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Wednesday, December 31, 1902


   :A serious shooting affair took place on Christmas day at Three Lakes in the saloon of Henry Gensler, in which Geo. View received wounds which resulted in his death Monday morning, at an early hour. The shooting was done by Frank Smith, the bartender, who was arrested soon after, charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm, which charge since the death of his victim will be changed to murder. Smith was brought to the city by Sheriff Kelly and taken before Judge Browne and is now confined in the county jail awaiting his examination which was adjourned to Saturday next.
   :Just the conditions which led up to the shooting are difficult to get at, from the fact that several stories are in circulation, which vary somewhat in detail. As near as can be learned, however, View who had been working in lumber camps in the vicinity of Three Lakes, had gone into town to spend Christmas enjoying a good time, and during the early part of the afternoon had been in Gensler's saloon. While there words arose between he and the bartender, which resulted in blows, and the bartender it seems got the worst of it. About five o'clock View again came in and the trouble occasioned by the first visit was renewed, with the result that Smith drew a revolver and shot View, the bullet taking effect close to the heart. Dr. Packard was called who made the wounded man as comfortable as possible, and had him removed to St. Mary's hospital in this city Saturday. No effort was made to care for the wound pending the doctor's arrival, and his first examination was sufficient to warrant the belief that the shot was necessarily fatal.
   :View was a strong heavily built young man about twenty-three years of age, and his black curly hair, and swarthy features evidenced the fact that he was a quarter blood negro. His home is at Green Bay, to which city his body was shipped Monday night. The remains were accompanied by his parents who were called after the shooting and who remained with him until the end.
   :Smith who is held on the serious charge of murder, presented a tough looking countenance in Judge Browne's court, as evidence of his part in the fracas. Both eyes were black and his face was otherwise disfigured by cuts and bruises.
   :He is a man small of stature and 55 years of age. His story, as well as the story of witnesses is to the effect that he was severely pounded by View without cause upon his first visit, and when he came the second time, he attempted to strike him across the bar, whereupon he used the revolver which lay upon the back bar in self defense.
   :View is said to have been a good fellow although somewhat of a bully. About a year ago he was mixed up in a row at Three Lakes, in which he was shot through the hand.

The beautiful big doll which C. E. Crusoe & Co. Advertised to give to the one guessing the correct number of marbles in a quart glass jar on exhibition in their store on Christmas was awarded to Mrs. J. C. Sorenson whose guess of 233 was the only correct one. In all there were several thousand guesses made, and although there were many whose guess came within one, two or three of the winning number, Mrs. Sorenson was the only one who registered 233. The doll was as large as a small baby and no doubt was cordially welcome at the Sorenson home.

Friends in this city of Mose Broulette who with his family recently moved to Minneapolis, are sorry to learn that he met with a serious accident not long since while walking in the railroad yards in that city, which nearly cost him his life. While crossing the tracks he was struck by a switch engine and thrown several feet into the air, falling upon his head and shoulders. He was unconscious for hours, after being picked up. Besides severe bruises, it is thought he will lose the sight of one eye. Mr. Broulette is well along in years, and his injuries will probably lay him up for a long time.

Mr and Mrs S. T. Walker have broken up house keeping here, and in the near future will move to Madison where Mr. Walker has been appointed to an important position in the office of the Secretary of State. Mr. Walker leaves to-morrow to begin his new duties with the new year, and Mrs. Walker will follow as soon as arrangements for housekeeping can be made. The departure of these highly respected young people from the city is much regretted, and socially they will be greatly missed.

Fire on unknown origin started at the home of Geo. Pingry early this morning, doing considerable damage. Smoke was issuing from the baseboards when first discovered, and an effort was made to locate the blaze and put it out. It appeared to be between the walls and when an outer window to the attice was taken out to further investigate, a smouldering fire was fanned into a roaring blaze. The fire companies responded promptly, and succeeded in extinguishing the fire, but not before one side of the roof was badly burned. Friends and neighbors cheerfully assisted in removing the household goods to a safe distance, although in the hasty exit several articles were damaged. The fire was not caused from the chimney as at first thought, but there is no way of explaining its origin.

   :The home of Mrs. John O'Connor was brightened on Christmas by the presence of all her children, with the exception of Dr. D. J. O'Connor, of Green Bay. Those who partook of the Christmas festivities were: Mr and Mrs Arthur Hayden, Mrs. May Ellison and daughter, of Chicago, Mrs. C. Calvert, Mr and Mrs Donnelly of Eau Claire, Dr and Mrs C. H. O'Connor of Rhinelander, George E. O'Connor, and Mr and Mrs D. E. Riordan of this city, Dr. Walter O'Connor of Ladysmith.
   :Mrs O'Connor's health has been feeble the past winter, and the children desired to make this Christmas one long to be remembered, and indeed it will be, especially by Mrs. O'Connor, who was surrounded by her children on that joyous day. Her many friends join with the News in wishing Mrs. O'Connor a long and happy life and may she see many more family gatherings like the one just past. Vilas County News

-Miss Anna McElrone spent the past week with her parents in camp near Manitowish.
-Mrs. Curley Phelps and children left this morning for Barclay, Mich., where Mr. Phelps is head sawyer in one of the mills.

