerly used by Johnson, the Indian trader, and two frame buildings occupied by Ira Millerd, Sr., and Ira Brown, with their respective families

It was in the Millerd Building, which stood near the present site of the Hotel Elwood, that the wedding ceremony was performed by Ransom Nickle, of Mukwa, justice of the peace, while the bashful young man and fair maid who faced the squire on that occasion were William McDonald and Catherine A. Nickle, whose homes were about three miles from the Post; witnesses to the compact, Ira Millerd, Sr., and family, Ira Millerd,
Jr., Thomas Nickle, Lucius Taft, Wilson Nickle, Harriet Nickle and Mrs. Jane Turney.

Mr. and Mrs. McDonald passed the remainder of their lives in the vicinity of New London, and in March, 1903, celebrated the golden anniversary of their marriage. Among those in attendance were Ira Mil-lerd, Jr., Levi Nickle and Thomas Nickle, who were also their guests fifty years previously.

The year 1853 was also noteworthy as witnessing the arrival at the "mouth of the Embarrass," of the steamers Badger State and Barlow, which had made their first trips up the Wolf from Oshkosh. In the following year the Eureka, Captain Drummond, commenced her regular trips to that place, and a few years afterward New London commenced to build a few steamboats on her own account.

But the prime events of 1854 were the establishment of the postoffice of New London, the building of the first steam sawmill by Messrs. Doty & Smith, and the conducting of the first religious services in town by Rev. Alfred C. Lathrop, who came over from Neenah for the purpose. They were held in the house of the new postmaster, William McMillan. As to the mill, it did not "work," at first, but Captain Coffin, an expert,
got the machinery in running order finally.

For many years the Daughertys, father and son, were prominent in mercantile and industrial enterprises. The latter, Alonzo C. Daugherty, came to New London in 1.856 to assist his father in the little sawmill which he had started a short time before. For many years they were associated in the sawmill and a sash, door and blind factory. Mr. Daugherty,  the younger, helped organize the Congregational Church in 1857 and served as its clerk for forty years. He died in February, 1916. The story which he had often told of his arrival in New London is worth repeating: "My desire would be to show you how New London appeared to me when -first saw it, as I stepped from the little steamer Pearl onto the wharf the sixth day of October, 1856. It was evening, the sky was black and rain was falling. I had no heart for anything. In the morning I rose early to see and behold, and it did not take me long to take an inventory of the place and all its belongings. A little hamlet situated in a small clearing, surrounded by a dense forest. A settlement containing only a small saw mill, a bowling alley, a few stores, the building used as a warehouse, a few frame houses, some log house and board shanties, with a population of 150 persons. I found no church-the only place where the people came to worship was at the Globe Hall, the second story of the store building which Reeder Smith had reserved for that purpose for a term of four years, when he sold the building to the company of which my father was a member."

The foregoing mention of the Globe Hall recalls the fact that the period of twenty years which elapsed before its destruction earned for it the name, affectionately bestowed, of the Old Globe Hall. It was the most famous gathering place in New London, and its record is thus reviewed by Charles F. Carr in his newspaper, the Press: "The Old Globe Hall was torn down and carted off in April, 1876. Its mention always awakens many memories among our old citizens. It was one of the first buildings erected in New London and stood about where Jelleff's office now is. The lower story was first occupied by Daugherty, Lindsay & Company as a store. The upper story was finished off into a hall of (for those days) a respectable size, with two ante-rooms. This was long used as a place of public gatherings under the name of Globe Hall.

"The name was given to it by Mrs. Reeder Smith from two win-dows- one in each end-which had round, globular tops; they were called | globe windows. The building was built by Reeder Smith and John C. Hoxie, a man by the name of Whicher performing the work, and sold to Daugherty, Lindsay & Company. Mr. Smith reserved the hall for public worship for four years, after the expiration of which time the control of the hall passed to that firm.

"Church services were held there, and Sunday schools delighted to gather within its sumptuous walls. Lyceums met there and discussed with great enthusiasm the vital questions of humanity. Political assemblages  there listened to the spokesmen of various parties in the days of Abolitionism, of Buchanan and Fremont during their presidential aspirations.

Enthusiastic citizens listened to the red-hot speeches of the rail-road advocates whose benevolent labors were soon to make a great metropolis of New London. About forty-four years ago the very air of the hall was charged with railroad talk, and the surrounding forests resounded with praises of the Appleton & Wolf River Railroad, when they failed to re-echo the superior claims of the Wolf River & New London Railroad. Lectures, shows, traveling concerts and other migratory concerns also made the walls resound. Good Templars and other societies, in turn, hid their secrets from the eyes of the prying world. One of the departments of our city schools was held there for a time. The first local minstrel show ever given in the city was in this pioneer hall. It was given by the kids of the town. The writer appeared in tights and was the chief contortionist of the aggregation-we are more modest and bashful now. Elwood Lutsey was also a member of that famous aggregation. All these and more, in turn, made use of the shelter of the old hall. The last occupant was H. A. Libby, who used it for the storage of furniture. The old building was purchased of H. H. Page by Messrs. Pahl & Pichl, and torn down as stated above."

George Lutsey, a Pennsylvanian, who moved to Ohio in the late '40s and soon afterward came to Mukwa Township, built the Lutsey House in 1852. It stood on the site of the present Elwood Hotel, now owned by George Elwood Lutsey, son of the original hotel man and who was probably the second native white child of New London, born June 25, 1851. (Robert Price, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Price, was born during the previous
winter.) In 1856 Mr. and Mrs. Lutsey erected the Angier House, Mr. Lutsey dying in the following year. The widow, who conducted the hotel for many years afterward, was twice married, and died as Mrs. A. M. Willhite.

The New London Times, the pioneer newspaper of the city, was first issued by A. J. Lawson in October, 1856. It suspended in November, of the following year, and was' revived in January, 1858, by Robert Perry; but it quietly and finally expired with the return of the robins and blue-birds in the spring of that year.

The stable growth of New London in the late '50s is indicated, among other evidences, by the fact that in 1857 its communication with the outside world had so expanded that the postal authorities established a daily mail for its accommodation.

By the year 1857, New London had also so increased in business importance and prospects as to contain nearly 800 inhabitants, with some 200 buildings. Ira Millerd & Son and H. D. Hanks were land agents and surveyors; H. Dean, Lindsey, Daugherty & Company, E. Dedolph, S. L. Tucker and W. T. Ward & Son, dealers in dry goods; E. H. Barber and S. L. Tucker, hardware merchants; Horace Dean, W. T. Ward & Son, Ernest Dedolph, Lindsey, Daugherty & Company, S. E. Leslie and Allen & Pinchen, grocers; William Leach (New London House), Amos Jones (Perry House) and George Lutsey (Angier House), hotel keepers; John Smith, Wadsworth & Company and Coffin & Hale, blacksmiths; Linde & Berry, druggists; David Hopkins, jeweler; Lindsey, Daugherty & Company, and S. L. Tucker, clothiers; G. D. Allen and Mr. Robinson, boots and shoes; Coffin & Hale, and Lindsay, Daugherty & Company, millers; Perry & Law and B. Stimson, warehouseman; Way & Dennis, liverymen; Thomas; Price, furniture store-keeper; Frank Mason, cabinet maker; Drs. J. W. Perry and J. E. Breed, physicians; S. S. Hamilton, counselor-at-law; Rev. A. C. Lathrop (Congregational) and Rev. L. D. Tracy (Methodist), ministers.

