|  | Photographs for Douglas County area |  | The various photographs you see here have been submitted by people who have a 'connection' to Douglas County Wisconsin. Feel free to browse and if you would like to share YOUR photos, please contact the County Coordinator. | People | Description | Submitter | Balduc, Octave Frank Octave Frank Balduc and children, the oldest daughter there is Maud Balduc, my grandmother who raised her children in Superior, WI. Circa 1888. | Lue Baty | Hudson, Warren & Maud (c 1900) | Lue Baty | Hudson, Warren & Maud (c 1932) | Lue Baty | Howser, J | Unknown | Magee, Alice McGee Born: 12 Aug 1835 Ontario, Canada Died: 24 Aug 1911 Superior, WI | Ron Ali Tucker | Magee, John Lowe McGee Born: 5 June 1826 Ontario, Canada Died: 28 Dec 1928 Superior, WI | Ron Ali Tucker | McRae, Alex J | Brenda Mason | McRae family A family photo of Alex J McRae, wife, Lizzie and children: (l to r) Ceil (B: 12 Jan 1888 D: May 1975); Katherine M 'Kittie' abt 1890 -1951;Hugh B: 16 Oct 1890 D: Jan 1969 | Brenda Mason | Rauscher family (1895) | Lou Baty | Rauscher family (1927) Taken about 1927 in Superior, WI. Frank X. Rauscher, (father) sons Charles and Francis, Albina Cournoyer Rauscher (mother) and son Albert. | Lou Baty | Rauscher brothers (c 1912) This one is of my dad, Charles J. Rauscher, in the chair and his brother standing next to him. | Lou Baty | Rauscher brothers (c 1917) This is of my dad's First Holy Communion - Charles J. Rauscher is standing.His older brother, Francis Rauscher, is seated. | Lou Baty | Rauscher, Charles (c 1931) My father played banjo in the Blue Moon Band, Superior, WI. He is the sixth band member from the left. This is a close-up of my dad and his banjo...looks about the same year. | Lou Baty | Rauscher, Charles & Jeanne This is a 1936 photo of Charles Rauscher and Jeanne Hudson. | Lou Baty | Rauscher, Fran & Louella This is the marriage of my aunt and uncle, Fran and Louella Rauscher.(My dad, Charles Rauscher is in the picture too.) I really love the women's dresses and hats. | Lou Baty | Smith/Gistö wedding photo Wedding photo, 10 Sept 1910 (Superior) of Sanfrid (Fred) Abrahamsson Bastubacka SMITH and Rosa Maria Gistö | Gretchen Levings | Smith Family The Smith 25th wedding anniversary picture of my grandparents and children: Fred & Rosa (Gistö) Smith and their children; bottom row left to right Hildur Marie, Fred, Rosa; top row left to right, Gertrude Bernice, Elwood Ordell, Hedwig Gertrude | Gretchen Levings | Stokes, Johnny | Lou Baty | Talvitie, August | Kirstie Talvitie | Talvitie, August & Tilda | Kirstie Talvitie | Talvitie, Tilda Marie Age 19 (about 1913) | Kirstie Talvitie | Talvitie, William | Kirstie Talvitie | Talvitie Family From left to right and clockwise, August Talvitie, William (Bill), Tilda Niilo (in front). A guess is that this photo was taken after 1915, probably closer to 1920 | Kirstie Talvitie | Groups, Places and Things | Description | Submitter | Blue Moon Band Blue Moon Band - Superior, WI (1931) My father played banjo in that band. He is the sixth band member from the left. | Lue Baty | Clara Barton School 1939~40 Mrs. Eleanora Larson-Thompson teacher | Unknown | Clara Barton School 1939~41 Mrs. Eleanora Larson-Thompson teacher | Unknown | Clara Barton School 1939~41 Mrs. Eleanora Larson-Thompson teacher | Unknown | Clara Barton School 1940~41 8th Grade - Mrs. Eleanora Larson-Thompson teacher | Unknown | Clara Barton School 1940-41 NYA Helper - Mrs. Eleanora Larson-Thompson teacher | Unknown | Class - 1942 (Naturalization) Here is the picture of my grandmother's naturalization class. (My grandmother is in the back row to the left off the tall man.) Her married named then was Hanna Beck. It may have been taken around 1942. If someone recognizes where it was taken it might help somehow to find her citizenship papers. Accordingto my mother the woman in the second row, fifth from the right, is Mrs. Louto(sp ?) who they used to get milk from in Allouze. | Lorene Hesselgrave Schertzl | Class (unknown school) Superior This is the class photograph that I do not know the name of the school. But it was in Superior, WI. I know that much. My father is the last boy on the right, in the front row. I think that the signed name in the lower right hand corner says "Drysdale Perry", but I don't know who that person is. Possibly the photographer, or someone from the school. It had to have been a middle school or whatever school preceded high school in 1928...because my father began high school at Central High School in Sept 1928 and he graduated in 1931. | Kirstie Talvitie | DeMuth's Red Lake Resort | Carl DeMuth | DeMuth's Red Lake Resort Jack Demuth's Red Lakes Resort in Wascott Wi. | Carl DeMuth | Duluth Elevator | Unknown | Maryland Avenue (1) | Kirstie Talvitie | Maryland Avenue (2) Winter scenes- Maryland Avenue, Superior WI | Kirstie Talvitie | Maryland Avenue (3) | Kirstie Talvitie | McKinley, William President William McKinley speaking (c 1899) Superior WI | Gretchen Levings | Opera House Drugs (c 1910) My Grandfather, George Dennis Lupient, is the second from the left in the dark suit. I do not know who the other two men are. My grandfather would be about 30 years old in this picture. | Les Filteau | Superior WI | Unknown | Superior Grain Elevator (1913) | Gretchen Levings | Superior High School | Unknown | Superior High School? (c 1922) Possibly Smith family members included in this photograph. Sheila would love to correspond with Kirstie Talvitie re this photo. | Sheila Wickman | Superior Library | Unknown | Superior Opera House | Unknown | Superior Tinshop (1930) | Gretchen Levings |
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