  • -Mr and Mrs O'Connor entertain a company of their friends at a 6 o'clock dinner this evening
  • -Miss Gussie Greener teacher of th school for deaf children, is in Milwaukee this week, in attendance at the N.E.A. meeting, before which she will read an interesting paper
  • -Misses Jennie Eby, Laur Horn, Ethyle Holland, Lilla Vetting, Mable and Maud Matteson werethe young ladies who went to Antigo this morning to attend the fireman's ball for which Hall's orchestra has been engaged.
  • -C. R. Lee returned from Berlin last Wednesday expecting to resume his position as filer at Brown Bros. Mill, and was keenly disappointed upon learning that the mill would not start up for several days. His early arrival was the means of separating him from his family during the holidays.
  • -Layton Kemp of Minneapolis, well known in this city having resided here for a number of years, died at that city last Friday after a brief illness with pneumonia. His remains were shipped to his old home in Ohio for interment. Mr Kemp is a nephew of E. M. Kemp, and was superintendent of the Wabash Screen Door factory at Minneapolis. The factory was closed Friday out of respect to the deceased.
  • -Geo. Keehl who has been away for the past year has returned to spend the holidays with his many friends.
  • -Miss Emma McRae went to Tomashawk Lake Wednesday last, accompanying her sister Ada home on the limited.
  • -F. C. Strope returned Monday from Maniwa where he spent Christmas with his little son who makes his home with his grandmother.
  • -A Christmas guest at the of C. H. And Henry Roepeke was their mother who came from Seymour to pay them a visit. Mrs. Roepeke's last visit to Rhinelander was several years ago.
  • -Mrs. Chas Chafee is entertaining her sister Mrs. Willie from Washburn, Wisconsin
  • -Mrs. G. F. Rice is visiting her mother Mrs. Jno. Collins at Barclay Michigan
  • -Mr and Mrs Frank Dawson are the proud parents of a baby girl, born last Saturday
  • -Merton Hamlin of Merrill spent a few days here last week in the city, the guest of his sister Mrs. G. Kaufman.
  • -Ralph Clark departed Monday for Big Rapids, where he will again resume his studies at the Ferris Institute.
  • -Mrs. Ed CinqMars, who has spent the summer here with relatives, departed yesterday for her new home in Minnesota.
  • -Miss Lola Billings who for four years has held the position of teacher in the state school at Sparta came home to spend Christmas with her parents Mr and Mrs L.J. Billings. Miss Billings brought with her from the school a twenty months old baby, one of the many dependent children for which the state is caring and finding homes in good families. The baby, a bright little fellow, was for Mr and Mrs William Tucker who have adopted it and will bring it up as their own. A more pleased couple it would be hard to find than these people as they welcomed the tiny stranger into their home.
  • -At the residence of Rev. Father P. Schmitz this morning at nine o'clock occurred the marriage of Mr. Peter Meigher and Miss Laura McRae. The newly wedded pair left on the morning train for Chicago for a brief wedding trip. They will make their home at Ironwood where the groom holds a responsible position. Miss McRae is the oldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Jas. McRae old residents of Rhinelander, and her many friends join in wishing her a long and happy married life.
  • -Henry Chatterton returned to Grand Rapids, Mich., Monday to resume his studies at the Ferris Institute.
  • -Mrs. L. Schuesman who has been a visitor at the Hodgdon home left this morning for her home at Eagle River.
  • -Mrs. G. S. Coon and two daughters Frances and Margaret leave to-night for Couer de Lene, Idaho, where they will make an extended visit at the home of Mr and Mrs P. E. Brennan.
  • -Mrs. J.H Taylor, of Ironwood was a passenger on the south bound train Saturday morning, having been summoned to Fond du Lac by news that her mother was not expected to live. Mrs. Taylor is the mother of Mr. Theo. LaDoux of this city. Later Mr. LaDoux received word that his grandmother had died early Monday morning.
  • -The youngest son of Mr and Mrs L. W. Hamel died last Friday afternoon of scarlet fever and was buried the following day. Other children in the family had had the disease in a very light form, from which they had fully recovered. In the morning the parents welcomed the arrival of a new baby in the home, only to bow their heads in sorrow at the taking away of their next youngest before the close of the day. In their affliction they have the sympathy of the entire community.
  • -Jerome C. Teal returned from a Christmas visit to his home in Weyanwega Monday. While at home he had the misfortune to painfully burn his right hand while removing a burning sofa from the house. He had seated himself to enjoy a weed after breakfast, and in scratching a match to light it, the blazing end broke and flew across the room falling upon the heavy fringe border of the sofa. It blazed up in an instant, and as no water was handy, Jerome hustled it out of doors, but in doing so encountered in his grip warm places which left their imprint in the shape of huge blisters.

Papers from Paris, Canada have been received by J. N. Keeble recording the marriage of Mr. Herbert Henstock to Miss Alice Pierce, which took place at that city, on December 6th. Mr. Henstock several years ago was employed as a baker by Mr. Keeble. From here he went to Tomahawk, and then to his present residence where he now owns an up-to-date bakery.


