Pages 51 - 52
L. C. BOLD, the honored
mayor of Shawano, and editor and manager of the Shawano County Wochenblatt,
is a native of Hessen-Nassau, Germany, born June 10, 1848, and a son of
Christopher Bold, a highly-educated man, who was born January 7, 1824.
He was instructed in some of the best educational institutions of Germany,
won a high reputation as a teacher, and was employed at several schools
of the Province Hessen-Nassau. His death, which occurred August 7, 1894,
was of an extended obituary in the educational paper issued by the institution
where he had given such excellent service for many years, winning a reputation
that was far more than local. His family numbered six children –
two sons and four daughters.
Our subject attended the public schools until ten years of age,
and then entered college at Cassel, after which he pursued his studies.
He acquired an excellent education, and then resolved to cross the Atlantic
to America, which he believed offered a better field to ambitious young
men than was afforded in his native country. In the summer of 1868,
at Bremen, he embarked on this vessel "Herrmann," which, after thirteen
days, reached the harbor of New York. He remained for some time in the
East, and in 1872 was made a citizen of the United States in Jersey City,
N. J. Soon after his arrival he entered a drug store, and continued in
that line of business for some time
In 1809 Mr. Bold was married in New York to Miss Babetta Lieb
— a native of Germany, and to them were born three children: Paul, who
was drowned in 1880; Charles F., one of the prominent young men of Shawano,
now employed in his father's newspaper office; and Louis, who is also connected
with journalistic work. In November, 1884, Mr. Bold came to Shawano.
At, that time the Shawano County Democrat was in the hands of the sheriff,
the former proprietors having failed to make it a profitable investment.
A company was formed, consisting of August Koeppen, president; Ed Somers,
secretary; and L. C. Bold, editor and manager. The paper was changed to
its present name, and the first copy appeared January 15, 1885. In October,
1888, the company was incorporated as the Shawano Printing Association,
and Mr. Bold is now president and secretary as well as editor and manager.
The circulation has been greatly increased, Mr. Bold having successfully
managed the enterprise, until the paper is now one of the leading German
publications in northern Wisconsin. It is well-edited, and is a very readable
sheet. The equipment of the office is by far the most modern in Shawano,
having, a cylinder press and other-machinery for first-class work, driven
by steam power.
In politics Mr. Bold has always been a Democrat,
but at local elections does not closely draw the party lines, preferring
to support the man whom he thinks best quali-fied for office, regardless
of his political com-plexion. In the spring of 1895 he was
elected mayor of Shawano on the Citizen's ticket, defeating James Black
by 59 majori-ty. From 1888 until 1890 he was justice of the peace;
in 1891 was supervisor of the Sec-ond ward of the city of Shawano; in 1893
was chairman of the county board of super-visors; and in 1894 was again
appointed justice of the peace, serving until the spring of 1895 with the
same fidelity that has marked his official career in its various ca-pacities.
Socially Mr. Bold is a member of Neptune Lodge, No. 46, I. 0. 0. F., and
has been delegate to two grand lodges. He is a member of the Germania Society
of Mil-waukee, and organized Enterprise Encamp-ment I. 0. 0. F. He is one
of the leading men of the city, prominently identified with its public
interests, a man who faithfully does his duty to himself, to his neighbor,
and to his country. His public and private career are alike above reproach,
and all who know him respect him. |