Queries posted for 1998, see Queries 1998 | Queries posted after 1998 and before 2004, there are none :-( | Queries posted for 2004, see Queries 2004 | Queries posted for 2005, see Queries 2005 | Queries posted for 2006, see Queries 2006 | Queries posted for 2007, see Queries 2007 | Queries posted between May 1st and December 31st 2008, see Queries 2008 | Queries posted for 2009, see Queries 2009 | Queries posted for 2010, see Queries 2010 | Queries posted for 2011, see Queries 2011 |
| Queries from 1997 | Number | Surname | Message | Contact | Date Posted |  | 97-40 | Maunu | I am working on my family genealogy (MAUNU) and I need to find out how to contact the immigration and naturalization office for Douglas County. My father became a citizen in that county and I would like to get a copy of his citizenship papers. He came to this country from Finland and settled in Superior, WI in 1921. If anyone can help me, please contact me. Thank you. | May | 12/30/1997 | 97-39 | Brunner, Dunn, McCann, Nolan | I have a huge amount of information that I can give someone - Re: NOLAN - Nancy Westenfielf was looking for information concerning my uncle, John E. Nolan & Etta Brunner My Grandfather, Thomas Nolan, lived in Superior. He moved there from Stillwater, MN (He was married to Margaret McCann, from Stillwater). His uncle, Thomas Dunn, owned quite a bit of land in WI. Please contact me if you are interested in learning more. | Contact | 12/27/1997 | 97-38 | McGuire, Rusch | We are seeking information on the family of Christian and Elizabeth RUSCH. They immigrated from Switzerland to Wabasha, Minnesota and then on to Superior, WI. They had a daughter Christina who married Patrick McGuire, and sons Peter, George, and Chris (there may also have been a son John). We think George may have had a store in Superior probably in the 1930 era. | Contact | 12/27/1997 | 97-37 | Shafer | I have a couple of lookups if someone has the time. If there is anything I can do for anyone in Eau Claire Co, let me know. Thanks Death Certificate Info on: SHAFER, John d 5/31/1901 vol 2 page 119 Shafer, J.W. d 8/17/1994 vol 1 page 200 (These names and references come from microfilm at the Madison Historical Library.) | Jeff | 12/20/1997 | 97-36 | Shelley, Smith | My greatgrandfather, Lewis SHELLEY married Mary SMITH in Douglas County in Jan 1865. I would like any information on where either of them came from prior to that. | Contact | 12/20/1997 | 97-35 | Hulten | I have ancestor and descendant information for August and Olga HULTEN of Gordon, Wisconsin. Immigrated to the U.S. in 1902 from Stockholm. | Contact | 12/16/1997 | 97-34 | Prevost | I would like to get a land description of the two pieces of property Denis PREVOST owned between Gordon and Solon Springs, Wisconsin. The earliest piece of property may have been a homestead and was located just north of County Road M (just north of where the dog trials are held and west of old Highway 53). I don't know whether the property had a Gordon or Solon Springs address. The second place was located at the east end of County Road M. What township would that have been in? The second piece of property had a Gordon address. Denis PREVOST moved to the area around 1908. He died in 1945 and at that time his property reverted back to the county, I believe. Also, where do I write for a county map showing Douglas County townships? | Cecilia | 12/7/1997 | 97-33 | Kennedy, Terry | I am looking for information on Isabelle TERRY. She lived in Superior. Her maiden name was KENNEDY and she had one sister, Hazel. Isabelle was born in Wausau, WI about 1892, to Daniel Peter Kennedy and Mary Ann Trantow Kennedy. Isabelle had two children, William and Donald. I would appreciate any help locating any relatatives of this family.? | Pat | 12/4/1997 | 97-32 | Herubin | My grandfather filed for a homestead in N.E. Minn. in 1899. Prior to that we believe he lived in Douglas County. His name was Jozef or Josef HERUBIN c1885-1890. I would appreciate any information on this surname. I have relatives living in Douglas County but do not know their relationship to my grandfather. Any help information would be appreciated. | Stan | 11/6/1997 | 97-31 | Mathison, Urie | Horace Greeley URIE b. Abt 1866 d. aft 1890 m. Betty MATHISON, b. Abt 1866 Stoughton, WI d. aft 1890. Seeking informtion on Horace and/or Betty. According to 1900 census, Horace & Betty lived in Evansville