The '50s and '60s were busy years for New London; in fact, its growth was so rapid that individuals largely disappeared in the mass of able, energetic and progressive men and women who were building up the community to a metropolitan standard. The pioneer period of its history really concluded with the '50s, although twenty years were to elapse before cityhood was realized.

Among the first to arrive upon the site of New London was Merritt Lyons, who afterward moved to Clintonville. He was a settler of 1850 and sixty-two years later, in his eighty-ninth year, he wrote as follows-: 'It was in the spring of 1850 that I arrived in New London and found the Perry brothers keeping a hotel in a small log cabin upon the site now occupied by the Grand. I made my home with them for nearly two years. The following persons composed the settlers at that time: George W. Law, William Hanson and Isaac his brother, Reeder Smith, S. L. Tucker, Alien McFaul, Ira Brown, Alfred Lyon, Leroy Turner, Simeon Kegg, Lucius Taft and a large number of Indians. The place was then known as Johnson's Landing, he having established! an Indian trading post near where the Grand Opera House now stands. The building now (1912) occupied by Mr. Lars Rasmussen was built by Mr. Taft and used as a warehouse, the second story being his home.

"During my stay here stated, I assisted the Perry brothers in enlarging the log cabin by adding a frame building, getting the lumber by scow from the mill at Little Wolf. I also worked for Mr. Law in this lumber camp during the first winter of my stay. The mode of crossing the river was by scows, by the whites, and the Indians by swimming their ponies upon whose backs were packed their outfits.

"The name given by the Indians to the river was the Mohosippi (Moho, wolf; sippi, river). It was navigated from Oshkosh by a small steamer called the Peggy, it taking two days to make a trip to that place. Its accommodations for the passengers were rough tables from which the meals were. eaten through the day and serving as bedsteads at night. At the close of my stay here I moved to Pigeon River, now Clintonville,
with my family.

"The only teams at that time in the town of Mukwa were two yoke of oxen owned by the Hanson brothers. These I secured, to make the journey, hitching them to an old sled, upon which I put my wife and two children and a trunk containing their clothing. We started in the middle of July upon the only road-an Indian trail impassable for any other rig. The time taken was one day and a portion of the night. For my home in Clintonville I settled upon a claim made on the south side of the river. I was the first settler of the place. In January of the following year, Mr. Norman Clinton and family arrived, taking a claim adjoining mine. From him the city took its name.

"Our nearest point for supplies, mail and physician, was New Lon-don, the mail being carried by Mr. Fairbanks on his back from New London to Shawano via Clintonville. The only survivors of the earliest settlers (1912) are Mr. G. W. Law, whose age is ninety-seven years, and myself, now being eighty-eight years of age."

Captain Bowles, who helped build the first house in New London back in 1851, visited the city for the first time since that early day in 1895., Mr. Bowles came there to locate some land and, being a carpenter, was engaged by Lucius Taft, to work on the building. Bowles was paid $30 in gold by Mr. Taft, and, as gold was very scarce in those days, Mr. Bowles says he left for home feeling quite wealthy. The lumber for this building was sawed at Hortonville and floated down to New London.

This house, which was the first to be erected in the village, was started on the 28th of July, 1851. There was no chimney built, as the nearest place brick could be obtained was at Neenah. During the winter of 1851 Sam Price and wife occupied the house and Mr. Taft boarded with them. During that period a boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Price, who was known later as Rob Price. He was the first white child to be born on the present
site of New London. To return to the pioneer house-after the land was platted it was found to be in the street. Mr. Taft sold it and it was moved to the bank of the river where the Lipke building now stands. Because of the substantial manner in which early buildings were constructed the house, after being moved several times, is still well preserved. Some will perhaps ask, "Where is this building now?" It is on State Street and occupied by John Turney. The next two buildings erected is the one now in the rear of the Vandree store and part of the store building recently torn down, which was owned by L. Rassmussen, and the lot is now incorporated in Taft Park.

"Modena, Buffalo County, Wisconsin, May 26, 1903. "Comrades of the old historic 14th Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Greeting: Notice of the 16th annual reunion of the scattered remnants of our Regiment received a few days since to be held in the city of New London, Wisconsin, June 16, 17, 18, 1903. I would be glad to be present and behold the changes time has made, but as I cannot be there, will you permit me to write something about New London as I saw it in 1853 and 1854? In March, 1853, I started from Fond du Lac County for the mouth of Red River, about three miles above Shawano, and went by the way of Hortonville. My purpose of going to Red River was to work as head sawyer in a sawmill built by Curtis Lewis. I reached there in due time, with a man and his family who were moving there and with whom I was to board. I think it was in July. Provisions being short, eight of us young men manned a provision boat of eight oars and large enough to carry three tons' weight. Started for the city of Fond du Lac for supplies, distance about one hundred and seventy-five miles. It was quite fine going down the Wolf River and I remember well that when we arrived at New London, one house on either side of the river were all the buildings there were there. I know I would not recognize the place now. Please indulge the saying that we went to Fond du Lac and got our boatload of provisions and went on Lake Winnebago to Oshkosh  in the night under a strong wind. I do not remember how many days it took to reach Shawano with our load, but it was a hard trip and made in safety. I worked at Red River fourteen months and now I think I can say something that very few if any can now say: Captain Hotelin had a flat keel, stern wheel steamboat, I should think forty or fifty feet long, and he run his steamboat to Shawano in June, 1854; said to be his second trip, one having been made several years before, and he did not
expect to try to make another. I do not remember of seeing any more buildings in New London as the steamboat passed the (now) city, and that is the last glimpse I have had of New London. Now Comrades, if this does not interest you, lay it aside and tell me it is not up to date.'

"But I wish to tax your patience a little more by saying that a first cousin of mine (supposed name was William Carr) married a lady by the name of Mary Pace, and I heard that they settled in New London and that he died several years ago. I notice the name of W. W. Pace, secretary of local committee, and C. F. Carr, with others, on the committee of reception, which induces me to mention their names. Now, if C. F. Carr should be a son of the said William Carr I would be pleased to have him write to me. In closing' will say that the boys of '61 and '65 are now old men and we will all of us soon be in eternity. Let us ask ourselves, where will we spend it? There are some old soldiers that faced the cannon's mouth who do not like to face this solemn question, but we may be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ our Lord and in no other way. I am seventy-two years old and may never meet you in this life, but I wish to testify that Jesus Christ has (Power) on earth to forgive sin..
"Yours in F. C. & L.

