December 20, 2008 |
And this update...
- Jessica VanHove sent in
IMMIGRATION DATA for Nicolaus Hetzel -
1873 Weser - Bremen> NYC.
A few weeks ago, I started
corresponding with Dottie Buchholz regarding her research in the
Polar, Langlade County area -- and she kindly offered to share
some of her Shawano family info with us -- what a pleasant &
wonderful surprise!
And I'm working on some
church anniversary booklets (thanks Jackie!) and obits and confirmation
photos... hopefully we'll have these up soon!
YOURS!!! And I'm back to making homemade caramels... and here's to a White
November 8, 2008 |
New this update...
- Two cemeteries have been
added --
in Zachow, Angelica Twp.
- Sally Cantwell Basting
sent in some MARVELOUS pics of her
Cantwell - Hayter lines. We've made a page for them and if you have
any information or pictures you would like to add to it, please email me.
- SURNAMES: Reetz &
Schlueter from the Leopolis area -- thanks Clark Reetz.
- And many thanks to
everyone who responded to help the gentleman in Sweden locate John Emil
SJOGREN & Agnes BAUMGARTNER. The rest of the story... Agnes & their son
Lewis J. remain in Belle Plaine Twp. -- Agnes marries Clyde CLAYTON.
Agnes dies in April 1993. If anyone knows what happened to Lewis J. (Sjogren)
Clayton, I'm sure his family in Sweden would love to hear from him.
- And BE SURE to check out
Michigan Marriages 1868 - 1925
page -- I
have heard awesome things from people who have found their missing relatives'
marriage data in there -- I found several of mine, including Wilhelmina Strei
- Baehr's son Albert...
- And until next time --
stay warm & enjoy the holiday seasons... next update I'm hoping to have MOST
of the Wittenberg Wittonian yearbook up... cool project.
October 5, 2008
This week...
Michigan Marriages 1868 - 1925 -- now
WHY would we have this page in the Shawano site? SIMPLE -- To
Wisconsinites, Michigan was the new "Gretna Green" so to speak... couples
eloped to Michigan primarily as it offered a lower
marriage age (Wisconsin was 21) and it also kept down the wedding costs,
especially if the bride or groom had been previously married... be sure to
check this one out if you are having problems locating a marriage for Shawano
Co. residents but you just can't find it...
- Many thanks to Ken Kupsky
for sharing a GREAT pic of
Ferdinand &
Augusta Kupsky's family with us. And we've added other bits of info
to the page as well.
- And, thanks to Matthew
Otto for sending this in -- we now have "just cause" to make that Apple Kuchen
this weekend!!
For generations, German Americans have contributed to our Nation's identity,
culture, and prosperity. On German-American Day, we recognize the many
Americans with German ancestry who helped make our country great, and we
celebrate our strong friendship with Germany.
The people of Germany and the
United States share important family and cultural ties, and millions of
American citizens are of German descent. Some of their forebears were among
the first to settle Jamestown, and they and many others like them helped lay
the foundation for our country, which has become the most prominent symbol
of freedom in the world. Many German Americans have shaped our way of life
and added to our country's rich heritage.
In celebrating
German-American Day, we honor generations of German Americans who came
to our shores with dreams of opportunity and contributed to the greatness of
our country.
BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority
vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby
proclaim October 6, 2008, as German-American Day. I encourage all Americans
to celebrate the many contributions German Americans have made to our
Nation's liberty and prosperity.
hereunto set my hand this third day of October, in the year of our Lord two
thousand eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the
two hundred and thirty-third.
2 cups Bisquick baking mix
2/3 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups peeled apples, thinly sliced
3 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Combine Bisquick, milk, sugar, oil and egg; mix well. Pour into greased and
floured 13 x 9-inch baking pan.
Combine softened cream cheese, sugar, egg and vanilla, mixing until well
blended. Spread cream cheese mixture over batter; top with apples.
Combine sugar and cinnamon; sprinkle over apples.
Bake at 350 degree F for 35 to 40 minutes.
Servings: 12
(I KNOW... Grandma didn't have Bisquick!! But then Grandma spent most of the
day baking, too!!! lol..)
September 14,
2008 |
Autumn will be here
shortly! We love the beautiful foliage and personally, sleeping nights
without AC or fans running is AWESOME!
This update has a few items of
- Kindred Spirit Paul
has again been generous to the Shawano site -- gorgeous classroom photos of
St. James Lutheran.
If your ancestor's attended St. James, do take a look and see if you can help
identify the pics -- you find your ancestor, that will help us establish a
date range.
- SURNAMES added:
-- thanks Kathy!
(also spelled Zacharias,
Zacharyasz, Zaharris throughout the years.) -- thanks Jill!
- Be sure to check out the
latest obits and queries posted by other researchers. Mega thanks to
Tasha for keeping up on the Shawano Leader and ALL OF YOU for posting/sharing
your family obits! AWESOME, AWESOME JOB!
- Remember to check out the
program -- this is where you can scan ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS as well as INDEXED
DOCUMENTS that are available FREE ONLINE. You didn't hear it here, BUT,
this pilot program site will some day rival in my opinion.
They add new items almost weekly... and it's FREE! Currently they have
the 1855, 1865, 1875, 1885, 1895 and 1905 WISCONSIN CENSUSES for FREE! I
worked with these folks on the 1880 census about 10 years back and they have
added to this program tremendously -- once you get up into that site, you will
get trapped there for hours looking at all their new items! ENJOY!!!
- And last but not
certainly not least, it is always a deep loss when we lose one of our own -- a
tremendous loss for their families, but also a loss for the genealogical
community. We are deeply saddened at the passing of Mari Modlin, the WI
GenWeb CC for Crawford & Dane Counties. God speed, Mari -- you have
touched many people through sharing your time & talents and you will be
August 15, 2008 |
And this update includes:
- Paul sent in a REALLY
1911 Confirmation Class Photo from St.
James... and there are a LARGE and even LARGER image scans so that you can
easily see faces & features to try to identify these people.
Email me
with the names and we'll
update the page!
- I received my History of
Belle Plaine Twp Book in the mail and I AM IMPRESSED! It is very nicely done,
very detailed and VERY INTERESTING! If your families came from this are
in Shawano County it is well worth the $15 (+ postage) they are asking for it!
I received mine through the courthouse - County Clerk's Office or there
are other places in the area to order through the mail -- Belle Plaine Cheese
Factory AND they can ship CHEESE CURDS!
