Here's where you find a listing of all the new items added to
the website. The items in RED =new
items and GREEN =
Boy, if that isn't a true statement!!
Or another sign of a broken computer is freshly baked cookies!
OK, you've finally figured it out -- besides genealogy and Dobermans,
I LOVE GRAPHICS!! I will try to restrain myself from getting too
carried away with them in order to keep the page from "bogging down"...ENJOY!
The Shawano GenWeb project
is based on volunteers -- i.e. no budget (to make a long story short!) -- so
we're always looking for old Shawano County memorabilia... KEEP THIS IN MIND
If you have a scanner, just
scan the pages or document and send it to and we'll make a
page for it on the website -- with our thanks for helping others.
And, if you prefer, you can
just xerox the item(s) and send them via the Post Office -
email me for the address... also, we
have a direct FAX line as well.
And, MANY THANKS to all of you who have sent in photos, genealogies, obituaries,
etc... this all adds to making the Shawano GenWeb site a value to researchers
locally and from a distance... I get emails from people from all over the US,
Canada and overseas who use the site often to work on their genealogy... a
heartfelt thanks!
This copyright was
effective the instant they were created. ***
It is not
necessary to have a notice of copyright (i.e.: © 1997 Jane Doe) for material to
be copyright protected in the U.S. Once something tangible is produced, text,
graphics, music, video, etc., it is automatically copyrighted. This includes TEXT as well as DESIGN, LAYOUT & FORMAT.
If you have a question regarding it, please email

March 1, 2012 |
Thanks for all the emails and
updates -- we are trying to get caught up with posting them. The usual
maintenance of the site goes on, with or without the WHAT'S NEW page blog.
Again it is BIRTHDAY TIME --
this marks 11 years with almost 350,000 hits -- we must still be doing something
right! I always get asked "What are you working on?" - personally, I am
back to writing my book on the Laedtke - Blaese Family from Shawano County.
It's been WONDERFUL to catch up with cousins - both old and new. I'm
always apprehensive about contacting someone out of the blue and asking about
family but, hey, it works!! I now have great "NEW" cousins to help with details
as well as GREAT OLD COUSINS (and you know who you are!) that have been so
generous with their memories and copies of the old photographs! So, I
HIGHLY recommend contacting extended family as mine have been marvelous!
The following are some of
the new pages -- certainly not all the updates to the old pages that have been
sent in... we just update the old pages and repost them.
- David Moede sent in a
photograph to be identified - possibly the
RUHBUSCH FAMILY from Gresham area. Thanks, David!
- My name is Dana Brehmer.
I'm a relative of Bradley Brehmer (grandson of August Brehmer). August Brehmer
was the brother of William Brehmer (born in Pommerania). I'm in contact with
Bradley Brehmer. He gave me some information about the relatives of William
Brehmer. I'm looking for pictures of other information about the children of
William Brehmer of stories about the beginning in Antigo. Do you have any
further information?
Dana Brehmer
- And the Shawano Message
Board has about 19, 500 FREE COMPLETE OBITUARIES posted - many thanks to all
who contributed and transcribed for us! (Volunteers are always welcome!)
Also, keeping checking back
at -- it's FREE
and there are wonderful things being added daily. AND, get ready -- the
1940 Federal Census is due to be released April 2, 2012 -- and this is no
April's Fool joke. Federal Censuses are released every 72 years --
generally this was a person's life span. This will be a wonderful asset as
it is the last before World War II. As you already know, each census asks
different questions from previous years -- this one asks WHERE WERE YOU
LIVING FIVE YEARS AGO!!! Now, how cool is that? Here's a list of the
other 1940 questions our ancestors answered:
1940 Census Questions
The following questions were those included on
the Population Schedule for the 1940 Census.
The header of each Population Schedule reads
"Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census, Sixteenth Census of the United
States: 1940" and includes fields for State, County, Incorporated place,
Township or other division or county, Ward of city, Block Nos., Unincorporated
place, Institution, Supervisor District Number (S.D. No.), Enumeration District
Number (E.D. No.), date of ectual enumeration, name of enumerator, and sheet
- LOCATION: Street, avenue, road, etc.
- LOCATION: House number (in cities and towns)
- HOUSEHOLD DATA: Number of household in order
of visitation
- HOUSEHOLD DATA: Home owned (O) or rented (R)
- HOUSEHOLD DATA: Value of home, if owned, or
monthly rental, if rented
- HOUSEHOLD DATA: Does this household live on
a farm? (Yes or No)
- NAME: Name of each person whose usual place
of residence on April 1, 1940, was in this household.
- RELATION: Relationship of this person to the
head of the household, as wife, daughter, father, mother-in-law, grandson,
lodger, lodger's wife, servant, hired hand, etc.
- PERSONAL DESCRIPTION: Age at last birthday
Single (S), Married (M), Widowed (Wd), Divorced (D)
- EDUCATION: Attended school or college any
time since March 1, 1940 (Yes or No)
- EDUCATION: Highest grade of school completed
- PLACE OF BIRTH: If born in the United
States, give State, Territory, or possession. If foreign born, give country in
which birthplace was situated on January 1, 1937. Distinguish Canada-French
from Canada-English and Irish Free State (Eire) from Northern Ireland.
- CITIZENSHIP: Citizenship of the foreign born
- RESIDENCE APRIL 1, 1935: City, town, or
village having 2,500 or more inhabitants. Enter "R" for all other places
- RESIDENCE APRIL 1, 1935: County
- RESIDENCE APRIL 1, 1935: State (or
Territory or foreign country
- RESIDENCE APRIL 1, 1935: On a farm? (Yes
or No)
STATUS: Was this person AT WORK for pay or profit in private or nonemergency
Govt. work during week of March 24-30? (Yes or No)
STATUS: If not, was he at work on, or assigned to, public EMERGENCY WORK (WPA,
NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30? (Yes or No)
STATUS: Was this person SEEKING WORK? (Yes or No)
STATUS: If not seeking work, did he HAVE A JOB, business, etc.? (Yes or No)
STATUS: Indicate whether engaged in home housework (H) in school (S), unable
to work (U), or other (O)
STATUS: Number of hours worked during week of March 24-30, 1940
STATUS: Duration of unemploymen up to March 30, 1940 - in weeks
STATUS: Occupation: Trade, profession, or particular kind of work
STATUS: Industry: Industry of business
STATUS: Class of worker
STATUS: Number of weeks worked in 1939 (Equivalent full-time weeks)
STATUS: INCOME IN 1939: Amount of money wages or salary received (including
STATUS: INCOME IN 1939: Did this person receive income of $50 or more from
sources other than money wages or salary? (Yes or No)
- Number of Farm Schedule

Each 1940 Population Schedule has 40 numbered
lines (numbered along both the left and right edges of the form). There is a
list of SUPPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS, which would be asked of those
individuals recorded usually on Lines 14 and 29 (although other lines were
also designated for such use and was presumably to ensure a random sampling).
The Supplementary Questions were as follows:
spoken in home in earliest childhood
- VETERANS: Is this person a veteran of the
United States military forces; or the wife, widow, or under-18-year-old child
of a veteran? If so, enter "Yes"
- VETERANS: If child, is veteran-father dead
(Yes or No)
- VETERANS: War or military service
- SOCIAL SECURITY: Does this person have a
Federal Social Security Number? (Yes or No)
- SOCIAL SECURITY: Were deductions for Federal
Old-Age Insurance or Railroad Retirement made from this person's wages or
salary in 1939? (Yes or No)
- SOCIAL SECURITY: If so, were deductions made
from (1) all, (2) one-half or more, (3) part, but less than half, of wages or
- Usual class of worker
Has this woman been married more than once? (Yes or No)
Age at first marriage?
Number of children ever born (Do not include stillbirths)
Here's a countdown that really matters:
the days, hours, minutes, and seconds we have to endure before the
1940 U.S. Federal Census is released to the public.
And, Unlike previous census
years, images of the 1940 U.S. Federal Census will be made available as free
digital images. -- and here's a GREAT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY that you can
do from your own home, laptop, etc. :
Help Index the 1940 US Census
and we'll post just where you can
access this census as we find out more as the date approaches.
"1940 Census Release Date
The 1940 U.S. Federal Census was conducted based on a census date of April 1,
1940. Given the seventy-two year privacy restriction, family historians will
need to wait until April 2, 2012 before they can inspect schedules from
the sixteenth census of the United States. The census counted a total of nearly
132.2 million people living in 48 states.
Since April 1st falls on a Sunday in 2012, we'll have to wait an additional day
to access the 1940 census schedules, but recent announcements from officials at
the National Archives have indicated the schedules are already scanned and being
prepped for digital release through the NARA website, rather than microfilm as
has been done in previous years."
Blank 1940
Census Form
And we're still doing FREE look-ups online at if you need them!
Just email
Until we meet again online!!!
Anne |
February 27, 2011 |
Just couldn't let our 10th
birthday pass without saying "THANKS" for 10 great years and here's to
many, many more. We've put together an awesome place for research and a
message board that allows interaction and postings... plus
18,000+ obituaries.
The question I get asked at
least weekly is "What are you working on?". Took time off to
work on family histories and connecting with long lost relatives... been working
a little here and there on a book I am writing & doing pro bono
research. Hopefully we'll get some free time in the near future to post
the newer data that folks have requested and/or shared. If you have
"dead end" you need a little help with to get to the next line, let me
Until then, happy spring
from a finally thawing New England!!!
October 3, 2010 |
Thanks for all the emails!!!
