(Send your ancestor's name.
country/port of departure, port of arrival, ship's name and
immigration date to
czaplewska@aol.com to be included in the database)
(very limited)
Years ago I taught genealogical
classes and seminars and one of the first classes to fill up was my
"They Came in Ships" -- Locating Passenger, Emigration, Immigration and
Naturalization Records. After all, the hardest research work you
will do is making that jump to the other side of the pond and finding
the name of your ancestor's town. I was asked last week about
locating these types of records and when I went to link them to the
page in the Shawano site, I realized I never made a page for it.
I'm including some of the materials from my classes as well as links
to GREAT SITES on the Internet that I have found useful.
If you have additional questions, comments or your
favorite links, you can send them to me at
The first steps in locating the information is to
try to establish a time frame of when your ancestor immigrated to the
U.S. and from what country. Your FIRST source will be family
papers, family Bibles, and older family members memories -- keeping in
mind that details and memories are not carved in stone but they can
send you in the right direction. After searching those records,
your next step would be CENSUS WORK. Now I know, they appear in
censuses AFTER they arrived -- you need the information BEFORE they
arrived, right? One of the questions on the censuses were PLACE OF
BIRTH and later ones asked for YEAR OF IMMIGRATION and CITIZENSHIP
STATUS. As with ALL GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH, start with the last
known event (present) and work backwards to get to the time frame you
are researching. So if they were here in 1930, start with that
census and work backwards -- and keep in mind that the census
information is as accurate as the person who gave it -- sometimes it
was the actual person and the information would be relatively
accurate. But other times, it could be the 12 year old daughter
who was home that day and answered the door or even the next door lady
(who would save that tired census worker the long trip back when the
family would be home) because she KNEW the family well. These
records were not compiled to be scrutinized as we use them -- they
were a head count as required by the Federal Government and even
though census takers were sworn in, they did the best they could do
within reason.
1860 Census Questions:
Place of birth (state, territory or country)
1870 Census Questions:
Place of birth (state, territory or country)
Whether father is of foreign birth
Whether mother is of foreign birth
Whether male citizen of the US aged 21 years and up
1880 Census Questions:
Name of state, territory or country of birth
Father's birthplace
Mother's birthplace
1900 Census Questions:
Father's birthplace
Mother's birthplace
For an alien or naturalized citizen: year of immigration to the US;
number of years in the US, whether still an alien, having applied for
citizenship, or naturalized (A or AL - Alien; NA - Naturalized; NR -
Not Reported; PA - First Papers Filed)
1910 Census Questions:
Birthplace, if foreign born, mother tongue
Birthplaces of parents
Year of immigration
Whether naturalized or alien for foreign born males 21 years old or
older (A or AL - Alien; NA - Naturalized; NR - Not Reported; PA -
First Papers Filed)
Whether able to speak English
1920 Census Questions:
Year of immigration
Whether naturalized or alien (A or AL - Alien; NA - Naturalized; NR -
Not Reported; PA - First Papers Filed)
If naturalized, year of naturalization
Birthplace and mother tongue
Birthplaces and mother tongues of parents
Whether able to speak English
1930 Census Questions:
Race (W - White, Neg - Negro, Mex - Mexican, In - Indian, Ch -
Chinese, Jp - Japanese; Fil - Filipino, Hin - Hindu, Kor - Korean,
Other races are spelled out in full, For Indian: whether of full or
mixed blood, and tribal affiliation
Birthplace of person and parents
If foreign born, language spoken in home before coming to the U.S.
Year of immigration
Whether naturalized (Na - Naturalized, Pa - First Papers, Al - Alien)
Whether speaks English
OK, enough said about the importance of censuses...
Now onto the next clue -- citizenship status (Na - Naturalized, Pa -
First Papers, Al - Alien)
Naturalization, the process by which an alien (foreign-born
resident) becomes a citizen of another country. Naturalization
papers can be a valuable source of information regarding an
immigrant's place of origin, his or her original name, former
residence, and date of arrival in the new country. Beyond that,
they represent an important time in the life of our ancestor.