Toll free
phone number is 1-866-245-5924 or at
Cheese, N3473
Wisconsin Avenue,
Shawano, WI 54166 -- hey, my father
used to buy his cheese curds there so that makes it genealogy related,
right??? Right.
Patricia (Keup)
- This week I rec'd an
email regarding an obit I posted to the Message Board -- if you subscribe to
the Shawano List, you'll see I post random Shawano County related obits and on
some days, they can really add up...when I was looking for obits online, I ran
across a very touching one & I knew I had to post it (it wasn't Shawano or
Florence related) to the proper county board in Michigan. I didn't know
Stanley Galuszka
but from reading his obit, he seemed like a very special
person who should be remembered permanently online. Stanley passed in
2002 and I posted this about a month back -- last week his granddaughter
emailed me and told me she had searched for YEARS for Stanley and now she
finally found him -- she contacted his caretakers to fill in the blanks of his
life that she knew nothing about. I get emails similar to this all the
time but nothing as dramatic & touching as this story. And the timing
was perfect as I didn't get the impression she had every googled his name
before and I doubt she is into genealogy. Moral of the story: POST THOSE
OBITS! You never know when you or someone else will find the missing piece to
the puzzle! It only takes 1 person with 1 item you are looking for...
AND if your family member doesn't have a "formal" obit -- write one up
yourself! You read obits, you know the basic format... born, married,
lived and died... and you can elaborate from there... it doesn't need to be
flowery or fancy -- just anything is better than nothing. And you can
always tweak it!
- Til next time...
August 9, 2008 |
Hope your summer is going super
-- I saw a maple tree with a few changing leaves the other day! This
summer has passed too quickly -- I remember "old people" saying that when I was
a kid -- and never had a clue what they meant...
New this week:
- Paul, the archivist from
St. James, has sent in more "cool stuff" for the
St. James Lutheran in Shawano
Page. This week we finished up the History Page and added the 1907
Dedication scans... pretty cool to see pics of the actual booklet that is over
100 years old. The first pages are written in German & the latter pages
are in English.
- And, if I seemed to be a
little slow in updating,
we have had a new arrival -- a bouncing 10 pound little Dobie Pup named Emma,
after my grandmother Emma Blaese Laedtke (we're sure she's pleased for the
name-sake -- lol)... The adjacent pic is Liebie, our 3˝ year old Dobie
and little Emmie. Yep, she's a handful!
- Til next week...
August 1, 2008 |
New this time are:
- Finishing up on the
Elias Lutheran Cemetery
-- mega thanks Matthew for your patience & proof-reading to get this right!
Nicely done!
- And we finished our
Canadian French Word
List -- enjoy!
- And last but not least,
mega thanks to all of you for your contributions to the Shawano Message Board
-- we passed the (drum-roll please!) 14,000th posting last week... one by one
they add up!! And do consider posting queries or obits there -- networking is
the name of the game!
July 11, 2008 |
Hope your summer is off to a
great one -- less humidity would be nice! New this week:
- Nancy & Steve Dorsey sent
in a
thanks so much and hope other researchers make contact with you regarding the
Dorsey line.
- Gloria Schroeder sent in the
Shawano High Junior Prom 1939 Booklet
pictures... scroll to the middle of the page for the links... Many thanks,
- Paul, the archivist from
St. James added a nother item to the
St. James Lutheran in Shawano
-- a 1924
School Diploma. Thanks, Paul!
- Matthew Otto has taken
Elias Lutheran Cemetery under his wing and has done a
GREAT job of photographing and updating the Elias page. And for
the hard-to-read-headstones, Matthew went back and retook the pics using an
enhancing medium... We're still working on this and hopefully it'll be done
shortly -- meanwhile, pardon the construction dust! Mega thanks,
And that's about it for this
time... Anne |
June 26, 2008 |
This week we've added:
- Paul, the archivist at
St. James Lutheran in Shawano has been
very generous and has been scanning in items for the site. The page is
under construction at present but you can preview it while it takes form.
Again, MEGA THANKS to Paul for the history and items -- I've learned quite a
bit from this excellent resource at St. James!
Old Time Diseases and
Illnesses...When reading obituaries and
death certificates, we occasionally encounter a disease or
cause of death that is referred to as something else present
day... like "consumption" is actually tuberculosis, "lagrippe"
is influenza, etc.
SURNAME - Heidtke has been added -- thanks Cheri Hietpas. Cheri is
the great grand daughter of Ethel Heidtke Peterson - daughter of Susan and
Henry Heidtke.
- Our
Research Language Helps
page now has Czechoslovakian added to the German & Norwegian Helps Lists...
Swedish & Polish to follow soon...
- Alexandra Goldberg sent
this in an email to me -- it was another request I had made while looking for
some records, but the resource MIGHT be something someone else can use...
GREAT RESOURCE as they did a super job! This group indexed all (not just the Italian) vital
records for Brooklyn and Manhattan from 1891-1948 and they have other
interesting databases for NYC. Another good resource is and
JewishGen hosts the Austria-Chech SIG and Romania SIG, if they want help in
researching the old country.
- And here's the challenge
for YOU this next month... I know how busy we all get and I also know
how we spend time looking for a certain tidbit of genealogy info and how
THRILLED we are when we find it online. Hence, the popularity of the Shawano
GenWeb site. The challenge for each of our visitors this next month
(July) is: contribute an obituary or a Family Group Record to the site.
Obits are pretty easy and you can send them to the Message Boards or
me for posting. Family Group Records OR a Pedigree Chart will help
others locate you and the lines you are researching. Not feeling
particularly generous with the family info? You don't need to send it
ALL in... just 1 family on a Family Group Record... and it doesn't have to be
the main line you are researching... just 1 family in your genealogy... your
grandfather's brother or sister would be GREAT!... Visit the
Records Page to see how easy it is!
Til next time... and HAPPY
June 19, 2008 |
Hope your summer is going great
and that you are still above water. My son and his family took a drive
last weekend to the lake that was... and isn't anymore in the Wisconsin Dells
area... still hard to believe that could happen to a whole lake! Just
emptied right out til now it resembles a large crater...
OK, back to business here --
NEW this week are the following:
- More
unidentified photos... email me if
you know who they might be.
Elm Lawn Cemetery in Maple Grove
has been added...
- A while back I made a
German Genealogical Cheat Sheet online... this week I've added a
Norwegian one and I'm working on Swedish,
Canadian French & Czech... hopefully they'll be done soon... and someday, even
a Polish one... see, with a last name like Czaplewski, I can say this and
still be politically correct! LOL... my knowledge of Polish is
considerably less than German but I get requests all the time to read Polish
documents -- I have GREAT CHEAT SHEETS!