Just a very quick note to let
you know that we do have the website up and running 24/7. We are taking a
sabbatical due to computer & family issues but we're still hear to answer
questions and do look-ups. Due to the time-off, we are getting knee deep
in OBITUARIES that need to be posted. We'll get them up as our volunteers
have time.
Thanks for your patience and
enjoy the website and the 18,000+ free complete obituaries on the Message
HAPPY AUTUMN... Til next
time... Anne |
May 9, 2010 |
May 1, 2010 |
New this update are the
Photograph identified:
SUCCESS AGAIN!!! Thanks Suzanne!
"I was looking through the photos you
have on the Shawano Co. Genweb site with my friend (Wiladean Gjermundson Young)
who is from that county & she informs me that the photo of the little boy & girl
on the Curtis -Gjermundson page are her
father, Truman Jay Gjermundson (b. 1899) and his sister Irma Gjermundson Klaves
(1891). They are the children of George & Sophia Johnson Gjermundson. If we
can be of any further assistance,
please contact me.
Thanks you,
Suzanne Long"
Michael sent in the following and is looking for someone who attended the parish
to answer a few questions he has.
I am amazed at your site and the
information contained therein. I am Michael Schroeder, son of William John
Schroeder. My father was the minister at Zion Church in Zachow during the
renovation of the church. I remember the installation of stained glass windows
in the church. My mother, Mabel Hortense Schroeder, was very active in the
church. My father died in the 50's. He was then the
minister of the Lutheran church in Junction City, WI.
Drove to the church about ten years ago and
was surprised that the parsonage had been demolished. Had my wife with me
and wanted to show her my first home.
Will wait for your reply.
I am going through old photos and paperwork and will
keep you in mind if I find anything pertaining to the church.
Michael Schroeder
I received another email
that shows how awesome obits are -- and that randomly posting them helps other
people in the future - this was a 2001 obit. I had heard a few years back
"Stop posting those newer obits -- people are only interested in OLD OBITS" --
Needless to say, I didn't heed her advice! So keep posting those obits!!! Old or
new... published or UNPUBLISHED (you can write an obit for an ancestor that
didn't have one... and we'll put it on the message boards - just send them in!)
Subject: 2001
obituary of Mary Schwalbach
I am the great-granddaughter of Mary Schwalbach. I'm new to & have
no idea why you posted her obit, but am thankful you did. I never knew her
maiden name, and couldn't verify she was my true great-grandmother. My father,
mother, and sister are mentioned in the obituary, along with other family
members. Thank you for enabling me to find her.
P.S. Neglected to mention you won't find Hochgurtel in the obit names. I'm one
of the Daxauer links. Married name is Hochgurtel. Again, thank you. I cried when
I read her obituary.
Stacy & her mom, Audrey
Frank, have been diligently working on updating the St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery
in Bonduel -- and we'll add those to the page ASAP! Thanks, Stacy & Audrey!
And, we're working on a page
for the Upham - Stanton families... thanks Jim and we're hoping to have this up
and running shortly -- GREAT PHOTOGRAPHS!!!
And, if you are up at
Facebook & Farmville, stop in and say hi! (Anne Taylor-Czaplewski) -- My
daughter's been up there for a few years and I thought it was just a sign of
having too much free time -- was I wrong! In the past couple weeks, I have
connected with cousins & friends from way back... and got some old photos
identified, too.
Til next time... from my
computer to yours!
Anne |
April 1, 2010 |
SURNAMES added - DABILL & STILLMAN from Mattoon - Hutchins area. Diane
Dabill Becker has written a GREAT BOOK about the ancestors of David Daniel
Dabill. We have the link to the BYU library online where the ENTIRE BOOK
is available for you to browse. Be sure to check this book out as it is
the kind of book we all someday dream to write! It has earned 5 GOLD
The ancestors of David Daniel Dabill
family; Bennett family; Edwards family; Knowles
family; Schimke family; Schultz family; Stillman family; Topping family; |
We've got an update from
Dave Maas regarding last week's 1953 Oak Park School - it was also known as the
May School and Dave attended it just prior to the photo being taken. He
sent in the list of the 4th & 5th graders which include:
4th grade: |
Donna Opperman |
Marcia List |
Robert Bobby Smith |
Kenneth Strauss |
Sandra Straus |
Giese |
Carter |
Buettner |
Kathy Ratner |
5th Grade: |
Wudtke |
Buettner |
Karen Montoure |
Arnold Ness |
Nancy Strauss |
Larry Huntington |
Hope this helps identify more of the students.
BTW The Larry ? is Larry Huntington, he is the boy standing next the teacher,
Mrs. Paiser and Rita? is Rita Giese. Dave
Dave, many thanks! If anyone can identify the
faces to go with the names, let me know and we'll make the connection.
Thanks to Brenda for letting
us know the CENSUS PAGE was not working. We
fixed it and updated & added more FREE links -- should address everyone's census
needs FOR FREE. And if you encounter any bad links, let me know --
otherwise we don't know of the breaks.
And we're working on an
Upham - Stanton page for next week... and check the Message Board as there has
been an increase in activity lately - I'm sure the new TV programs regarding
genealogy has sparked an interest -- and it might be someone looking for your
family names so be sure to post them!
Anne |
March 20, 2010 |
I saw my first robin yesterday!
Well, actually it was a small flock of them feeding in someone's front lawn --
probably 30 or 40! I never knew they had formal groups! I've only
seen a couple at a time... so spring must finally be here.
Many thanks to Ron Newcomb for
sending in the 1953 Oak Park School
Grades 1 -5 Classroom Photo -- Ron has identified MOST of the children but
there are a few that need names to their smiling faces. If you are
familiar with this school at Montoure & Raguse in Wescott Twp., take a peak -
you might see your Mom or Dad!
Started a new pet project of
mine -- FAMILY GROUP SHEETS - we're calling it our online
FILE CABINET. These forms are just
as described -- old FAMILY GROUP SHEETS that have been collected & are looking
to see the light of day again. THEY DO NOT NEED TO BE PERFECT or
VERIFIED... often we find
that we don't share data or leads as we might not have recorded the sources or
verified the accuracy -- heck, we might not even remember where they came from!
Well, the "File Cabinet" is a storage place for all these bits and pieces...
these are "AS IS" -- but they might just offer a missing clue YOU'VE been
looking for and someone else didn't even realize they have. Check it out
and it is an ongoing project. And you can submit them anonymously - email,
mail or fax.
-- these are totally awesome and made me miss my teaching
days! These are projects I used to work on and now the FHL offers them
online for FREE and you can participate without leaving your home! The German one is EXCELLENT and you go at your own
pace... See, you can teach an old dog a new trick! They have Irish,
Italian, German and even Russian! and it never hurts to brush-up on the
latest research tips and hints.
Civil War Page - 1890 FEDERAL CENSUS
Surviving SOLDIERS, SAILORS and MARINES, and WIDOWS, etc. images by RMC -
LOOK-UP or copied?
me the year(s) & area, and the person's name and I'll send the page via email.
Federal and State censuses... We also have copies of PLAT MAPS that are
too recent to post... if you need a look-up, just email me as well.
From my computer to yours...
March 14, 2010 |
And Top of the Morning to You!
New this update:
February 23, 2010 |
New this update...
- Thanks to Tina for
an old wedding(??)
photograph and sharing it with us -- hopefully someone will be able to
identify one or both individuals. The photographer was CA Spicer
Clintonville - Wittenberg area.
- We rec'd a query
regarding the burial place for John ALLAN -- his wife Elizabeth is interred in
Union - Advance Cemetery... if you have additional information on John ALLAN,
we will
forward it to the researcher so he may contact you.
- Last but not least, you
have probably noticed the **NEW** sign by the
Menominee County Web Page link on
the index page. Since most of Menominee County was part of Shawano
County prior to 1961, I decided the end of last year to
adopt the county as it needed a "mom" and it's a very good fit. We're in
the process of setting up the Menominee site, so if you are researching this
area as well, stop by and we're adding & moving data pertaining to Menominee
County from the Shawano site as we get time. We'll continue to post PRE
1961 Menominee data to the Shawano site as well as the Menominee site for your
convenience. If you have any books, photographs, newspaper items, family
group sheets, etc. we'll gladly format & post them for you to either or both
sites. And check out the Message Boards for both counties as we've added
HUNDREDS in the past month... Thanks, TC!
And we are collecting data
on the Bethany Indian School for our next Shawano project -- if you have pics,
photos, newspaper items or stories to tell, just shoot an
off to me.
Til next time... Anne
January 23, 2010 |
An in-between update...
Many thanks to RMC for the rest
of the 1898 Plat Map revamp... he's been working on their next project - the
1924 Plat Maps courtesy of Judith
Winter... Judith said they were labeled "1924" but they seem identical to the
1920 Plat Maps... take a peek and if you find a difference in land ownership
between the two, let me know so we know they are truly different maps! The
1924 set LOOKS to be an easier read... they are unindexed and looking for
Our kind GenWeb neighbour to
the south & west, Waupaca GenWeb CC Paula and I have been thinking about a
weekly chat room for Waupaca & Shawano Counties...
<<<Hello Fellow Waupaca and
Shawano County researchers-
Are you interested in a real time weekly chat to share information, ask
questions or simply discuss family research in the Waupaca and Shawano County
areas? If so, please let us know.
If we find there is enough interest a weekly chat room will be set up just for
this purpose. So let us know if one evening is better than another for you. Or
if a certain time slot is better for you.
