"Flute of Peace"
The following are links that I have found
on the Internet that might be beneficial in your Native American research.
And, if you have a personal webpage or a database online (Ancestry, WorldConnect,
etc.) let me know, and we'll
add your link/data to the personal pages section.
UPDATE 2006: I was just informed that
the Shawano Family History Center has a collection know as the HOOK FILES that
pertain to Native American research. I don't have all the details yet, but
if you are at the FHC, Jeanette, Betty or Lu can help you search these! |
Stockbridge - Munsee History (Bowler, Wisconsin) |
1938 Indian Census - Stockbridge - Munsee |
History - Indian Country Wisconsin
Mohican Page
(VERY GOOD source of
history & culture)
American Research in WI
(Vicki has done an excellent
job here!)
NativeAmerican Query Forum Message
History of the Stockbridge
/ Stockbridge-Munsee / Brotherton Genealogy
Brotherton Indian Nation |
Munsee Indian Tribe History |
Stockbridge - Munsee Roll and Schedule |
Stockbridge -
Munsee -- Tribe of the Mohicans -- VERY GOOD SITE!
Overview of
tribal history
prior to 1609: Mohicans roam lands from Manhattan Island to Lake
Champlain, from the coast to the Housatonic River valley
1609: Henry Hudson sails down the Hudson River, encountering the
1628-1675: at war with the Mohawks, decline of Mohican influence in
the area
1675-1710: growth of English and Dutch colonies, infringing on
Mohican hunting grounds, introducing
tuberculosis and smallpox endemics....alcoholism appears amongst the
cultural losses begin...
1734: missionary work begins with the Mohicans settled in
Stockbridge, Massachusetts
1776: Mohicans join the colonists in the revolutionary war
1785: resettlement to a 6 sq. mile piece of land offered by the
Oneida Indians (Brothertown Indians) in NY state
- 1808: offer of land in Indiana Territory by the Miami Indians
attested by President Jefferson
1818: Mohicans move to Indiana, but find that the land had been sold
to settlers
- 1818-1821: settlement along the White River in Indiana; joined by
Munsee Indians to form the Stockbridge-Munsee band of Mohican Indians
1821: treaties for land east of the Fox River in Wisconsin
negotiated with the
and Winnebago tribes
- 1831: new treaty offered by the US gov't for a reservation east of
Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin
1843: Congress offers US citizenship to the Mohicans in exchange for
surrendering tribal ownership of land
- 1849: Mohicans surrender the title to Wisconsin lands for $25,000
and promise of land west of the Mississippi...that land never
- 1856: a new treaty allotted land individually to US citizen
Mohicans, the non-US citizen Mohicans settle on a new 40,000 acre
reservation offered by the
1887-1910: loss of communally held lands due to consequences of the
General Allotment Act of Congress through tax delinquency or debts
- 1910-1931: poverty stricken Mohicans remain in area surrounding the
former reservation in the township of Red Springs
- 1931: The Stockbridge-Munsee Business Comittee is formed in Red
Springs, Wisconsin leading to political activity amongst the Mohicans
1934: Indian Reorganization Act passed by Congress allowing tribes
to purchase lands for reservations
- 1935: some of the land lost from the former reservation is
repurchased for the tribe by the gov't ( 2,250 of the original 40,000
acres )
- 1936: 11 Mohican families resettle on newly purchased gov't
controlled lands
- 1938: Tribal Council formed, title to the 2,250 acres is given to
the tribe
- 1972: Mohicans given title to an additional 13,000 acres of
adjoining land that had been in control of the Interior Dept. since 1935
Present day: the Mohican Nation, Stockbridge-Munsee Band with
members on and off the reservation in east central Wisconsin is
Stockbridge - Munsee Agreement 1892 |
Shawano County Arrowheads
No page yet? Send in the info and
we'll make a page for you! |

Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, held
in NARA's Great Lakes Region have the following records available for use in