And, I'm also looking for
information on the Gresham Alexian Brothers Novitiate... I have seen the
newspaper copies up at Wisconsin Historical but if anyone has additional info as
far as history & use prior to 1974, etc. email me -- I'd love to post it.
Til next week...
June 8, 2008 |
New this time are the following
- New "old photos" of
Bonduel added to the
BCA web page.
- And another one of our
latest finds was a
from Tigerton High School... great history of Tigerton compiled by one of the
- Updates on the Surname
Page and please check to see if your surnames are listed and that your email
is correct & current. Also added: PAISER -- Thanks Michael!
headstones added to
St. Martin's Cemetery,
Belle Plaine -- Thanks, Andrea Rai
- Updated
Stacy Memorial aka Native American in Wittenberg and Elm Lawn in Maple Grove
Twp - Rose Lawn.
- The
Henry Siebert/Clara
Culver Siebert Family Reunion
will be held at the city park in Gillett on July 26th, 2008. We meet at noon
for a potluck dinner. Bring your own drinks and eating utensils. Coffee is
provided. If you have any questions contact Karen Hoffman Craig at
- A while back when I
worked at the genealogy library, one of my staff gave this to me...
Genealogists Anonymous
Twelve Steps to Recovery
1. Admit that you are powerless over genealogy and that your life has
become impossible since you cannot remember the names of your spouse and/or
2. Honor thy parents TODAY only.
3. Honor thy grandparents ONLY if they're still trout fishing, reading
whodunits or baking cookies.
4. Read no obituaries but thine own.
5. Answer no queries about your ancestry. (You may, however, swing into
appropriate action if someone calls you an unkind name.)
6. Live each day one day at a time.
7. Rid your premises of calendars, diaries, newspapers, histories, AND
8.Promise you will NEVER AGAIN thumb through phone directories in
strange towns looking for the maiden names of your mother, mother-in-law,
grandmother, great grandmother, etc.
9. When approached by someone asking if you have a cousin in Podunk,
10. Promise never to approach within one mile of any computer which has
been loaded with P.A.F.
11. Take up yoga or the piccolo.
12. Resolve to offer help and encouragement through
Genealogists Anonymous whenever you recognize in your friends that
characteristically glassy microfiche stare.
June 1, 2008 |
If you are going to be in the Shawano area on June 22, here's a link to
BRUNCH ON THE FARM. If you scroll down the page, you will see that the
various counties all over the state promote a breakfast on the farm day...
And to pay tribute to all
those Shawano County Farms, I've added the
1960 Shawano Plat Maps.
I truly enjoyed working with these and I know you will as well. These were
not published by the Rockford Map Co. and are not covered by their copyright-- I
have Rockford's 1960 map book as well.
New this time:
Jade sent in info to update
Colin & Clorie Angie Mayville's home page
-- also, she sent in 2 GREAT Shawano High School Basketball pics from 1918 -
1919 -- and we are looking for the NAMES of the team members... nice good
looking group of young men -- they just need to be identified... quite
possibly they are your fathers or grandfathers!
- A few days back, I was
bidding on an eBay item and I was outbid -- I asked the winner if he would
send a scan in for the Shawano site and he graciously did. Many thanks
to Allen J. Post for being a "kindred spirit" to the Shawano GenWeb site...
it's one of the nicest detailed pics of the
Wittenberg Academy
INSIDE that I have seen.
- Cute Joke of the Day...
Old Photos...
Curious when I found two
black-and-white negatives in a drawer, I had them made into prints. I was
pleasantly surprised to see that they were of a younger, slimmer me, taken on
one of my first dates with my husband.
When I showed him the photos, his face lit up. "Wow,
look at that!" he said with appreciation. "It's my old Plymouth!"
- A new arrival to the
internet genealogy scene -- Not much up there yet but that might very well have been
said of "In the beginning..." If you run across any other
favorites or new sites, let us know!
Til next time... Anne
May 23, 2008 |
"Any nation that does not
honor its heroes will not long endure"
-Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed each
year to commemorate American servicemen and women who
died in battle. It was established by General John Logan, the head of the
organization Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). Logan designated Memorial Day
(then called Decoration Day) for decorating and caring for the graves of fallen
Civil War soldiers. It is speculated that he choose to observe Memorial Day at
the end of May because flowers are in bloom all over the country.
New this week is the
1902 - 1903 PRE-1907 Marriage Index -- about 800+
researched by Debra Singer-Hanson
And from the Shawano Leader
this week... we'd like to pay tribute to the LIVING TREASURES as well...
Six seniors honored as treasures
By Joan Sousek, Leader Correspondent
They might not hear well or walk quickly, but
their volunteer spirits shine brightly. They are the 2008 Living Treasures of
Shawano County: Robert and Lois Kroenke, Joan Allen, Fred Bowersock, Cecile
Engel and Wallace Heling.
On Tuesday as part of Older Americans Month,
the county recognized them at an awards ceremony.
In her welcome, Shawano County Aging and
Disability Resource director Bonnie Weyers said, “They are rich in experience
and most deserving of our respect.”
About 40 friends, family, staff members and
former honorees attended the seventh annual Living Treasures event.
Weyers noted 5,760 hours of volunteer service
were logged to support Shawano County programs for seniors and people with
disabilities in 2007. The six honorees were among those who gave generously of
their time.
For the first time, a couple was honored
because they had been a “team all their married life,” the program noted.
Robert and Lois Kroenke
The Kroenkes grew up in rural Shawano. After
running a successful carpentry business, they served as Lutheran missionaries
from 1965 to 1971, mostly teaching people in New Guinea how to build structures.
Later, they traveled the United States building churches with Laborers for
Christ. On the road, they wrote “Letters from New Guinea.” They also helped
build a church in Haiti, then retired for a second time returning to Shawano in
2001. Here, they have been involved with Habitat for Humanity and spent 900
hours helping to build the new St. Jakobi Church.
Wallace Heling
Heling is active in AARP Chapter 186,
organizing card parties for many years. Until his osteoporosis became
debilitating, he and his wife, Charlene, sang at nursing homes. They also are
active at St. John, Hermansfort. Wally serves on the steering committee for the
Wolf River Lutheran High School and is a member of the Senior Citizens
Commission. They say they are sometimes tired, but never bored and keep busy
raising toy poodles and keep busy raising toy poodles and staying involved with
family and friends.
Wally, a two-time cancer survivor, said, “I
just enjoy doing things for others. I didn’t expect to get recognized. You get
the best feeling helping others.”