Rev. Stanley E. Lathrop, son of Rev. Alfred C. Lathrop, the pioneer Congregational minister of New London, came to the village with his father in 1854. Each was a minister of the local church for many years. The father had preached in Central New York for a period of fifteen years before coming to Wisconsin. "In 1853," says Rev. Stanley E. Lathrop, "he accomplished his long cherished desire to go west, moving with his family to the then far off state of Wisconsin. (I distinctly remember that in those days this name was commonly spelt in the old 'Frenchified' way, O-u-i-s k-o-n-s-a-n.) It was then not five years old as a state. It had then 37 counties with a population of about 318,000, instead of 71 counties with two and a quarter million as now. There were then but twenty miles of railroad in the state (between Milwaukee and Waukesha), instead of the 7,400 mileage of 1907, with several hundred miles more under construction.

"Our family landed from a steamer at Sheboygan, rode by stage to Fond du Lac over a fearfully rough road, then took a little steamer across Lake Winnebago to Oshkosh, and up the Fox River to Omro, where my mother's father, Deacon Hough, had settled two years before. My father preached one year at Neenah, where the little Congregational church was much revived, its debt was paid and its sanctuary was completed. By
his advice, however, the church was united with the New School Presbyterian church. He had out-stations for preaching at Vinland school house, at Bald Prairie and elsewhere, with his usual energy.

"But this did not satisfy his desire to preach the gospel in the more destitute regions beyond. He heard through Reeder Smith of Appleton, of a new town called New London (so named from Mr. Smith's birth-place at New London, Conn.) This, he was told, was in the dense forests of Waupaca county, on the Wolf river. Visiting this frontier post in the spring of 1854, he resolved to settle there, being cordially welcomed by the few residents. At first he traveled on foot from Neenah to Hortonville and New London, most of the way through the thick woods. Then he began to bring his few household goods by installments, on a one-horse wagon.

"Such was the man I am proud to call my father, who was the founder of this New London church, the pioneer missionary of this region. What was New London in 1854? All the south side of Wolf river was then a dense forest, unbroken for many miles. The north side was also heavily timbered, but there was a clearing of a few acres, where six families lived, in log houses, shacks and shanties. My father's family was the seventh.
We lived for a while in the loft of Taft's warehouse on the river bank (the building now occupied by Rassmussen's shoe store) ; and later, when Brother Taft was to be married, and needed a home for his bride, my father built a log house with his own hands, on the south side of the river. This was on the corner diagonally opposite from the present Methodist church building. It was near the 'Mukwa spring,' which at that time
furnished almost the only pure water that could be had in a time of high water. Many a time have I paddled my birch bark canoe across the swift and swollen current, to this spring, for a pail of water. I slept in the loft of the log house before the roof was finished, and remember that more than once I found a layer of snow on my cover when waking in the morning.

"But this was nothing uncommon in those days. The town grew steadily, the forest receded before the multiplying pioneer abodes. In those times, the early settlers were hearty and whole-souled in their ways. Dame Fashion had no sway over the rough attire of men or women. The common trials of frontier life welded hearts together, suffering or rejoicing in company with each other. Vicissitudes and privations were the common lot of all. I remember that in the spring of 1856 the ice was very thick, and navigation very late in the spring, as nearly all supplies were brought in little steamers up the Wolf river from Oshkosh. The roads were impassable, first from deep snow and then deep mud, and the breadstuffs ran short.

"Fortunately my father had laid in a good supply of bran to feed his team of Indian ponies, and for three weeks we lived mainly on bran, sharing it also with our neighbors. The ponies very kindly shared their rations with us, and did not interpose any objection, showing their sympathy in the bipeds' misfortune! Wild game abounded in season, and the flesh of deer, bear, pigeon, squirrel, duck, fish, etc., was a large part of the pioneer menu.

"The Sunday services were held every other Sunday at first in my father's domicile over Taft's warehouse. When he built the log house on the south side, that was too far away in the country, out in the woods. Then meetings were held at the house of William MacMillan on the north side, now torn down. We boys used to call that house the 'old setting hen,' because of its low and squatty style of architecture. Here the first
Sunday school was organized, of which I was a charter member, and my father was the first superintendent. Later, Dr. J. W. Perry built a house, one story and a half in height, on the banks of the Embarrass river, not far from where the city hall now stands. The upper story was finished off into a so-called 'hall,' twelve by eighteen feet and six feet high, whose ceiling sloped down on both sides to within four feet of the floor.

"I remember that three of us boys sat up all night to keep the heater going, so as to prevent the fresh plaster from freezing, as it was late in the fall. One Sunday a tall man took his seat on the home-made benches under the sloping part of the roof. When the little congregation rose to sing, this man's head went bump against the low ceiling. This tickled my boyish risibilities so that I laughed until the five or six verses of the hymn
were sung through-my father leading the singing, as he always did, getting the key from his old fashioned tuning fork. The same 'hall' was used also as a school room during the week, where my youthful ideas were taught how to shoot. Miss Maria Millerd (afterward Mrs. C. L. Allen) was the first school teacher, then Frank Dorr, then Miss Flora Cole, who later married Sheldon Hale.

"Finally, as the town grew, the services were held in the 'Globe Hall,' the upper story of a building where Lindsay & Daugherty's store was on the first floor. This building has since been destroyed."

Perhaps some of the older residents of New London will remember the time nearly sixty years ago when Emerson & Swain built the stern-wheel steamer Wolf at that place. The boat was built for Captain Drummond, another man who is well remembered by the earlier inhabitants. The Wolf was 110 feet long, 20 foot beam, with two boilers, two engines 12 by 36, and first made her appearance in May, 1858, under the command
of her owner, Capt. E. F. Drummond.

For a number of years the boat was engaged on the river in running between this city and Oshkosh. Her career was a prosperous one until the summer of 1859, when the captain unnecessarily stabbed with a large knife a powerful riverman by the name of Luther Martin, who was making a disturbance on board the boat while on his way down from the boom to Oshkosh. Drummond was arrested but the verdict was self-defense.
Martin lived about six months when he died from the effects of this cut in the left breast.

This seemed to have been the turning point in the career of Captain Drummond. Before this he seems to have been successful in everything which he undertook, but from the time of that tragedy until his own death he seemed to meet with nothing but trouble. Bad luck seemed to stalk in his wake. In the summer of 1863 his boy, a bright young lad of ten or twelve summers, was drowned in the river at New London, and in
September of the same year his boat was totally destroyed by fire. Shortly after the captain died in New London.

The first plat of ground reserved for burial purposes in New London was at the head of South Pearl Street. Evergreen Cemetery was after-ward founded and the first interment in it was Mrs. Roxey K. Dorr, aged sixty-six, who died in the village on the 22d of May, 1857, at the home of her son-in-law, L. E. Marsh. Evergreen Cemetery was' afterward changed to Floral Hill.

The churches of New London are, on the whole, both old and strong. The leading religious organizations are Congregational, Methodist, Lutheran and Catholic, founded substantially in the order of their mention, although services were first held by them all some time in the '50s.