Let us hear from you-
Paula, Waupaca County Coordinator
Anne, Shawano County Coordinator >>>
If you are interested,
please let us know. Being new to chat rooms myself, this will be a fun
experience - we can learn together! On Wed. nights, the Wisconsin County
Coordinators (CCs) meet and I popped in for a visit not too long ago... simple
IM's back and forth and you can participate as much or as little as you like...
great way to ask questions and share your expertise & knowledge as well!
We'll post the details to both Message Boards as well as here as soon as we know
the specifics. Again, this is a great way to network with other
researchers and attendance every week isn't necessary -- pop in when you have
free time or a question/answer.
Til next time... from my
computer to yours...
January 23, 2010 |
New this week...
Jeanne sent in a wonderful
PHOTOGRAPH of a graduating class of her grandfather,
Jacob Leander Isaacson.
This is a MUST SEE! Wonderful picture that is 105 years old! And the
clarity is just as great so we are hoping to identify the students & teachers --
AND THE SCHOOL! Visit the page for the details and I'm hoping your keen
eyes and sense of detail will identify the school...
Message Boards -- adding COMPLETE obits almost daily... we're almost up to
18,000 entries...
I was asked the other day
for some of my favorite links and here are a few I frequent (in no special
- is an educational project of The Battery Conservancy.
This free site offers access to an extraordinary database of information on 12
million immigrants from 1820 through 1892, the year Ellis Island opened. Over
100 million Americans can trace their ancestors to this early immigration
Island is another site for immigration records -- free as well and you can
Family Search PILOT PROGRAM is a FREE SITE that offers transcribed items
from all over the world as well as Wisconsin STATE CENSUSES (1855, 1875, 1885,
1895 & 1905) as well as US Censuses... great site and consider volunteering to
transcribe records from home in your bathrobe! (grin) All the records you will
use are online. This site will one day rival
Wisconsin Historical
Society has images, biographies, war records, pre 1907 birth, death and
marriage indexes for the entire state - one stop shopping!
- is your online virtual cemetery - great program
and do consider adding your photographs up there.
Family Chronicle Top
Genealogy Websites - and our USGenWeb
project is listed as #2 only to Cyndi's List - we're
very proud to be associated with this awesome project for almost 9 YEARS!
German Translations -- and the BEST are the
TRANSLATORS. My all-time favorite
was Arthur Teschler's free service but unfortunately, they are closed at
present. I'll let you know when they are back up and they translated
most European languages.
Til next time... and what's Valentine's Day without Godiva Truffles?

January 1, 2010 |
Hope your Christmas was Merry
and your New Year is off to a great start.
- thanks Kathy for the great photos & inspiration!
- UPDATE to our
FERDINAND KUPSKY PAGE -- Ken has sent in two
GREAT photographs that clearly identify family members -- MANY, MANY THANKS
- An old man was sitting on his porch, when a
young man walked up with a pad and pencil in his hand.
"What are you selling, young man?" he asked.
"I'm not selling anything, sir," the young man replied. "I'm the census
"A what?" the man asked.
"A census taker. We are trying to find out how many people are in the United
"Well," the man answered, "you're wasting your time with me; I have no idea."
- And, speaking of
censuses, did you know the 23rd US Census will be April 1, 2010? "10 MINUTES - 10 ANSWERS"
-- To see a quick preview,
click here -- The 2010
Census is "a short form" census that collects only basic information. Age,
Sex, Race, Hispanic or Latino origin, Household Relationship and whether your
Home is Owned or Rented. I guess the questions our ancestors
were asked (immigration, where you were born, parent's birthplace, occupation,
etc.) are now deemed to be politically incorrect & invasive to ask in 2010.
Hopefully, genealogists in 2082 will have better places to hunt for their
ancestors than in present day censuses!
- And do check out our
MESSAGE BOARDS -- we have 17800+ messages & obituaries, etc. posted with more
coming every day. The obits are COMPLETE obits from various newspapers
around the country! Hoping to pass 18,000 in January! And thanks
to Sue Pukall for sending in Schenk & Matz obits for the Message Boards...
every obit counts, especially if it is the one YOU are looking for.
- And, what's New Year's
Day without a resolution? Mine for the year is to start SCANNING IN THE
OLD PHOTOS... Photographs do not last forever but if you scan them in the
computer, the scan will last forever -- that's if you remember to BACK UP your
hard-drive... that's my second New Year's resolution!
2010 and remember to drive & party safely this New Year's Eve! Til next
time -- Anne
December 9, 2009 |
Taking a break from the holiday
goodies to post one of the "goodies" I received in the mail recently...
As you all know by now, I hawk
very few things and when I find something I like, I let you know -- and when I
find a scammer, I let you know as well... This one is a definite "I LIKE"
and it would make a GREAT
HOLIDAY GIFT for yourself
or family from the Shawano area -- and the proceeds go back into the community!
It's a GREAT BOOK called
"Shawano County at the
Dawn of the Twenty-First Century" by Curt Knoke. Hard-covered and about
180 pages of BEAUTIFUL
PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS of people & places in Shawano County. Absolutely
AWESOME and you will love it! Mr. Knoke traveled 15,000 miles criss-crossing
the county over a 2 1/2 year period to capture the faces & places that will
remind you of Shawano County. These were donated NEW to the Shawano
Chamber of Commerce and they can be reached at 715-524-2139 to help
you with your order. And they ship lightening fast so there is still time
for the holidays!
Hope you're enjoying
the holiday season!
November 12, 2009 |
Welcome back! We've been
here, just not able to upload / ftp for a few long weeks! We'd like to
thank the folks at GenWeb for their diligence and persistence in keeping the
websites safe. As you might have read, ancestry, rootsweb and our own
wigenweb have been victims of hackers... in order to maintain the integrity of
the sites, we were asked not to ftp or upload while all the sites were checked
out and in addition, wigenweb completely removed all our pages. If you are reading this, then you know we have received the ALL CLEAR
and GOOD TO GO. Even though the actual sites were not being updated, we
continued to post to the message boards and answer emails. Because we have
"recreated" this VERY LARGE GenWeb site, I'm sure we will have missed a few
links, etc. When you locate an item or missing graphic, please email me
with the page link so I can investigate & correct it. Unless you tell me,
chances are I won't run across it as I work primarily on posting new items.
Now, back to business! If
you sent in data, we'll eventually get it posted -- email me with a reminder as
some of our data might be uploaded but not linked back to the actual site.
- Tani sent in a couple more gorgeous photo for her family page -- Many
- Rick Raasch has sent in
DOZENS of headstone pics for the
Many thanks, Rick and if you have headstone pics to add to the site, just
email them
in! We have plenty of space and pictures are the next best thing to
being there.
- Many thanks to Norman for
sending in some great
FAMILY PHOTOS -- the family is that of
Robert & Amelia (Kersten) Petko of Tigerton, Fairbanks, Twp.,
Shawano County. If these are families you are
Norman would love to
hear from you!
And just a reminder -- there
are very talented people out there with lots of free time who hack into
websites. It is a prosecutable crime and I'm sure the GenWeb folks are on
their tracks as we speak. WHAT CAN YOU DO TO KEEP YOUR
EMAILS AND INTERNET PASSWORDS SAFE? Two things to remember -- do
not post anything online that you would not have on a huge sign on your front
lawn -- it's the same thing when you post online -- even in emails you think are
private. If someone ASKS for this type of info, the reply is NO and move
on. Second, remember to CHANGE those passwords -- I know, I do it myself
-- found a password I can remember and just keep using it. Back in the day
when hackers were rare, this worked. Today's a new era so new rules apply.
The Wisconsin State Genealogical Society had a great article written on this
very thing this past newletter. The writers gave a great suggestion on how
to CREATE a secure password... don't use birthdates, pet names, nick names.
These generally are short in character and computer programs can guess them once
they get the first few letters.
Oct. Newsletter - Page 126 Vol. 55
No. 4:
"Four types of characters can be used for passwords: Upper case
letters (ABC
), lower case letters (abc
), numbers (123
) and characters
(!@#...). Professionals strongly recommend that you use a combination of at
least three of the four types. Lets build a sample password:
Not the state I live in, none of my family lives
there, it is not connected to me except by genealogy. But I want to take a
research trip there some day. Using capital and lower case letters covers two of
the four types of characters essential for a strong password. Now make it
even stronger by including a county name
Next, I'm adding the birth year for
my main ancestor in that county.
Now I have added numbers to the password,
using three of the four character types recommended by internet
professionals. This is a secure password. But lets make it more secure.
Next I hold the shift key down, and simply re-enter that same year of birth for
my main ancestor. CayugaNewYork1753!&%#
This method is easy to remember, yet actually contains all four
types of characters necessary for a good password. It contains 21
characters. GREAT for many purposes! Note that some programs actually have
a limit on the length of a password, so you might have to create two or
three passwords, and switch between them. Dropping the county name would work
better in some instances. If you want a simpler password, think
about using the name of a neighboring state, instead of the state you live
in. Few would guess that I, living in Wisconsin, would use Minnesota for a
password" And, write it down in a notebook, etc.
just in case you forget!
And, since I do genealogy, my mother's
maiden name is pretty easily found on the internet. So when the security
question is asked, I used a DIFFERENT NAME.
I pick a great-grandmother, etc. and that is the reply and secret code I use
when the question is asked MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME. (Note this works for websites
where YOU supply the answer to the question -- this will not work with
government agencies such as Social Security, etc. who KNOW the correct answer!)
OK, thanks for your patience and I AM
Stay safe! and update/change your
passwords if you haven't for a while...
