Map of part of Wisconsin showing location of property of Wisconsin Timber & Land Company.
Note the fine railway facilities.
Location of Our Lands
Our lands are in Shawano County, Wisconsin, fifteen miles from Antigo, a city of 8,000 people and from one to ten miles from Mattoon, a town of about 1,500. The Chicago & Northwestern Railway System passes through it, and our own railroad, thirty miles long traverses it. We are forty miles due north from Appleton, a city of 20,000 population; 282 miles from Chicago and 197 miles from Milwaukee. The small cross on the accompanying map shows the approximate position of our lands with respect to these cities. Our Offer to you
If you don't read all of this, you may miss the main chance.
We offer to make you the owner of land in the best farming and dairy section of the United States, near live towns, and only a short ride from the large cities, for a small price, and on easy terms.
Only a little money is needed, and when you are ready to build, we will sell you the materials at cost. We will also buy from you all the wood you can cut off your land that you are willing to sell, such as stovewood, logs, bolts, ties, etc. In this way you will have a cash income from the start.
We will sell you the land on long time payments, at a low rate of interest, and guarantee a perfect title. If you want to do your own work, you can build a fine log house at a cost of about $50 for materials. We will give you all the help yon need to get settled in your new quarters.
If your means are small, this would be the best way to start. Or you might build a nice barn, because a good barn for your stock will help you to get a fine house later on.
All the bother about moving to a new location is removed, because you have the assurance of work in a good community, with a ready market for everything you can produce.
If you buy from us the railroad fare will be refunded to you.
A Fine Place For A Beginner.
I have lived in Shawano County and in the vicinity of Mattoon for the last 25 years. I have had dealings with the Wisconsin Timber & Land Co. during all that time and have purchased land from them and have always made good on all purchases made.
This is a good country for a beginner for the reason that with very little money he can get a good start and in a few years be the owner of a good farm home and out of debt. The climatic conditions here are as good as any place in America. The water is pure and easily gotten, as wells in this section produce good water at 10 to 20 feet from the surface.
I can most heartily recommend this country to anybody wishing to better his condition.Yours truly,
Loading Logs on Mattoon Railway for Wisconsin Timber & Land Co., Mattoon, Wis.
Our Interests -- And Yours
The Wisconsin Timber & Land Company is engaged in the lumber business. The lands were bought by us, first, on account of the splendid character of the soil, and secondly, on account of the fine quality of the hardwood timber—birch, ash, rock-elm and white oak—that it contains. We own and operate no less than thirty miles of railroad through these lands. We harvest and saw timber from over forty acres in a week, and expect to be busy cutting on these and adjoining lands for the next fifteen or twenty years. The lumber, furniture and fine veneers used on your bedroom suites and other household furniture are made by us. The forests on our big tract are magnificent. Should you come here you will see giant oaks and elms, sixty feet high to the first limb.
We do not cut the stove wood. After the saw timber is removed, there remains on every forty acres from 3,000 to 4,000 cords of fine 16-inch wood. The cutting of this provides work for the settler the year round and until the farm is cleared. We buy it in suitable lengths delivered next to the railroad on or near your farm, where our engines and cars will come through and get it.
We guarantee you a market for every cord you may cut. We will pay you cash for it, or apply the money in payment for your land.
The first great requirement for a farmer is a good road. There are over fifty miles of good roads in the tract, made according to a fixed plan, on section, quarter section and eighth lines, for the convenience of the people living on our lands. Good Roads
The roadbeds dry very quickly after a rain and are as good as those in older communities, especially where they are low, or in sandy sections. For six or seven miles along them you will find every 40 and 80-acre tract occupied. You will see well-built houses, barns and fences. You will see improved lands on every side, all with a pleasing aspect of prosperity.
Here and there among these farms there are tracts of land just as good, either on the main road or on the side roads that are waiting for your hand to guide a rich and almost certain harvest.
The Wisconsin laws require the public authorities to make a road on a section or half section line, upon the petition of any settler. We have done more than the law requires, and have built many fine roads in advance of the settler.
Farm home, wheatfield, and apple orchard of Frank Wood, Sr., a mile and a half from Mattoon.
Farm home of Willie A. Kolpack.
About Crops
EASY FOR YOU TO BEGIN.—For the first year the most profitable crop for a beginner will be Irish potatoes. An average of 150 bushels to the acre will, on a 15-acre field, give you 2,250 bushels. At 30 cents a bushel which is a low estimate considering the market of recent years—this will bring you $675.00 in cash at any point on the railroad you choose to deliver them. Of course, in addition to this, such crops as oats, millet and corn are raised for fodder, and all kinds of vegetables for the house. These figures are based on the actual experience of the settlers now on the land. After the first year, hay ought to be a constant crop. It will yield as big a profit as potatoes, although most of the farmers here find it more profitable to keep it for feeding their stock.
YOU NEEDN'T WAIT FOR YOUR FIRST CROP.—Most of the circulars describing farm lands lay stress on the necessity for a man having enough money to last him till he harvests his first crop. This is not necessary with us. With the market for your stove-wood and timber (see paragraph on "Our Interests and Yours") and an opportunity to work with your team or in the woods, you can begin to make money at once. The wood alone will pay for your land twice over. Do not waste your time in an old settled, worked-out community, where winter means waste of time and expense. On our tract you need never be idle a day, winter or summer, and every day's work brings you increas-
ing profit and independence.
NO CROP FAILURES.—There has never been anything approaching a total failure of crops in Shawano County. While one year may not show oats quite so tall, wheat stems not quite so long, or the potatoes not so large, nor so many in a hill, as in another year, yet such crops as are described in this book are more uniform and dependable than probably any other section of the country.
Lady was not a Farmer but is Successful Two years ago I purchased 80 acres of land 4 miles from Mattoon and was not a farmer, but have learned that the soil is good here. I have raised good crops on my land and it is worth double what it was when I purchased it, and I can cheerfully recommend this country to anybody who wishes to make a home on a farm. I am engaged in raising chickens as well as in general farming and find that this is a fine country for hatching and raising fowls. 1 also have a number of milch cows and find the raising of cattle profitable.Yours truly,
MRS. GEORGE PRITCHARD.Good place to make money I have lived at Mattoon for the past two years and about 6 months ago purchased 40 acres of land 2 1/2 miles from the Village, and am well pleased with my purchase. This is a good country in which to make money on farm lands.Yours truly,