Village, Douglas County, WI in June 1900. Horace occupation listed as "Postmaster".. | Rena | 10/25/1997 | 97-30 | Carlson | I would like to find any information on the Charles Theodore CARLSON family . The family lived in Poplar WI and owned a dairy farm? The father, Charles Theodore, emigrated from Goteborg Sweden in the 1890's, and purchased land in Poplar. I know the father also worked for the railroad. The children of Charles are : Robert T. Carlson, Helen Johnson, Elvera O. Campbell, Mamie ? Carlson, Carl Lester Carlson. Any information you could give us would be greatly appreciated. | Diane | 09/12/1997 | 97-29 | Colwell, Griffith | I am looking for any information on Charles COLWELL who married Helen GRIFFITH. Records indicate that he died in Superior Wisconsin 3 Nov 1945; Charles COLWELL b. 30 APR 1861 Granby, NY m. Helen Griffith 30 APR 1886 in Detroit/Brown County SD; Charles and his family were originally from Greenville MI -- moved to SD during Dakota Territory surveying as Govt was opening that new land for settlement; The rest of the COLWELL's returned to Mich -- Charles went to Wisconsin, presumably because of his wife's family may have been there; Is anyone else searching COLWELL or GRIFFITH, and if so, do either of these appear in your family records? Does anyone have any on-line sites that they could share with me that may get me census, death records etc for COLWELL in 1945? Any help is more than I now have ! | Susan | 09/9/1997 | 97-28 | Nichols, Skinner | Leo SKINNER born October 7, 1898 WI, died December 2, 1941, wife Luella or Evelyn. Her last name is unknown. They resided in Superior, Douglas, WI for many years. Leo is the Son of Arthur SKINNER and Delia NICHOLS of Superior, WI. Leo SKINNER worked for Great Lakes Steamship Company and was gone from home for weeks. He was an "oiler" on the steamship "Smith Thompson". I have been told an accident happened near Apostles Island, near Bayfield, WI in a bad storm and Leo SKINNER was washed overboard - the steam ship and his body was never found. Does anyone know anything of this family? Does anyone know anything of this accident? I would so much love to hear from you if you have information that would help me. Thank you. | Pat | 09/4/1997 | 97-27 | Rachuj, Rockway | I am searching for anything you can find on William ROCKWAY. His family arrived here in 1875. He was six years old at the time. Another name may be RACHUJ. The original German name is supposed to be something like this. The entire family records should be in the vicinity of Superior, WI. Any help or leads you can supply would be greatly appreciated. Thank you | Catherine | 9/01/1997 | 97-26 | Brunner, Nolan | Searching for anyone with the name NOLAN. A John E. Nolan was married to Henrietta (Etta) Brunner and lived in Superior, WI in 1932. Would like to correspond with anyone knowing this name. | Nancy | 8/29/1997 | 97-25 | Anderson, Strand | John Edwin STRAND immigrated to the USA and landed at the Port of New York in June, 1886. His wife followed with their children a year later. His last name was ANDERSON, but changed it to Strand (his given military name) after settling in America. He petitioned for citizenship on Nov. 2, 1886 in Florence County, Wi. He also spent time in Ishpeming Michigan, SUPERIOR, Wi. and Fargo, ND before settling in Randall, Mn. Any information would be helpful and greatly appreciated. | Caren | 8/23/1997 | 97-24 | Dempsey, Heikki | I have queryed the Finish Genealogy boards with 0 results to date. An interesting fact on Mary HEIKKI is that she married Jack Dempsey's brother! I have pictures of Jack Dempsey with my grandmother taken in Denver in the 1930's. I also have a picture of Mary Dempsey and her husband take in Rovaneimi Finland in the early 1900's. Robert Heikki was one of the pioneering Finnish families in Douglas county. The Heikki's built a concrete farm-house ! on Hwy 13 that is still occupied. (by another family of course). Are there any Finnish historians in Douglas County that I can contact? | Al | 8/14/1997 | 97-23 | Denny | Hi - I am researching my father's family which homesteaded in Bayfield County, but had property and a business in Brule (Douglas County). My great grandfather's name was Cyprian DENNY (he was born in Michigan in 1845). | Donna | 8/13/1997 | 97-22 | Seemuth | Searching for information on Alice SEEMUTH. Thought to be from Douglas County, WI Perhaps born ca 1937. When