I've thought about the page for quite
a while and finally am making a place for
SUCCESS STORIES. We love to hear how people have
found information through our website!
Personally, as a
Shawano area researcher, your successes provide me with additional
places and resources to check that I might have overlooked or didn't
even know were available as more data becomes available, either
online or in the Shawano area. And as the Shawano GenWeb
County Co-ordinator, it lets me know which data we post is
beneficial and lets our HARD-WORKING VOLUNTEERS know their efforts
have helped others.
And that's what our website is about:
So, here's your
space -- just send the emails to me at
and we'll get them up online! If you want your name not
included, just let me know and we'll sign it "Shawano Area
I am completely blown away by your web site. My grandparents
were Joseph C. and Edna (Swanson) Rutte. My grandmother was
from Mattoon in Shawano County. You can’t imagine my surprise
when I saw this page (http://wigenweb.org/shawano/photo_Akstulewicz.html)
and scrolled down to see my grandfather’s 8th grade class from
the Leopolis Grade School Souvenir Booklet. My aunt was Alvina
Rutte who was listed as being in the 4th grade of that school.
I have had a beer in Pederson’s Tavern in Leopolis within a
the last few years on a trip back to WI to see the Packers
play. My grandfather ran the power plant for Wisconsin Power &
Light at Hayman Falls in Leopolis and then at the Wolf River
plant in Shawano off of Balsam Row.
I will browse your entire wigenweb.org web site to take it all
in. It is a treasure. You should know that there is a small
restaurant owner in Shawano who is in the process of start a
micro-brewery and he will be resurrecting the old Shawano Club
Beer brand in the same brewery building that the original was
brewed. I believe Shawano is reinventing itself and I couldn’t
be happier at the prospects for its future. I return every
fall when we go north for Packer games.
Thank you for what you’ve done for us latter day members of
these pioneer families of Shawano & Leopolis. It is a great
area of a wonderful state as you know. I’ll be in touch again
with some contributions to your site. I have some pictures of
headstones from St. Mary’s Cemetery that are not listed.
Best regards,
Joseph Rutte
Atlanta, GA |
Dear Ann,
Just wanted to drop you a note and say thank you and ask for
some help.
My dad's family is from Shawano and the surrounding area.
They have been there since the start of Pella. Lucky for me
they mostly stayed in that area and never changed the spelling
of the last name or the name itself. My maiden name was
KLEBESADEL. Ten years ago when I got interested in
researching the family I stumbled across your website. Your
website gave me so much information. I had names but I didn't
have dates and names of siblings and children, etc. Thru your
website I was able to obtain a lot of that information and get
a solid start. I have now traced the lines back to 1690!!
So I am pretty much done with that branch of the tree.
So now I was going to fine tune my grandmother's side (my
dad's mom). I already had her side done back to the early
1700's. Her daughter, my aunt, passed away a year and a half
ago. I just finished going thru all the papers she left me
and found my grandmother's birth certificate. Now one would
usually be excited about that because it is from 1889 and in
perfect condition. Only to find out that she was adopted!!
So ALL the information I have for her side of the family isn't
really my "real" family. My grandmother does show on on your
list of births registered at a latter date and her "real"
mother does show up as being buried in the cemetery that is on
a private farm. But I can't find anything else about my
grandmother's real parents. My grandmother's birth name is
Alma Mathilde Baelke, b. Nov. 15, 1889. Her parents are:
August Baelke, age 36, living in Shawano, born in Germany.
Her mother was Louise Lewin, age 25, living in Wisconsin, born
in Wisconsin. The birth certificate shows that there were 2
other children. My grandmother was adopted by Fredrick and
Hortense (Fenske) Kunschke. In the Kunschke family, early
1700's, that I have, there is a Belke listed from some of the
material from the Latter Day Saints.
If anyone has has any information that might help me, I would
appreciate it.
Thank you again to you Ann and to all of the volunteers who
help you and us. Thanks for putting all the newspaper
articles, early marriages, etc. on your site.
Yvonne |
Hey Anne & Stacey Kreuser & Leslie Blom!