By general consent, Rev. Alfred C. Lathrop, founder of the local Congregational Church, is accorded the honor of being the pioneer resident preacher in New London. As stated by his son, Rev. Stanley C. Lathrop (pastor of the church in 1872-78): "Our father, Rev. Alfred C. Lathrop, first settled in New London in 1854 and left in 1858. It was the pioneer preacher in all that region, which was then a great wilderness just beginning to be settled. New London had just been founded by Rev. Reeder Smith, of Appleton. It was but a mere hamlet of six families when we went there, and everything was very primitive indeed. The Lathrop family lived in a loft over a little steamboat warehouse for one year, and then our father built a log house on the south side of the river in 1855, in a little clearing of the great forest, on lots given him by Mr. Smith. A Congregational church was organized in 1857, which held meetings at first in private houses, then in a little hall used also for a schoolroom, and later in the 'Globe Hall' over a grocery store. We learned the printer's trade in the office of the New London Times, the first paper in the town, established by A. J. Lawson. The village grew slowly, but steadily, and in those early days was called a rough lumbering town

In 1858 our father removed to Wautoma, Wisconsin, and there and elsewhere was a faithful and earnest Home Missionary until his death in 1888. The writer began studying in Beloit College, served through the war as a Union soldier, returned and finished the college course in 1867, and a theological course in Chicago in 1870, married and preached for two years in this state. Then in 1872 he accepted a call to become pastor
at New London, over the same church which our father organized. Here we remained until 1878. That was a memorable and most enjoyable pastorate among boyhood friends. Three school teachers who were succes-sively our instructors in schooldays were still there, and all three members of that church. The deacon, who had been our Sunday School teacher in boyhood, was now our pupil in the pastor's Bible Class. The same
pulpit Bible used by our father during his pastorate was used by the son also for six years. The town had grown and the people had changed more or less, but many of the old friends still remained. During our pastorate the church grew and flourished, and there were many most pleasant experiences.

There were other things that were trying. Deaths and removals took  away many of the dear old friends, and at last, during an epidemic of diphtheria which carried off more than a hundred children in one year, our own two bright and promising boys, both born in New London, died and were buried in one grave. Two little girls were also born there, who are now our oldest children living. The loss of the boys was a sore trial, and we resigned the pastorate and went southward, spending fourteen years of busy and fruitful missionary work in Georgia, Tennessee and Texas. And so New London was endeared to us by many ties both glad and sad. We had not been there for eleven years before this visit, and it was a time of reviving many memories. A few of the old friends of boyhood days still live, gray and feeble, some of them, but sincere friends through all these years.

" The present pastor, Rev. W. B. Millard, was away on the meritorious business of getting married. His mother was a schoolmate of ours twenty-eight years ago at Wautoma, and so we know that he comes from good stock. The church is prospering. We preached in our old pulpit on Sunday, September the 29th, the same pulpit which we occupied six years as pastor. It was a most enjoyable Sunday. There were many who had formerly been children in our Sunday School in those days, whom we had received into the church, and had joined a number of them in marriages. Now they are business men and women with families of their own, leaders in the church and in the community, of whom we are proud. There were a number of our boyhood friends, and there were many vacant seats of those who had 'gone up higher.' There were, of course, many
others who had come in since our time, but all were interested to see one who had been a New London boy forty years ago. We were a good deal surprised to hear one of the old 'friends quote something from a sermon we preached twenty-three years ago! There were many hearty hand-shakes, and many moistened eyes, as we spoke of the old times and old friends. We made many flying visits from house to house and every-where
met cordial welcome. The town has grown and greatly improved since our last visit. The fences have disappeared, fine lawns are kept in excellent condition by water from many artesian wells, the residences are very neat and handsome and well kept, and of course are largely in-creased in number. There are many new and handsome business blocks, hotels, opera houses and several thriving industries. The vast forests which formerly covered the surrounding country have disappeared, and fertile farms have made the 'wilderness blossom as the rose.' In all respects there seems improvement, encouraging to an old pastor. God bless New London and its good people."

For about three years after the coming of Rev. Alfred C. Lathrop, meetings were held every alternate Sunday, at first at his house in the loft of the Taft warehouse, afterward in the hall over Dr. J. W. Perry's house and still later in Globe Hall. Being the first minister in these parts he also preached at Hortonville, Greenville, Northport, Phillips' Mills and Moore's Mills (now Royalton), "wading streams and overflowed lands, riding Indian ponies, fighting swarms of mosquitoes, and being occasionally chased by wolves, and dwelling in a log house of his own erection, in the regular pioneer preacher style."

The "church paper" of July, 1876, edited by Rev. Stanley E. Lathrop, continues its resume of the society's history up to that time, and in the following strain: "As the village grew, religious prospects also in-creased, until it was deemed best to organize a church. A council of neighboring  churches was called, consisting of Rev. H. H. Benson, Deacon Waite Cross of Appleton, and Rev. Theodore Cooke of Menasha. They met at the house of Mr. L. Taft (with a second session at the house of Mr. A. Daugherty), February 8, 1857, the church being constituted with appropriate public exercises at Globe Hall, at which time a pulpit Bible (still in use) was presented by Rev. A. C. Lathrop.

"The following thirteen persons were at that time associated as the original charter members of the church, of whom the three first named are dead, the three last named having taken letters to other churches, and but three of the remainder are permanent residents of the village: L. C. Nason, L. B. Chittenden, Mrs. Stella D. Lathrop, Fred. P. Hale, Sheldon A. Hale, Mrs. Letitia M. Taft, Dr. J. E. Breed, Mrs. Mary B. Chittenden,
Mrs. Sarah Millerd, B. Frank Dorr, Mrs. Mary McMillan, Mrs. Helen Lindsay and Mrs. Maria J. Nason. Bro. F. P. Hale was ordained deacon and has been continued in that office ever since (written in 1876). During the same year eight others united with the church, three of whom still remain with us. Rev. A. C. Lathrop closed his labors in August, 1857, and has since preached in various places, having been since 1867 at Glenwood,
Pipe county, Minn. Rev. Stephen D. Peet (now of Ashtabula,. Ohio) came in October, 1857, and remained nearly three years. During his administration the present (1876) house of worship was built, at a. cost of $3,500.

"Rev. O. P. Clinton, now of Menasha, preached from July, 1861, to-September, 1862, when he entered the army as a chaplain. Rev. Levi P. Sabin came in October, 1862, and left in July, 1863, having received ordination while here by a committee of Winnebago convention. Rev. Lester J. Sawyer (also ordained at a regular meeting of the same convention at Menasha) preached from October, 1863, to July, 1864. For about two
years the church had no regular preaching until Father Clinton came again in 1866 and preached one year, when failing health compelled his resignation. He was succeeded by Rev. John P. Chamberlain, who was another licentiate of Winnebago convention (now of Bloomer, Wis.). His pastorate was the longest on record up to the present time, covering a period of nearly four years, during which time 74 persons united with the church. Rev. Newton T. Blakeslee (now of Mason City, Iowa) preached from April, 1871, until July, 1872. His ministry here was a profitable one to him, for the church bestowed upon him an excellent wife (N. B.-We have more of that good matrimonial material still on hand). The present pastor (Rev. S. E. Lathrop), who was another licentiate of Winnebago convention, begun preaching in his boyhood home on October 20, 1872, and was installed pastor June 19, 1873.