Naturalization records are
often overlooked by genealogists, however, because they can be
difficult to locate and understand. To gain a better insight
into these records, it is helpful to understand the three-step
process involved in gaining U.S. citizenship:
- Declarations of Intention -
First Papers
Prior to 1952, a two-step process was required before an
immigrant could become a U.S. citizen. Filing a Declaration of
Intention was the first step. Sometimes referred to as the
"first papers," the Declaration of Intention could be filed
anytime after the immigrant arrived. After 1862, those who
were honorably discharged from the U.S. Army were excused from
this first step in the naturalization process (added for the
Navy & Marine Corps in 1894). In 1952, a Declaration of Intent
was no longer required for anyone, although some immigrants
filed them. While the content found on
the declaration of intention varies dramatically by time
period and location, pre-1906 declarations rarely contain much
in the way of biographical information. Post-1906 declarations
are more useful to genealogists, however, generally containing
the following information: name, address, occupation,
birthplace, nationality, country from which emigrated, birth
date or age, personal description, date of intention, marital
status, last foreign residence, port of entry, name of ship,
date of entry, and date of document. They sometimes include a
picture of the applicant. From 1929 to 1941, the declaration
of intention also asked for the spouse's name, marriage date
and place, and birth information, plus names, dates, and
places of birth and residence of each child. A separate
Certificate of Arrival giving details of arrival was usually
required for arrivals after 1906.
- Petition for Naturalization
- Second or Final Papers
Naturalization petitions were formal applications submitted to
the court by individuals who had met the residency
requirements (generally 5 years, though this varied by time
period) and who had declared their intention to become
citizens (filed first papers). As with the declarations of
intention, the information they contain varies dramatically
from one court to another. Most petitions created before 1906
offer little in terms of personal information. After 1906,
petitions contain generally the same information as the
Declaration of Intention, with additional detail on spouses
and children.
- Certificate of
Certificates were issued to new citizens upon completion of
all citizenship requirements. As in the cases of declarations
of intention and the petitions, the amount of information
provided on the certificate may vary greatly from one year to
another. In most cases, it contains little information other
than the court, date, and name of new citizen. Beginning in
1929, naturalization certificates also included a photograph
of the new citizen. They may contain other information, but
the Declaration and Petition are usually the most helpful
papers for genealogy researchers.
The US Naturalization Service
was formed on September 27, 1906, thus they do not have any
naturalization records dated before September 1906. To locate
pre-1906 naturalization records, or any naturalization records
filed with courts, start your research at NARA - National
If your ancestor became
naturalized after September 26, 1906, first look for the record
in the local (usually county) court since this court was close
to the immigrant's place of residence. You can also check the
National Archives regional facility that covers the immigrants
place of residence.
Naturalization was slightly
different for women than men. Unless a woman was single or
widowed, she had few reasons to naturalize prior to the
twentieth century. Women, foreign-born or native, could not
vote. Until the mid-nineteenth century, women typically did not
hold property or appear as "persons" before the law. Under these
circumstances, only widows and spinsters would be expected to
seek the protections U.S. citizenship might afford. One might
also remember that naturalization involved the payment of court
fees. Without any tangible benefit resulting from a woman's
naturalization, it is doubtful that many women or their husbands
considered the fees to be money well spent. And, here's a
tidbit that is always of interest, especially when you run
across this in your genealogy. Prior to September 1922, if
a woman born in the U.S. married a non-US. citizen, she would
lose her citizenship and it would be re-granted when her
husband's final papers for citizenship were approved. Yes,
it did happen -- the woman never left the U.S. but lost her
citizenship when she married a foreigner. Once women were
given the right to vote, etc. the rules then changed.
