Queries posted for 1997, see Queries 1997 | Queries posted for 1998, see Queries 1998 | Queries posted after 1998 and before 2004, there are none :-( | Queries posted for 2004, see Queries 2004 | Queries posted for 2005, see Queries 2005 | Queries posted for 2006, see Queries 2006 | Queries posted for 2007, see Queries 2007 | Queries posted between May 1st and December 31st 2008, see Queries 2008 | Queries posted for 2010, see Queries 2010 | Queries posted for 2011, see Queries 2011 |
| Queries from 2009 | Number | Surname | Message | Contact | Date Posted |  | 09-33 | LeBard, Peil, Peterson | I am looking for any information on Gordon LeBard. He is my husbands grandfather and he passed away before my husband was born. Gordon was married to Maryann Peterson. Maryann married Bernie Peil after Gordon died. Any information would be greatly appreciated. | Lynn | 12/31/09 | 09-32 | McKercher | I would appreciate a copy of an obituary for Elmer McKercher, who died 23 March 1962 and is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Solon. Thank you. | Kim | 12/31/09 | 09-31 | Brenner, Henretty, McKeague | Looking for the descendants of George (1864 - 1923) Brenner. His wife was Josephine. They had a daughter named Lillian. Lillian (1890-?) married William Henretty. They had two children, Mary Jo and William. Mary Jo's married name is McKeague. The Brenner Family is having a reunion in 2012 in Evansville, Indiana. A reunion book is being compiled for the event. | Cheryl | 12/31/09 | 09-30 | Old Stagecoach Trail | Hello. I'm wondering if you have any maps on the where the Old Stagecoach Trail was located (when it ran from Superior to Spooner). I've found sections of the trail near Pike's Peak Road in rural Douglas County, but overall, I cannot find any more information. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks. | Matt | 12/31/09 | 09-29 | Skarpmoen | I am looking for an obituary for KJERSTIE (KARI) SKARPMOENShe was married to S.N. SKARPMOEN. They lived at Superior and are burried in the Riverside Cemetery South Superior, Douglas Co, WI. I have her death date as 1928.
I have been checking your web site off and on and notice that your obit person, Gretchen Levings, is not available. Is there someone that can help me by looking up this obit and emailing it to me? Thanks in advance. | Judy | 12/31/09 | 09-28 | Polowski, Wozniczka | Am seeking info about John Polowski (or Pulaski, Pulowski, Pulawski, Pawlowski, or so) from Superior. His wife (Mrs. John Polowski, perhaps Lucy if not Anna) was listed among the surviving daughters in Margaret Wozniczka's obit of Jan. 1922 in the "Chesterton (Ind.) Tribune." Margaret was age 86. Please advise. Thanks. | Denny | 12/31/09 | 09-27 | Bernard, Jones | I am looking for Doreen Jones that was once married to John Burton Bernard and have 2 children, Debra Ann and Daniel Joseph. Last known place of residence is Superior Wisconsin in 1960. | Mark | 12/311/09 | 09-26 | Harrop, Moran | I am looking for any information on Fred A. Harrop. He was born in Beloit but lived in Superior. Had a sister Florence Moran who also lived in Superior. Died in 1955. | Barb | 08/21/09 | 09-25 | Giffen, McLean | Looking for any information on Ida McLean who later in life married Bert Giffen, a dentist in Superior. Ida was a teacher for many years. She died in 1953 and is buried I believe at Greenwood Cemetery | Rene | 08/21/09 | 09-24 | Clark | Just interested in any information regarding my grandfather and family - Thomas Clark (Grandfather) Jason D. Clark (Father). My father was born in Superior in 1865. And my grandfather was a surveyor and "founder" of the Split Rock Lighthouse location. | Ella | 08/21/09 | 09-23 | Hjerpe, Lantilla | I'm looking for Esther Lantilla's (Hjerpe) grave. She died on December 7, 1934 in Superior. Her obituary states that services were held at the Finnish Apostolic Church, but there is no marker. | Dennis | 08/20/09 | 09-22 | Chadwick, Ely, Henderson, Watson | My gfather Forest M. HENDERSON is listed in 1910 Fed. Census as residing in Douglas Co., WI, along with his wife Stella R(uth) HENDERSON, age 22, and two small children, Rose G.(age 3), and Lloyd S. (age 2). Stella would have been pregnant with my mother, Stella Adelaide HENDERSON, at this time.
Forest worked on the railroads, and they are listed as residing with the John O. & Anna M. ELY family, along with approximately 21 other people. It seems this must have been a fairly large boarding house at the time.
Am looking for any info on Forest M. HENDERSON (I have extensive info on Stella and her ancestors), and on the boarding or rooming house they resided in with the ELY family, or the culture (good and bad) of working on the railroads, or many young people living in large rooming houses in Douglas Co. at that time. He was a brakeman on the Great Northern RR at some point.