"A Sunday School was organized in 1854 and was superintended in turn by Rev. A. C. Lathrop, A. F. Tucker, Charles Lindsay, B. F. Dorr, L. B. Chittenden, S. Brockway, H. S. Lyon, John Taylor, C. W. Packard, D. M. Holdredge, H. A. Libby, H. H. Page and L. C. Patterson." Rev. Stanley E. Lathrop was succeeded by Rev. Milton H. Rowley in February, 1879, and he concluded his term of service as pastor in April, 1881

The successive pastors since the latter year have been: Rev. James H. Chamberlain, 1882-83; Rev. William Blackwell, 1884-88; Rev. John H. Rowland, 1889-95; Rev. William B. Millard, 1896-1900, during whose pastorate the present church and parsonage were erected-the latter largely by a legacy of J. W. McDonnough; Rev. W. R. Gaylord, 1900-02; Rev. Frank L. Moore, 1902-05; Rev. C. A. Boughton, 1905; and since the
year last named, Rev. John Comin, Rev. Thomas Heiner and Rev. W. H. -Johnson.

As early as 1856 services were held in New London by members of -that denomination, Revs. Yocum and M. Himebaugh being founders of the first class, or society. Rev. Reeder Smith, one of the proprietors of the village, whose home was in Appleton, also preached at a somewhat later day. As stated, it was through his efforts that the Globe Hall was -erected and the auditorium reserved for religious services. Rev. L. D.
Tracy preached there regularly in 1857 and in the following year the Methodists and Congregationalists united and built New London's first house of worship. They held regular meetings, each society paying half the current expenses and the minister's salary.

In 1859 the annual conference sent Rev. David Lewis to New London, and the work was carried along quite briskly under his pastorate. Then came Rev. William Teal, under whom the society resumed services in the Globe Hall; following whom were Rev. J. D. Cole; Rev. R. P. Lawton (two years), the society holding services, during a portion of his pastor-ate, in the Baptist Church; Rev. Warren Woodruff, under whom the
society was accommodated by the United Brethren who then had a church building; Rev. L. B. Bullock, who came in 1875 and remained about two years; Rev. I. N. Tomes; Rev. D. O. Jones (two years), during whose term (fall of 1880) a neat church was built; Rev. P. S. Bennett (three years), Rev. Charles Smith, Rev. J. M. Woodward, Rev. A. M. Bullock (two years), Rev. C. J. Hall (two years), Rev. S. A. Sheard (two years),
Rev. W. R. Mellott; Rev. S. C. Robinson, who came in 1895, remained three years and saw the parsonage built; Rev. C. Wesley Turner, Rev. Wiltsee, Rev. F. B. Sherwin; Rev. Isaac Johnson, who served from 1902 to 1905, inclusive, the church building being remodeled during his pastor-ate; Rev. B. S. Clemens, who served until 1910; Rev. A. M. Henne (three years) ; Rev. G. Calhoun, 1912-16, and the present incumbent, Rev. H. S.
Justema. Within the past few years the church edifice has been again remodeled and improved to meet the growing demands of the society, the membership of which is 250.

The records of the local Catholic parish show that services were first held and mass said in 1855 by Reverend Farinacci. In 1862-63 the place was attended by Rev. Thomas Keenan, of Oshkosh, and in 1863-64 by Rev. M. Retzer, the first resident priest. During Father Retzer's administration a small frame church was built at New London. Rev. H. Spierings and Rev. Christopher Verwyst were next placed in charge. The latter came
in 1865 and soon found it necessary to build an addition to the original church. Father Verwyst's successors have been: Rev. C: L. Lemagie, 1868-1871; Rev. Clementine Duerr, 1871-72; Rev. N. Guenterscheid, 1872-74; Rev. M'. G. Smits, 1874-76; Rev. F. X. Scholz, 1876-89 (present brick schoolhouse built in 1881, and parsonage, in 1886); Rev. P. L. Gasper, 1889-94 (present large church erected in 1891) ; Rev. John Hum-mel,
1894-1901, and Rev. John Kaster, who has since been in charge of the parish. The church numbers about 1,200 souls and the parochial school, which has a large attendance, is in charge of the Sisters of St. Agnes.

Although Episcopal clergymen had visited New London in the earlier years, no definite foundation of a mission had been undertaken until January, 1901, when, on the invitation of Misses Blanche and Grace Thorn, Rev. Seldon P. Delany, then the rector of All Saints, Appleton, held services in the Thorn residence on North Water Street. The little body of Episcopalians met at various places until their house of worship was consecrated May 30, 1905. The mission, consisting of thirty communicants, was organized under the title of St. John Evangelist, headed by the wardens, Andrew D. Foote and Curtis M. Jeleff. The present membership comprises twenty-two families and nineteen individuals; confirmed persons, sixty-one, and baptized, ninety-seven. Rev. Francis S. Dayton is the present vicar, and John P. Thorn and Conrad Seims, wardens. The church building is in the Italian style of architecture and cost, complete, $14,000.

The Lutherans of New London commenced to hold services about 1857. Their first house of worship, which, in an improved condition, is still in use, was built during the pastorate of Rev. F. Gensike. He was succeeded by Rev. A. Kluge, who continued in charge until 1893. In 1881 another church was built by the Lutherans of the Missouri Synod, the first edifice having been erected by the Lutherans of the Wisconsin Synod. The new
church was presided over by Rev. J. J. Walker, who was succeeded by Rev. W. Weber. - For years both societies held regular services, but neither seemed to flourish greatly.

In 1893 it was thought best to combine the two Lutheran congregations, and in November of that year Rev. Adoph Spiering, the pastor still in service, was called to take charge of the united society. On the 13th of that month the parochial school was also opened, with Mr. Spiering as its teacher. In 1900 a larger and more convenient schoolhouse was erected. Charles Zeige is the present principal. He has two assistants. About 130 pupils are enrolled in the school, the graduates of which enter the City High School. The membership of the church consists of nearly 260 heads of families, and 76 others who cannot thus be classified.

During the '70s New London developed into a city, in name and in fact. Although freight commenced to be handled in the spring of 1.871 from the New London station of what afterward was to be the Green Bay & Minnesota Railroad, the first passenger car did not arrive until December 23d; and it was surely an event. Communication by telegraph had been established in the preceding February. In the following year a volunteer fire department was organized and Bingham & Perrins opened a private bank. And so the modern enterprises were established, stimulating the already progressive community. The general movement for-ward, all along the line, culminated in 1877, when New London was granted a municipal charter.

The first municipal officers, those of 1877, were as follows: Mayor-J. C. Hoxie. Aldermen-First ward, August Kappernick; Second ward, James Hopperton; Third ward, Theodore Knapstein; Fourth ward, I. M. Deming. Clerk, C. M. Taylor. Justices of the peace, V. Mischock, W. H. Walker, J. W. Bishop, C. Berely. Chief of police, J. Murray. Treasurer, A. H. Pape.