did she marry and whom? Any information would be appreciated. | Margaret | 8/11/1997 | 97-21 | Bengtson, Westerlund | I am looking for descendants of Frank and Cecelia WESTERLUND of Douglas County, Wisconsin. There were seven(or more?) live births from these parents. My mother (Anna Maria WESTERLUND) was the seventh child and was adopted out at age of three months (March 8, 1925) to Bernhardt and Hilda (nee Kari) BENGTSON of Superior, WI. Her birthdate was January 8, 1925 and she was adopted on March 8, 1925 (filed March 12, 1925). If anyone has any information about this family of WESTERLUND, please contact me. Thank you. | Sharon | 8/04/1997 | 97-20 | Cloutier, Tourville, Hennessy | Looking for information on the following who were early settlers in Douglas Co : CLOUTIER, TOURVILLE, HENNESSY(1880's). Thank you for any help you can give. | Susan Updated 01/07 | 7/13/1997 | 97-19 | Lanczynski, Lowozynski, Snura, Usenski | Kostany LOWOZYNSKI, signed Declaration of intention certificate in Douglas County court on March 26, 1891 as stated on his naturalization records sworn on Aug 1 ,1898; signed State of Minnesota, St. Louis County Court House. The declaration of intention papers are not in my possession. I do have a copy of his naturalization papers, though. He must have been living in Douglas County in 1891, possibly Superior, Wisc. I do not have access to any WI census records to confirm this. My Grandmother's maiden surname was Katherine Josephrene SNURA. Grandfather states, in various Minn census records(1900,1905,1910, and 1920), that he immigrated in 1878, 1885 and 1890 from Poland. To complicate matters, he has used the following names: Lowozynski (1898), Lanczynski (1905), and Usenski (1920). All this makes it very difficult to find him, especially since I now reside in Glendale, AZ. Any help would be appreciated. | Rolland | 7/4/1997 | 97-18 | Phillips, Wilaker | Looking for information on Curtis PHILLIPS, father of Dorothy PHILLIPS and married in 1902 to Myrtle WILAKER in Superior WI. Dorothy PHILLIPS was my maternal grandmother. She was born 7/20/1903 in Superior and died there 10/15/1970. Any information would be greatly appreciated. | John | 6/20/1997 | 97-17 | Descent | I am interested in the surname DESCENT. An Abrahm or Abram Descent appears on the Wisconsin Land Office Record CD for Douglas County. Would appreciate any info on this unusual name. | Gail | 4/12/1997 | 97-16 | Keller, Masters, Peterson | I am researching the ancestry of my great-grandmother, Verna PETERSON. She was born 11-20-1898 and married James MASTERS approximately 1920. They had a daughter Virginia Madalyn Masters. They divorced and Verna married Leo KELLER. I have no other information about Verna Peterson or James Masters. They lived in Superior at least until 1922. | Jane | 4/6/1997 | 97-15 | Downs | Trying to locate Ted DOWNS, son of Burdett and Edward E. Downs of Superior. Edward E. died in 1946 in Superior, and Burdett died in 1992 in Florida. Please contact me if you have any idea of Ted's whereabouts. Thank you. | Judy | 4/6/1997 | 97-14 | Cameron, Greer | I am trying to find the date when a fire in Superior burned a Hotel. It was in the 1920's (I believe) My husband's grandmother, Emma (GREER) CAMERON died in that fire. However, I don't have a date or year. Would like to get some information so I can write for a death record. I have been told that there was a newspaper article at one time. No one knows anything about it now. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. | Joyce | 4/5/1997 | 97-13 | Peterson | Is there someone who would be willing to look up an obit for Shermen PETERSON who died Jan 24, 1994 in Superior, WI. I would look up something in Janesville Wi area in return. Thank You | Susie | 3/27/1997 | 97-12 | Edgington, Koch | Irene Rebecca (EDGINGTON) KOCH died on 15 Apr 1918 and husband, Ed Koch, died near the same time in Solon Springs during the flu epidemic of that time. Where can I send for death records and where buried? Are there newspaper records that I can check? | Ken | 3/23/1997 | 97-11 | Beede, Cambell, Gardner, Kendall, McClelland, Noyes | Looking for Information regarding the following surnames of Superior: Beede, Cambell, Gardner, Kendall, McClelland, Noyes. | Gregory | 3/23/1997 | 97-10 | Harcourt, Long(bottom), Schneider, Watson | Seeking information and decendants of the following families: (1) John McKean WATSON and Henrietta