I remember the day I discovered the Shawano County Cemetery
Project link and found Red Springs Cemetery. I’ve received
lots of genealogical “leads” from that wonderful list, and my
husband and I even made a trip to Red Springs last summer to
“walk the cemetery” ourselves. I needed to see, in person,
where William and Mary Dick where buried. Mary’s tombstone has
a beautiful inscription from William. Mary Quinney Dick is my
great great aunt and her somewhat famous husband, William, was
the last known Stockbridge Munsee to speak the Mohican
A million thanks and then a million more!
Judean A. Wise |
It all started with the death of
a beloved great aunt. I just wanted to write a little story
about her life so my children wouldn't forget her. I thought
it would be fun to learn a little more about where she came
from in Norway and where her family finally settled in
Wisconsin. Early on in my research, I put "Shawano County"
into the search box, and to my surprise the Shawano Gen Web
site appeared. Dear Anne, you will always be the "Christmas"
of my genealogy days.
I found stories about the church
my great aunt grew up in and the people with whom she shared
a faith. I found pictures of the area and stories of the
early settlers trials and their triumphs. I found the
cemetery site with a wealth of information about where people
came from, and who were their parents. I found plat maps and
solved the mystery of how many acres my great grandparents
owned, a memory long gone from our stories. I found all kinds
of great tips on how to do searches of my family's history. I
even found a picture of my grandmother's sister's confirmation
class. And as my stories evolve, you provide a place for me
to store this information so that my family and future
descendants will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Your website is a wealth of
information that is priceless to me. Our debt is the
gratitude we pay to you for all of your hard work. Thank you
for your service to the genealogy community and to all of us
amateurs who have thrived under your guidance.
Jane Rollin
P.S. I forgot to write this
in my little thank you, but when connecting to rootsweb from
your site, I found a woman from Norway, giving advice to
people about Velfjord, Norway. I contacted her and it turns
out she is interested in the story of our family after they
moved to America, so thank you again for the connections you
have helped me make. |
Thank you for all the work you
and others have done. My Grandparents had a summer place in
Shawano and I have enjoyed all of the information you have
available on the town. Brings back a lot of memories. I
live in Oregon, but go back every summer, just like I did
growing up in the 60's.
Lisa |
You may not remember me but I graduated with you from
Bonduel High. I have done a small bit of researching my
relatives and happened to notice your posting of the
passengers on the Western Metropolis. My great- great
grandparent was Amandus Gehm. I have found very little
information about the Gehm family and I was very surprised
to see this. I noticed that your relatives were on this ship
as well. My mother has much more information/pictures
regarding the August Riemer relatives in the Cecil/Bonduel
area and I know she has gone to the Bonduel Genealogy
office to get some of her information. One day I hope to get
some of her pictures and information to you to put on your
site. Just wanted to let you know that you have a great
Hi Anne,
Thank you so much for these pages - 1910 Ho-Chunk Census.
They are exactly what we were looking for. All the work that
GenWeb is putting into sites like this one is really
appreciated by individuals like me and I will have them for
our family’s records. I can’t wait to show them these
Thank you on behalf of my family.|
Crystal Herriage |
I would like my gg grandfather and his family
to be included in the listing of Shawano County immigrants.
I am correcting information that has been in family lore
concerning the ship name that they sailed on. I searched
the Hamburg Passenger lists and found the family as follows:
Hoefs, Carl age 42, laborer, home town Barow,
Prussia (which is another form of Bahro)
Hoefs, Wilhelmina age 41, wife
Hoefs, Auguste age 23
children: Johanna age 15
Friedrich age 12
Carl age 7 1/2
Bertha age 6 1/2
They sailed on the SS Allemania with Captain
Trautmann, departing Hamburg on 1 Oct. 1866 and arriving in
NYC on 29 Oct. 1866. I found a reference to the ship's
arrival in the New York Times' archive and the ship stopped
in Southampton on the way, leaving Southampton on 17 Oct.
1866. So it took the Allemania 12 days to cross the
Atlantic using steam and sail. The family settled first in
Mayville, Dodge County and by 1880 they were farming in
Hartland township, Shawano County.
My g grandfather was Friedrich later known as
Hermann Hoefs. He married Augusta Wilhelmina Krueger also
of Shawano County. His sister Johanna later known as
Caroline married Carl Wetzel, his brother Carl later known
as Charles married Amelia Henke, and his sister Bertha
married Ed Sager.
Thank you, for maintaining such a helpful
Mary Ann Sall
As Museum Director for
the Shawano County Historical Society, I have been researching
the Murray family. My research goes back to John Murray, a
Revolutionary War patriot who was the father of Elias Murray.