Shawano GenWeb Project |
September 24, 2009 |
New items this time include:
MAPLE GROVE - Thanks Judith for sending in the
awesome postcard of her grandmother's... the sketch reminds me of typical Warren
Kimball's work... and if you have favorite post card scans, email them in and
we'll gladly add them to the site. Can't scan them yourself? Just
email me.
-- Many thanks to
Tani Sutley of
Bellingham, Washington state, for the great photos and
information on her grandparents, Ernest Ivar and Anna (nee
Case) Johnson from the Birnamwood area. Brothers
Ernest & Oscar Johnson, along with their Uncle John
Carlson immigrated from Sweden and were residents of
Birnamwood from approx. 1889-1913. Ernest moved to Alberta Canada after marrying a young lady,
Anna Case, daughter of Frank Jerome Case, in 1911.
Anna died of the flu in 1918 and Ernest remarried and
raised 4 children in Portland Oregon. His brothers
were nearby in Oregon City, Oregon. Tani is still tracing his
travels between Seattle and Alberta but believes he was
taking work where ever he could find it including working as a driver
of a limo for a Snoqualme Falls to Seattle transportation
company. Tani's cousin just sent her lots of old
photos and she is still putting the history together.
like in World War I, there are DRAFT REGISTRATION CARDS for World War II and I
explain the how & whys...
If you have sent something in and it's not
up yet, email me with a gentle reminder! THANKS!!!
Every time I see the beautiful fall leaves,
I think back
to St. Paul 7th Grade & Mr. Lehrke -- and his fall leaf collection project --
this consisted of collecting, pressing and identifying
LEAVES. There are things you learn as a kid and figure you will NEVER USE
in your adult life -- but I can honestly say that I use this all the time
and think of the 7th grade project every fall when the trees are breathe-taking
here in New England. So go out and enjoy the beautiful fall foliage (on
the trees) BEFORE they fall (off the trees) in the yard!
Til next time... ANne, aka leaf-peeper
July 24 - August 27, 2009 |
Hope your summer has been great
-- ours was very busy as you can tell from the lapse in postings, plus we have
had incredible humidity here and the office lacks AC... so less humid days, more
items posted!
FRECHETTE: I would like my
name added as my mother and some of the family have done a bit of work on the
Schoenfeld side of the family which was my father-Robert. My mother is
Margaret Frechette.
I think that we have some valuable information if anyone would like to contact
me. I would be more than happy to share, provided I have the information for
the years they are looking for.
Thank you
Look forward to hearing from you
Kristine Victoria
- SURNAME ADAMS (Artemas):
Thank you so much for all the
wonderful information on your Web site. I am researching the family of Artemas
Adams and would love to be added to your Surnames list. The Adams lived in
Belle Plaine during the 1870s and Artemas served as a lieutenant with the
Wisconsin 11th Infantry, Company K. He is buried in Bethesda cemetery.
Thank you.
Cynthia Strother
BUSCH-MARQUARDT -- Ken's dad came into
possession of a scrapbook his Grandmother had. In it are about
3 dozen news clippings from 1920-1970, mostly family obits.
Ken left
the typos and misspellings as they were found.
A lot of the clippings seem to involve the
families of Robert and Mathilda (Busch) Marquardt and
their in-laws. Later on, the Kupsky family will creep in,
leading Ken to believe his Grandmother Cecelia Marquardt Kupsky,
daughter of Robert and Matilda, kept up the book from whomever
started it. His dad says some of the notes are her writing,
but some may not be. -- Many thanks, Ken!
- Leona Luepke -- Xen has
been busy all summer adding Leona's pictures to her site at Shutterfly.
As soon as I get some free time, I'll be bringing some of them into the
Shawano site for Leona's page BUT until then, here's the link on Shutterfly so
you can preview them... awesome job, Xen!
Dear Anne,
My name is Cindy Schmechel & I live in Hubertus, WI with genealogical roots in
Shawano County, Wisconsin. I came across an old photo the other day in an
antique shop in Kewaskum, WI. It's of a baby on a fur blanket. On the back
of the photo, there is writing that reads as follows, "For Maggie, Inez
Luckenback, age 6 months, 1901. I am looking for any descendants who would be
interested in this photo. It's in good condition & even though I had to buy
it, I will send it to a family member for free. It's so rare to find any old
photo that has ID writing on it, that I am glad to pass it along to someone
who will appreciate it.
Cindy Schmechel
1875 - 1885 - 1895 WISCONSIN CENSUSES are ONLINE & INDEXED (not
perfectly!) Just go to linked page and scroll down to WISCONSIN...
granted, the 1875, 1885 and 1895 censuses are not as thorough and list
everyone in the household like the 1850+ Federal Censuses, they still can be
of great value as to when people arrived, moved and, by process of
elimination, you can figure out who is in the household. This is at the pilot site and the information, as ALL data that is provided
from the LDS/Mormons, FREE. I worked on some of these projects and it is
a lot of fun -- consider transcribing some documents... there are links on the
website. Eventually, this site will rival as FREE is the
preferred word among researchers worldwide.
& FORMS: Thanks Judith for the great link... and for the
RESEARCH? Anne, I am interested in
establishing the town in Sweden where the Rehns were born. I have a document
that accounts for Bernard Rehn's brother immigrating from Sundsvall, Sweden to
Norway, Michigan. However, Sundsvall is a coastal city and I don't know if
they were there just to catch a boat or if, in fact, they were residents of
for Organization -- and no, I didn't write the article, hence the desk
photo is not mine! Close, but no cigar. And you can start organizing now
if you missed January! or plan early for January 2010.
- 1898 Plat Maps -- thanks
to hubby Bob, we have newer digitized plat maps that we have been adding --
we have Almon - Pella back up and running. Unfortunately, RMC has had to
put COPYRIGHT on the maps to protect his digitized work and keep it from
being illegally acquired & posted to a commercial site with their fraudulent
copyright plastered on it.
- Don't Forget Your Living
Relatives -- I call them "Treasures"... they can save you a lot of time and
hassle in your research if you ask them NOW while they are still able to
recall names & dates. By now you must have read my story about this but
I'll retell it... Bob's grandmother "Busia" had a picture on her bedroom wall
of the inside of the Polish parish her family went to in the Old Country.
After she passed, I asked one of Bob's aunts if they knew the name of the
church -- she said they always called it Busia's church and didn't know the
correct name... lol... had we asked Busia, she would have told us the parish
name & small village in Poland. She lived to be 6 weeks shy of 100 years
old so God gave us plenty of opportunity to ask! Well, 5 years, 20+
letters with "donations" included, we now have the name of the church & the
parish... it would have been a 30 second question if we asked Busia herself...
- Many thanks to Matt Otto
who sends me postings regarding military recognition / flag-lowering for veterans,
etc ... I just received one tonight
Wisconsin Office of the Governor - Media Room
regarding the passing of Sen. Kennedy Tues. evening on Cape Cod.
- And, if you sent in
family pics, I am working on them -- haven't forgotten you!
Also, thanks for the "broken links" info -- if you don't let me know, chances
are I won't find them. :)
is it 'til next time -- enjoy the Shawano County
Fair & the Sweet Adeline's Cream Puff Stand if you are in the area this weekend!
Have a safe Labor Day weekend! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY Arlene, wherever you
are! Anne |
July 24, 2009 |
Hope your summer is going great
-- ours is and getting so much done around the house.
I received an interesting email from one of our seasoned look-up volunteers
posing a good question about what items/dates can/should be looked up for
researchers. After I answered the email, I mulled it over and decided to
call the Shawano Register of Deeds and get the current information. And I
learned something! Many thanks to Rita for taking the time to answer my
questions and provide detailed answers. ALL WISCONSIN BIRTH, MARRIAGE and
DEATH records are available to the public for viewing & copying. You can
actually get complete birth certificate copies (uncertified for $20 & stamped
"not for identification purposes") of LIVING PEOPLE - your next door neighbour
even. I kind of flinched when I heard & type this but it constitutes
PUBLIC RECORD and they are available. Having just gone through an identity
theft case personally, I hope this Wisconsin state law is rethought. Now,
there is a pre-registration & photo ID required to look through these records
AND after 2003, the state "blocks" certain information from the general public
on the death records... possibly to protect the family of the deceased from
cause of death... I hope Gov. Doyle works a little harder to protect the
identity of the living -- again, just my thoughts. And many thanks again
to Rita for her helpfulness!
Now, having said this, how does
this affect information and look-ups posted on the Shawano GenWeb site?
I'm still holding to posting information that is older to protect privacy
& if we inadvertently think you passed, and you find yourself on one of our
pages, let me know and we'll correct the situation (by removing it!)
Despite the fact that the state specifies what is PUBLIC RECORD, I don't want to
find my personal info online and I'm sure you do not as well. Now as for
LOOK-UPS... since the information is available at the courthouse for all to see
for all years, it is up to the individual volunteer to decide what they will and
won't copy and pass along. If they feel uncomfortable copying a recent
birth, etc. I would suggest that they explain this to the requester and include
the address of the Register of Deeds where the requester can send (along with a
driver's license photo & $20) a request via the Post Office mail for an
uncertified copy for genealogical purposes.
And, another issue has been
recently raised regarding posting researcher's ADDRESSES and/or PHONE NUMBERS
online. And my 5’ on this is -- DO NOT POST anything online that you would
not want written on a sign on your front lawn where you & your family live.
Again, having been through identity theft recently, NEVER, EVER post your
address & contact information (other than email) or information regarding your
children ONLINE. Items online never truly disappear... I was told recently
that even info made in "google searches" are stored in Google
computers INDEFINITELY... and if someone asks you for your address to post
online, run, don't walk, away from this one! Now, if someone you know
EMAILS you and wants to correspond through the mail, no problem... but stay away
from posting your name & address online.
