Many thanks to
Calyn for sharing these AWESOME pictures of the Leopolis area
with us! If you know of any information that would help
identify the unknown photos listed, Calyn would love to hear
from you.
Up until five years ago, I lived outside of Leopolis on the
North Branch of the Embarrass River. After finding myself at a
place in life where I could choose where I wanted to live, I
moved back to Albany, GA. I love it very much but, it’s been
challenging to continue working on my family tree. My family
was from Shawano, Oconto and Winnebago Counties. I would like to
share some photos of Leopolis from the early 1900s. The pictures
were given to my grandparents, Louise and Fred Krenger, by
relatives after a home fire in 1973 destroyed all their
pictures. Sincerely, Calyn Akstulewicz
These vintage photos of
early Leopolis are such a great addition to the site -- I'm sure
you will enjoy them as much as I have in creating this page.
The photos on this first page have been enhanced or altered from
their original size to fit the page. If you click on the
photos, you will be taken to the original LARGER photo that Calyn scanned in and emailed to me.
And, if you have pictures
you'd like to share with the Shawano site, just email me and
we'll make a page just like this to display your treasured
memories... |
Click on the photo
to see the LARGER image.
Baseball Team, ca 1912
Back row: Ed Voelz, Otto
Steinke, Rudy Kucksdorf, Albert Ready, Fred Krenger, John
Cerveny, Jim Ready;
Front row: Joe Boehm, Joe Pevonka, Ed Heindel, Frank Ready,
Frank Stefl.
Harness Shop, ca 1915
1908 Leopolis
8th Grade Class
Unfortunately, I
have not been able to identify these boys. The back of the card
has the name Miss Alice Armstrong, Alden, MI in handwriting.
Leopolis -
Cover and Class List from Souvenir Booklet 1914-1915
Irvin F. Heise, Principal & Mary A. Cherny, Asst.
8th Grade: Lena Cerveny, Anna M. Klement, Dewey E. Mitchell,
Magdalena C. Kadletz, Joe C. Rutte, Gustav Stack, Anthony S.
7th Grade: Annie Ashenbrenner, James S. Brunner, Ed. Cervany,
Margaret M. Huebner, Mary Klement, Lucinda M. Reschke, Bertha M.
6th Grade: Arthur Brunner, George Brunner, Josie Brunner,
Harry H. Fritz, Theodore Huebner, Frank Krenger, Hardy H.
Mitchell, Barbara Pevonka, Hattie Reetz, Minnie Speering, August
Sack, Anna M. Steinke
5th Grade: Raymond J. Haiden, Elwood P. Mitchell, Mary
Sousek, Mattie F. Ashenbrenner
4th Grade: Harry Butts, Rose Haiden, George Heinl, Walter
Huebner, Magdeline Kazdo, Eddie Krenger, Alvina Rutte, Gustav
School Board: William Reschke, Clerk; Jim Cerveny,
Director; Edwin A. Voelz, Treasurer
Leopolis 1:
facing Northwest, St. John’s Lutheran Church is to the left of
the building in the foreground and the school building is almost
2: facing Southwest, the river is in the background. The
building in the center with the false front is Pederson’s
Tavern. The handwritten description on the back says “This is a
postal of the fire. Leopolis.”
3: possibly taken from the hill in front of the Catholic
Church, facing South, towards Pella.
Silo Team -
might be a crew from Brunner Contractors & Builders. No writing
on the back.
Possible View
of Leopolis - No writing on the back of the picture.
Possible View
of Leopolis II - No writing on the back of the picture.
Martha Krenger
Friends - Dated 9 Aug 1909, Leopolis and addressed to my Great
Aunt, Martha Krenger, Wittenberg, WI. It reads, "Hello,
Martha. Well are you coming for the L? A bunch from here are
going. Say how do you like the bunch on the other side? Ha
Ha. Be sure and come to Leopolis too. From Lorine(sp?) ans"
Unknown Bridge
- thought it might be the Leopolis bridge with dam in the
background but, the church steeple on the right, just visible
through the railings seems to be out of place for either the
Lutheran or the Catholic churches in Leopolis. No writing on
the back.
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