Adelaide HARCOURT, or (2) Alfred Wilson LONG(bottom) and Henrietta Adelaide Harcourt Watson. Adelaide (later married Fred Schneider) is buried in the Ashland Cemetery. Several of Adelaide and John's children were born near Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada and Superior, Douglas County, WIS. Later these children were adopted out to the Norvik, Smith, and Carpenter families who lived in Bayfield and Ashland County. I am also interested in locating information on Alfred's children from his first marriage: Mae, Albert, Reginald, and Edith Long(bottom). I am willing to share information as well. | Amy | 3/22/1997 | 97-9 | Russler | Seeking any information on the following: Fred (Frederick?) RUSSLER. Fred's wife (Unknown), Dora (Russler) Reisler, William Russler, Ricky (Female) Reisler. All of the above arrived in the U.S. at Rochester NY 1869 then moved to DULUTH area between 1870-1810. The family then moved to Battle Creek, Mi. | Russ | 3/15/1997 | 97-8 | Kelley, Lindenmeyer | Am seeking information on parents of Elizabeth (LINDENMEYER) and John William KELLEY. They had 11 children in Superior, WI from 1905 through 1927. George, Michael, James, Peter, John, William, Catherine, Gertrude. | Kim | 3/12/1997 | 97-7 | Bartle, Behm, Lange | Louis Henry LANGE of Superior, WI Douglas County, died in a santitorium in Madison, Wi., February 6, 1927. Parents were Henry Lange and Bertha BEHM Lange. Louis was divorced from Myrtle BARTLE of Osage, Iowa. Louis worked for railraod companies. This is my husband's grandfather. We would appreciate any information. Thank you. | Joy | 3/9/1997 | 97-6 | Blaisdell | Cecil Edward BLAISDELL died Superior, Douglas County WI, July 21, 1947 in TB Sanitarium. He was my grandfather and I would like information on the Sanitarium and on his death certificate. | Pat | 2/23/1997 | 97-5 | Angus, Gouge, Roy | Theresa ROY was, I think born and died in Superior WI, second wife of Albert Jennings ANGUS who died in Superior in 1923. Theresa died in 1918, they were married abt 1887. They had William b. 1888; Elizabeth b. 1890; and Francis Jane b. May 21 1893. Theresa's first husband was Eugel (John) GOUGE. They had Joseph J. Gouge also married to a Theresa Roy; John Gouge: Cecelia Gouge. I would like birth and death information. I am willing to share. | Pat | 2/23/1997 | 97-4 | Hamlin, McCorkle | I an looking for any information relating the Henry McCORKLE family. Henry McCorkle married Mary Elizabeth HAMLIN. They had 5 sons: William John McCorkle (b 21,Aug,1884 d. 03,July,1974 ) in Polar Wisconsin. He died in Marinette Wisconsin: Fred Phillip McCorkle (b.11,Feb,1886 d.25 Dec, 1949 m. Mae Belle Burger ) Jim McCorkle died as an infant. No other information about him Edward Arzy McCorkle (b. 27, July, 1892 d. 28, Dec, 1973 m. Mary Elizabeth Hall) Otto Joseph McCorkle (b 08, Sept, 1894 d.Sept. 1972 m. Cloy Waters ) I am a decendant of Edward Arzy McCorkle, but I would like any information that anyone has. | Joyce | 2/21/1997 | 97-3 | Iverson, Larsdatter, Olsen/Olson, Valstad | I am looking for others who are tracing Hans OLSEN also OLSON who was born in 1786 in Nes, Romerike, Norway and came to Wisconsin in 1853 with his son Hans Jacob who later took the surname of Valstad. I have considerable information on Hans OLSEN but am missing his date of death, his wife Mari LARSDATTER's ancestry, etc. I also have written a History of the Iverson Family and another of the Dahl Family, copies of which are in the WI Historical Library Norwegian Section. I have some records going back to AUDUN BORG of Sarpsborg and Nes, Romerike at about year 1200. | Wayne | 2/17/1997 | 97-2 | Carman | Am looking for my ggrandmother's obituary who died in Superior, Douglas, WI on 26 Nov 1916 - Lucena Rebecca CARMAN. | Harriet | 2/13/1997 | 97-1 | Mix, Thompson | Looking for any information about Pearl Walter THOMPSON, born 3 June 1859 in Wisconsin Rapids, Wood Co, Wisconsin. He married Arminda Rebecca MIX 2 October 1884, in Fairmont, Minn. They had 12 children: Clarence Arthur (1885), Charlotte Amelia (1889), Percy Elton (1890), Harry Madison (1893), Louis Donald (1894), Neil Ernest (1897), Thelma May (1899), Fern Lois (1900), Margarite Ella (1902), Glenn Ernest (1904), Vio Ruth (1907), and Muriel Ivaloe (1909). This family has been nearly impossible to trace - think they moved a lot, so any information would be greatly appreciated. | Kate | 2/06/1997 |