their Chicago Archive:
Keshena/Menominee Agency, Keshena, Wisconsin
I. General Records
Decimal Correspondence Files, 1934-1961
Correspondence with Office of Indian Affairs, 1910-1929
Correspondence Related to Account Settlements, 1927-1947
Miscellaneous Correspondence of the Superintendent, 1908-1956
General Correspondence, 1935-1961
General Administrative Files, 1946-1962
Menominee Tribal Council Minutes and Resolutions, 1946-1961
Records of the Relocation Branch
Individual Case Files, 1958-1960
General Administrative Files, 1958-1960
Records of the Plant Management Branch
Project Files, 1951-1955
II. Administrative Records
Circulars Received, 1923-1931
Oneida Census Rolls, 1892-1934
Menominee Census Rolls, 1912-1934
Register of Oneida Families, 1902-1918
Register of Oneida Deaths, 1902-1918
Register of Oneida Births, 1902-1918
Record of Employees at the Menominee Indian Reservation, 1911-1923
Records of Oneida School Employees, 1895-1920
III. Legal and Legislative Records
Records Related to the Menominee Roll Report,
Supplementary Submission, Determination of Blood Files, 1940-1941
(Hook Report)
Disapproved Enrollment Application Files, 1954-1956
Minutes of Neopit Town Board (Keshena), 1911-1915
Records Relating to Guardianship, 1954-1961
IV. Financial Records
Records of Current Accounts, 1924-1952
Schedules of Paid Vouchers, 1950-1955
Registers of Financial Transactions, 1926-1933
Obligation Control Ledgers, 1946-1952
Regional Disbursing Officer's Accounts Current, 1943-1949
Disbursing Fund Journals, 1941-1951
Distribution Ledger Sheets, 1942-1953
Appropriation Ledgers, 1919-1941
Allotment and Expenditure Reports, 1930-1935
Summaries of Allotment Ledgers, 1940-1945
Allotment Ledgers, 1940-1952
Cost Transaction Ledgers, 1940-1952
Cash Book, 1938-1941
Cash Receipts Journal, 1940-1952
Check Registers, 1926-1946
Copies of Checks Issued, 1936-1952
Office Receipts, 1946-1950
Payroll Records, "Irregular" Employees, 1955
V. Records Related to Trust Responsibilities
Records of Current Accounts-Trust Fund Accounts,
General Accounts Ledger, Trust Fund, 1949-1953
Miscellaneous Individual Indian Accounts Leger, 1913-1915
Annuity Pay Rolls, 1901-1939
Ledgers of Individual Indian Accounts, 1918-1955
Individual Indian Money Ledger-Mill Dividends, 1918-1943
Recapitulations of Individual Indian Money Accounts, 1944-1950
Check Registers-Individual Indian Money, 1921-1937
Abstracts of Individual Indian Money, 1940-1944
Individual Indian Money Disbursement Orders, 1952-1954
Individual Indian Money Purchase Orders, 1947-1952
Reimbursable Loan Ledgers, 1929-1943
Reimbursable Fund Case Files, 1942-1947
Records Related to the Stockbridge-Munsee Allotment Rolls, 1913-1915
Individual Indian Money (IIM) Jacket Folders, 1954-1961
Records Relating to Tribal Shares Paid, 1954-1958
Individual Indian Account Ledger Sheets-Securities, 1954-1959
General Ledgers Relating to the Purchase of Securities, 1954-1958
Individual Indian Money Account Ledgers-Special & Regular Deposits, 1954-1959
VI. Records Related to Tribal Resources
Records of Individual Indian Loans, 1942-1955
Miscellaneous Tribal Accounting Ledgers, 1944-1955
VII. Records Related to Health and Welfare
Records of Civil Works Administration Projects,
VIII. Records of CCC-ID Units
Keshena Unit
General Records
Project Report Files, 1933-1943
Administrative Records
Reports on Personnel Actions, 1933-1942
Financial Records
Records of Current Accounts, 1933-1943
Cost Ledgers, 1933-1940
Purchase Orders, 1937-1942
Ledgers of Financial Transactions, 1939-1942
Encumbrance Records, 1940-1942
Miscellaneous Fiscal Records, 1936-1939
IX. Records of Day Schools
Neopit Day School
General Records
Correspondence of the Principal, 1936-1946
Correspondence with Other Schools, 1944-1947
Administrative Records
Records of School Attendance, 1927-1948
Records of Indian Schools, 1928-1944
Testing Records, 1928-1946
Financial Records
Purchasing Records, 1930-1955
Records Related to Health and Welfare
Student Health Records, 1933
