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Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1902

The Evening Wisconsin of Wednesday, contained the following dispatch from Washington, D.C.
   'A human hand, preserved in alcohol and in good condition was received by Congressman Webster E. Brown of Rhinelander, Wisc., through the mail yesterday. The hand had been amputated just above the wrist and was sent by Adam Gosage of Wausau who requested Mr. Brown to submit it to the commissioner of pensions to substantiate his claim for increase of pension.
   The claim of Mr. Gosage having been rejected he evidently decided to adopt heroic measures to get a favorable decision, and forwarded the hand for examination by the doctors of the bureau, believing such an examination would demonstrate that amputation was the result of wounds received in the military service.
   The receipt of the ghastly package shocked Mr. Brown, and when the pension officials were advised of its arrival they refused to receive it on the ground that such evidence is not accepted, and for the further reason that medical examinations are conducted in the field. Mr. Brown has taken great interest in the claim of Mr. Gosage and has exhausted every possible means to secure justice from the pension bureau. He has presented a special bill in behalf of the claimant and will appear before the pension committee after the holidays to urge a favorable report.

   Mr and Mrs B. R. Lewis and Mr and Mrs S. T. Walker pleasantly entertained their friends at the home of the former last Friday evening in a new and original manner, which proved highly interesting. Old time picture of the guests had been secured and were scattered upon tables, and when the guests had assembled each was given a slip of paper and a pencil with which to register their guess as to whom were the originals of the pictures. This was no easy task, as the pictures represented many styles and varieties of photography, such as deguerreotypes, tintypes, ambrotypes and the more modern photographs. Many of them were baby pictures, and pictures of young children, and very often hardly a resemblance to the original could be traced. More often the likeness to familiar baby faces, was what gave the clue to the baby picture of the father or mother.
   Mrs. A. W. Shelton and Mrs. C. H. O'Connor were the only two who named the entire list of names correctly, and so were obliged to draw for the prize, which was secured by Mrs. Shelton. It was a beautiful Northern Wisconsin scene. Following the contest, dainty refreshments were served.
   The guests of the evening were: Mr and Mrs L.J. Billings, Mr and Mrs W. B. LaSelle, Mr and Mrs A. W. Brown, Mr and Mrs J. J. Reardon, Mr and Mrs Arthur Taylor, Mr and Mrs Theo. LaDoux, Mr and Mrs M.H. Raymond, Mr and Mrs D. F. Recker, Dr and Mrs C. H. O'Connor, Mr and Mrs S. H. Alban, Mr and Mrs F. E. Moore, Mr and Mrs Howard Robbins, Mr and Mrs A. W. Shelton, Mr and Mrs C. P. Crosby, Mr and Mrs F. H. Johnson, Mr and Mrs W. H. Trumbull, and Mrs. Lucinda Raymond and Mrs. Chas Chapman of Detroit.

Since the close of school Friday afternoon for the Christmas vacation, nearly every train out of Rhinelander has added to its list of passengers one or more of our teachers who leave for their homes in varous parts of this and other states, to spend the happy Christmas time with their friends and relatives, and to be on hand when Santa Claus pays his annual visit. Their destinations are as follows: Miss Leihy, Bayfield; Miss Buell, Sun Prairie; Miss Hetzel, Stevens Point; Miss Jordan, Viroqua; Miss Pinkerton, Waupaca; Miss Godfrey, Hibbing, Minn., Miss Everhardt, Westfield.