Fred Bowersock
Bowersock thought it was a joke when he
received a call about the honor.
“I thought my kids were playing a prank on me,”
he said.
He grew up poor in Ohio, graduating from high
school and then working in the railroad industry for 32 years. After retiring in
1996, he and his wife, Lucy, who is from north of Bowler, moved to Gresham. He
volunteers regularly at Gresham School where he has been a guest reader,
basketball coach, and volleyball supporter. But it doesn’t end there, his
daughter Christy said. “If there is a need, he is there.”
Joan Allen
Much of Allen’s volunteer work has been with
AARP and St. John Episcopal Church. During the mid 1970s, she drove the first
bus for seniors and for many years helped deliver meals to the elderly, taking a
personal interest in their welfare. For over 20 years, she has worked at the
Civic Center still putting in a full, five-day week, even after funding for her
position was cut. She is known for her vast knowledge of the community and
ability to remember every senior’s name and personal history.
Cecile Engel
For 26 years, Engel has been helping with
funeral meals at her church and is involved in quilting for missions at St.
James. Very active in AARP, she served two terms on the board of directors,
works on the chapter newsletter and at card parties and membership meetings.
She’s been a volunteer at the Civic Center for 20 years, served on the Senior
Citizens Commission and on the city election board. She lives at Elizabeth
Manor, where she serves on the tenants’ council, helps her neighbors and plays
sheephead with special tenants. She also belongs to three card clubs.
“I’m just an old lady trying to stay out of a
rocking chair,” she quipped.
Have a SAFE weekend!
Til next time... Anne
May 17, 2008 |
D. Jetty-Guerin sent in a beautiful collection of
CRAW FAMILY photos which includes a lovely 1908 Wedding Invitation. Many
- Rick Raasch sent in a
booklet from
1926 Peterson School
in Navarino -- very nice addition to the site!
- Kathy F. sent in two
So we made a page for ALL local commencement programs, etc. -- this, too is a
great addition to the site and we look forward to adding more of these as they
are found & sent in.
- I recently found access
to look-ups in the Chicago Tribune -- current to way, way back. So if
your email box seemed bombarded this past weekend, my apologies -- but I "make
hay while the sun shines" so I found as many as I could and posted them.
I was very much surprised as to the amount of obits that reflect back to
Shawano County from Chgo. They are all posted on the Shawano Message
- I rec'd this email from
Joe with the Shawano County Volunteers Project -- as some of you may remember,
Darlene Heller was very instrumental with the Bonduel Community Archives and
has now been asked to work on the Shawano Historical Society project... and
they can use VOLUNTEERS in the Shawano County area...Great chance to work with
some great folks on a great project! The contact info is at the bottom of the
Shawano County Historical Society is
looking for volunteers who wish to help us preserve and display the historical
roots of Shawano County. Located on the channel between Shawano Lake and the
Wolf River, Heritage Park houses the Historical Research Center, the Kast
House, a log building, school house and other buildings which display
examples of Shawano's history.
We need volunteers year round with skills or interests in archive work, public
relations, fundraising, gardening, building and ground maintenance. We also
need volunteers who could give tours and presentations to the public. We need
volunteers with enthusiasm and creativity to make our museum and
research/archive area come alive with history!
We need gardeners and docents immediately to get ready for our summer season.
Contact Darlene Heller or Rich Hoffman at 526 3323 for more information
Heritage Park is located at 524 N. Franklin St. Shawano, WI 54166
May 7, 2008 |
Rick Raasch sent in a GREAT old
school picture -
Ainsworth School from
Wescott Twp. The photo is from about 1945 and appears to be of a one-room
school. We're guest-timating the birth years of the children from 1930 -
1940 -- and we need your help to identify the teacher & children. Thanks
again, Rick, for the awesome addition!
Stockbridge-Munsee Page updated - thanks for letting me know the links
weren't working!
NEW ADDRESS: A few weeks
back, I posted a note that we were going to a new domain. Wisconsin GenWeb
now has its own domain and the Shawano website is making the move there.
The new address will be
Meanwhile, we will keep the
old page up and running where it is and HOPEFULLY we'll just be updating this
page with the new info at the above address shortly. So update your book
marks! THANKS!
*** HELP! I made every
effort to SMOOTHLY move the web pages to the new site but occasionally I run
across a glitch. If you see a page or graphic that didn't make the move to
the new domain, email me and let me know which page it was so I can correct the
problem. Mega Thanks!
NEW COLLECTION at the Bonduel
Archives... I spoke last weekend with Marge at the Archive and she mentioned a
NEW ADDITION -- a collection of old glass negatives was located in an attic in
the Bonduel area. These belonged to Waldo Krueger, an area photographer.
The collection has been printed and the 500+ photographs consist of weddings,
children portraits and even family portraits from approx. 1908 - 1912.
About 75% have been identified and all are on display at the Bonduel Community
Archives. I'm personally hoping for just one Blaese photo to be in the
collection! If you are in the area, this Archive is what I call "one of
Shawano County's Best Kept Secrets"! Be sure to check it out!
My wife (who is a Wagli descendent) and I are searching for information on the
Wagli's who settled in Milwaukee and Shawano Co., Wis. In particular we
believe that Hans Wagli died in Shawano Co. In September 1853, he emigrated
with his unmarried children, Anna Maria, Anna, Catharina and Christian to
North America eventually ending up in WI. Have information on the Swiss
family as well.
Thank you
Lyndon Gabriel
Vancouver, WA
Anne |
April 25, 2008 |
this time...
Dorene Lemke Boettcher has identified one of the
1931 Cecil Volunteer Fire Dept. Training
-- #6 is Ruben Schmidt -- thanks!
Lois Jensen sent in an updated
DESCENDANTS OF CARL OTTO -- thanks again for a
well documented chart!
SURNAMES: Falk, Kohn,
Erdmann, Borchardt & Kempford by
Ann Hayworth ;
Colleen Dobrzynski
Casey Arrowood sent in 2
marvelous photos of what possibly might be
baby pictures
Dora Kroening
Klosterman -- Casey would appreciate anyone familiar with the
Kroening or Klosterman families to take a look and see if these are indeed Baby
Dora. Thanks Casey for the beautiful baby pics!
Jade sent in two photos of her ancestor's
Colin & Clorie Angie Mayville's home...
we're hoping that someone can identify WHERE it is and if it is still standing
And we have another
-- Lisa was kind enough to send this in as a welcomed addition to the Shawano
site... and be sure to check out the bride's very detailed wedding dress!
Til next time...