- Carol Brecker sent in
some pictures of her family headstones... we updated little Joanne Rueckert's
on the St. Paul Bonduel page and added 3 Rueckert headstones to the Shawano
Message Board (17, 200+) until we get the page up for that cemetery... and I
know she has already
received an email query regarding the family... the Message Boards work!
People just have to know that YOU are researching that surname -- unless you
post a query, they have no way of knowing! Many thanks, Carol!
- And you can take a walk
back into the early 1900's shopping experience by visiting our
Upham & Russell Co. page.
Reminded me of a LARGE Olesen's Mercantile from the Little House on the
Prairie days...
- And we also added a few
new names & updated addresses on the SURNAME page -- if you moved in
cyberspace, let us know so we can update your email.
- And if you need a look up
at, let me know... also we have a volunteer with access to
NEWSBANK for more recent obituaries from throughout the country.
Til next time -- ENJOY THE
Anne |
July 11, 2009 |
Added this week were the
following items:
- Lee Grady added CZARAPATA
to our
page - John and Anna Czarapata lived in Maple Grove Township c.1890s-1920s.
Thanks, Lee.
- Many thanks for all who
post/posted to our Message Board -- James J. Glenzer's obituary was our
#17,000 message. And many thanks to TC for his work this past week on
our out-of-the-area obituaries.
- Art Peterson sent
in information for our
Peterson School in Navarino -- Art's family homesteaded the property that
the school was located on -- Art's grandfather was Ebrat Peterson - many, many
thanks, Art! If anyone
knows what happened to the Verbruggen Family from Navarino after 1926, please
email me...
- And did you know you can
get copies of the WWII
Draft Registrations?
We'll have more on that next week -- including the application form, address
and what one looks like...
Til next time... enjoy
Anne |
July 3, 2009 |
Hope you enjoy the 4th of July
fireworks on the front page -- I received quite a few emails last year asking
where they were so I was determined to do them bigger and better this year --
and the feedback has been wonderful! Glad you enjoy them and hey, when
else can you have fireworks and the 1812 on a website???
This week, we have two new neat
- Xen recently started scanning
photographs from the
Estate of Leona Luepke (1911 - 2004). As you will see, Leona was
a photographer and avid collector of photographs and we are
pleased to be able to host some of her work & collection.
You will be in awe of a few of the pictures, especially the one
of gentleman in the 1880s Deutsches Reich uniform. And we
will be adding more of them -- and there are some great ones of the local
Bonduel - Hartland Twp. families. Thanks, Xen, for sharing Leona with
- Mary, from the NARA
Archives, sent me scans of
WISCONSIN HONOR LIST ARMY & AIR FORCE -- we had most of the information
on the Shawano site already but now we have ALL the scans for the entire state
of Wisconsin. Until we get them transcribed into the State Archives,
they'll be here on the Shawano site.
Hope your weekend is great,
have fun, keep safe & enjoy the brats & hot dogs!
Anne |
June 19, 2009 |
this week are the following:
Jill sent in
The History of Northern Wisconsin -
Shawano County. This is a great history done in 1881 by WHC / Chicago
and offers a glimpse of Shawano County "back in the day" and a little bit of
this and that, too - thanks Jill!
While surfing the internet
for some research someone asked me to do, I located the following:
This paper was written by a
descendant of Peter's regarding racism issues in the 1800-1900s - the paper is
very nicely written and gives the history of the PETERSON FAMILY in Leopolis as
well. I found it very, very interesting and give it 5 stars!
Debbie, in our pursuit to
finish off our cemetery page, has added TWO cemeteries this week:
Debbie uses primarily the
Guyant listings & then updates them with obituaries, etc. to form a compiled
listing -- if your family member is interred in these but not listed, email us
and we'll add it. Thanks again, Debbie.
I think that's all that is
new right now -- working on projects every day.
June 9, 2009 |
Happy June, Happy Summer, Happy
New this time:
We've added a page for the
Angelica Methodist Church -- it has
some great history excerpts from Memories of Old Angelica and a few baptismal
entries from the early 1920s. These were on a page sent to me when I was
looking for Flossie Egan Christiansen's children and I had them here collecting
dust. I decided to post them in the event someone out there is looking for
one of the people listed on this xerox. It's just another example of how
information we have for 1 family might just very well contain information on
someone else's... so please, look over those old newspaper clippings and
booklets because you might just have the missing piece to someone else's
puzzle... just send them on it! I like to think of it as the Golden Rule
in Genealogy -- and we'll do the typing! The more we post for FREE,
the less $$$ others will have to spend to do their research online.
Thanks to Debbie, we have
another cemetery page to add:
CEMETERY IN WESCOTT TWP. Debbie uses obituaries, military records and
local history to compile these cemetery listings and she does an awesome job.
Since these are compilations that change rapidly, you can add your names & data
as well... just
email us!
And, to go hand in hand with
the Angelica church page, Debbie has sent in the
Rest Haven Magee-Prickett Cemetery
We are reposting the 1898
Plat Maps as fast as we can... RMC has digitally enhanced new scans, making them
easier to read. Again, these pages are protected under US copyright as are
all our Shawano GenWeb pages.
Feel free to use them for your OWN PERSONAL USE - they cannot be posted or
added to any website, whole or in part... personal or commercial...
As you have noticed,
portions of our site have been taken without our permission... we are addressing
this and many thanks to the concerned researchers who have emailed me and call
this to my attention on a weekly basis. And, yes, we are aware that people
listed as having copyrighted a web site on the front index page are considered
in violation of US copyright laws when ANY of the secondary supporting pages have been
acquired illegally and can (& will ) be held financially & legally responsible
just the same as the person who actually right-clicked the data and reposted it
illegally in 2008-2009. We have
never said we have sole ownership of the original data -- but we do own the
copyright on text, format, design & style of our Shawano GenWeb pages. The
original data was in the form of random sheets of handwritten notes and pages
that was given to us to post (and that I still have ALL the hard copies from
various sources including copies of the Guyant records)... we spent YEARS
organizing, formatting, typing and updating including OUR PERSONAL NOTES and
fortunately for me, MY TYPOS. Easy to tell the original page from the
copied... 2001 was long before 2008. GenWeb Projects have no financial
support from taxes or churches, etc. The County Coordinators spend their
own funds to bring these pages & data to you & we love doing it! Again,
the Genealogy Golden Rule applies...
Now, back to work & we're
busy creating more NEW pages...
May 24, 2009 |
We've been working on a few
more items - thanks for the great emails and we'll get them all up as soon as we
can! First, here's
a link to a scrapbook online of the
Hansen family... regardless if you know them or not, the scrapbook has some
unidentified old town scenes... if you can help identify them, please let us
know! The Shawano pictures are in Scrapbook 1, and there's some Manitowoc
pictures in the Scrapbook "Family of Richard Hansen - circa 1927.
Second, Daryl Helwig sent in
information on his family HARKE & HELWIG for the
immigration page. Thanks much, Daryl -- If you
happen to know any of the Harke-Helwig folks from Shawano and Waupaca county,
Daryl would to exchange
with you.
Jim Lane sent in an email
looking for some assistance:
...I am
attempting to track back my ancestry. My father James Lane Sr. is the son of
Earl Ebben. Before that, I can only vaguely remember my great grandfather may
have been Charles, born circ 1862.
I am certain Earl is my grandfather as my family is from Shawano (where he
registered for the WW l draft) back then with my father being born in Green Bay.
Now I am trying to make the connection back to England? or Ireland? Earl
was married to Bessie Way.
If anyone is working on this line, please
email Jim. Jim, good luck in your search.
Many thanks to our "Genie
Angel B" who compiled this table for us from the
County Journal, 1939. It is a "year in review" covering some
marriages, deaths and funerals. We have opted not to list the births as
1939 is a little too recent for privacy issues.
And many thanks for this
beautiful thought that was sent in regarding Memorial Day... double click
on the photo for the larger image.
It is the VETERAN,
not the preacher, who has given us
freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN,
not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN,
not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN,
not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN,
not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN,
not the politician, Who has given us the right to vote.
Many THANKS to all who have
served, are currently serving and to the families that have/are sharing their
loved ones with the country to keep us safe...
May 9, 2009 |
you, whether you are a Mom or had a Mom... (grin)...
New this week...
Maas Family sent in some GREAT pictures...
some of THEIRS and... some of YOURS that are looking for new/old homes.
Current names they are researching are:
Marohl, Braun, Poppendorf, Rohloff, Buelter, Maas, Hoeffs, Plantikow, Ebert,
Krueger, Teshke, Radtke, Yuenger, Wescott, Mosling, Bahr, and Schenk. Some of
these families overlap into
Oconto/Outagamie/Waupaca counties. And the photographs that are looking
for homes are already identified!! You just have to email Dave to claim
them as your family... Awesome job, Dave & Mrs. M. are a true genie-angels!
Back in the day, before
Vince & the Pack, Wisconsin boasted statewide organized TOWN BASEBALL TEAMS as
far back as 1901. Not only was baseball the national past-time, it was
sometimes the only game in town in most instances... and we loved baseball!
Kathy Merzouk sent in a wonderful picture of the
Aniwa Town Baseball Team -- we're not
sure on the date but Kathy thinks it is late 1920s. Take a peek and if you
can identify any of the team members, email us! Thanks, Kathy.
