Reason Why You Should Settle Here
Because there is no healthier climate in the world. There are no blizzards, cyclones, malaria or hay fever. The winters are moderate and the summers cool.

Because there are plenty of clear streams and lakes abounding with fish.

Because there is building stone in abundance, and plenty of lumber close at hand and cheap.

Because the soil is clay loam, easily worked and very productive. There is no cheap sand land.

Because there are fewer crop failures in this section than anywhere in America.

Because there is fine pasture and rich feed, to make rich milk.

Because the demand for dairy products is ten times greater than the supply.

Because we have good schools, both graded and ungraded.

Because we have churches of all the leading denominations.

Because we have several civic societies and fraternal orders.

Because you will have good, law-abiding neighbors, willing to help you get started—as we will.

Because the taxes are low.

Because the title to your land is perfect.

Because our system permits of families being located in groups. We will reserve land for your absent relatives for a certain time, so that when they come, you can all live near each other, or together.

Because the progressive town of Mattoon with its 1,500 people is near our lands. Read the advertisements of the business men in the back of this book.

Because hundreds of prosperous farmers who bought land of us will give you the benefit of their experience. Read what some of them say in this book.

Because there is work for everybody. We employ 800 men in our mills and factories at Mattoon, manufacturing lumber and veneers.

Because the railroad is within one to five miles of your farm.

Because there is an up-to-date power station supplying current for electric light. Also a fine telephone system.

Because there is a fine roomy hospital and the best of medical attendance. Also experienced physicians having independent practice.

Because the land is so cheap and so productive that you can make it pay for itself before your last payments are due.

Can you duplicate these advantages in any place you have been?

Mattoon General Hospital, Dr. R. C. Pfeil, Resident Physician

How to Reach Our Lands

The First Questions Asked.

Q. What is the distance from nearest large city?
A.  From Chicago, 282 miles. From Milwaukee, 197 miles.
Q. What railroad shall I take?
A. Chicago & Northwestern Railroad to Aniwa.
Q. Why not to Mattoon?
A. Because our own passenger and mail train takes you the additional twelve miles.
Q. What will be the cost for railroad fare?
A. When you are ready to visit our lands, write us for information regarding rates from your section. If you buy we refund your railroad fare.
Q. What shall I do when I get there?
A. The conductor will inquire about your wishes and introduce you to the manager, who will take charge of you and see that you have every comfort and are given opportunity to investigate the situation
Q. Suppose I arrive in the winter?
A. You can select your land and go to work cutting timber and stove wood. If there should be snow on the ground we will give you written guarantee as to quality and kind of soil, with right to exchange for another piece in the spring. There is no chance of your getting poor land, however.
Q. And when I get there and want to do business, but perhaps have no definite plan?
A. When you arrive, if you will frankly tell us your financial situation, your past experience as a farmer, your wishes as to buildings, your preference as to neighbors, and all other important matters, we will aid you by the experience of ourselves and others. We expect to be neighbors and good friends, and to help each other.

Mattoon Merchantile Company

Everything you want—
Groceries,  Tinware  Dry Goods,  Clothing
Boots and Shoes House Furnishings Flour and Feed

and the biggest stock of General Merchandise in this section.

If you trade here you have all the advantages of city buying, with none of the bother. We will give personal attention to all your needs, and show you how to save money when getting started.

Ask for MR. DOENKEL or MR. MOSS— and don't forget the store

Your  Household  Needs

Groceries,  Crockery,  Dry Goods, — Every Kind of General 
Merchandise Suitable for the Job —  You will find them all at
It will pay you to drop into this store, because you will see things you want at easy prices. Wirrer is a good buyer—knows the needs of this community, and keeps the right stuff at the prices that make people come again.
Just as much attention shown to the children as to the grown folks.


Blacksmithing and Automobile Repairs
Bring your implements and machinery to Fred Grignon to be fixed. All the people around here say he gives satisfaction in GOOD WORK, QUICK WORK AND EASY PRICE. He can do it because he is a thorough workman, and knows how to give satisfaction. Try Grignon AUTOMOBILE or other REPAIRING next time you have a breakdown.


Hotel Mattoon.

     Land buyers and their families will be well taken care of in this fine hotel. Fine large, well-ventilated apartments.
     The table is excellent and liberally supplied. The hotel is steam-heated throughout and has everything needed for the convenience and comfort of the guests.

Rates   One Dollar a day and up. 

Nyal Drug Store--O. W. Bosshard, Proprietor


Dispensers   of   PURE   DRUGS

This fine drug store has a complete line of all the Standard Remedies, Druggists Sundries, School Supplies and Toilet Articles.

Prescriptions given Quick Attention, and the Greatest Care in Preparation

Don't Forget it.    The  NYAL Drug Store
The Best Equipped Pharmacy in Northern Wisconsin

O. W. BOSSHARD, Ph. D., Proprietor

Mattoon State Bank


Capital $10,000.00

Three per cent, interest paid on 6-month Certificates of Deposit, and Four per cent, on 12-month Certificates.

Money to Loan, at Lowest Rates of Interest, on First Term Mortgages.


Roy F. Babcock, President W. B. Kramer, Cashier