Histories and Records of Churches
in Marquette County WI
Below are a list of churches located within Marquette County. The churches
are sorted by denomination, in alphabetical order. If the church name is
underlined, there is a history of the church available by clicking on the link.
The cemeteries listed are those associated with the church. If no cemetery is
listed for the church, check the cemetery listings in the Marquette County
WiGenWeb Archives. If you contact a church, please consider enclosing a Self
Addressed Stamped Envelope and a donation (for staff time and any photocopies).
This will usually encourage a prompt reply. If you know of any churches that
should be listed here, please let the
For a listing of churches as listed in the telephone book as of June 2002, click here.
Church Name | Village or City and Township Location | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Church Name | Village or City and Township Location | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. John the Baptist Catholic Church | Montello | 227 East Montello St. Montello WI 53949, 608-297-7423 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. James Catholic Church | Neshkoro | 315 Main Street (Hwy 73), Neshkoro WI 54960, 920-293-4211 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. John's (Princeton) Catholic Church | Princeton | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. Marie's Catholic Church | Princeton/frmrly St. Marie's | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Good Shepherd Catholic Church | Westfield | 242 E. 6th Street Westfield WI 53964, 608-296-3631 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Church Name | Village or City and Township Location | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Douglas Bible Church | Endeavor | W7383 Cty P, Endeavor WI 53930, 608-587-2478 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Grace Fellowship | Endeavor | 123 Park Street, Endeavor, WI, 608-587-2286 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
The People's Church | Montello | 3045 15th Road, 608-297-8585 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Oxford Bible Church | Oxford | 547 West Ormsby, 608-586-5472 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Buffalo Community Bible Church | Buffalo | 4090 W 14th Road (East off Co. Hwy. F), Montello WI 53949, 608-297-7771 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Marquette Community Church | Montello | Contact (608) 297-7780 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Jubilee Fellowship Church | 325 Sunnyview Lane, Princeton | Contact 920-295-8796 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
New Beginnings Christian Community Church | Westfield | Contact 608-296-3785 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Moundville Methodist Church | Moundville | W5501 County O, Endeavor WI 53930, 608-587-2725 | Church Cemetery Transcription, see photo circa 1915 |
Trinity United Methodist Church | Montello | Park St. (Hwy 22 North), (608) 297-2326 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Zion United Methodist Church | Neshkoro | 200 East Bluff Neshkoro WI 54960, 920-293-8012 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Emmanuel United Methodist Church | Princeton | 102 W Harvard, 920-295-6206 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Westfield German Methodist Church | Westfield | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Faith United Methodist Episcopal Church | Westfield | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. John's Lutheran, Budsin | Budsin, crossroads of Co. E and Hwy 22 | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. Paul's Lutheran, Crystal Lake, ELCA | Budsin, crossroads of Co. E and Hwy 22 | 608-296-2771 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. Peter's Lutheran, Germania | no longer in use but bldng/grounds remain | - | see archives transcription |
St. John's Lutheran, Harrisville, ELCA | Harrisville | W4894 Clay Street (Co. Rd B, in Harrisville), Westfield WI 53964, 608-296-2771 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. Paul's Lutheran, Harrisville | Harrisville | County Road Y, (608) 296-2771 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Emmanuel Lutheran, Mecan | Mecan | Contact Address | Big Mecan Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery Index and Inscriptions |
Trinity Lutheran Church | Mecan Township | (920) 293-4477 | Little Mecan Trinity Lutheran Cemetery Index and Inscriptions |
Big Mecan Lutheran Church | Montello | (608) 297-2570 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran | Montello | 1568 Evergreen Lane, Montello (608) 297-9611 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran | Montello | Montello St., (608) 297-9635 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod | Neshkoro (Newton Twp. north of Harrisville, 10th Rd. & 11th Rd.) | 7691 15th Drive, Neshkoro WI 54960, (920) 293-4477 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Zion Lutheran Church | Neshkoro | 227 North State St, Neshkoro WI 54960, 920-293-4312 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. John's Lutheran | Oxford | 330 E. Vallette, 608-586-5877 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Trinity Lutheran | Packwaukee | 418 Chestnut, 608-589-5138 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
St. John's Lutheran, Princeton | Princeton | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Immanuel Lutheran, Westfield | Westfield | 210 South Charles Street, Westfield, 608-296-2088 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Presbyterian Church | Oxford | 210 South Miller, 608-586-5592 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
First Presbyterian Church | Packwaukee | (608) 586-5592 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
First Presbyterian Church | Westfield | 511 South Main Street P.O. Box 235, Westfield WI 608-296-3255 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Church Name | Village or City and Township Location | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Seventh Day Adventist Church | Oxford | 322 East Chauncy, 608-586-5770 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Trinity Endeavor United Church of Christ | Endeavor | 234 Church St., Endeavor WI 53930, 608-587-2573 | Church Cemetery Transcription |
Westfield Congregational Church | Westfield | Contact Address | Church Cemetery Transcription |
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