The first mayor of New London served not only in 1877-79, but 1880-81 and 1884-86, as will be seen by the following roster. He also represented the city on the county board and for years was considered one of the foremost citizens and business men of his section of the state. He was a native of New York and before he was of age was a part of the movements of the paternal and maternal family to Ohio, and to a second home in the Empire state. At the age of twenty he married Miss Almeda Davis, of Chenango County, New York, and, until 1855, when he was twenty-nine years of age, he farmed in a small way in two counties of his native state.

Having provided for his parents in New York, Mr. Hoxie started for the headquarters of the Wolf River lumber region. Arriving in New London, in the spring of 1855, he at once proceeded to build a house for his waiting family. Floating the lumber from Hortonville, he erected a 14 by 16 shanty, in which his own and two other families passed the greater part of the summer. About the first outside work done by Mr. Hoxie in New London was the building of Henry Ketchum's barn. He is said to have waded barefoot from his home to Mr. Ketchum's place to do the carpenter work, which he had learned almost unaided.

"Although I often went without boots," says Mr. Hoxie, "I was never without a little money, and never neglected what I thought would be a good investment." From the first he not only worked hard, but invested shrewdly in securities and real estate. In 1861 he formed a partnership with W. H. Sibley, opened up what was then a large stock of general merchandise and conducted a thriving business until 1865. Mr. Hoxie then bought out his partner, exchanged his business for pine lands, which netted him a handsome profit, and for years afterward continued a driving business as a lumberman and land speculator. In 1868, with H. Ketchum, he virtually monopolized the Wolf River lumber trade. For several years Mr. Hoxie also owned and operated a tannery at New London, and in 1880 he built on its main street one of the largest and finest hardware stores in the state. His stock corresponded with his building, and the establishment was a great advertisement for the new city itself. He continued to conduct his lumber business, and owned large tracts of pine lands in the Wolf and Menominee valleys. Mr. Hoxie left New London for Florida some time in the early '90s and died in the South. His son, Albert E. Hoxie, is a resident of St. Petersburg, Florida.

The mayors from 1877 to the present time have been as follows: J. C. Hoxie, 1877-1879; James Meiklejohn, 1879-1880; J. C. Hoxie, 1880- 1881; T. Knapstein, 1881-1882; B. Miller, 1882-1883; James Murray, 1883-1884; J. C. Hoxie, 1884-1886; Robert Hutchison, 1886-1887; R. S. Johnson, 1887-1889; E. F. Eldridge, 1889-1890; R. S. Johnson, 1890-1893; H. Knapstein, 1893-1895; E. H. Ramm, 1895-1897; David Jennings, 1897-1899; A. G. Meiklejohn, 1899-1901; David Jennings, 1901-1904; G. E. Lutsey, 1904-1906; M. W. Knapstein, 1906-1910; H. Knapstein, 1910-1912; George A. Baker, 1912-1914; A. C. Herrmann, 1914 to present time.

The city clerks: C. M. Taylor, 1877-1881; E. D. Peasley, 1881-1882; George W. Cline, 1882-1884; E. D. Peasley, 1884-1886; C. E. Dickinson, 1886-1893; A. C. Herrmann, 1893-1898; B. A. Weatherby, 1898-1904; Charles Farlan, 1904-1906; N. R. Demming, 1906-1912; C. J. Thompson, 1912 to present time.

The history of New London as a city is marked by a remarkably steady growth, especially for the past twenty-five years. In 1890 its population, including Ward Three, in Outagamie County, was 2,050; in 1900, 2,742; in 1910, 3,383. Allowing for the average annual increase, as indicated by these figures, which is a low estimate, over 400 should be added to the figures for 1910, which would make the present population of New London at least 3,800.

New London is finely situated not only on both sides of the Wolf, at the mouth of the Embarrass, but at the junction of the Green Bay and Western and the Ashland division of the Chicago & Northwestern lines of railroad. Its streets are wide and well kept, and its public and business buildings substantial in appearance. It has a brick city hall, in which is also the postoffice; a Grand Opera House, commodious and creditable; a paid fire department; municipal waterworks and lighting plant; a free public library, and two good schools; two newspapers, the Press and Republican; churches and societies of every kind; two large hotels; three banks; numerous stores, with city stocks of goods, and several large and growing industries. Of the last named, the large plant of the Edison Phonograph Cabinet Factory (formerly that of the Wisconsin Seating Company), the Knapstein Brewery and the New London Bottling Works are located in the Third Ward, Outagamie County, while the extensive planing mill and lumber yards of the Hatten Lumber Company and the comparatively new factory of Borden's Condensed Milk Company are in the New London of Waupaca. County.

New London has had a long array of newspapers, the generally. expected vicissitudes of the business, or profession, having reduced the list to the Press and Republican.

The former, which is the elder of the two, has collected and published the following record of "dead city papers: The New London Times, first to appear, was established by A. J. Lawson in October, 1856, suspended in November, 1857, was revived in the following January by Robert Perry, and "died for good" in the spring of 1858. In June, 1868, Vet. Graves, a young man of 20 years, residing in Appleton, moved to New London with a friend, Mr. Sears, and the two started the Era. But Mr. Graves sold to Mr. Sears within the year, and found employment with the old Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western Railroad, with which he was identified for many years as a passenger conductor running between Antigo and Milwaukee. The New London Era did not long survive his departure.

The New London Times was established by John A. Ogden in November, 1870. Ogden at this time had the notoriety of being the youngest editor in the state. He sold a half interest to A. C. McCrorie. They conducted it until the following April, when Ogden sold to E. E. Gordon, and he and McCrorie were at the helm till March, 1872, when McCrorie sold to Gordon, who conducted it alone until June, 1875, when W. W. Walker purchased an interest. This firm held the helm till January, 1876, when Gordon sold to Walker, who ran the enterprise until July, 1877. Then Gordon again conducted it until August, 1878, when G. A. and Lewis Stinchfield held it down for a year. Then Gordon and Patchin were proprietors until 1880, when M. B. Patchin and his son George purchased Gordon's interest, and at the end of the year sold it to H. S. and H. W. Pickard, who had in the meantime established a paper called the New London Times and Tribune. In October, 1882, a company called the Times Publishing Company, comprised of G. M. Patchin, H. S. Pickard and H. P. Briggs, strove for glory and dollars. This firm was dissolved in July, 1884, and succeeded by G. M. Patchin for four years, when he sold to a stock company comprised of J. C. Hoxie, F. Cleary and others. Cleary was editor until August, 1889. It was then sold to W. E. Hannaford and conducted by him till October, when he and W. G. LeCount managed the paper until September, 1890. Then E. A. King was the chief until December. After this date Charles D.
Smith became interested with him. In the summer of 1891 a legal squabble between King, Cleary and the stock company came upon the horizon and the Times came to an end. James Meiklejohn and Elwood Lutsey went upon King's replevin bonds, and after going to the Supreme Court the suit was won by Cleary. The Meiklejohn estate and Mr. Lutsey had to pay for the outfit and costs of the suit.

In July, 1874, Charles A. Pettibone launched the New London News. For a time M. Mertz was associated with him. This was doubtless the only paper in New London where. too much water had a hand in its death. The plant was in the basement under the Reeder Smith Block (now filled up), and in the fore part of the next summer (1876) the water came up till there was about four feet in the room. The type was moved and the press left in the water; the paper was printed on the Times press. This way of doing business sort of demoralized Pettibone, and the paper turned up its toes in May, 1876,

The next new adventure was a paper called The Tribune, established in December, 1880, by H. S. and H. W. Pickard. This survived upon the stormy waves of hopes and failures until the firm purchased the Times in March, 1881.

D. L. Stinchfield established a paper called the News in June, 1885, which hung out its banner until August, when' it also expired. In 1890 Johnson & Ransom fathered a paper called the New London Enterprise, which existed only a short time.

In 1889 George Patchin and Frank Brady launched the Dual City Tribune, which was printed in Clintonville and intended for both cities. After a time the "Dual City" was dropped, a plant put in, and it became known as the New London Tribune, conducted by Mr. Brady, then by Brady 'Brothers. In November, 1892, Will M. Barnum became the editor and proprietor, and in the spring of 1897 sold it to Clark & Chase. Within the following two years Mr. Clark retired, Mr. Haase bought into the concern, and finally in January, 1900, the Tribune expired. The Inter-County News, after a struggle of twenty-nine-weeks, from May 2, 1908, also rendered up its young, uneasy life.

The New London Press was started by Charles F. Carr in 1893, and he has remained its editor and proprietor ever since. The Republican was established in 1897 and has had various changes of management. Its present editor and proprietor is E. E. Cooley.

The present waterworks system of New London was completed in July, 1915, and embraces approximately ten miles of mains. The supply is drawn from ten artesian wells, which are located along the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, just south of the depot. The lighting plant was erected in 1904. The combined value of the waterworks and lighting systems is $126,000.

The first street pavement was laid in 1915, and it now amounts to 21/2 lineal miles.

New London is accommodated by two substantial schoolhouses-one for each side of the river. The high school is installed in the south side institution. A deaf school, in the same building, was established in 1906.The north side school was first occupied in the spring of 1871. Prof. W. S. Ford, the present superintendent of schools, states that the successive principals have been T. C. Cleary, Mr. Blondell, Mr. Cleary (second term), Robert Patton, H. A. Weld, J. C. Freehoff, Taylor Frye, P. G. W. Keller, W. J. Hamilton, Mr. McCrary and J. P. Bal-lantyne. The cost of t he south side school was $30,000 and of the north side, $23,000. The total enrollment of 601 is thus divided: High school, 160; grades (south side), 266; kindergarten (south side), 32; grades (north side), 117; kindergarten (north side), 26.

The steps taken which have resulted in the firm establishment of the present Free Public Library of New London have covered a period of more than twenty years, and represent the activities of many of the city 's leading men and women. When the beautiful Carnegie Building was finally dedicated in May, 1914, historical sketches were prepared for the occasion by Charles F. Carr and the successive librarians. From their papers, the facts which are incorporated in the following paragraphs are extracted.

The library originated in 1895 through the untiring efforts of Professor J. C. Freehoff, then principal of the high school. Mr. Freehoff was thoroughly impregnated with the library idea. He was by no means a wealthy man, but had the interest of school' pupils at heart, and saw their needs. From his own collection of books he selected something like two hundred, which formed a nucleus for the library. He spent several weeks soliciting subscriptions and donated $200, savings from his salary. His crowning efforts of success were made after his term as principal of our schools had closed and he was about to go to other fields of labor.

The subscriptions were made in small amounts by individuals. After a suitable amount was subscribed, various citizens of the city were requested to hand in lists of books suitable for a public library in their opinion, and by this method the volumes making up the library were finally selected.

The late David Jennings left a bequest of $250 for the library, which was greatly appreciated by the library patrons. The object of Mr. Freehoff was to start the library with four hundred books, but when the cataloguing was completed, quite a number of volumes having been donated, the number of books put upon the shelves was 1,031, classified as follows: Juvenile fiction, 80; junior fiction, 170; American fiction, 120; English fiction, 100; foreign fiction, 50; American history, 40; folk lore, 20; sociology, 60; religion, 20; biography, 40; science, 30; travel, 40; general, 40; ethical culture, 40; belles-letters, 40; essays, 60; drama, 30; miscellaneous, 20.

The dedication of the library was held July 4, 1895, the services being held in the City Park at a picnic under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of this city. The dedicatory address was given by Reverend Millard, then pastor of the Congregational Church. After his address he presented a gold watch to Professor Freehoff, given by the people of New London as a memento for his efforts in behalf of the city.

The Library Association was organized July 2, 1895, when the following officers were elected: President, W. H. Hatten; secretary, Miss Susie Dixon; treasurer, Walter Trayser; librarian, Charles F. Carr; directors, W. B. Millard, Arthur Erlde, Mrs. H. G. Andrae, Mrs. H. Patchin, F'. C. Weed, G. T. Dawley, Miss Bradbury, Mrs. A. A. Furgeson. The first book issued from the library was to G. A. Murray. The books were first kept in the Press office, in the upper rooms of the Pape Building, where they were issued two afternoons in a week. After a time the business of publishing the Press demanded other quarters and a power press, and the librarian resigned the custody of the books, and they were removed to the Strickland jewelry store, in the Meiklejohn Block, where various persons donated their services as librarians, among them being Mrs. Strickland, Miss Dixon, Miss Willett, and Miss Davis, there being no regularly appointed librarian.

In the latter part of 1896, a fund was raised by subscription to pay a regular librarian and Mrs. Edna Jost was the first to fill the position. Mrs. Jost remained librarian until September, 1898, when she resigned and Miss Maud Archibald was her successor. In January, 1899, there were 1,250 volumes in the library. In April, 1900, the library was made over to the city and has since been supported by appropriations,  and looked after by a Library Board. Miss Archibald, who succeeded Mrs. Jost as librarian in September, 1898, continued in that position for two years. When she first assumed charge the library was located in the main room of the city hall, on the first floor, but soon afterward the city council moved it to Cline's block.

Then, in succession, the library was shifted to rooms in the Garrett Sullivan Building and the city hall, both in the city clerk's office and the justice's room. The next librarian was Mrs. C. Feathers, who served for eight years, resigning in 1908. Miss Alice Millerd, the present incumbent, then took charge.

In March, 1913, when it became apparent that the accommodations at the city hall were far from adequate, an enthusiastic mass meeting was held in favor of an erection of a library building, and the council voted to devote $600, which had already been offered to obtain additional room, toward the purchase of a site; also to appropriate $1,200 per year for library purposes, provided $12,000 could be secured for the building,
or $1,000 yearly if only $10,000 could be secured. On March 29th the Carnegie authorities decided that $10,000 was the largest amount they could appropriate to a city of New London's size. In April the Mayo site was secured, and to that fund W. H. Hatten contributed $500. In July, 1913, the plans of Victor Thomas were accepted by the library board and the Carnegie committee; work upon the building was begun in September, and, as stated, it was dedicated in May, 1914. The library has steadily increased until it has reached about 4,000 volumes, besides the files of magazines and public documents, which are considerable. The present board of trustees comprises G. T. Dawley, president; W. S. Ford, secretary; John F. Croak, treasurer ex-officio; Rev. Ad Spiering, Miss Carrie H. Archibald, Hon. W. H. Hatten, Rev. John Kaster and John P. Ballantyne.