My mother, Stella Adelaide HENDERSON, was born Dec 23, 1910, while they were in transit on the RR line in Bloomington IL. This is definitely her family --- met Lloyd myself before he passed away. The family was broken up in 1911-1912 when Forest disappeared. There are family stories of someone having seen him after that; another possibility that was considered was he had died while working on the railroad, and it wasn't properly reported. Forest was a big red-headed man, hard-drinking, apparently hard-fighting man, and may have been in some scrapes with the law. He may have left the family rather than died in 1911-1912, and therefore may have remarried, quite possibly along the RR lines going in and out of Superior, WI and Douglas Co., WI.
Any info, good or bad, would be greatly appreciated.
Catherine Chadwick EDDY (Winston Churchill CHADWICK X Stella Adelaide HENDERSON, adopted as Elizabeth Helen WATSON in 1912 at age 2.) | Chuck | 08/20/09 | 09-21 | Gunarson, Gunnarson | There are three graves in Graceland Cemetery that I believe are those of ancestors of mine. They are as follows:- John Arithial Gunnarson
1863- 1945 - Block 6L lot 86 8.5N - Ida Mathilda Gunnarson
1867-1935 - Block 6L Lot 86 - Carl Fritiof Gunarson -
4/15/18 - Block 86 Lot 86 I am unable to find any records for birth, death, marriage and I am looking for advice on how to access records in Wisconsin where I might find more definitive proof of any relationship to my family. Any advice oor assistance would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks as I live in Fond Du Lac and cannot readily make the trip to Superior. | Susan | 08/20/09 | 09-20 | Davis, Schirmack, Schumach, Wagner | I am interested in knowing who the parents are of Edward T. Davis. He is shown with John and Maria Schumach in the 1860 census of Sheboygan, Wisconsin with brother, Frederick Davis. John and Maria Schumach are uncle and aunt of Edward and Frederick Davis, but I am looking for the 'Davis' lineage. During the late 1800's and into the 1900's William Wagner and Edward Davis were employed by the same business concerns either copper smelting and/or tree, lumber business. Somebody in Douglas County must be related to these two men somehow, and I may be Edward Davis' granddaughter. I have information about Edward T. Davis, but am mostly interested in the identity of his parents... | Lois | 08/20/09 | 09-19 | Anderson, Nelson | Arthur Oscar Nelson b. 8/27/1891/92 Superior, Wis. ? Wife Anna Elise Anderson B. 7/30/1889 Oslo, Norway. Yes, I beg for help locating the parents of these two so I can track these lines back in time further. Have a great day, Marv from MN. | Marv | 07/03/09 | 09-18 | Taylor | Searching for relatives in Merrill WI and surrounding area. My daughters biological grandpa's family is from there. His name is Don Taylor, his father was Forrest Taylor (deceased). Just looking for relatives to work on a family tree! Thanks | Chris | 07/03/09 | 09-17 | Cuthbert, McRae | Alex J McRae 1859-1937 b Canada died Superior Wisc.; spouse Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Cuthbert 1868-1951 b Canada.I am seeking information to confirm that Alex J McRae was the first Mayor of Superior Wisconsin and would appreciate hearing from anyone that has somehistory on his term in office. Have a copy of a voter's card for election in 1914 but I believe his 1-year term was earlier. As I reside in Canada, it's been difficultfinding any information on this history on the internet. Appreciate any submissions. Thanks. | Annie | 07/03/09 | 09-16 | Michela | I am trying to location relatives of Albert J Michela. Last known address (1998) was 54880 Superior, Douglas, WI | Jerry | 05/30/09 | 09-15 | Haakanson, Hagen, Hakkanson, Hanchett, Holm | We are looking for the burial site of Marguerite Elsa Holm Hanchett. She was born Oct. 1, 1915 and died December 14, 1976. We were out the country at her death and an uncle took care of the burial, but nothing he provided was factual. We are also looking for her mother - her name was Lillian Hagen Holm Haakanson (or a spelling variation). We would like to find her burial ground. From relatives, both were buried in Superior, WI but we have been unable to locate. We are not from the area and want to come but need further information. | Christie | 05/30/09 | 09-14 | Miller, Wheeler | My great grandparents emigrated from U.K. to San Antonio Texas circa 1886. From there they moved to Douglas, Wisconsin. I have located Alfred Stanley Miller with son Frank in Superior Ward 4 on the 1900 census record. I have not been able to locate his death or that of his wife Mary Anne nee Wheeler. I would like to visit Wisconsin, but need to be certain of the county they lived in. | Pam | 05/06/09 | 09-13 | Bryce, McComb, early fire department, curling teams | Am looking for information on early fire department 1890 - 1920 also, curling teams same time period. Persons of interest: Alexander McComb and his brother, Thomas Bryce | Bettie | 04/19/09 | 09-12 | Bowlus, Cadotte, McClean, Thompson | I am looking for any information on children born to William Thompson and Margaret Cadotte/Thompson. I would like to find out death dates on the Thompson's listed below and if they had any children. - Mary Thompson/Bowlus b.1883