  • -Geo. Kelly is home from Sault Ste Marie to spend Christmas -Miss Rose DeNoyer is visiting relatives in Minneapolis
  • -W. F. Shafer expects a carload of hard coal in a few days
  • -John Barnes went to Oshkosh Monday night on legal business
  • -Mrs. Vane Jones spent Saturday with relatives at Minneapolis
  • -Miss Lilla Vetting teacher at Hazelhurst is home for Christmas
  • -Mrs. Ball, of Armstrong Creek was in the city the first of the week
  • -Miss Finch is spending her school vacation with a sister at Merrill
  • -Miss Edith Childs, of Atlantic, Iowa is the guest of Mrs. Lawrence
  • -Miss Agnes Howard is here from Wautoma to spend Christmas at home
  • -Miss Winona Whiting is home from Manitowish to remain during the holiday season
  • -Mrs. Wm. Abbott returned from Medford Saturday where she visited at her son's home
  • -Mrs. Thos. Kennedy went to Chicago Saturday to visit with relatives through the holidays
  • -Colon Hutchinson who is employed by the Soo Line at Manistique was in the city over Sunday
  • -Miss Mary McRae who is attending Lawrence University at Appleton, is home for the holidays
  • -Miss Louise Rowland left Saturday for Kaukauna to enjoy her Christmas vacation at home
  • -Miss Lauretta McDonald of Antigo was an over Sunday visitor at Miss Bertha Sweet's home
  • -Miss Grace Lally who is attending the Normal school at Stevens Point is home for the holidays
  • -The fire companies were called out Monday morning, by a fierce chimney fire in the old Dufrane residence on Thayer street. No damage is reported.
  • -Mr and Mrs Geo. Clark and children are visiting at Antigo.
  • -Miss Elsie Gilligan returned home this morning from an extended western trip
  • -Miss Winnie Joslin is home for the holidays. She is attending the Oshkosh normal school.
  • -Miss Mae McDonald who is attending the Stevens Point Normal school is home to spend Christmas
  • -Mrs. Bishoff of Ashland with her two children are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs W. H. Gilligan
  • -Ralph Clark and Henry Chatterton both of whom are attending the business college at Big Rapids, Mich., came home the past week to spend Christmas
  • -Mrs. McGinnis and daughter of Bear Creek and Mrs. Chas. Robinson and two children of Kaukanna were over Sunday visitors at th home of Mr and Mrs Thos. Melody
  • -Congressman and Mrs. W. E. Brown and family will spend Christmas at Mrs. Brown's home in Lancaster, where a family re-union will be held to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Mr and Mrs Brown's marriage
  • -Miss Mary Smith, the librarian, has gone to her home at Madison to spend Christmas. During her absence Miss Myra Germond and Miss Helen Brown will attend to the library duties.
  • -John B. Goulette has closed a deal wherein he takes possession of the D. Hammel & Co. Sale stables on January 1st, and will operate a first-class livery stable, handling vehicles and farm machinery as a side line.
  • -E. O. Bales, who makes this city as representative for the Scranton Correspondence School was in the city the first of the week. Mr. Bales is to married on Christmas to one of the Oshkosh's popular society ladies.
  • -Ed. Forbes left the first of the week for Minneapolis to transact business. From that city he will go to Iowa and Nebraska to visit relatives, before returning. During the early part of the year he expects to return to Wyoming to continue the management of the Oneida Mining Co's interest.
  • -Mr and Mrs Paul Browne returned the first of the week from Chicago, accompanied by their children Gerry and Mae who will spend Christmas at home. Miss Browne is attending Wellesley College, Mass., and her brother is attending Highland Park Military Academy near Chicago.
  • -Frank Bryant was here from Hazelhurst yesterday
  • -Jerome C. Teal goes to his home at Weyauwega for Christmas
  • -Simon Adams left for Stevens Point this morning to visit relatives
  • -James Walsh went to Eagle River to-day to spend Christmas with relatives
  • -Mr and Mrs Theo. LaDoux go to Ironwood in the morning to spend Christmas at Mr. LaDoux's home
  • -Miss Irene Abbott who is teaching at Eagle River arrived at her home in this city the last of the week, to spend Christmas.

The marriage of Mr. Jerry Bentley and Miss Eva Martell was solemnized Monday evening at 5 o'clock at the Catholic parsonage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Father P. Schmitz. Both young people are well and favorably known in this city and many friends join in wishing them a long and happy wedded life.