Bev sent me some GREAT
photographs to add to the
Bonduel Community Archives
page... we left them LARGE -- you might have a bit of a wait for the pictures to
load, but the detail makes it well worth it. Thanks again to all the folks
at BCA - one stop genealogy at it's finest -- check them out! When I have
a question or need something from the Bonduel area, this is where I go --
awesome folks! Consider a BCA membership as a gift for Mother's or
Father's Day!
Tom Wentzel sent in some
great detective work on our
And he has a network of expert eyes that assisted him... Thanks to all of
Still looking for more
photos and stories for our INDIAN SCHOOL MISSIONS PAGE... even if it's just a
And ChgoKd added area obits
& some Korean War info to the Message Board...
BFN (Bye For Now)
April 26, 2009 |
Can hardly believe it is the
end of April already! The summer'll be here before we know it. Lots
of cool things being sent in - we'll get to each and every one as soon as
possible and CAN YOU TELL I'M EXCITED???
When I started working on the site, I placed a web page counter on the index
page so I could see with my own eyes if people were using the site... and how
often. Well, when it hit 40,000 hits years back, I knew we had something
great going... well, this past week, someone out there was our 250,000 viewer!
Yes, a quarter of a MILLION hits! I am overwhelmed and humbled -- thanks
so much to all of you for stopping by the site, sharing your work and stories
and by george, I think we've got it!!! And, our MESSAGE BOARD is
approaching 16,000 COMPLETE obits & queries... YES!!!
This week was a surprise week
-- some pretty neat things came in to the Shawano GenWeb project. We'll
get them all up as soon as we can. Stacy Frank
Kreuser and her sister, Lisa Frank Blom, had just walked & photographed the
Stockbridge Indian Burial Grounds on Moh
He Con Nuck Road up in Bowler the weekend before... we have the data online and
the pictures will be added as we get them. Many thanks again Stacy & Lisa!
Great job, great projects!
Awesome job, Mark! This is
proof that MESSAGE BOARDS REALLY WORK!!! Mark Fruendt
replied to a query I had posted regarding the Bonduel
Teschke family that arrived May 28, 1869 in New York
City. He is a descendant of Frederich and Louisa
Schultz Teschke family and has collected much
information on the family... and he is sharing it with the
Shawano GenWeb Project. Not only has his research
found many of my "missing links" but if you are
Teschke or Hafemann Families from
Hartland Twp - Bonduel area, I'm sure it will fill in some
of your blanks as well. Mark also has some rare
pictures of the
Red Springs Indian Mission on Mission
Lake in Gresham -- we're
working on a page for ALL of the county's INDIAN MISSIONS so if you have
ANY photos, stories, newspaper clipping, etc. -- we'd love to post them to our
pages!!! The Indian Missions have quite a history and with your help & input,
we'll offer both sides!
Tasha has started a new
project -- "Today I was working on updating the cemetery records at work
(church) and I found a file folder full of obituaries from the 70's and 80's. I
brought them home and will start posting them soon!!" She has some already
on the Message Boards and what is so very cool about this project is: Tasha
takes the extra time to check the obits against church records and on the bottom
of the obituary, she adds any data she finds including the birthplace town in
Germany. Granted, not all have the data available, but the ones that do
TASHA, AWESOME JOB AS ALWAYS! And, we've reassigned hubby to posting obits
from the local papers for us -- many thanks, Chicago Kid! And he has some
cemeteries walked by Donna that he is working on as well. I started them
before I was ill and just never got them up online... you'll also notice
HUNDREDS of obits from 2003-2004 that he has been adding as well.
- thanks for your patience,
Email from
Driestler and Lupke/Luepke lines.
My gg aunt Louise Nolte married a Hermann Luepke in Germany (1878) and they had
3 children before immigrating. Their son Alfred was born in Almon, WI. I'm
trying to find anyone living who might have information going back to the Nolte
family, along with filling in blanks. If you can
help, Denise would love to hear from you!
OK, back to work here!
Catch you next week!
*** NOTE***
I just received an email from a Hoffman researcher trying to contact DONNA
ZANDER... Donna, please
email me so I
can forward the message to you. |
April 20, 2009 |
And this week we have the
following items:
Yvonne sent an email looking for
family BAELKE -- specifically August & Louise... if this is your family and you
can help Yvonne, she'd love to hear from you!
"My grandmother's birth name is Alma
Mathilde Baelke,b. Nov. 15, 1889. Her parents are: August Baelke, age 36,
living in Shawano, born in Germany. Her mother was Louise Lewin, age 25, living
in Wisconsin, born in Wisconsin. The birth certificate shows that there were 2
other children. My grandmother was adopted by Fredrick and Hortense(Fenske)
The Koeller & Handke Genealogy Page -
courtesy of Karolyn. Karolyn
(Korth) Capion
is the great-granddaughter of Hermann Frederick Koller and
Emilia Augusta Handke, early pioneer settlers of the Town
of Pella. Thanks again, Karolyn for sharing your genealogy with us.
Patti Laessig has
sent in her genealogy with some great old photos of the Krueger-Gotshe
families from the Bonduel area as well as her families
from the western portion of Shawano County. Her
"detective work" regarding the Mattoon Mercantile mystery
put a
smile on my face -- today, we carefully look at cars and
license plates in the background of photos... Patti put
the pieces together comparing horse and carriage... and
when you see the photos, it clearly is the same horse &
carriage! And I'm sure Patti's cousin Stella is
pleased with the beautiful tribute to her... she sounds
like a memorable lady! Thanks, Patti!
OK, I think that's all
that's new right now -- working on
a few more GREAT PROJECTS... and two of our "seasoned cemetery walkers &
photographers" are working on the cemetery at St. Paul Lutheran in Bonduel... we
should have an up-to-date listing AND PHOTOGRAPHS in the future! I was so
hoping some one would do this cemetery for us! It is the largest in the
Bonduel area and covers the1880's to the present... almost 130 years.
Hope your Easter was grand
-- our son & his family are here from Milwaukee so we're enjoying their visit!
Should be back to work on the website soon!
Til next time,
April 1, 2009 |
New this week...
Jill Carol Kwapiszewski sent me an email about her genealogy... and over the
past couple months we've been working on putting together pages regarding 3 of
her families:
Charles and
Hattie Banaszynski and their immediate family
Frank and
Marianna Zacharias (Zacharyasz is the Polish spelling)
Note: This is Charles & Hattie Banaszynski's married daughter
Casimir and
Pelagia Kwapiszewski (1st marriage)
Note: Frank and Marianna Zacharias' daughter, Maryann married Martin
Kwapiszewski, son of Casimir and Pelagia Kwapiszewski.
Jill has done
an AWESOME job on detailing the families and has WONDERFUL PHOTOS sent in as
well... even if these are not your family names, the pages will be of interest
in some aspect. The story tells of a Polish immigrant couple who had the
American Dream -- and you can read between the lines about the strength and
determination of these young couples. Even if it prods you just a little
to scan those pictures in and send them to us to create a page for YOUR
FAMILY... And we're still tweaking the pages as Jill just sent in some
more items... so check them out!
Bev, at
Bonduel Community Archives for the updated 2009
schedule and some AWESOME photos for the Shawano GenWeb site... we'll be adding
these very shortly. Bev helped locate some items to share with Mr. Oliver
Griese -- he is 99 years young and his family owned the Martin Hotel in Bonduel
in the 1920s+. If you have any information or pictures to share regarding
it, let me know as I am working on a webpage. Bev located some photos and
local history and if you have anything to add, we'd love to post it and share it
with Mr. Griese.
thanks to
Ann Erdmann Hayworth from
Mobile, Alabama for sharing her gedcom with the Shawano GenWeb Project.
Augusta has done extensive work on her families ERDMANN (paternal) and KOHN
(maternal) and the .ged she sent in from her computer program has NUMEROUS other
families included. Check it out at
Now, this lady knows how to DOCUMENT DATA & SOURCES! If you are new to genealogy,
learn the lesson now, rather than later when you have 55,000+ names collected
over 35 years! It'll $ave you a lot of time and money in the long-run.
if you've been up to the Message Boards, you'll see we have about 15,700+ obits
up there now -- many thanks to everyone who contributes them... last week we
received an "atta boy" (big grin) for work posting obits online... Many thanks 'stefano'...
We transcribe & post obits whenever we get a few spare minutes. Our GOAL is to KEEP GENEALOGY FREE and accessible to everyone
-- we don't dangle carrots with lists of what we have and then bilk you for your
families' info with charge after charge and reselling the same data 10x to 10
different people - we just cut to the chase and POST THE OBITUARY/DATA! We take the time to type up the COMPLETE obit and post
it FOR FREE so you can use it in your personal research. FREE GENEALOGY means FREE -- NO
ask one thing in return: the items are not to be sold AND if you are sold
or offered to purchase ANYTHING that I have created or posted, PLEASE send me an email
informing me of the details. I spend 50+ hours a week on the Shawano site
plus I spend my own funds (I don't get reimbursed or subsidized by a church,
etc.) --
if I won't charge $$ (even a dime) for my own work, no one else should charge
for my work either. So please let me know! My goal is to keep GENEALOGY FREE -- TOTALLY FREE
-- I just don't talk the talk -- I walk the walk.
Mega thanks!
Upcoming projects: TWO PLAT MAP COLLECTIONS... 1920's & 1930's... and Bethany
Indian Mission in Wittenberg as well as several FAMILY PAGES... and FAMILY
PHOTOS... we LOVE to be busy!!