April 18, 2008 |
And, while still "Spring House
Cleaning" in the Shawano site, I found another page we had done a while back:
Aniwa Town Cemetery
-- again, mega thanks to Donna Hance for meticulously documenting these
SURNAMES: Towle in
Birnamwood 1885 - 1950s /
Suehring (Suhring), Kraemer,
Steinke and Wolff
A while back, I found a TERRIFIC POSTCARD of the
1931 Cecil Volunteer Fire Dept. Training
at Camp Tivoli in the Cecil / Shawano Lake area. I enlarged the photo scan
and I'm hoping with some keen expert eyes from the Cecil area, that we'll be
able to identify the men in the picture. These quite possibly might
be fathers & older brothers of some of our Cecil area elders. What caught
my interest, besides the very cool picture, was that it was mailed to my
Mother's cousin while he was away in the military.
And, also a while back, Darren Mueller sent in 3 old photos from RPPC's.
He's researched one and has concluded it may be
Jake & Mary Pettibone
and the other two are area post offices. If you can help identify these
pics, we'd greatly appreciate it! And thanks again Darren for the great
addition to the site.
Til next time...
April 9, 2008 |
While "Spring House Cleaning"
in the Shawano site, I found a page we had done a while back:
St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Aniwa Twp -- many
thanks to Donna for walking this cemetery and documenting the headstones! Quite a few people who were born prior to the Civil War!
Donna, an awesome job done!
THANKS! J. T. Sobiesczyk has indexed the
1920 Seneca Twp Plat Map...
on a sad note, we'd like to extend to
Barb Brady
our deepest sympathies at the loss of her husband Don earlier this week.
Barb has been a great friend to all of us at Shawano GenWeb and has helped
hundreds of people with look-ups and providing obituaries, etc. for the Shawano
site. Barb, take care & our thoughts and prayers are with you and your
Til next time...
April 4, 2008 |
Yes! Spring has arrived!!!
Well at least on the calendar!!! As you might have noticed, the Shawano
site has a new web address -- update your bookmarks please. Also, we might
be making an additional "move" in the next few weeks -- I will keep you advised
and we won't fall off the face of the earth... lol... Rootsweb was our host for
many years and since Ancestry has acquired Rootsweb, they changed the domain
name slightly -- just enough that when I went to the old site address, it was
GONE. I panicked but after a few hours, I located where it had been
moved to and needed to update my bookmarks as well.
And here's the latest updates:
Wisconsin Formation Map
-- thanks Brian for the great link. You can see the order in which the
Wisconsin Counties were organized.
- Gary Wegner sent in
nee Maas -- beautiful portrait of Bertha,
daughter of William Maas. Thanks, Gary!
THANKS! J. T. Sobiesczyk has indexed the
1920 Grant Twp Plat Map...
Many thanks because indexing these maps makes it possible for people to locate
their families using the Pico Search Engine in the site. Without
indexing, the search engine sees the map as a picture without names.
(And we have plenty that still need someone to index!)
- And we're adding
PICTURES to our Immigration Page. Even
if your ancestors are not listed on the page, but you would like a picture of
the ship on the page, just
email me...
- And, we updated the
- Milton Binon has been
identified on our 1935 Pulcifer School Photo Page -- Many Thanks!! Just 4 more
to go!!!
Til next time...
March 21, 2008 |
Kathy has sent in her addition
to the
Started a new page about
immigration -- this is
SHAWANO COUNTY PASSPORT INDEX. I tripped across this data while searching for another
lead I was working on and thought it would be nice to put in the site -- just
another form of record that might exist on your ancestor.
Anne |
March 14, 2008 |
Stefan & Karolina LINKE
family info added to the
St. Matthew Cemetery Morris Twp. page.
IMMIGRATION PAGE has been updated to add a
few more names and also, I'm working on adding the actual images of the
Passenger Lists that these folks are listed on...and we'll be adding photographs
of the Passenger Ships as well.
Til next time... and Happy
St. Paddy's Day!
Anne |
March 6, 2008 |
Donna Mae Baker |
February 24,
2008 |
Good Morning!!! First,
THANKS for the emails and notes wondering where I was and how I was doing --
they helped me get through a serious health problem. I'm back up and
trying to function again but it'll be slow for the next few weeks until after
some surgery.. but IT IS GREAT TO BE BACK!!!! And here's some pages that I
was working on... thanks again for all your help and patience & MANY THANKS to
TASHA!!! She kept our Message Boards running and I can't wait to go through all
the obits that have been posted while I was in the hospitals...we're up over
13,000!!! EXCELLENT!!!!
KRUEGER Photos ( Richmond-Belle Plaine) were sent in by Tom Strauss.
Surnames HAUGEN (HOGAN) &
BENJAMINSEN (BENSON) and their immigration data from Norway was added to our
And here's the
September 2,
2007 |
The Harold B. Lee Library at
Brigham Young University in Provo has a
LARGE DIGITAL ARCHIVE that is online and searchable... You type in "Shawano"
in the search engine in the BYU site and every book that has been scanned
that has the WORD Shawano in it appears -- and then the next screen will take
you to the exact pages... Absolutely WONDERFUL!!! There are quite a few
books up their pertaining to Shawano County, including awesome biographies of
the early Norwegian settlers in the Landstad area... The Mormon church is making
every effort to get as much of their materials online and FREE for researchers
worldwide--i.e. the FamilySearchIndexing Project. Last week when I spoke
to Salt Lake FHL, they were THRILLED they had set an all-time 1 day record of
24,000+ SHEETS of data transcribed on one specific day -- eventually, they will
have these documents indexed, and when you type in "Frank TAYLOR" not only will
you see the index, but the ACTUAL SCANNED in document, too! Will keep you
posted as to how the projects are progressing... It would be AWESOME to
have Shawano researchers actually transcribing the Shawano 1900 Census.
We'd be sure to get those old German surnames spelled correctly!!! The
site is currently on Marinette County indexing... just a couple counties to go
til we do Shawano!
Hope your Labor Day weekend is
going great -- weather here is spectacular!!!
Til next time -- Drive
careful this weekend! -- Anne |
August 18, 2007 |
New this update:
ROLLASTADT - BJELLAND Family Photographs
looking for rightful family! -- thanks to Shelley for
"rescuing" these great photos. If this is your family, contact Shelley
regarding them. She's waiting to hear from you!!!
If you have been following the BAEHR
(or BAHR)
1891 newspaper clipping, we've found out additional info, thanks to Barb, our
local genealogy P.I. -- she's VERY GOOD -- did I ever mention she is VERY
GOOD???? (grin).
