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WRIGHT'SRhinelander(Wisconsin)City Directory 1930Including Lake Tomahawk, Minocqua, Monica, Pelican Lake, Three Lakes and Woodruff Containing an Alphabetical Directory of Business Concerns and Private Citizens, a Directory of Householders, Occupants of Office Buildings and Business Places, including a Complete Street and Avenue Guide, Taxpayers List A Miscellaneous Character; also a Miscellaneous Character; also a Buyers' GuideAnd a Complete Classified business DirectoryFor detailed contents see General IndexPrice $10.00 WRIGHT DIRECTORY CO., Publishers5th Floor, 290 third St., Milwaukee, Wis.
INTRODUCTIONWRIGHT DIRECTORY CO., publishers of the Rhinelander City Directory, present to subscribers and the general public, this, the 1930 edition of the Rhinelander Directory, which also include Lake Tomahawk, Minocqua, Monico, Pelican Lake, Three Lakes, Woodruff, the rural sections of Oneida County, and the rural routes pivotal from the Rhinelander Post Office. Confidence in the growth of Rhinelander's industry, population and wealth, and in the advancement of its civic and social activities, will be created as sections of this directory are consulted, for the directory is a mirror truly reflecting Rhinelander to the world. The enviable position occupied by WRIGHT'S directories in the estimation of the public, has been established by rendering the best in directory service. With an unrivaled organization, and having the courteous and hearty cooperation of the business and professional men and residents, the publishers feel that the result of their labors will meet with the approval of every user, and that the Rhinelander Directory will fulfill its mission as a source of authentic information pertaining to the community. PopulationThe estimated population of Rhinelander, 8,144, based on the number of individuals' names in the alphabetical section of the directory, with due allowance for children for women whose names are not listed separately from those of their husbands. Territory immediately adjacent, which is part of the city, as far as business and social life are concerned, is included in the directory. Seven Major DepartmentsThe several essential departments are arranged in the following order: - THE MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT for Rhinelander, pages 12 to 16, presents a variety of information, such as lists the city, county and federal officials; statistical review; manufacturing and civic surveys, etc. THE BUYERS' GUIDE, pages 25 to 40, printed on tinted paper, contains the advertisements of leading manufacturing, business and professional interests of Rhinelander and vicinity. These pages will be found particularly interesting and instructive to substantial purchasing factors. The advertisements have been carefully grouped by departments and are indexed under headings descriptive of the business represented. This is reference advertising at its best, and, as such, merits a survey by all buyers eager to familiarize themselves with sources of supply. The community's activities, in many interest phases, are authentically pictured. In an ambitious and progressive community like Rhinelander, the necessity of having this kind of information immediately available, is very great, and frequently, pressing. General appreciation of this fact is evidenced by the liberal support the city directory enjoys in the many fields which it serves. The ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES of residents, business firms and corporations for Rhinelander is included in pages 41 to 139. A feature of this section is the inclusion of the wife's names in parentheses following that of the husband. A similar list for Lake Tomahawk appears in pages 167 to 168; for Minocqua, in pages 168 to 172; for Monico, in pages 172 to 173; for Pelican Lake, in pages 173 to 175, for Three Lakes, in pages 174 to 176 and for Woodruff, in page 176 to 181. THE DIRECTORY OF HOUSEHOLDERS, INCLUDING STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE, for Rhinelander, covers pages 141 to 165. In this section the names of the streets and agencies are arranged in alphabetical order; the residences and business houses are arranged numerically under the names of each street and avenue, and the names of householders and business concerns are placed opposite the numbers. THE ONEIDA COUNTY FARMERS DIRECTORY extends from page 185 to page 225. THE RHINELANDER RURAL ROUTES DIRECTORY covers pages 163 to 165. THE CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY is included in page 227 to 263. This department lists the various manufacturing, mercantile and professional interests of the whole community in alphabetical order under appropriate headings. This feature constitutes an invaluable and indispensable epitome of the business interests of the community. "The Directory is the common intermediary between Buyer and Seller." As such it play no small part in the daily doings of the business world. "More goods are bought and sold through the Classified Business Directory than through any other medium." Community PublicityThe directory reflects the achievements and ambitions of the community, depicting in truthful terms what it has to offer as a place of residence, as a business location, as on industrial site and as an educational center. To broadcast this information, the publishers have placed copies of this issue of the directory in Directory Libraries, where they are readily available for free public reference, and serve as perpetual and reliable advertisements of Rhinelander and vicinity, for business men, everywhere, realize that the city directory represents a community as it really is. There are nearly 500 of these Directory Libraries, installed and maintained in the chief cities of the U.S. and Canada through the courtesy of members of the Association of North American Directory Publishers, under whose supervision the systems is operated and of which the Wright Directory Co. is a member. The publishers appreciatively acknowledge the recognition by those progressive business and professional men who have demonstrated their confidence in the city directory as an advertising medium, with assurance that it will bring a commensurate return. WRIGHT DIRECTORY CO., Publishers.RHINELANDERStatistical ReviewForm of Government - City-manger.Population - 8,144, estimated. Native - born, 95%. Area - 2.5 square miles. Altitude - 1,554 feet. Parks - 2, with 55 acres valued at $15,000. Assessed Valuation - $8,500,000. City's Bonded Debt - $262,500. Financial - 3 banks, with total deposits of $2,600,000 and resources of $3,500,000. Post-office Receipts - $49,133.16 (last annual report). Telephones in Service - 2,000. Churches - 11, leading denominations. Building and Construction - Value of building permits, $318,000 (last annual report). Industry - 13 establishments employing 1,707 workers, paying wages of $2,500,000 annually, and having products valued at $10,000,000 annually. Principal Products - Lumber, paper, refrigerators and boats. Newspapers - 1 daily and 1 weekly. Hotels - 2, with total of 126 rooms. Newest hotel built in 1928. Railroads - 2: Soo Line and Chicago & Northwestern. Amusements - 2 theatres, with total seating capacity of 1,500 persons. Hospitals - 1, ample accommodations. Education - 7 schools, including 1 high, 1 junior high and 1 parochial. Total number of teachers, 75. Volumes in Library - 13,000. City Statistics - Total street mileage, 24, with 4.5 miles paved. Miles of sewers, 15. Daily average pump of water works (municipal), 2,000,000 gallons, with 24 miles of mains, and plant valued at $220,000. Fire department employs 13 men, with 2 engines, 1 hose and chemical wagon and 1 hook-and-ladder truck, in 2 station houses. Value of fire department with property, $50,000. Police department has 4 men, with 1 station. |
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