March 20, 2009 |
New this week:
- Ken Benson sent in
information & pictures regarding his grandfather,
Magnus Benjaminsen of
Waukechon Twp. -- seems when Magnus & his family came to the U.S., their
voyage on the SS Thingvalla made the newspapers -- not to the extent as did
the Titanic, but could have been close! Ken, thanks so much for the
interesting items!
- Back in April 2000, the
Bureau of Aging published a booklet dedicated to
Centenarian Spirit in Wisconsin". I have posted the following
entrees to the Misc. Newspaper page: Fred Bartelt, Ruth I. Below, Gertrude
Doherty, Leonora Gruner, Irene
Hoffman, Viola Long, Mary Barbara
Montour, Susie Opperman, Frieda Peters, Alta B. Robel, Verna Schuh, Jessie
Sohr and Nina Steichen. They have some great little hints & perspectives
on life.
- Reworked and revamped a
few of the older cemeteries from "back in the beginning 2001..." These
include St. Paulus German, Riverside in Almon Twp. (thanks DH & BB again!) and
Jung, just south of Gresham (thanks DM!)... DS has been kind enough to update
it & add the moved Sanders headstones info to it.
- This past week I've met a
distant cousin Cheryl that is working on the Angelica Twp. CHRISTIANSON
family, Jens (James) & Mary's daughter Cora in particular or any of the family
of William & Flossie (Egan) CHRISTIANSON. If anyone is researching this
we'd love to hear from you as we will be putting together a family page
and the more input, the better!
- And again this year, the
tax man cometh -- in a previous life (lol), I worked in the income tax revenue
field... I still do family & friend's returns, as well as a few business
returns, so if it seems the updates are slower until April 15th, that's why...
Til next week,
March 7, 2009 |
Well, we are into March already
(and it's MAPLE SYRUP TIME!)
-- busy doing some little tweaking to the site but this week we finished the
1911 Plat Map PATRON DIRECTORY, as
well as finished uploading the rest of the 1911 Twp. Plats. And, we posted
1911 PICTURES from the plats
-- some are prominent people, some are homes / farms, and some are families.
The patron directory is worth checking out -- gives some interesting
Many thanks to Paul from St. James Archive for solving the
La Follett school
"I asked an older friend of mine and Lillian tells me that the La Follette
School was (is) on Church Road (not Church Drive) which is southeast of Zachow.
That would put it between Cedar Rd. and County Rd. B. (Section 17 on the
Angelica Township Map on the 1911 Shawano County Plat map). Lillian Mehlhorn
taught in the area in a different one room school for 1 year. She thinks the
school might still be there. Paul" -- again, many
thanks Paul -- now I can narrow the search with the plat maps...
Jane Rollin has been working
on her genealogy families GUNDERSON / GUNDERSEN families from Norway and sent an
update to our
IMMIGRATION database as well
as an email for our
Jane for the wonderful emails! And congrats on the AWESOME CONNECTIONS you
have made in Norway -- an inspiration to all of us seeking a link on "the other
side of the pond". And here's a great link to
LIBRARY and ARCHIVES of CANADA if your family came in through Canada -- some
of mine did!
Many thanks to Debbie for
(or St. Johannes Lutheran Cemetery or Happy Corners Cemetery) ©Debbie
adopted this page and kindly offered to compile &
update this in 2006, using various hard copies (paper sources) she has, as well
as obituaries. Nicely done and we'll be getting a few more of her
cemeteries online shortly.
And here's a neat
CALCULATOR -- this works GREAT when you have a death date and an age but no
birth date...
And I'm back to the stack of
things I'm working on... somewhere under there, there's a desk! LOL... and it's
really a good feeling to be working on some great projects! We'll get them
up ASAP...
Til next time...
Anne |
February 28, 2009 |
Another busy week...almost done
with the 1911 plat maps redo plus working on the 1898 plats as well as a more
recent pre WWI plat map collection... it takes a little longer to post them as
we index them first -- unindexed maps really aren't very helpful if you don't
KNOW the township/section you need to search. You can enter LAEDTKE in the
search engine, but if the map is not indexed, you won't be directed to the plat
map page. It takes a little longer but as you know, Shawano GenWeb tries
to do it right the first time!
Lynn Chadek sent in an AWESOME
postcard -
Lincoln School from Zachow.
We even narrowed down the original guesstimate from 1910 to 1908, thanks to Bev
at the BCA. If your families came from that area of the county, check out
the photo - we know the teacher, Miss Daisy Hudson but don't know the 14
children's names... the school was torn down and later, the La Follett school
was built -- if anyone can give the correct section or area of Angelica Twp.,
that would help narrow down the search for the students. Again, Lynn, mega
thanks for this great picture -- the children's faces are so very clear!
Another question regarding
the Lincoln School -- the postcard was sent to a Mrs. Lyd. (Lorenze) Ebert in
Manawa in 1911... I posted a query to the Mailing List and Dave Maas replied
back that he has a Lydia Zernicke married to ? Ebert... after a phone call, Dave
wrote back to me and we have a positive hit -- his Lydia indeed married Lorenz
Ebert. If anyone has more info on Lydia & Lorenz, we'd love to see if this
is the piece to our missing puzzle... my guess is she attended Lincoln School or
knew the children in the photo. That's why I love this project so much,
the mailing lists & the message boards all work together -- this is where I go
when I am looking for information... and again, I was not disappointed!
Thanks, Dave!
And, if you have any older
school / class / confirmation photos (identified or not!) we'd love to post
them! Email me...
I've started digging -- oh,
yes, we call it "organizing" BOXES of teaching materials that I used and thought
they might continue to be of use by making them available on the web site.
The series is
and this week I covered obituaries... if you have comments or ideas, let me know
and we
can add them or make a page regarding these tips & helps for other researchers.
Til next time... and thanks
Bill for the neat box kite graphic! It's unique!
Anne |
February 22, 2009 |
It's been a busy, busy week...
if your items are not posted yet, they will be shortly! So far, we have:
- Wayne sent in an
update for the
Immigration Page -- and his
email info: A family of ten from Norway to
Surname: Peterson, Wife: Dorthea, Children: Christiane, Susana, Hanna,
Hans, Dorthy, Karen, Adolph, Amalie
Given: Andrew [Andreas]
Place of Origin: Drammen, Norway
Departure Port: Drammen, Norway
Ship Name: Clipper Flora
Arrival Date: 23 June, 1871
Arrival Port: Quebec City, Quebec Canada
Submitted: Wayne,
Passenger List Retyped: Norway Heritage, Hands across the
sea. Passenger listing starting at 120-129.
Thanks, Wayne for the added
info and hopefully other Peterson researchers will contact you!
- Doris Jeske sent us an
email letting us know of
Stoehr's passing -- Aubrey's wife Marge
Stoehr worked with the Shawano Family History Center for many years.
Without family support, it's very difficult to be a volunteer so many thanks,
Aubrey, for a job well-done and all your support to the genealogy community.
- Many thanks to Lynn
Chadek for adding 2 pictures to the
Elm Lawn
Cemetery -- George & Eliza Harris SNOW...
- If you've been to
the 1911
Plat Map page, you'll see we are doing
renovation. Hopefully, we'll have the new layout up and running for all
townships later this week... and we hope to have the 1898 plat map page back
up the following week. Many thanks to RMC for his new plat map scans and
layout. And remember the rules -- free to use for your own PERSONAL
booklets & binders... not free to "re-copyright" and repost to your
look-up website.
- And on a lighter note,
this Tuesday is PACZKI DAY... now, this IS genealogy related if you lived on
the eastern side of the county or you married into a Polish family...Ah, we
feel for the person
who thinks a paczki is just another jelly donut. True insiders know a
(pronounced poonch-key) is a Polish pastry that
was traditionally designed to use up all of your butter, sugar and cream
before the fasting of Lent. They are among the most decadent and wonderful
pastries in the world - we won't even mention calories or cholesterol here...
our favorites are Boston creme covered with powdered sugar and apricot
paczki... oh yes, raspberry, too! And if you are paczki deprived and
don't have a Polish Bakery or a Polish Grandmother nearby, here's
Busia's recipe
-- I warned you, these are RICH...
- Til next time -- Anne
February 13, 2009 |
Not sure how the groundhog
faired last week but we've had some nice melting weather and our driveway no
longer resembles the skating rink at Rockefeller Center! Hopefully, we'll
see crocuses and daffodils in the yard soon!
This week we've been busy
with obits on the Message Boards -- by now, you all KNOW that obits are my
favorite -- mini biographies -- this has been my striving point from when we
started using the MESSAGE BOARDS in 1999. We're well over
- many thanks to everyone who works on this on-going project.
- My Valentine Bob has
added the
1938 Stockbridge-Munsee Indian Roll Census -- since he is
semi-retired we expect many more projects from him! His next assignment
is St. Philomene's Cemetery... we've reassured him (and all our contributors)
that any/all of their work won't be right-clicked & re-copyrighted on other
non-Shawano GenWeb pages...
- As you will see in the
future, we have had to implement "no-right click" features on some of our
pages -- per requests from the contributors. They do not want hours of
their work reposted & re-copyrighted on other sites. I deeply regret
having to implement this feature but since this has happened repeatedly the
past few weeks, we have to protect & respect their requests.
Til next time.. Anne
February 2, 2009 |
New this week are the following items:
Anniversary Booklet, St. Paul Lutheran, Zachow, WI -- many thanks to
Jackie for sending this in... and to the parish for sharing 100 years of
history by making the booklet.
- Kathy Merzouk sent in the following:
Andrew B(erge) Peterson immigrated as "Anders P. Berge" (Berge was the farm he
came from in Hordaland). He Americanized his name by 1860.