Now, if I were looking for
Here's the list and where the person filed, as well as what time
frame, determines where the papers are located. Here's the
order I would start in (and have!):
- UWGB Cofrin Library has
BOXES of Declaration of Intention & Naturalization Papers for
Shawano County -- definitely worth the visit or call Debbie.
Research Center University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001 -- Debra Anderson 920-465-2539
- Shawano FHC has an index to
Shawano County Declaration of Intention & Naturalization
- NARA Chicago Archives has
some of the papers AFTER 1906
7358 South Pulaski Road
Chicago, Illinois 60629-5898
- The LDS Church has
microfilmed the Shawano FHC Index of Shawano County
Declaration of Intention & Naturalization Papers -- making it
accessible to you from any Mormon FHC around the world (2200+
in all!) Here are the microfilm numbers:
FHL US/CAN # 1851862 Items 2-3
Extract of naturalization records, 1859-1929
(Original records are found at the Area Research
Center, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay. These extracts
were filmed at the Appleton Family History Center,
Shawano, Wisconsin.)
"Intentions 1859-1907 - A-Z
Petitions 1907-1929 - A-Dordel, Gustav " |
FHL US/CAN # 1851863 |
Extract of naturalization records, 1859-1929
"Petitions 1907-1929 - Dordel, Tillie Gast -Z "
Now, we've covered how to track
down the CITIZENSHIP papers, let's talk about HOW and WHERE
immigrants arrived to the U.S. Here's where that census
info will help you out again. If you know approx. the
year(s) and the ethnic origin of the immigrant, you can search
in published indexes and ship manifests. Let's start with
the published first. We'll use Germany as an example as
most ancestors in Shawano County call Germany the Homeland.
The two major ports of EMIGRATION were Hamburg and Bremen
in the late 1800's and early 1900's when the wave of immigrants
came from Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc. The
Hamburg ship lists exist and are EXCELLENT -- unfortunately the
Bremen ship manifests were lost during the War. The
Hamburg's (lists of passengers on vessels sailing from Hamburg
between 1850 and 1934) have been microfilmed by the LDS church
and are again available at your closest FHC to rent to view.
They are divided into 2 parts DIRECT and INDIRECT.
- Direct Lists,
containing the names of those passengers on vessels that
sailed from Hamburg directly to an overseas port. The lists,
bound into volumes, extend from 1850 to 1914 and from 1920 to
1934; there was no emigration through Hamburg during World War
I. The lists for 1850-1855 are not, properly speaking,
"lists", but rather extracts from lists, arranged
alphabetically by the first letter of the surname of the head
of household, then chronologically by the date the vessel left
Hamburg. From 1855, the lists are arranged chronologically by
the date the vessel left Hamburg. The volume of extracts for
January-June 1853 has been missing since at least the 1920s.
- Indirect Lists,
containing the names of those passengers who proceeded from
Hamburg to an intermediate British or other European port,
where they boarded other vessels for their ultimate
destination. The lists extend from 1854-1910; the names of
such passengers for 1850-1854 and from 1911 onwards are
included in the Direct Lists.
- The following RESOURCE HELP is
from The Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints -- Mormon Family History Center.
When I worked at the FHC, these were available for sale only
-- now there is a FREE link for these at the website and the
download is in PDF format -- WELL WORTH READING!!!!
This guide describes how to use the Hamburg Passenger Lists.
The Hamburg Passenger Lists contain the names of millions of
Europeans who emigrated through Hamburg between 1850 and 1934
(except 1915-1919). The lists may provide important
genealogical information, including hometowns of the
There are also published book indexes for different
ethnic origins.
