The Kansas City Post
- Kansas City, MO - Thursday March 4, 1915



EVIDENCE A SENSATION - Waupaca, Wis., March 4 - A mild sensation occurred in a court of this "dry city", when a quart of liquor, evidence in the case of William Cain, arrested on a charge of selling liquor without a license, was found to contain 45 per cent whiskey and 55 per cent water. Cain was fined $50 and $9.52 in costs.


The Waupaca Republican Post - Waupaca, WI - April 22, 1915
(This article transcribed and submitted by J. J. Johnson)

 HOTEL AT OGDENSBURG BURNED - Value of Property about $2,500 – Insurance, $1,500

     Friday morning between three and four o’clock the hotel at Ogdensburg was discovered to be on fire and the fire spread so rapidly that much of the furniture was a total loss.  Mrs. Knutson, the owner of the property, valued the building at $2,000 to $2,500 on which the insurance was $1,500.  The furniture and fixtures were insured at $900.

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