The city hall, on Main Street and North Pearl, is a two-story and basement structure of red and cream brick, 100 feet in length, and was completed in 1896. It has a frontage of sixty feet on Main Street. The main entrance is supported by two pillars of granite, surmounted by an arch. Its cost was about $14,000, although the property is now valued at a much higher figure. The city hall is now occupied by the different municipal departments, including accommodations for the policemen and firemen, and the postal service as well. For some time the public library occupied rooms in the city hall, but, of course, vacated them when the Carnegie building was completed in 1914.

The Grand Opera House of New London was erected by J. C. Hickey and George E. Lutsey in 1892. Two years before, Mr. Lutsey had built the Elwood Hotel, thus continuing the long careers of his parents in that line. The opera house was conducted by Messrs. Hickey and Lutsey until the spring of 1916, when the latter became its sole proprietor.

"Captain" Lutsey, who is a native of New London, was engaged in the steamboat business for many years between New London and Oshkosh before he entered the hotel business.

The Bank of New London is the oldest institution of the kind in the city. It was originally organized by L. C. Patterson as a private bank in 1872. It was reorganized as a state bank in 1876, when Leonard Perrin, who had previously been a clerk, became the regular cashier. In November of that year J. W. Bingham was elected president of the bank, and it was conducted under the firm name of Bingham & Perrin until 1884, when G. A. Murray was placed at the head of its affairs. A. H. Pape became his associate in 1886 and so continued until 1903. Another reorganization was then effected under the new state banking law, with Mr. Pape as president and his son, E. C. Pape, as cashier. This management has remained unchanged. The present capital is $10,000; surplus, $6,000; average deposits, $70,000.

The First National Bank of New London has a capital of $50,000, with the following officers: E. H. Ramm, president; M. C. Trayser, vice president; H. S. Ritchie, cashier.

The Farmers State Bank was established in 1912, a building for its accommodation being erected in the same year. There has been no change in the management, i. e.: Silas E. Wright, president; Jacob Werner, vice president; E. C. Jost, cashier. The capital of the bank is $25,000; surplus and undivided profits, about $5,500, and average deposits, $250,000.

The lodges of New London commenced to be born more than fifty years ago, and most of them are still alive and vigorous. The Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Modern Woodmen of America, Grand Army of the Republic and Woman's Relief Corps are the leading orders represented.

New London Lodge No. 131 was the first body of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons organized in the city and the first secret and benevolent society of any kind. Its charter was granted June 11, 1861, and the lodge was organized by Grand Master A. B. Alden, Grand Senior Warden A. S. Wood, Grand Junior Warden J. B. Cook and Grand Secretary H. T. Palmer. The first officers installed were Parley Dickinson, worthy master; Hezekiah B. Freeman, senior warden, and William T. Ward, junior warden. The worthy masters have been Parley Dickinson, Jerry Dean, H. S. Dixon, H. P. Briggs, O. F. Weed, J. W. Bingham, B. A. Weatherby, George Whelden, James Stinson, Andrew K. Meikeljohn, H. L. Bacon, G. T. Dawley, John C. Freeman, Giles H. Putnam, A. W. Anderson, C. B. Stanley, H. S. Ritchie, Earl A. Meiklejohn and H. B. Cristy (elected in December, 1916). Besides Mr. Cristy, the elective officers now (January, 1917) serving are: C. Hinman, senior warden; Harry Freeman, junior warden; C. D. Feathers, senior deacon; George Meiklejohn, secretary; S. E. Wright, treasurer. Membership of the lodge about 120.

New London Chapter No. 62, Royal Arch Masons, was chartered on February 16, 1887, and was organized with B. A. Weatherby as high priest, James Meiklejohn, king, and Leonard Perrin, scribe. Among the high priests, besides Mr. Weatherby, have been George Strickland, George Wheldon and G. T. Dawley. Membership of the chapter about 100. Fountain City Chapter No. 28, Order of the Eastern Star, was granted its charter January 18, 1892. Its first officers were: Mrs. Augusta Trayser, worthy matron; Mrs. Ella Stimson, associate matron, and Silas E. Wright, worthy patron. The worthy matrons who have presided over the chapter: Mrs. Augusta Trayser, four terms; Mrs. Ella Stimson, four terms; Mrs. George Wheldon, two terms; Mrs. Emma Wright, three terms; Mrs. Susie Dick, two terms; Mrs. Susie Wright, two terms; Mrs.. H. L. Bacon, two terms; Mrs. Flora Chickering, one term; Mrs. Nettie Pfeifer, one term; Mrs. Belle Dawson, two terms, and Mrs. Ruby Jensen, two terms.

Until about three years ago the different Masonic bodies of New London met in the Meiklejohn, Stimson and Lipke blocks, and had no permanent or central home. In the fall of 1913 the order purchased the old Andrew Meiklejohn homestead, and in the summer of 1914 remodeled the residence so as to admirably meet the requirements-social, ritualistic and benevolent-of the various Masonic bodies which were to meet therein. The Masonic Temple is well named.

North Star Lodge No. 104, Independent Order Odd Fellows, was instituted April 5, 1861, T. R. Hudd, D. D. G. M. The first officers elected were: Alex Rickey, N. G.; I. W. Perry, V. G.; J. G. Nordmann, treas-urer; R. Perry, recording secretary. The noble grands who have served the lodge have been as follows: Alex Rickey, J. A. Trader, William C. Herrmann, Julius Zuehlke, H. R. Fuerst, John Slarr, William C. Oestreich, F. A. Archibald, C. L. Moody, H. E. Webber, F. H. Patterson, B. D. Guerin, Hans Larson, L. Rassmussen, O. E. Zerrenner, J. R. Williams, James Edminster, Ad Virgowe, August Toch, Ernest Shipley, F. H. Smith, W. S. Oaks and E. C. Rand (in office). Besides Mr. Rand the present elective officers are: Carl Lindner, vice grand; William Oestreich, recording secretary; E. C. Oestreich, financial secretary; L. Rassmussen, treasurer.

Sometime after the lodge was instituted its "official language" was changed from English to German, but about 1885 a return was made to English. About 1868 the Odd Fellows built a hall with a store on the first floor. In 1902 this frame building was sold to W. A. Trayser, and the brick structure now occupied was completed in 1903. The property is valued at about $11,000.

The Woman's Relief Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic was instituted February 15, 1881, by Libbie C. Baer of the Appleton depart-ment. The presidents of the corps have been Mrs. Augusta Trayser, Sarah Warden, Helen M. Dean, Ellen Van Tassell, Anna Heath and Mabelle McClellan (in office). The secretaries: Ellen Van Tassell, Mabelle McClellan and Lotta Davis (in office). The other officers now serving are Ida Blondey, senior vice; Emma Cleveland, junior vice; Anna Heath, treasurer; Ellen Van Tassell,. chaplain; Ella Locke, con.; Laura Miller, guard. Of the fifty-three members who form the existing corps Mrs. Van Tassell is the only charter member.


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