- Germans to America (Filby,
P. W. & Glazier covering 1850-1897) is a series of books (and
now on CD-ROM) which index passenger arrival records of people from
German lands for the years listed. Each volume contains a
chronological listing of the passenger lists, followed by an
alphabetical index of each passenger in that volume. There are
approximately 70,000 names in each volume. The following information
is generally given for each passenger: name, age and sex; and when
given: occupation, country or province of origin, village of
residence (many say "unknown"), and destination (many say "unknown"
or simply "US"). Also listed is the name of the ship, date of
arrival, and ports of departure and arrival. You will find
people who listed their country of residence as Germany, Prussia,
Bavaria, or numerous other German states (like Hesse, Saxony,
Brandenburg, etc). Passengers from Switzerland, France and
Luxembourg are also sometimes included. You will generally not find
passengers from Austria, Hungary or other nearby areas. I found my LAEDTKE's
listed in these -- larger libraries will have them -- they are a
dark red with gold lettering -- they are also available on CD-ROM.
Despite errors and some omissions, Germans to America is still a
good research tool for tracking down German immigrant ancestors. If
a listing is found in Germans to America, then the original
passenger lists should be consulted. Once you have the ship
name & date, you can go on to finding the actual ship manifest.
- Wuerttemberg Emigration Index
6 volumes. 60,000 persons who made application to leave Germany from
the late 18th century to 1900 at Wuerttemberg. Schenk, Trudy, Ruth
Froelke and Inge Bork.
- Irish - Famine Immigrants
In October 1845 a serious blight began
among the Irish potatoes, ruining about three-quarters of the
country's crop.
By the end of 1854 nearly two million
people - about a quarter of the population - had emigrated to the
United States in ten years. The Famine Immigrants;
Ira A. Glazier and Michael Tepper, Lists of Irish Immigrants
Arriving at the Port of New York, 1846-1851, (7 volumes: Baltimore:
Genealogical Publishing Co, 1983-1986.
- Italians to America
- Russians to America
- Dutch Immigrants to
German Immigrants:
Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, [1847-1871],
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1987-1993. 4 vols.
Zimmerman, Gary J. and Marion Wolfert.
- Filby's Passenger and Immigration Lists
Index; often referred to as ‘Filby's". This Index of
Ship's Passengers consists of three massive volumes plus an
additional 12+ volumes of indexes of ship passenger lists. The
initial three volumes (broken down by alpha sections) list a massive
number of passengers from various ship's lists with various
destinations. This index was taken from many different sources and
compiled alphabetically by surname. Subsequent to the initial 3
volumes additional supplements have been issued about 1 per year for
about 13 years. Each supplement lists many more names alphabetically
and the source of the information. The year of supplement has
nothing to do with the date of passage. Many (maybe most) larger
city main libraries have a complete set of Filby's. And it can often
be obtained by inter-library loan
- Some of the online subscription DATABASES such as
ancestry.com have these books online for a fee.
That should help you locate the WHEN and HOW they
emigrated -- let's move on to WHERE they arrived to. I'll use a
typical example of about 1906 --during the height of the immigration
period. People emigrated for several reasons -- lack of work,
lack of religious freedom, and lack of a future in the Old Country.
This was very true of Germans also -- starting in the 1840's we find
Germans immigrating to Wisconsin (Milwaukee-Kirchayn area) due to
religious freedom. Later, we see emigration due to wars and
rumors of war -- about 1870's all able bodied males were required to
serve in the military. Should you decide not to serve when your
number was called, your family could lose their home and property.
Property was not cheap and a German male was not considered a good
catch unless he owned property -- family and friends wrote back from
the States telling them that land was good, work was plentiful and
Wisconsin's green fertile fields resembled Germany's. People
packed up and left -- sometimes just the father first and once he was
established, would send for the oldest boys and then the younger
children and wife. Sometimes, as in my BLAESE family, the young
couple and their older siblings and mother would make the trip
together. So if you find just part of the family on one list,
keep looking as they will eventually show up later. During the
peak of immigration at Ellis Island in NYC, 30 ships a day would come
in, all carrying people looking for a new home. Most of our
ancestors traveled in STEERAGE. There were first class and second
class passengers and then there was steerage. My
grandmother-in-law told us of how she was 16 years old (you had to be
16 to travel alone so even the 15 year olds were 16 on paper!) and you
were in the lower areas of the ship to sleep. During the
daytime, you would go upstairs to get fresh air and move about.