One of the boldest hold-ups ever reported in Neenah occurred the other night on the person of John Arst, who was found in an unconscious condition lying beside the Company I armory. He was attending the third annual ball given by Company I and had stepped outside for a breath of fresh air, and a short time afterwards friends noticed his absence. They went outside and found him lying on the ground. He was taken to the hall and a doctor was sent for and it was not until five hours afterward that he regained consciousness. His pockets were turned inside out, showing that robbery had been committed. The only marks of violence that could be found were a large lump on the back.

Ole Gilbertson, who has been boarding at the Central Hotel at North Fond du Lac, committed suicide by hanging. The body was discovered in the room occupied by Mr. Gilbertson. It was suspended from a bed post, a strap from a telescope having been used in place of a rope. He had appeared cheerful and his associates are at a loss as to the motive which impelled him to self-destruction.

Stanley J. Leahy of Chicago and William N. Powers of Madison fought to a finish in the gymnasium of the State University. Powers being knocked out by a chance blow after a bloody battle. The trouble started in the classroom, where Leahy prodded his fellow class fellow with a pin.


  • -William Gruel, 13 years old, who accidently shot himself while hunting, died at Watertown.
  • -Frank Wylie, Jr., 28 years of age, committed suicide at Stevens Point by shooting himself in the head
  • -Karl Hurysz, 18 years old, shot and killed his father, George Hurysz, at their home in the town of Linwood. The shooting was accidental.
  • -John Bain of Kenosha has received an estate worth $1,000 as a bequest from Mark Raible, who died at the Milwaukee Soldiers' Home. Raible left $1 to each of his sons. Some years ago Raible was given a home by Bain until admitted to the Soldiers' Home.
  • -Aloysus J. Schmidthauer of Milwaukee, who was married to Miss Anna V. Faust of that city in San Antonio, Texas, died the day following the ceremony.
  • -John C. Pratt, husband of one of the beneficiaries of the Mosher estate, valued at $80,000, which in now in litigation, died at the La Crosse poor house. The wife is also an inmate of the same institution and is said to be near death's door.
  • -Alvin Dexheimer, 10 years old, was badly burned at Sheboygan while playing the role of Santa Claus.
  • -Joseph Johanek pleaded guilty at Wausau to the charge of assault and was sentenced to ten years imprisonment.
  • -Frank O'Connor, aged 24 years, a well known young merchant of Kenosha, died at his home there from consumption
  • -Michael Cahill, the farmer poet, charged with assault to do great bodily harm in shooting Alexander Smith through the arm, was discharged at Eau Claire on proving self-defense.
  • -Adolph F. Spring, a milkman, was struck by a west-bound freight train on the Montfort division of the Northwestern road and instantly killed while driving to Madison with milk
  • -Edward King of Courtland was shot by his brother, Joseph, while out hunting. While crawling through a fence the gun was discharged, the contents taking effect in the boy's leg
  • -Arthur Miller, the young man who was arrested at Tomah on the charge of passing counterfeit money, was discharged in justice court on the ground that no offense was shown by the State
  • -Mrs. Anna Fidlin of Milwaukee received a letter from her son, who lives at Greytown, Nicaragua, saying that a man named Wissen, formerly of Racine, had been devoured alive by a shark.
  • -Fire destroyed the dwelling of John Carlstrom at Mellen. Carlstrom jumped out of a second-story window. Mrs. Carlstrom and the children, who had got outside safely, ran to a neighbor's house in their nightclothes.
  • -Miss Lizzie Jung of Plymouth was to have been married the other day, but on that day went insane, and has been committed to the northern asylum at Oshkosh. No reason is given for her sudden mental aberration.
  • -Oscar Phillips, aged 28 years, employed as a section hand by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road, was struck by a freight train at Corliss and killed. Phillips resided at Union Grove, was married and had two children.
  • -Mrs. W. H. Stevens of Sioux City, formerly Miss La Celia Arguette of Marshfield, who disappeared recently after leaving several letters saying she was about to commit suicide, has been found and is working as a chambermaid at Omaha.
  • -Miss Wilhelmina Jardine, aged 107, is without doubt the oldest living person in the southeastern portion of the State. She is now ill with stomach trouble at St. Luke's hospital in Racine, but her physicians say that her present sickness is not dangerous.
  • -Mrs. Amelia Myer was found dead in a cistern in the rear of her home in Fond du Lac by her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Louise J. Myer. It is believed that she committed suicide from the fact that she worried so from her incurable disease with which she was afflicted.
  • -Miss Mayme Wagner, a former Oshkosh girl, has entered upon a new business career at Vassar College. She, with a Miss Lapham, both of whom are former pupils at that school, have erected an old-fashioned inn near the college which is already proving a profitable investment.
  • -James Peterson, a widower, aged 52 years, and his daughter Alice, aged 15, were found dead in bed at Racine, having been asphyxiated by coal gas escaping from a heating stove. A son, Rudolph, was found barely alive, but was resuscitated after hard work by physicians.

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last edited 07 May 2018