- Belle Thompson b.1885
- Robert Thompson b.1887
- Bessie Thompson/McClean b.1888
- George Thompson b. 1890
| Julie | 04/19/09 | 09-11 | Aronson, Berg, Landin, Pearson | ANY help on: Thomas Oliver Pearson (1891-1955), wife Josephine. Daughters Florence E. Pearson Aronson (1906-1998), Lillian Mae Pearson (married a Dixon or Daley?) mother of Thomas Pearson: Mari Johnson Pearson Berg (1868-1941) Lived in Superior at 1709 Iowa. Tusen Takk. | Enid | 04/19/09 | 09-10 | Coyne, Wohlwend | Looking for obits or information on Charles Louis Wohlwend (died 1930 and buried at Calvary) or his wives, who were sisters (Donna Isabelle Coyne Wohlwend - died 1915 or Mary Ann Coyne Wohlwend). Also, Charles mother is buried in the same plot - Catherine Wohlwend, died in 1904. | K Hellrood | 03/30/09 | 09-09 | Bingham, Hitchings | Looking for any info of my grandmother, Vivian Mae Bingham. Dob 28 OCT 1908 in Superior, Douglas, WI. She was adopted by James Oliver Bingham and his wife Mae (Hitchings) Bingham. They had no children of their own and I was told that they were Methodist missionaries. I wish to understand more of the circumstances of her birth heritage and subsequent adoption. | Linda | 03/30/09 | 09-08 | Cadotte | I am looking for any information on my grandfather, George Ellwood Cadotte, who was born in 1903 and lived in the "East End" of Superior. He was part Ojibway. There doesn't seem to be a birth certificate at the Douglas County Courthouse, but I am hopeful there might be a baptismal certificate somewhere. His parents were Frank and Isabelle Cadotte. Thank you. | Pam | 03/15/09 | 09-07 | Bailey, Human | I am looking for info on my aunt Mary R. Bailey Human and her husband, John Human. 1930 census shows them living in Highland. They had a few children all born between 1917 and 1929:- Frank
- Rosa
- Mary
- John
- Victoria
- Anna
- Alice
- Francis
- Esther
Any info would be appreciated. I have not been able to find anything about them. | Sara | 03/15/09 | 09-06 | Brown, Newgard, Wainwright | Anna Newgard Wainwright married Harry Wainwright. She is in the 1910C living with mother, Newgard children under the name Bertha Brown and husband Harry. Mother and children along with Harry and son moved to Portland Oregon sometime between later 1911- 1913. Anna had passed on but can find no record of her death. Thought maybe died during child birth. Son, James, was born abt. 1911 in Douglas Co. WI. Thanks for your time. | Barilynn | 03/15/09 | 09-05 | Devos/DeVoss, Verschore | Trying to locate any information on Cyrilla Martha Devos daughter of Cyrillus Devos and Augusta Pahrailde Verschoore, Belgium. | Susan | 02/07/09 | 09-04 | Notenbaert / Notenberg | John & Hortense Joos Notenbaert lived in Superior coming from Belgium in 1909. Their son Rene was born in Belgium, but children Elsie, Emee & Margaret were born in Eloise , WI. (near Superior?) from 1910-1917. I am unable to find Eloise, WI., is anyone able to help? Is it in Douglas County? Thank you. | Darlene | 02/07/09 | 09-03 | Whalen | My grandfather, John Whalen, died in Douglas County Asylum on May 27, 1912. I know he had lived in Ashland with his wife Mina (Wilhamina) and three children before contracting a severe head injury. I believe he was being cared for in the Asylum for at least 2 years. His death certificate states he was buried in Ashland. I visited Ashland trying to find his grave and could not find where he was buried. I tried both cemeteries, at first assuming he would be in the Catholic cemetery. Is there any record or further information on where he is buried, how long he was in the asylum, and more info about his accident. Thanks so much for your help. | Kathleen | 02/07/09 | 09-02 | Rooney | Eva M Rooney - what does the M stand for? | Michael | 02/07/09 | 09-01 | Aho | I am trying to find info on my fathers family, they where Finnish settlers. My fathers name was Rhuben Ernest Aho - he was born 06-30-1921. I believe my grandparents names were Esa and Mary Aho. On my father's marriage certificate he had fathers name as Aho Koski . | Susan | 02/07/09 |