Obituaries & Death Notices Last updated November 5, 2014 Click on obituary to
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Copyright © 2007-2014 Paula Vaughan |
Newspaper Unknown |
Dewey Jensen George Hanawalt |
Newspaper Unknown |
Newspaper Unknown
Newspaper Unknown |
Minor C. Wilson Mrs. G.M. Suydam |
Newspaper Unknown |
Stevens Point Daily Journal |
Waupaca County News -
Waupaca, Wisconsin - January 29, 1925 Dora Radley Welty was born in the town of Dayton, Waupaca County, on June 22nd, 1882. She was the fourth child of W.W. and Alice Radley. She received her education in the rural schools of the community and later attended the Stevens Point Normal. On the 29th of November, 1889, she became the second wife of Jessse R. Welty who was associated with his brother, Chas. Weller, in the operation of the Rural Mills. She immediately entered into the duties of the home, giving loving care and attention to Arlie and George, the two small children left in the home by the death of Mr. Welty’s first wife. To them and the home she administered with all the love and devotion a mother could bestow, and later the home was blessed by the following: Mrs. Albert O. Follette, nee Ina; Ralph W., Paul H. Wilhelmina, Dorothy and James R. Shortly after their marriage they moved to Merrill, where Mr. Welty was employed as a steam engineer for a large lumbering concern. When this industry had completed its cut, Mr. Welty and family moved to Mason, where he was also employed as a steam engineer by the Edward Hines Lumber Co. Here they remained for many years and finally as this mill was also disbanded, the family moved to Drummond and Mr. Welty followed his profession with the Rust-Owen Lumber Interests. Two years ago the family moved to Park Falls, and Mr. Welty was employed by the Flambeau Paper co., where the family still resides. Dora Welty was a member of the Presbyterian church of Rural from which she never transferred, and during all the years following her marriage she took active part in church work and the activities of the W.C.T.U. About the time the family moved to Park Falls, her health began to fail and although she staved off the inevitable, under a doctors care, she finally passed away at the parental home in Rural, on Jan. 21st, 1925, where she had been about two months preceding her death. Besides her husband and children, all of whom survive her, she leaves the following with a host of friends to mourn her passing. Mrs. Alice Radley, her mother; three brothers, Herbert, Yuba and Ora, and two sisters, Mrs. Hazel R. Barton of Waupaca and Mrs. R.L. Gregory of Milwaukee. Her father, W.W. Radley passed to the great beyond on June 26th, 1918, at the family home. The remains were laid away by loving hands of former friends at the Crystal Lake cemetery on January 24th, 1925. The services were held at the home, the Rev. Goldworth of the Parfreyville M.E. church officiating. ___________________________________
Portage County Gazette
- Portage, Wisconsin - November 30, 2012 |