Land Book "D"
Bergers' Falls, One Mile From Mattoon.
The lands described in this book are the deep and fertile forest lands from which we have gradually cut the timber for manufacturing purposes. The soil is the same as that in other parts of Wisconsin now selling from $50 to $100 an acre, and which were timber lands until recently. A few more years and a few more settlers will make your land—if you buy of us—of equal or greater value. The "Wisconsin Timber & Land Company owns about 10,000 choice acres, unimproved. Rapid settlement being the surest way to cause an increase in value, the best of these lands are now offered at from $10 to $20 an acre. We have also many small farms with improvements on them which we will sell to the right parties. Prices and descriptions of these will be furnished on application to the manager.
You can visit these lands easily. We will meet you on the ground, and show you the property, without any obligation to buy. If you should buy, your railroad fare will be refunded.
If you buy and operate a farm in Shawano County, you will be certain to get a satisfactory return for your labor. Your place will increase in value in proportion to the growth of population and the scarcity of low-priced .farm lands that are productive and favorably located. Listen, to what Secretary of Agriculture Wilson says about Shawano County in his Annual Report:
"The medium farms of the North Central Division (of Wisconsin) increased on the average $11.25 per acre during the past five years. The increased value that has come to farms is better invested than in bank deposits or even in the gild-edged bonds of private corporations. In the past five years the value of medium farms in the United States has increased 33.5 per cent; in Wisconsin 35 per cent."
Residence of E. E. Hemingway, manager, Wisconsin Timber & Land Company, Mattoon, Wis.
Here Are The Facts
The soil in our tract will produce in abundance every crop known to the temperate region, while cereals average more to the acre than in any other Northern State. It is the greatest dairy and stock country in the world. There is an abundance of pure running water and many spring water lakes. The climate is bracing and there is no malaria.
There is a handy market for every stick of wood you can cut from your place. If you want to work for others, the local lumbering and manufacturing interests offer constant employment at good wages.
The possibilities for development in Shawano County are fully as good as they are farther south in Wisconsin where the land was also heavily timbered, but is now one of the most beautiful and fertile regions in the world.
Ex-Governor Siofield of Wisconsin says:
Northern Wisconsin Excels In Forage Crops "As a pioneer resident in Northern Wisconsin, I want to add my testimony as to its value and promise as an agricultural region. All Northern Wisconsin will some day be renowned far and wide as a dairy region. It is adapted to the successful growing of most crops that can be raised in the southern counties of the State, and it so far excels the older countries in growing forage crops
that its particular sphere is thus clearly defined."The Farmer's Review, a responsible and conservative agricultural publication says:
Opportunity for Men With Limited Means "Every man who intends to buy land for farming purposes should ascertain facts about the soil, climate, and adapted crops of the section where he proposes to settle. A great many people are now going into North Central Wisconsin, in Shawano County, and have found a good opportunity for securing cheap land and making a home. The writer has looked up the resources of this section, and finds that a great variety of crops may be grown here with profit."This is going to make a great dairy section. Grasses thrive and are very rich. These, with pure water and the bracing atmosphere, make it an ideal section for dairying and sheep raising. On the new laud potatoes make a very profitable crop, and are comparatively free from rot. This is also a great oat section; the climate, moisture and season being highly favorable for the production of the finest berry. In fact, about everything in the way of field or vegetable crops may be grown here except corn. This is out of the corn belt, yet some of the early dent varieties have been tested with success.
"The Wisconsin Timber & Land Co., of Mattoon, Shawano County, Wisconsin, will give you accurate and honest information about lands here. They own about ten thousand choice acres, and are putting this on the market on very liberal terms. This is not a prairie country. It is a timber country, and right here is where the man with limited means can make a home for his family in a few years. With the best grasses, fine water, all small grains, wonderful root and vegetable crops, get a small farm and it will be easy sailing.
"While you are developing your own farm there is opportunity here in the woods and saw mills at good day wages. In fact anyone who wants to strike out for himself can "make good" here if he will get down to business. What the people of this country desire is the man who will pitch in and help develop the country. If you are that kind we surely advise you to write to the above company for detailed information. What is the use of renting when, with a few hundred dollars, you can make a payment on a piece of land and in a few years own it outright. Investigate. That's the thing we advise you to do."
Part of our land is covered with magnificent forests of maple, birch, basswood, elm and white oak. These forests are like great temples, the tall stems of the trees rising like columns, from 40 to 60 feet high, without a limb.
There is little or no underbrush, and the whole prospect has an open, hospitable look, while the sunlight is scarcely obstructed. Along the open spaces, where timothy or clover seed has been accidentally dropped, great crops of white-top and red-top spring up with no encouragement in the way of cultivation. From two to three tons of timothy and redtop to the acre is but an ordinary crop.
The lands for the most part are level, inclined in some parts to be rolling, but there are no deep ravines or high hills. The beautiful lakes and streams for which Wisconsin is celebrated are at their best in Shawano County. They are not large, but plentiful, and there is an abundance of game and excellent fish, such as brook trout, in the streams, and bass, pickerel, etc. in the lakes.
We have sold a great deal of this land to men who worked in our mills and factories and to their friends, as well as to farmers already located here, but this is the first time we have offered any of it to the general public. The inducements which we offer in the way of cheap transportation, assistance to newcomers in getting started, and assurance of steady work and a good market, as well as very easy terms of payment, make this an ideal proposition for the man who wants to start right, and make an independent living.
Good Place for all kinds of Farming I purchased 80 acres of land about 4 1/2 miles from Mattoon about a year ago and am well pleased with my investment, and can cheerfully recommend this country as being all right for all kinds of farming.
Yours truly,
Meadow Brook Farm owned by Wisconsin Timber and Land Company.
The picture shows the farm buildings, a young orchard, and a crop of outs more than waist high.
A hay-field on Meadow Brook Farm owned by Wisconsin Timber & Land Company.