Man Attacks Atty. KennedySource: Minocqua Times January 13, 1928District Attorney Earl Kennedy became one of the principals in a slugging match Tuesday when it became necessary for him to defend himself against an enraged man. According to an article appearing in the Rhinelander Daily News District Attorney Kennedy was well able take care of himself, the scene which took place at his office making the Dempsey Tunney fight look like child play. the article is preprinted here: It takes a real two fisted man to hod office in Oneida county. Last week a drunk attacked Charles Grau in the city hall and it was necessary for the manager to throw the man out the door into a snow drift. Today it was District Attorney Earl Kennedy who was called upon to defend himself, and the former Marquette all American football star proved himself no dub at the royal art. Several weeks ago, Mrs. Lyrl Heaney brought suit for divorce against her husband, Louis Heaney, formerly of Three lakes but now employed here. Heaney had engaged A.J.O'Melia as his attorney, while his wife had retained Earl Kennedy to bring the suit for divorce. The four were in the office of O'Melia & Kaye this morning attempting to reach a financial settlement, when Heaney is said to have become angry and began swearing at the two attorneys. O'Melia then refused to continue as Heaney's attorney, and ordered him from the office. Mrs. Heaney went to Attorney Kennedy's office and was followed ther by her husband, who started quarreling with her. The district attorney was in the municipal court room at this time, but started into his own office when he heard angry shouts of Heaney, who was threatening his wife, it was said. As Kennedy stepped into the door of his office, Heaney is alleged to have leaped from his chair and started making threats against Judge A.H.Reid, who was to have heard the divorce complaint today Attorney Kennedy and others declaring that he'd "stop this suit or fix you." "Oh, I guess Judge Reid has had bigger men than you before him" Attorney Kennedy answered. A string of oaths followed from Heaney, and he leaped at Kennedy striking him on the shoulder. For the next 10 minutes, the Dempsey-tunney fight was mere child's play compared to the scene in the district attorney's outer office. The two men crashed into the office door, breaking the glass into many pieces, Heaney, who weighs 240 pounds and is over six feet tall, was trying to throw Kennedy on the floor, while the district attorney, who weighs 195, was landing blow after blow to Heaney's face. The sound of breaking glass, shouts, noise of overturning chairs and the screams of women soon attracted a crowd to the hall, and several men finally subdued Heaney. Kennedy was taken to the office of Dr.H.J.Westgate, where he received treatment for a cut on his forehead and for an eye which is expected to be mourning by tommorrow morning. While Kennedy was out of the office, Heaney again became enraged and started to chase his wife around a desk. He was grabbed by two Gagen men who had been in Judge McEachin's office , but he dragged them through a door while they held his arms. As he went through the door he broke his arm in two places. Chief of Police Strub took Heaney to jail, later turning him over to Sheriff Lloyd Brooker. Heaney's injuries were found to consist of a double fracture of the arm, a broken nose, loss of two teeth and many bruises about the face. Charges of assault will be filed against Heaney by Attorney Kennedy, acting on the advice of Judge Reid, and the man will probably be placed under a peace bon until his divorce case is settled. Back to Top of Page