Mattoon Hardware Company.
Mattoon Hardware Company
Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Cutlery and Farm Supplies
We carry a stock of Hardware more extensive and complete than is usually found in cities five times the size of Mattoon. Our stock is selected especially for the needs of this community. We have only standard goods and our method of buying enables us to sell them at moderate prices.
We carry Farm Machinery and Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Paints and Oils, Lime, Brick and Cement, Crockery and Tinware. COME IN AND LOOK US OVER
Paxton & Lightbody's Mill and Yards.
BUILDING MATERIALLumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Poles, Cedar Posts
When you are ready to build a House, a Barn, a Shed, or Outbuildings, or want to make some repairs, come and talk it over with us. We have something special to tell you. MATTOON, WIS. PAXTON & LIGHTBODY
William Blum.
FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINGSA fine line of Substantial, Well Made Furniture at Moderate Prices
Musical Instruments Baby Carriages Go-Carts Trunks and Grips Paints, Oils and Varnish Calcimine Wall Coverings Window Shades, Carpets Rugs Oil Cloth and Linoleum UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR
Henry Fuchs.
Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing
Henry Fuchs does this, and also makes and repairs Wagons for farm use. Living right among the people who use them, Henry knows what is needed better than the city fellows. He takes good care of Horses' Feet, and shoes them in a way that is Good for the Horse, Good for the Feet, and Easy for the Pocket.
Sooner or later you will come to Fuchs' smithy
You might as well learn the way NOW.HENRY FUCHS, Practical Blacksmith