Queries posted for 1997, see Queries 1997 | Queries posted for 1998, see Queries 1998 | Queries posted after 1998 and before 2004, there are none :-( | Queries posted for 2004, see Queries 2004 | Queries posted for 2005, see Queries 2005 | Queries posted for 2007, see Queries 2007 | Queries posted between May 1st and December 31st 2008, see Queries 2008 | Queries posted for 2009, see Queries 2009 | Queries posted for 2010, see Queries 2010 | Queries posted for 2011, see Queries 2011 |
| Queries from 2006 | Number | Surname | Message | Contact | Date Posted |  | 06-21 | Cayo | Looking for information regarding J.W., (John W. or January W.) Cayo born 1863, in Mishicot area, and was said to have had a dairy in Nickerson, WI. Does Nickerson still exist and does anyone have information for this family name? Any info appreciated. | Jackie | 12/16/06 | 06-20 | Swanson | I am searching for information about a cousin, Charles Swanson. He was born in Sweden in 1891, grew up in Superior WI. Married to Inez, one daughter, Shirley, a son, Donald. In 1938 was employed at the Lindberg-Thomson grocery store at 1202 Belknap. | Doris | 12/14/06 | 06-19 | Broten | Does anyone know when and where Thora Broten died and where she is buried? I believe she died between 1900-1910. | Mark | 11/24/06 | 06-18 | Grady, Harmon | I saw a referance to Mattie Effie Harmon having died January 1972 in Superior, Wisconsin. Someone shows that she was married to James Patrick Grady who died in Ohio, January 1928. I have a lot of information on James Grady. Would like to know more about Mattie Harmon. | Leroy | 10/28/06 | 06-17 | Broten | Peter Broten, born July 20 or 27 1900. Any information about him or his family. | L. Peters | 07/22/06 | 06-16 | Kindel | I am searching for an Albert Kindel, b. MN ca 1899; wife Ruth,b. MN ca 1898; and son Donald, b. WI 1918; this family is listed in the 1920 census on Banks Avenue in Superior. Albert works for the railroad. In 1930 there is another Albert Kindel, wife Nora, I do not believe they are the same man. ANY/ALL help appreciated. | Source | 07/06/06 | 06-15 | Doolittle | Clarence Edgar Doolittle, Clarence Arthur (Alfred?) Doolittle, Edgar Sammuel Doolittle These gentlemen are my father, grandfather and great-grandfather. I would like any info. that you may have and or links, especially sites on census that I may check out. | Sue
I am happy to report Sue has found the information she was looking for! | 06/04/06 | 06-14 | McClean/McLean | Looking for info on Martin and Emily McLean. Lived in Superior beginning about 1885 from Ontario. Worked for Great Northern Railroad, City Hall, and as a baliff. Martin died in 1951 buried at Greenwood Cemetery. Any Cenus for 1890-1900? | Rene | 05/20/06 | 06-13 | Bennett | I am trying to find my grandfathers date of birth. James G. Bennett is buried in Gordon Cemetary 10th August 2001. If anyone can help I would appreciate it. | Mallicoat | 04/23/06 | 06-12 | Johnson, Lidberg, Messany | I am looking for obituaries of my great-grandparents:- David Leonard Johnson
b. Oct 1893 WI, d. 08 Sep 1959 Douglas Co, WI (Lake Nebagamon or Hawthorne) - Mable (Lidberg) Johnson
b. 27 Nov 1896 Gordon, WI d. 20 May 1972 Douglas Co, WI (Lake Nebagamon or Hawthorne) - David Johnson
b. Feb 1855 Sweden, d. 28 Jun 1923 Douglas Co, WI (Lake Nebagamon or Hawthorne) - Eva Johnson
b. Feb 1849 Sweden, d. 04 May 1933 Douglas Co, WI (Lake Nebagamon or Hawthorne) - Frank Messany
b. 24 Sep 1908 Czechoslovakia, d. 25 Jan 1975 Duluth, MN (lived in Hawthorne, WI)
| Ryan | 04/23/06 | 06-11 | Farquhar, Hanitch | I am looking for any information about Louis & Elizabeth (Farquhar) Hanitch that lived in Superior, Wisconsin from around 1893 to 1919, then moving to Hopkins, Minnesota. From my research, Louis Hanitch was a prominent attorney in Superior and was born in Dayton, Ohio October 9, 1863 and passed away June 7, 1937 in Hopkins, Minnesota. Elizabeth Hanitch was born in California September 8, 1868 and passed away July 1, 1958 in Minnesota. My family is renovating the house that Louis Hanitch built in Superior around 1897, currently at 609 East 4th Street. I am attempting to locate any possible living descendants that may have photos of the house or family during that time. According to the obituary of Louis Hanitch, two daughters were still living, Catherine Hanitch in Minnesota and Mary Johnson in Texas, as well as two grandsons. Catherine passed away in Minnesota August 4, 1993. I am unable to find any additional information. There is a "Betty Hanitch" scholarship at Superior Senior High School in memory of one of Louis Hanitch's deceased daughters. I am also looking for obituaries from anyone in the Hanitch family. Any information would be greatly appreciated! | Ryan | 04/23/06 | 06-10 | Anderson, Munro | George A. Anderson, born 1873 Canada, buried Evergreen Cemetery and Charles N. Munro, born 1873 WI buried Greenwood Cemetery. Appreciate any help or ideas on finding their dates of death and/or dates of birth. Thank You. | John | 04/01/06 | 06-09 | Vaillancourt | I am looking for death date/obit. on Walter Vaillancourt, b. abt. 1898 Bayfield Co. said to have died in Railroad Accident Oct. 8, 1932 in Superior WI, or Dec 7, 