Pages 237
CONRAD WEINIG, son of Nicholas
and Barbara (Seeph) Weinig, was born November 2, 1860, in Baden, Germany,
where both his parents were born, and where his mother. died in 1873, and
his father, who is a farmer by occupation, still resides.
There were eight children in the family of Nicholas and Barbara
Weinig, of whom John resides in Baden, Germany; Martin, in Manistee, Mich.;
Conrad is the subject of this sketch; Anna resides,in Baden; Katie is the
wife of Mr. Schweinsaddle, of Manistee, Mich.; Jenofofa resides in Manistee,
Mich., and Justina in Baden, Germany. Conrad Weinig was reared in Baden,
educated in the schools of the Fatherland, apprenticed for three years,
and learned his trade at Taubesbischoffsheim. Coming to the United States,
he landed in New York City, was four months on Staten Island, and five
months in Connecticut; then returned to New York City, where he remained
two years and a half, working at his trade. From there he came to Clintonville,
Larrabee township, Waupaca Co., Wis., In 1881, where he worked at his trade,
on the railroad section, and in the woods, and thence came to Marion, Dupont
township, Waupaca county. Here he commenced business in 1882, and
in 1883 bought a building 30 x 16 feet, adding to it, until he had one
building 50 x 16 feet, and two stories in height, besides two others.
In November, 1886, Conrad Weinig was united in marriage with
Ottilia Joletz, who was born in Grant township, Shawano county, and they
have three children: Laura, Edward and Olga. Mrs. Weinig's father. Frank
Joletz, was an early pioneer of Grant township, came to the county in 1866,
and lives on the farm. In 1890 Mr. Weinig erected a good two-story house,
having main room 16x16 feet, with "L" 16x28, wings 14x16, vestibule 6x6,
kitchen 16x16, and pantry 8x8—as fine a residence as can be found in Marion,
and in 1894 another store building, 20x46 feet, and two stories in height.
He has made a practice of traveling on the road since he began the merchant-tailoring
business here, and solicits trade in Shawano and Oconto counties, in this
State, also in upper Michigan. He does fine, work, gives a good fit, and
guarantees satisfaction. For three years he gave employment to from twelve
to fifteen men, and now employs four. In politics Mr. Weinig votes with
the Democratic party, and in religious faith he is a Catholic. He
is a member of Marion Lodge No. 256, I. 0. 0. F., was one of the charter
members, and has been secretary of the lodge. He has seen many changes
in this part of the State, has done his share in building up the village
of Marion, and has always taken an interest in the prosperity of the town.—[Since
the above was written, Mr. Weinig says he has sold out in Marion, and is
now located at Shawano.] |