In her case, she brought her own food with -- and in earlier years,
this was the common practice. The length of time on ship varied
-- once steamships were used, the travel time would be less than 2
weeks. Most people had passage secured from their departing port
in Europe to the arrival port in the Midwest prior to leaving Europe.
When the ships would arrive in NYC, the NY Times would print a list so
that family waiting for passengers knew if their passenger arrived.
Now, how do I locate the PORT OF ENTRY. If you
found your people in the ship list indexes or naturalization papers,
you have the port and date. The major ports on the East Coast
were NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, etc. and in that order of
popularity in the early 1900's. The Ellis Island website offers
ship passenger list indexes -- be sure to check VARIOUS spellings as
this is the place name changes happened frequently. Most
immigrants did not speak the language and when you had 30 ships packed
with people, the intake workers just pushed people through.
Hence, if someone's surname was SCHWARZ in German, it might be changed
to BLACK in English... Schwarz is black in German. Name
variations were the norm so keep that in mind when you are searching
for your families. If you do not have the exact port and date,
try Ellis Island first... Philadelphia second... just this has been my
OK, you now have the PORT OF ENTRY and the SHIP NAME
-- what next? Now you are able to locate the original ship
manifest and see your ancestor's name and whom he was traveling with
-- and, you can locate a picture of the ship online or in a book
called SHIPS OF OUR ANCESTORS. Once you locate the manifest, if
you have a passenger around 1900, it should say the place of origin
and where he was traveling to -- people needed a sponsor to come into
the States and here's where they would list the person they are coming
to live with -- and how much $$ they were bringing into the country.
I looked at all of mine and saw they had merely a few dollars -- how
did they plan on getting to the Midwest & Chicago on that and eat?
Most immigrants downplayed the money issue tremendously. Grandma
had her funds sewed inside the lining of her coat and NOBODY knew how
much was there -- these people had left persecution and they weren't
taking any chances here! Plus, being thrown into a steerage hold
with 400 of your new best friends for 10 days could put you on edge,
too -- I couldn't imagine my kids at 16 being able to do all that
these young immigrants did when they were 16. My son traveled
through Grand Central Station in NYC when he was 18 and I sat on pins
and needles until he called me every hour on the hour... These
immigrants would write a letter back home once they got settled here
in the States... and that could be weeks or months.
Back to the manifest -- once you have the town name
and country, you can then start looking there for church records.
Some of these town names are so poorly written you might spend
sometime checking out each letter of the name to make sure there is
such a town. If you are looking for German towns, keep in mind
that some have new names after WWII -- especially the Pommern area
that became parts of Poland and Russia and now all Poland today...
your journey has just started to find the records on the other side of
the pond... Just remember you always start with the last and work
backward. Look for the death /marriage date before trying to
locate the baptism. And just keep repeating the process in the
next generation back.
I hope this page has been useful to you -- it isn't
even a drop in the bucket on Immigration/Naturalization but it is a
start. Now, if you have
QUESTIONS, just email them to me and I'll post them in the bottom
section here and we'll get them answered to the best of our ability.
AND, as I told my classes as they were quiet in the QUESTION - ANSWER
portion of the class, the only dumb question is the one that didn't
get asked. People started to speak up quickly and the questions they had were
questions other people had, too and THEY WERE GREAT QUESTIONS!!!! So do
QUESTION #1: Does the
courthouse in Shawano house any Naturalization Records that were
processed there years ago?
ANSWER: Good question - years ago they did keep them in the
Clerk of Court's Office but have since transferred ALL of them
to the Cofrin Library at UWGB.
UWGB Cofrin Library has
BOXES of Declaration of Intention & Naturalization Papers for
Shawano County -- definitely worth the visit or call Debbie.
Research Center University of Wisconsin - Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, WI 54311-7001 -- Debra Anderson 920-465-2539
Some of my favorite links: