Hawthorne-Parkview Cemetery Hawthorne, Douglas County, WI - Date: August 11, 2001
- Transcriber: JudithMooney Lindgren Copyright 2004.
- Recorded: All visible headstones were recorded.
- Address: County Road B, Hawthorne, WI
- Directions: Take south Hwy 35 from Superior to County Road B (Four Corners), follow B to about 1 mile before Hawthorne, turn south on Cemetery Rd to cemetery located on left. (You will see the Cemetery Sign as you near Hawthorne).
- Owner: Town of Hawthorne
- Contacts:
- Joe Burbul (218) 273 - 4389
- Mike Carlson (715) 374 - 2520
- Condition: It is a fairly new cemetery and looks in great condition.
- History:
- Hawthorne Cemetery was acquired from the Bunnell's in 1930.
- Laid out by the W.P.A. in 1934.
- The Norway Pines were planted by the Boy Scouts of Hawthorne.
- The cemetery is maintained by the Town.
- The flower garden is taken care of by the Flora Bunda Garden Club.
- The vault was built in 1986 by the Gordon Correctional Camp, funded by the town and the Hawthorne Lions Club.
- The racks in the vault were built by the Town and funded by the Town and Hawthorne Lions Club.
- The flagpole was built and put up by the Hawthorne Lions Club.
- The vault was painted by the Hawthorne Lions Club.
- The monument was donated by the Hawthorne Lions Club.
Hawthorne-Parkview Cemetery Cemetery map