1920? Wife was a Rachel? They may have married in Superior also, no children listed? | Vicki | 04/01/06 | 06-08 | Allen, McCauley, Rowe, Spargo | Trying to locate the death date for Selina. She was born 1863 in Cornwall, England. Her parents were: Paul Spargo and Margaret Rowe Spargo. She married first Richard A. Allen and later ? McCauley. She died in Superior, Douglas, WI in 1942. I am in need of the full date and also if listed in the 1920 census. Thank you very much. | Patricia | 03/26/06 | 06-07 | Superior Schools | I am trying to find out the names of vocational schools that were established in Superior in or around 1933. | Tracy | 03/26/06 | 06-06 | Davis, Pedersen | Looking for a Carolyn DAVIS, a niece of Norman C. Pedersen (he was born about 1920); probably she is the daughter of one of Norman's two sisters. Anyone knowing anything about any DAVIS family in Howard Township, Douglas County, please contact me. DAVIS could be Carolyn's maiden name (the name of one of the two sisters) OR it could be her married name. Thank you! | David | 03/26/06 | 06-05 | Anderson, Westman | I am looking for the parents of Fred ANDERSON, born 1880 in Finland, came to Superior, WI (Douglas Co) and is found there on the 1910 census with wife Hilda (WESTMAN) and three children. They later gave birth to Arnold Raphael ANDERSON in 1910. Any info would be greatly appreciated.Thanks. | Patty | 02/02/06 | 06-04 | Everson, Haugen, Nordholm | Hello, I'm having a problems doing my family research.
Do you, by chance, have any information on an Axel Nordholm married to an Ellen. He was born 1884 in Sweden and arrived in the USA in 1903.
Second Person is Jacob Haugen born in Norway around1863. Lived in Surperior WI. His brother, I believe, was Hans Haugen living atthe address of 2415 Hammond Ave. Surperior WI in Aug. 1937. I believe Jacob diedin Superior but I have no records on him. It's like he just vanished. He marriedAmelia Everson pre 1888 which was the year of their first child being born.
All the children were born in Douglas County and they are: - Anna Matilda B:22 Apr 1888
- Henry Edgar B:14 Oct. 1889
- James Arther B:31 Jan 1891
- Laura Belle B:29 Jan 1892
- Clara Josephene B:26 Jan 1895
- Jennie Eleanor B:02 Feb. 1898
3rd person is Amelia (Emelia) Everson. Married toJacob Haugen. She was born 28 Nov 1865 in Norway and came to the USA 3 monthsold. Died 19 Jan 1912. Buried in Minong WI age 46. Poss mothers name is Matilda.Poss lived in Town of Chicog (?). Her mother outlived her along with 3 sistersand 3 brothers all living at her death.
I found an old Obit. that gave me theabove information, it was cut out and folded so I don't know where it was fromand parts are missing. I really hope you can help me. I have given you all theinformation I have. Thank you. | Stephanie | 02/02/06 | 06-03 | Betts | Looking for info on my father, Leslie Betts, and his sisters. | William | 01/25/06 | 06-02 | Peck | I am looking for the burial location of Allan Peck who died on December 29, 1939. Al was the president and owner of Peck-Foster Motors in Superior and lived at 606 East Eighth Street in Superior. His wife was Edith Weade Peck. | Dwight | 01/25/06 | 06-01 | Kangas, Keiski, Wahamaki | I am trying to obtain more information on the following Finnish immigrants who first immigrated to Ironwood, MI, in the early 1900's, but later, moved to the Superior area and remained there until about WWII.
Hilma Keiski born 9.9.1880 in Lohtaja Finland, came to US in 1903. Her passenger record denotes her final US destination is Ironwood, MI, to see Kalle Keiski. Although her record denotes he is her brother, we are not sure if this is accurate, as there is no indication (from what little info we have!) that she had a brother named Kalle. Perhaps Kalle was her cousin.
Hilma's parents were Jaakko Keiski (9/13/1837 - 4/20/1889) and Brita Kangas(12/20/1836) from the town of Kälviä.
Siblings: note dates listed for these people is Day, Month, Year:- Juho (24.6.1860), no children
- Edla Sofia (9.7.1862), no husband, no children
- Loviisa (18.9.1866) ?
- Matti Leander (27.3.1870) ?
- Matilda (28.10.1877), married with Wiljami Lento 1902, ?
- Hilma (22.9.1880) (our person of interest)
After Hilma arrived in the US, at some point she married a man (name unknown) and had one or two children. However, we believe all died. In about 1910, she married Matti Wahamaki (parents unknown), and had several children, all of which we have info on.
In addition, we believe a Matti Wahamaki (possibly our Matti, but perhaps not)was married prior to his marriage to Hilma. He or another Matti Wahamaki mayhave been married to Amalia or Amelia Mattila, 11 Sep 1903 Ironwood, but we arenot sure, as these are just a a few of the leads we need assistance with. I onlyfind one Matti Wahamaki in Michigan census records, and that is in 1910 withHilma. I believe at some point Matti (or Matt) worked for Dupont, but I don'tknow if that was in MI or WI.
We are hoping perhaps there are various records on Matti and Hilma Wahamaki in Douglas County. Although they were not born or died in this county, they may have owned land, had children born there, etc.
Thank you for any assistance anyone can offer! | JHS | 01/25/06 |