DEP: Bergen, Norway on May 25, 1844 on the brigantine "Hercules" (Captain
Michael Madsen);
ARR: Castle Rock, NYC on July 29 1844
DOB: 1 March 1819, Berge, Voss, Hordaland Norway
Father's name: Per Andersen
and we updated our
Immigration Data Page
-- thanks, Kathy!
- Howie sent
in the following email: (referring to the 1960
Lessor Plat Map)
"Frazer Corners State Graded
School school was in the extreme NE corner of Section 1 (Bena Jeske farm).
The school was originally one room, but approx. 1910, was remodeled to two
rooms, changed entrance from North side to East side, and moved the bell
tower. East of school, across the road (in Maple Grove) was my dad's cheese
factory and store. Where the black dot is, is where the school was. The
official name of the school might be Lessor. On some earlier pictures I have,
that is the name on the sign board. As long I know it was always called
Frazer Corners school. My mother taught there during WWII.
Welhaven Grade School was a one (1) room school. My
sister taught a few years there. The school was on the extreme SE corner of
Section 11. The land is listed as church land, but the church land did not go
all the way to the corner. The church cemetery is in Section 13, south of Ole
Rudie land in Section 12. The church originally sat there before it was moved
in the early 1900's."
Many thanks and we'll update the school page!
- Be sure to check
out our CIVIL WAR
veterans page -- we have several volunteers looking through records to locate
veterans... if you know of any, please send them in... also, the follow-up
page will be for WIDOWS and PENSIONERS from the Civil War...
- OK, every morning I
read the Shawano Leader and last week, an article just made me smile -- all I
can say is "Go, Grandma!!!" I bleeped out the names to protect their
identities but AWESOME 81-year-old lady who confronted a person 40+ years her
junior!!! She should be teaching self-defense at a senior center -- and
I'm not kidding.
Gillett woman charged in early morning attempted burglary
By Tim Ryan, Leader Reporter
A Gillett woman accused of brandishing a hatchet during an attempted burglary
before being disarmed by the 81-year-old homeowner Friday morning was on
probation for another burglary incident in Oconto County when the alleged crime
was committed, according to court records.
XXXXX was charged in Shawano County Circuit
Court Friday with three felony counts, including burglary to a dwelling,
burglary armed with a dangerous weapon and first degree reckless endangerment.
Because of her previous conviction, XXXX could face enhanced penalties for
each of the alleged crimes if found guilty. She faces a maximum possible penalty
of 21 years imprisonment for each for the two burglary counts and 18 and a half
years imprisonment for reckless endangerment. The charges also carry $125,000 in
XXXX allegedly broke into the Shawano home of
YYYY around 2 a.m. Friday. YYYY initially called police with a noise complaint,
but after YYYY hung up the phone with the police, she heard glass breaking. She
then confronted a woman brandishing an object in the kitchen, according to the
police narrative in the criminal complaint.
YYYY told police she got the intruder in a bear
hug and disarmed the woman of what she had been brandishing. It was only then,
as the intruder fled, that YYYY realized the object was a hatchet, according to
the criminal complaint.
- And til next week -- stay
warm! Anne
In between update -- The
FamilySearch pilot program now has the
Irish Civil Registrations from 1845 - 1958 -- ENJOY!!! Also, while you are
up there, be sure to check out the 1875, 1885, 1895 & 1905 Wisconsin State
Censuses - Shawano included! |
January 23, 2009 |
MANY, MANY THANKS for the great
emails & support of
the Shawano GenWeb Project! Your kind thoughts and kind words are so
greatly appreciated!!!
And, this week, THANKS to all the
neat items sent in!!! We'll get to each and every one of them!!!
First, Gary sent in an
update to his
BONNIN FAMILY -- You can contact
Gary at
for additional information exchange.
Second, thanks to Bill
R. and his contributions to the
he has walked & photographed Zion Ev. Luth. in Zachow, as well as Dickson in
Advance & he's working on Memorial Park as well. Many thanks!
Third, many thanks again to
Donna for walking the
Forest Cemetery in
Birnamwood a few years back -- we've updated it, using obits & SSDI, and
reposted it... this is a LARGE CEMETERY -- over 1700 graves!!! And quite a few
veterans, including Civil War vets...
Fourth, many thanks to
Judith in Arizona for the following information update -- I rec'd several very
concerned emails
asking about this and Judith went to the source. She stated that the LDS SHAWANO FAMILY HISTORY
CENTER created & has the completed 80,000 obituaries indexed and will send you FREE
no need to pay a service or middle man to get a copies of the FREE obituaries.
According to Salt Lake Family History Library, the "parent" of the Shawano FHC,
the FHCs & THEIR STAFF are here to provide FREE help & assistance to LDS &
non-LDS people worldwide.
FHC's do not charge for research assistance -- there is a small charge if you
RENT microfilm from SLC, Utah but these obituaries are not on
Simply send a regular letter with the list of the obits requested (please limit
4 to one request) and a return SELF-ADDRESSED PRE-STAMPED envelope to:
Shawano Family History Center
(removed by
Judith also writes that if
you are ASKED or ENCOURAGED to pay any other costs/fees or hire ANY
staff or have ALREADY PAID
to find additional information, please contact the following person for a FULL REFUND:
LDS Stake President
651 Pinehurst
Green Bay, WI 54302
When writing to him, please
include your name & address and approximate date of the payment & the method
(check or cash).
The Shawano FHC does not
have an email address directly to the LDS staff nor do local FHCs have websites
- the church STRONGLY bans local FHC websites. The LDS Church has a
main website at where
they provide a wealth of FREE information and resources.
Thanks, Judith, as this
definitely clears up MANY QUESTIONS and CONCERNS other researchers have asked in
the past few weeks...
Til next time...
January 7, 2009 |
Hope your New Year is off to a
great start -- ours definitely is here at the Shawano GenWeb. The past few
weeks I've been working on redesigning the
new design is up and running -- I think it'll be more easily navigated with room
to still tweak and expand in the future.
LUTHERAN CHURCH, ZACHOW is up and running -- many thanks to Jackie for
sending this in and we are working on the next anniversary booklet Jackie so
generously shared with us... Jackie had both these booklets and xeroxed the
pages and mailed them to us... and we take care of the rest!
And, Jackie also sent in
some marvelous obituaries and photos of her
BOETTCHER & BOSIN FAMILIES and we created a page for them as well... again,
Jackie xeroxed the items and mailed them in... Many thanks for sharing this
great family compilation with us!
Paul, the Archivist at St.
James in Shawano, sent in an awesome
Autobiography of Rev. Peter Heinrich Dicke (1822 - 1911) -- whether you had
family that attended St. Jacobi or St. James, this is a VERY INTERESTING ARTICLE
-- it explains the how and why of settling in the pioneer days of Shawano
County. He provides a very detailed account of early days and how the
various Lutheran churches in the area were formed as well as bits and pieces of
a pioneer minister's family life. Paul, this is excellent reading
and many thanks again.
And another gift from Paul:
"Here's a picture just provided to the archive from Opal (Krueger) Lohmiller.
This was the
1942 Confirmation Class (Palm
Sunday) just before the church burned." -- thanks, Paul.
Karolyn (Korth) Capion added
the following to the Shawano Marriages page:
I would like to add to the early Shawano county
marriages. My great grandfather and great grandmother were married on April
13,1877 in St. Peters church Pella. Their names are Hermann Frederick Koller
and Emilia Augusta Handke. I have the original Marriage certificate signed by
Gustus Barth. Thanks Karolyn for the update.
Robert Duerwachter
sent in an email regarding the Fish Family -- if you are working on this family,
please contact Robert...
I rec'd this from
"I am researching Kluchesky--John Henry /Kluchesky/27
Jun 1874/New
London, Outagamie, Wisconsin, USA His family lived there - Daughter Lucy Clara
was born in Birnamwood, Shawano, Wisconsin, USA 6 Mar 1907.... I am
trying to find out more about his Father Adam, and Grandfather Thomas Strehlow,
August died Herman 12 May 1905, leaving Wife Mary (Schumacher) and 3 daughters
who married. Did Mary remarry??? How are they related to other Strehlows?"
If this is your family line, Mary would love to hear
from you.
And thanks to Pastor
Phillips from
First Presbyterian in Shawano for the link to their website:,
as well as updating another Shawano church's address -- Many thanks!
Mr. Merritt Webb
sent in a WONDERFUL
autobiography in pdf of his great-grandfather
Jennings... Mr. Jennings worked for the railroad and his autobiography
follows his life in New York, Michigan, Rhinelander and he eventually settles in
Antigo. Although Antigo is in Langlade County, I included it in the
Shawano site because it tells a very familiar story of early settlers and
because it is so VERY, VERY well-written! I'm hoping to someday get my
grandfather's story done and this one offers such excellent inspiration.
Thanks, Merritt for sending it in.
I think that gets us caught
up on most of the past updates we've been working on... if you sent something in
and have not seen it on the site -- a gentle email is appreciated to remind us.
We get approximately 15-20 emails each day and try our best to keep them all
straight! Thanks again for visiting the Shawano site and do remember to
list your SURNAMES on the Message Board and Mailing Lists -- I hear great
success stories every week of how someone randomly found the surname and emailed
to make a great connection!
Til next time --
January 1, 2009 |
Hope your Christmas was
wonderful and the snow not too deep! This week we have been working on the
And have a very safe & HAPPY
Til next time!
And a little Chicago Political
Humor from a furniture store... |