The chairmen of the Ladies Aid Society committees for 1903 have been appointed by President Mrs. Arthur Taylor as follows:
January - Mrs. A. Sievewright
February - Mrs. J. J. Reardon
March - Mrs. Chas. Chafee
April - Mrs. C. R. Lee
May - Mrs. P. Foster
June - Mrs. Geo. Jenkinson
July - Mrs. W. E. Brown
August - Mrs. Cleary
September - Mrs. Chas. Paulk
October - Mrs. A. D. Daniels
November - Mrs. E. G. Squier
December - Mrs. C. A. Wixson

Notice is hereby given that a regular Term of the County Court to be held in and for said County, at the County Court Rooms in the city of Rhinelander in said County, on the First Tuesday (being the 6th day) of January A.D. 1903, at 10 o'clock A.M. the following matters will be heard and considered:
The application of M. C. Porter Executor of the Estate of William Fleming late of the Town of Hazelhurst in said County, deceased for the examination and allowance of his final account of administration and for the assignment, of the residue of the estate of William Fleming deceased, to such other persons as are by law entitled to the same. By order of the Court,
Levi J. Billings, County Judge
Dated November 11, 1902

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior
Land Office at Wausau, Wis
November 20th, 1902

Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Circuit Court at Rhinelander, Wis., on Jan. 30th, 1903 viz: Fred. Grapengieser of Pelican Lake, Wis., who made H.E. No. 9758 for the SW1/4 NW 1/4 Sec 8 tp 35 N. R. 10 E. He names the following witnesses to proved his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Nagel, Chas Haase, Edward Schoepke and William Wenzel all, of Pelican, Wisconsin. John W. Miller, Register

The most sensational chapter in the history of the Protestant Episcopal Church of the State of Wisconsin came to a close at Oshkosh when a verdict of acquittal was rendered in the case of Rev. Merton C. Andrews, rector of St. Paul's Church of that city. Mr. Andrews was formally charged with consorting with women and being careless in the matter of discharging financial obligations. An investigation was demanded and Attorney F. B. Lamoreux of Stevens Point was appointed judge advocate. That gentleman, after hearing all the evidence in the case, found that there was nothing to warrant a trial and recommended that the case be dismissed. This Bishop Grafton did, including in his announcement to that effect a declaration of his 'unshaken confidence in the integrity of character' of the accused. The case had dragged on for several years.

The fire which destroyed the business portion of Ingram the other night caught from a defective chimney in the saloon of Joe Adams. It spread north and south, destroying five buildings. H. A. Ostrander & Co., were the greatest losers. Their store and stock was entirely destroyed. The loss on the stock is $10,000 with $7,900 insurance. Joe Adams' loss on his saloon building, barn and icehouse is $2,500. Ed Blanchette suffered a partial loss on his saloon stock. The building was owned by Van Etten & Buckmaster. B. A. Brunseth's grocery suffered a partial loss of stock, but had $200 insurance. Napoleon LeClaire's loss is $800 on his building, partially insured. New buildings will go up where desolation now reigns.

Albert Neudeck, a prominent grocer of Neenah, was sandbagged on a recent evening in front of the high school building while on his way home from his store. Fortunately the bag broke, which in all probability saved Mr. Neudeck's life, as he is now in a critical condition. Mr. Neudeck when struck called for help and neighbors who ran out found him on the ground, but the highwayman had escaped. The fact that Mr. Neudeck had $300 in his pocket is believed to have been the object of the attack.

A jury in the Circuit Court at Oshkosh decided that three of Miss Ida Zachsers' kisses were worth $500. Miss Zachsers was employed as a servant in the family of Miner H. Ballou, a well-known paper mill man of Menasha. The girl started a suit for $1,000 damages against Mr. Ballou, alleging that he went into the kitchen and throwing his arms about her kissed her three times. Mr. Ballou did not deny that he kissed the girl, but claimed he meant no harm.