Elias came to this area in 1851 as Superintendent of the
Indians for the Northwest Territory.
His son Julius and family followed in
1853. The family tree is on Ancestry.com and titled Meggitt
family. Neva Meggitt was the great-great granddaughter of
Elias and donated more than 100 artifacts to our society. She
also left pictures, letters, diaries, family stories, and
photographs. At this time I am writing a pamphlet/book? based
on my findings. It covers 5 generations but with gaps. I was
most interested in tracing a direct line for Neva Meggitt.
When complete, it will be available through the Shawano
County Historical Society.
The Shawano County Rootsweb page is the best I’ve seen. Hats off to the
Gini Reineke
Enjoy the site so much, like
"going home" for a visit from California.
Linda Kolpack Alderman. |
Thank you so very much to the person who transcribed and posted
this biography. I am researching Otto Risum's sister Valborg
Louisa Risum who married Ole Hovland Johnson. The information
you have shared is invaluable.
Thanks again,
R. Peterson |
Many years ago, I started researching my grandparents' families
in Shawano County. I started this by talking to my
grandmother's wonderful cousins who would use the Memorial Day
weekend as a reason to reunite at Woodlawn Cemetery in Mattoon.
My grandmother would encourage me to talk to them, and I wrote
down their stories in a black and white school notebook,
sometimes illustrating with sketches.
Sadly, the notebook disappeared the way things do over the years,
but I had had the foresight as a young adult to write down as
much as I could remember. The years passed, and I moved
overseas. However, with the advent of the internet, I suddenly
discovered that the dedicated people involved with the Shawano
genealogy group had put up an extraordinary amount of
information that literally jumpstarted my genealogy search. The
information led to some very major discoveries and happily to
finding relatives all over the world. One of the strangest was
finding out that my boss (a Mormon) and I had the same
ggggrandfather in Norway -- and we were both working overseas at
the time! It is truly a small world.
I was able to trace back the Olsen (Olesen/Olson) family in Norway
to its 1500's roots in Telemark, and the Peterson (Pedersen/Persen)
family to Hordaland of the 1700's (so far!) So if you have
ancestors from in and around the Mattoon area (including Shawano
and Langlade counties) with the following last names, I will be
more than happy to help you with your genealogical research just
as so many people helped me. Peterson, Hansen , Olsen/Olson,
Knudsen/Knudsdatter, Miller, Zilch..
Also, if anyone would like to read what Wisconsin was like in the
1840's, there is a very old book online that is accessible
through the internet called "History of Wiskonsan" and it
describes what our ancestors saw when they first arrived to the
Again, I just want to express my thanks to all the dedicated
people of the Shawano Genealogical team who put in their time,
and most of all their love into this site.
norwayconnection@gmail.com |
I visited your site often and wanted to thank you, belatedly. I
believe that visiting your site actually was the start of my
quest for my family history. Since that time, I joined Ancestry
and tracked down over 4,000 of my relatives. My grandparents,
Arthur F. F. Gumtz and Florence Mildred Thompson lived in
Shawano from about 1915 to 1948. Prior to that they lived in
Waushara and Lincoln counties. Fortunately, I got a lot further
on my other lines than I did on my Gumtz line--I can get back to
Johan Gumtz in 1865 coming over from Germany. I have a lot of
info that I have surmised but can't prove. Could you add me to
the Gumtz/Gumz list along with David Moede? I have been in
contact with David off and on but we have been unable to
establish a definite connection between his Wilhelmine Gumtz and
my Johann Gumtz. I figure, since Gumtz is so uncommon, Johan
were either siblings or cousins. My contacts in Germany are
working on it.
Thank you again, your website has been so helpful.
Jeanie Coppotelli
San Diego |
I want to thank you for the
wonderful resource you provide with the Shawano Wisconsin GenWeb
Project. My great grandparents had a farm near Pulaski but from
your web site I was able to find wonderful information regarding
the exact site (Maple Grove) and even the plats with their names
(Adalbert Sobus). From your site I have also been able to learn
more about this wonderful part of the country where my early
ancestors settled. I am including this in our family tree and
history for my nieces to share with future generations. Again,
thank you so much for the wonderful work you and your volunteers
are doing. May God bless you. You are in my prayers.
