Wisconsin Births Pre-1907 Index


This is an index to the pre-1907 birth records that exist in Wisconsin for Winnebago county births.  To obtain a copy of the birth record, search the index and use the information to find the records on microfilm at any institution that owns the microfilm of the pre-1907 Wisconsin births.  Copies can also obtained by searching the Wisconsin Historical Society website at http://www.wisconsinhistory.org/vitalrecords/ and clicking on order now.  There is a charge for this.

If you need a certified copy of a birth record you can contact either of the following:

Wisconsin Center for Health Statistics
Dept. of Health and Social Services
P.O. Box 309
Madison, Wisconsin 53701


Winnebago County Register of Deeds
415 Jackson St.
Oshkosh 54901

A-Am An-Ax Ba Be Bi-Bo Br
Bu-By Ca-Ce Ch-Cl Co Cr-Cz Da
Dc-Di Do-Dr Ds-Eb Ec-Em En-Ey Fa-Fi
Fl-Fra Fre-Fry Fu-Ga Ge Gi-Go Gr-Gs
Gu-Hag Hah-Han Hap-Haz He-Hep Her-Hi Hj-Hoo
Hop-Hy I-Jan Jao-Jog Joh-Jon K-Kel Kem-Kiv
Kj-Koc Koe-Kra Kre-Krz L-Lar Las-Len Leo-Li
Li-Lz M-Mam Man-Mar Mas-McH McI-Mey Mf-Mi
Mo-Mue Muh-Nei Nei-Nk No-Op Or-Par Pas-Pe
Pf-Pol Pom-Pu Q-Ra Re Rf-Roe Rog-Ry
S-Schi Schl-Schs Schu-Se Sh Si-Sm Sn-Sq
St-Ste Sth-Stv Su-Te Th-Ti Tl-Ty U-V
Wa We Wh-Wi Wn-Wy Y-Z