  • -The 11-year-old son of Charles Hind, living south of Belmont, was accidently killed by the discharge of a gun
  • -Wesley Wells, th 15-year-old son of Charles Well of Dunbar, killed a large timber wolf near that village. The animal measured six feet from tip to tip.
  • -George Bowers was convicted of murder in the first degree at Waukesha. He was charged with killing his father several weeks ago. A stay of sentence was granted pending arguments for a new trial.
  • -The cumpulsory school law was put to a test in Sheboygan when Dr. A. Hoehne, humane and truant agent, cause the arrest of one John Bouke, a Pole, on the charge of violating the law in not giving his three children, aged 11, 8 and 7 years, twelve weeks' schooling a year. Judge Trilling fined Bouks $10 and costs, which he paid.
  • -Mrs. W. W. Cargill was severely injured in a runaway accident at La Crosse.
  • -Rev. Charles Buenger has been formally installed as pastor of the German Lutheran Church in Kenosha.
  • -A quarantine has been declared at the National Soldiers' Home at Milwaukee owing to a case of small pox
  • -Rev. Joseph Herbert, pastor of the East Troy Congregational Church, fell down a stairway, breaking one of his ribs
  • -Emma Leopold, a Chicago Holiness convert, was arrested and fined at Racine for praying so loud as to constitute disorderly conduct.
  • -George Caldwell, who deserted his wife at Marion, Ind., and was a fugitive from justice for debts there, committed suicide at Black Earth.
  • -The 9-year-old son of Peter V. Gagnon was fatally injured by falling from an ice house on which he was playing with some boys at Two Rivers.
  • -The family of Hans A. Paulsen of Appleton narrowly escaped suffocation by coal gas from a stove. A neighbor broke into the house and saved them.
  • -The State failed to establish any guilt of John Reitzloff at Shawano in connection with the mysterious disappearance of Winfield Pike, and he was discharged.
  • -Charles F. Gaffney of Neenah, convicted by the jury of attempting to assault with intent to kill Dr. C. O. Hanson of Neenah, was sentenced to eight years of hard labor at Waupun.
  • -John Bergen of La Crosse has had an eye taken out, the result of carelessness on his part. He was killing time by hitting a stone with a hammer when a small splinter flew into his eye.
  • -Hiram Lockwood, aged 60, died at his home one and one-half miles west of Pardeeville, after a sleep of several days from whic he could not be aroused. He was a prominent farmer and leaves a widow and one son.
  • -Antone Nelson, a farmer living eight miles east of Mondovi, committed suicide during a fit of temporary insanity by jumping head foremost into an open well, thirty feet deep. He was taken out soon after, but was dead from a broken neck.
  • -Charles Brown, colored, was killed by Charles Brines, also colored, in a saloon near the Kinnickinnic avenue street car barns, Milwaukee. The tragedy was the outcome of a quarrel. Brines struck Brown on the head with a heavy stick. Brines was arrested.
  • -Charles Dalquist, one of the most unique characters of the Dane County poor farm, committed suicide by hanging himself. Dalquist was known as the artist of the institution. The interior walls of the poor house are decorated with many pictures painted by him. The scenes are chiefly about the place, a panorama of the farm being one of the largest and best.
  • -The folly of youth marrying age was shown in La Crosse County Court when three babies were taken from J. Fosdick and wife, formerly of Tomah, on the ground that the home was not a fit place for them and that he could not support them. The wife joined in the petition. Five years ago when she was 14 and he 57 they were married. The testimony showed that life was one continual row and Humane Agent Berry testified it was the worst home he was ever in.
  • -Crepe upon a door stayed the process of the law in Kenosha and John McDermott, who was wanted as a fugitive from justice, is enjoying his liberty on account of the death of his mother. A warrant had been issued for the arrest of McDermott, but he fled from the city, and his mother, worried by the trouble, was taken suddenly ill and died. When the fugitive heard of his mother's death he returned to the city and an officer started to t he house to arrest him. He found the crepe upon the door and held the warrant in abeyance until after the funeral.
  • -Andrew Anderson of Royalton, who was arrested on the charge of manslaughter, it being alleged that the death of his wife, which occurred about two weeks ago in Pine Grove, was caused by her having been struck by him, has been discharged from custody.
  • -Tom Knight, who is accused of forgery, was captured at Brooklyn. While officers were taking him to Madison to the county jail he escaped by jumping from a window while the train was pulling out of Oregon. The officers in charge had the train stopped and gave chase, and recaptured him.

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