Sister Donna Marie, C.R.
Chicago, Illinois |
What a find to come across your web site.! The Blacksmith shop
was owned by my husbands great-great grandfather, Henry Fuchs.
Henry Fuchs had a daughter by the name of Mary Fuchs who married
John Hannie and they had a son named John Hannie that married
Margaret Newton and from that marriage came my husband, William
Anthony Hannie. We didn’t know he was a blacksmith. We
actually don’t know a lot about that side of his family. Almost
all are dead by now. It sure shows that his ancestors had a
good sense of humor. It was a thrill finding all those
Actually, John Hannie, my husbands father lived in Mattoon and
worked in the mill. He also drown in Hemlock Lake in 1951 with
another man named Christopher Stark. Let me know if you want
any more information. My husband was born in Mattoon. If you
have any more information, I would love to hear it.
Tyler, Texas
hannie@suddenlink.net |
site has been incredibly helpful to me in my research. Please
add my name to your surname index. My name is Jennifer Rink,
I am researching the Gjermundsen, Curtis & Lake families in the
Shawano area, Tigerton & Morris, from 1850+....
When I first found your site,
imagine my surprise when I found that Jorgen Gjermundsen was one
of the early settlers of the town of Morris. He is my g-great
grandfather. The information I was able to collect from your
site was a eventually lead me to find them on the passenger list
of the SS Helvetia and then back to the early & mid 1800's in
Norway. Thanks again. Jennifer |
SUCCESS STORY: You guys are wonderful! The plat maps are what brought
me to your website. My mom, Sharon White, has been doing
genealogy for a few years now. I was just playing on the
internet one day, searching for family names. When I typed in
Naidul (my grandmother's maiden name), your plat maps showed up
on the search engine. Following the link, I found my great
great grandfather's name (Lorenz Najdul/Lawrence Naidul) on
these maps!!!! We can also see other family names like Lepak,
Gorecki, and Jach. The daughters of Lawrence married into these
families. We can pinpoint the acreage on current maps and plan
to visit the ol' homestead in Maple Grove! I wonder if the
house is still there? We would also like to find out where all
the family members are buried so we can photo the gravesites as
well. That is proving to be more difficult as I have not seen
family members among the cemeteries listed on the website. But
there is always hope of finding them...
Thank you so much!!!
Lisa Sharp |
I received a response from Karen Hoffman Craig, who said she
asked her aunt about the pictures I had sent in. She knew who
they were! So you can take them out of the unknown section and
put them into the identified pictures. A success story!
Thanks to Karen and you for your help!
Deb Walsh |
I just wanted to
hug you virtually and tell you THANK YOU (Okay, I wanted to
shout it across the lines) for helping to connect me with
Barbara Brady of Shawano County. She has dug up death records,
marriage records and so much, I'm overwhelmed and overjoyed.
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
We've found Hans Anderson's parents name and a ton of other
that I thought was nearly impossible to find. We've got point of
into the US and...can you tell I'm excited! My mother has renewed
energy in tracking these things down and we are dancing around with
Thank you for your help.
Lorelle VanFossen |
I just became
exposed to your fascinating Shawano Co. site. I was brought up in
Mattoon and found interesting items there. My Uncle, Ernest Thorp
was postmaster there for many years and because of his interest
accumulated a vast collection of old pictures of the area. He
passed away a couple of years ago but has a daughter and a son who
may be able to steer you to where these treasures may be found.
Lyle Brumm New London, Wi.
In trying to find some information about my mother's maternal
grandparents (last name Kroenke) who lived in the
Neillsville area in the 1920's/30's. I came across an article
which you have listed in your Bits and Pieces website about my
Great Grandfather Henry Baumann. (My mom's paternal
grandfather.) It was an article written in the Shawano County
Journal dated November 15, 1934.
I am wondering if you know how I would go about finding any more
information about my mother's grandparents. These would be her
mom's parents. (Mother was Esther Baumann - married to William
A Baumann.) (Kroenke). They apparently lived on land owned by
their son, Gustave Kroenke.
My mother was born in Shawano. (Mildred Baumann)
If you have any advice, please let me know.
Thanks so much for putting together your website.
I am going to e-mail my mother in the morning with the article
about her grandfather's 72nd birthday in the year 1934!
LJKLTimm@aol.com |
by Taylored Designs
- 2007