Wilhelmina BAEHR is released on a Governor's Pardon for a crime she did not
commit in 1907, the murder of Mr. BAEHR's ex-father-in-law, Michael SELL or ZELL.
Shortly afterwards, she marries the widower Christof DRUCKREY of Pulcifer. We are
currently trying to put the pieces of the story together -- she had one son with
Mr. BAEHR that survived - Albert. Still looking for the BAEHR
children from Mr. BAEHR's first marriage. If you have any additional info,
contact me. Thanks in advance.
Judean A. Wise has added
the following Shawano - Red Springs Twp surnames: MOON, DOXTATOR / DOXTATER,
And be sure to post your
QUERIES, OBITUARIES, PENSION FILES, WILLS, etc. to our Message Board -- if you
prefer, you can send them to me and I can post them for you. Mega thanks
to Tasha for her daily updates to the
Message Board
with local obits -- we're now at 12,660 individual messages! (This is where I go
when I'm looking for more info on Shawano ancestors...)
Working on a family history
and not sure how to get it online and to preserve it for safe-keeping?
Send us a copy and we'll put it online -- that way, if your computer crashes,
etc., it's tucked away safely on the Shawano site.
Well, til next time...
Anne |
August 9, 2007 |
Hope your summer is going well
and you've had plenty of time for genealogy research!
- While I was browsing the
web the other night looking for stray obits, I came across an article that
caught my eye in the Trenton Evening Times -- the article about a Shawano
resident made the national newspaper wires -- I transcribed it from the
newspaper and posted it to the Shawano Message Board -- if anyone knows "the
rest of the story", I'd love to add it. I'm curious as to what
eventually happened to Wilhelmina & her child...
Trenton Evening Times -- Trenton, New Jersey
September 9, 1907
Child-Wife’s Life is Spoiled by Greed of Her Aged Husband
Madison, Wisconsin September 9 -- After serving 16 years in State's prison one
half of her life, Mrs. Wilhelmina Baehr is at liberty by the pardon of the
She entered prison of girl wife ignorant of the law - unable to speak
English. She left it a broken faded woman. Half of her life had been
sacrificed to the greed of a husband old enough to have been her grandfather.
In 1891 Wilhelmina came to Wisconsin from Germany. She was then scarcely 15
years old. Her parents took a farm in the woods in Shawano County and a few
months afterward she married a widower named Baehr because her parents told
her to.
Baehr was 25 or 30 years her senior and had children older than she. He was
known as a grasping man willing to do anything to get money. Wilhelmina became
his household drudge.
One night a traveler Michael Sells stopped at the Baehr home for the night.
Apparently he had money. The greed of the old man Baehr was excited and he
resolved to put Sells out of the way. Accordingly he told Wilhelmina to put
poison in the food she gave Sells for supper and he died the next day. Baehr
put the whole blame on his child wife and she was arrested. When her trial
was called, her husband advised her to plead guilty telling her that if she
did so she would escape with a light sentence in jail.
The girl did as she was told. Instead of giving her a light jail sentence the
judge sentenced her to State’s prison for life. Even then she did not realize
how great her punishment was to be and on that day that she was taken to
prison she told her friends she would be back in seven months.
Soon after she entered the State penitentiary her husband committed suicide
driven to it, it is claimed by remorse for his act in compelling his wife to
poison Sells.
After Baehr’s death, the case of the girl-wife and the State penitentiary was
forgotten and she was left without friends. Two weeks ago several wealthy and
influential citizens of Oconto County interested themselves in her behalf and
a petition for her pardon reciting the facts of the case, was laid before
Governor Davidson. He investigated for himself and became convinced that
justice had been satisfied. Hence her pardon.
Transcriber’s note: the 1900 Federal Census and the 1905 State Census lists
Wilhelmina BAEHR as an inmate/convict at the Waupun Prison in Dodge County.
The 1900 census says that she was born Sept. 1865 and was a widow – she
had been married only 2 ˝ years, but it lists her as having had 2 children
with 1 living in 1900… her maiden name is possible BREHMER, daughter of Carl &
Wilhelmine but this is just an assumption….
- Remember to add your
surnames to our SURNAME PAGE -- and if yours are already there, remember to
UPDATE your email address if it changed recently, allowing other researchers
with the same family name to be able to connect with you.
- Added a page that
explains the
Not the official BCA page, but it does give a little more information about
what I consider to be one of Shawano's Best Kept Secrets for genealogists! And it's just not BONDUEL
records -- they cover Advance, Briarton, Cecil, Landstad, Navarino, Zachow,
and surrounding areas.
They also offer some GREAT BOOKS in their bookstore that are available at the
BCA or can be purchased through the mail! See the site for the list in
pdf form.
- I recently came across a
1935 Pulcifer Graded School Picture -
Grades 1-4 -- Miss Mabel Koske's class. Miss Koske meticulously
numbered each child and then added the names to the corresponding numbers.
There are 4 children that the complete name is missing so if you can identify
them, email me so we can update the page.
Til next time...
August 2, 2007 |
This week's update includes
addition of the
Shawano Circuit
Series 54, Shawano County case files
-- I've added AARON to CONWAY, about 2000+ names... The original records are
stored at the
Library in Green Bay and the complete UNEDITED index is permanently online
at their site. Also, some of the divorce petitions do have copies of the
marriage certificate in the case files. This is a GREAT RESOURCE if you
are having trouble locating early Shawano County marriage/divorce information.
To request a copy of a record, please print out a copy of your search results
from the Cofrin Library site and send this to the Cofrin Library along with
a completed
Court Record Request Form.
Each request costs $5.00. Payment and mailing instructions appear on the form.
Have a great summer!
Anne |
July 24, 2007 |
Hope your summer is going great
-- it's almost the end of summer and back to school time again! We are so
enjoying having our daughter-in-law and granddaughter Kelsey in from Milwaukee
for the next week -- they did Niagara Falls last weekend and we plan to do Ellis
Island this week yet! So if you don't hear from me for a while, it's
because we're enjoying our Kelsey-time!
Thanks to Tasha's keen eye (and
willingness to start driving to local church buildings) to help identify our
RAISING -- the church is St. John's UCC in
Cecil -- across the street from my grandparent's house!!! Tasha found it
on her first stop! If you compare it to the pic on the St. John's UCC
page, it is definitely the same building, MINUS the steeple in the picture.
Tom and
Mary Strauss have added the following new surnames to
Beversdorf 1868 -present
Richmond and Belle Plaine
1870 -
Wescott, Waukechon
Meyer 1900 -
Richmond and Belle Plaine
Kroenke 1880
Krubsack 1874
Belle Plaine and (Larrabee)
Radloff 1868
1889 - present
Richmond and Wescott
Richmond and Wescott
Lloyd Pegelow sent in a detailed Family Record -
Ancestors of
AUGUST MELCHERT and Descendants of August Melchert --
thanks, Gary!
And thanks
to Sue Ebert for the great addition to the church histories. St. Paul
Lutheran in Bonduel is building a new church adjacent to the school -- the new
church is almost completed and in honor of the cherished old building, the
church members put together a
History of
St. Paul Lutheran booklet. I've added a webpage for it and hope you
enjoy it as much as I did!! It lists the different changes made to the
church itself -- it consists of 16 very well-written pages, my only comment is
that I wish they would have had made it 100 pages instead!!
Til next time... Anne |
July 13, 2007 |
This week's updates:
Received the following emails
from researchers:
I am the granddaughter of Sven Gjermundson, who
came to the US from Norway (Telemark) around 1922. Since the name is not very
common, I wondered if my grandfather and William were related.
New Salem, ND 58563
Hello: I am a descendant of Helge Overen #153
of this Plat map (Wittenberg 1898).
I also am a descendant of the J. O. Johnson. I
am interested in knowing more about the
C. O. Carlson # 146 who was also an ancestor.
Can you give any information as to who he was, coming from Sweden and to whom
did he sell his property. I have a Carl Oscar Carlson born May 20 1861 in
Sweden and no other information as to whether he did immigrate with the rest
of the family.
C. O. Carlson must have sold the property and
disappeared since he is not on the 1900 census for Shawano county. Carl Oscar
Carlson would have been a brother to my grandmother. His parents did
immigrate in 1895 along with other siblings. I have document to prove that.
Any light as to who this C.A. Carlson was,
would be appreciated.
Respectfully, Jeanette Overen Habedanck
"The information provided below is certainly
subject to revision by person or persons wiser than myself and certainly by
those who know better.
My grandfather, Magnus Albert Benjaminsen (son) later to be known as Benson, was
born 6 April, 1862 in Bronnoysund Parish (Velfjord), Nordland, Norway.
He immigrated to Waukechon Township, Shawano, Wisconsin on or about 28 July
Julie died on 9 March, 1891 at Lunds is Shawano. On 3 FEB. 1894 MY GRANDFATHER
(with child/children) married HERMINA JOSEPHINE IVERSON on 3 FEBRUARY 1894.
Shortly thereafter they moved to Pensaukee? and then Peshtigo. My father, Dewey
P. Benson was born in Peshtigo and he married my mother, Lilian L. Oseth, who
was born in Marinette, Wisconsin.
I hope this is of some small help and I hope that some of your readers may be
able to clarify some of this little information that I have on my family.
Thank you for all that you do,
Best wishes,
Ken Benson"
Surnames being researched by
from the Angelica Twp area -- 1900 - 1930.
And here's where I need your
expertise this week... A few years back, I collected some postcards from the
Bonduel area. Some had names on them, some did not. Having attended
St. Paul's in Bonduel my entire childhood, I was 100% sure I had a post card of
St. Paul Lutheran in Bonduel -- their steeple raising about 1915/1916 -- up
until I saw a booklet of St. Paul's History that a dear friend sent me... Now,
I'm wondering what church is on the postcard! I'm attaching the link below
and I'm hoping one of our building experts out there can solve the mystery.
It is not Frieden's Slab City -- any suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!
Til next time,
July 6, 2007
Latest additions:
June 30, 2007
New this addition:
Old World Naming Patterns lists naming
patterns that were used by our ancestors in choosing names for their children.
Some families
followed these, other's improvised... but if you are at a dead end with trying
to locate family, this might be of interest...
are VERY fortunate to have a copy of the
Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Church in Hofa Park (Maple Grove Twp.) Diamond
Jubilee Book -- sent in by Mary Schelm. This
is a GREAT
history of the Hofa Park area and has an EXCELLENT plat map of Hofa Park.
Thanks, Mary!!!
- And, we have a old KRUEGER FAMILY GERMAN
BIBLE looking for a new
home with its rightful owners... The Bible belonged to Frank
& Minnie (dau. of Ed. KORTH & Anna KLUG) KRUEGER...the couple married just
1900 in the Embarrass area and later family members resided in
Richmond Twp. The couple had 5 children: Leonard, Emil, Paul, Franklin and
Alma. If this is your family -- you are in luck!!
Email me
with the information identifying this as your family. The Bible is in an
Archive right now and will remain there until the proper owners can be
And have a
HAPPY and SAFE 4th of JULY!!
Til next time.. Anne |
June 9 , 2007 |
This week we've "launched" a
new page for
IMMIGRATION... "They Came in Ships"
includes 2 pages -- the first has hints and tips on Passenger Lists, Emigration
and Immigration Research and the second page is where you can add your surnames
and immigration information -- and thanks to the "pioneers" who have already
sent in their data! Since county borders changed over the years and people
moved freely from the neighbouring counties in/out of Shawano, we've extended
the database to include the neighbouring counties as well.
Til next time... Anne |
June 3, 2007 |
- Updated
PAGE... be sure to send in a pic in of your church if we don't already have it
- Paul, from St. James in
Shawano sent the following info in:
Note from Paul (5/2007):
Our earliest records (St. James) go back to 1873 and before. The original
baptismal and marriage records for the very first years of the congregation
have been transcribed and reside at the Bonduel Archive thanks to Darlene
Heller and her crew.
Thanks for the update, Paul!
- Added 2 new pages to our
- Gary Pegelow has updated
PAGE... Gary has done a most thorough job and if you have BONNIN
connections, be sure to check it out.
Calyn Akstulewicz sent in
more AWESOME pictures of
-- many thanks, Calyn! And some could use your expertise to help
identify them for Calyn.
Did some "routine
housekeeping" on the Cemeteries page -- linked the Jung Cemetery in Herman Twp
(thanks, Dave) and also St. Lawrence in Navarino Twp. And thanks Eugene
for the email regarding it.
been "tossing this one around" (bad pun!) for about 2 years now... one of the
best attended classes/seminars I used to teach was "They Came in Ships" and
seeing that most of our Shawano County ancestors did come in ships, I'm working
on a page that will list hints and tips, as well as WHERE SOME OF OUR ANCESTORS
CAME FROM... and for this part, I need your input. If your ancestors
immigrated to the US and settled in Shawano County, drop me an email with the
they came from Germany, Norway, etc. and if you know the province or town,
GREAT! Otherwise, Germany, Norway, etc. will suffice)
- SHIP'S NAME (if you know
Carl & Henrietta BLAESE and their family immigrated to North America from
Pommern, Germany. They were onboard the SS Frisia 26 March 1884 Hamburg,
Germany to NYC.
- Send the email to
me at:
And until next time .....
May 26, 2007 |
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
While the official start of summer and Opening Day with the BBQ Grill is
important and let's not forget the Indy 500, let's take a few minutes to
remember the real reason for Memorial Day. Memorial Day was
originally known as Decoration Day because it was a time set aside to honor the
nation's Civil War dead by decorating their graves. I received a great
email late last night from a VFW member from the Gresham area and I just wanted
to post a few good links to help bring Memorial Day back into this three day
And here's a page that we
had completed but the search engine did not locate.. thanks Eugene for calling
this to our attention...
Have a great and SAFE weekend!
-- Anne |
May 13, 2007 |
New this update are:
was sent in by Lois Jansen. Lois has done a great job with sending in a
beautiful wedding photo, the wedding invitation, the land patent of Carl Otto
and a detailed
DESCENDANCY CHART of Carl OTTO & his bride Dorothea APPLE -- the family
resided in Herman Twp. in the Gresham area -- thanks so very much, Lois!
Lois also cleaned up the 1911 Red Springs/Herman Twp. Plat Map for us (VERY
NICELY DONE!) and has included the following link to a very interesting
article: Lois writes:
"Lyndhurst and the Coming of the Railroad" by my cousin Vicki Buettner
is online.
- LOOK-UP OFFER: Determined to use my
subscription to the max up at, I'm offering to do look-ups in the
1895 and 1905 STATE census -- the 1895 just lists the head of household, but
the 1905 lists EVERYONE... email me at with your wish list...
OLD PHOTOS -- I received this great email from Audrey:
I find the most useful
information from the obituaries my grandmother saved, which is filled with
family background or I would have no other way of knowing. As far as the photos, #1 by A.
F. Andrews - Jonathan Waite Curtis, who married Lydia Jane Lake in 1852.
They had three children, Henry Adelbert (my great-grandfather), Myrtle May
(Yvonne's grandmother) and Clinton D. Curtis. Photo #3 - Yvonne is correct
in the assumption it is her grandmother, Myrtle Curtis Gjermundson, in the
middle. Her brother, Henry Adelbert Curtis is on the right and his wife (my
great-grandmother) Eoline Calhoun Curtis. I don't know the next two
photos although I believe I have copies of them also. The photo of the six
children are from the family of Ray and Grace (Buck) Curtis. Ray is the son
of H. A. and Eoline Curtis, along with a brother Don and sisters, Maude
Curtis Fink and Roberta Curtis Christensen (my grandmother). I believe the children to be
the first of 13 children born to Ray and Grace; namely, Muriel, Duane
(Wayne), Clifford, Kenneth, Beatrice and Laverne. I cannot identify anyone in
the final photo either. I do have much more
information on the Curtis family but would not know where to start with the
history. I would like to hear from
Yvonne, if possible, since I remember her and her brother, Billy, from when
we were children, and her lovely mother, Delilah, and father, Sprague, who I
remember as being an artist. If you need more information,
I will try to provide it to you.
Audrey Christensen Nelson
- Donna Lipper is
researching BOMKE and SCHEIL in Belle Plaine Twp and sent the following
information on church records:
1911 & 1920 Plat maps for Belle Plaine, in section 16 indicate a church. The
old church was near the current Friendship Rd and Hwy 22. I found out that
the church was called Friedens Lutheran Church and that the old church records
were transferred to Christus Lutheran Church, 120 N. Main St., Clintonville,
Wi. 54929. The original records are in a safe, but they have photocopies
that they will let you search through.
Hope this helps,
And thanks so much for the
feedback on the pdf file question -- since MOST people can access it easily and
"It's a good thing", I'll be posting data in pdf files when possible. I
will also try to post the same info in jpeg or gif (what we currently do)
because some of the feedback from dial-up researchers commented that larger
pdf's cause their systems to lock-up or freeze. If you have any problems
viewing any of the Shawano pages, just email me and I'll try to help! I
try to make the website USER FRIENDLY and EASILY ACCESSIBLE and if there is a
problem, I'd like to know so I can address the issue.
Again, thanks and HAPPY MOM'S DAY!!!
Anne |
April 30, 2007 |
We've added:
- Surname HAYES is being
researched by Margaret Kennedy -- Specifically
Julius Hayes. The area of Hutchins from about 1880-1925.
PRE-1907 MARRIAGE INDEX is online and
complete for years 1904 & 1905. This is an ongoing project and earlier
years will be added...
Calyn Akstulewicz sent in
some AWESOME pictures of
-- many thanks, Calyn!
Navarino Twp. has finally made the site...
April 17, 2007 |
This update is for the
following items:
History of Pulaski from newspaper clippings
CEMETERY updated by Donna Lipper -- Thanks, Donna!
PRE-1907 MARRIAGE INDEX is online and
complete for years 1906 & 1907. This is an ongoing project and earlier
years will be added...
PLANNED FOR THIS SUMMER? Send us an email with the specifics and we'll
post it to the site!!!
A while back, I made some queries to the Shawano Mailing List as to your
comments regarding the Circuit Court Indexes. I had rec'd an email that
prompted the query as to your opinions on the addition. I value your
opinions -- each and every one -- and when all were read, the consensus was to
keep the webpage up just as it is and that it was an appropriate and valuable
addition to the site. My offer to modify an entry that pertains to your
ancestors that you would prefer not to be online, still stands. I can
easily do this and would appreciate you contacting me DIRECTLY at
with your request.
And I just wanted to say
THANKS again for all the thoughtful emails and e-cards that were sent this past
week in regards to my
Dad's passing
-- I truly appreciate each and every one of them.
GenWeb Project is not directly affiliated with the Shawano Family History
Center. We refer researchers to the FHC as a resource for their research
and thank the staff at the FHC (both past & present) for their contributions to
the Shawano GenWeb Project, as we thank ALL the contributors & volunteers to the
Shawano GenWeb site.
Thanks again! Anne |
March 14, 2007 |
And remember to post your
queries and obits to our MESSAGE BOARD -- and thanks Tasha for updating our
Shawano Leader obits daily! |
March 3, 2007 |
this update are:
Surname DAMP has
been added to our
SURNAME page by Dianne
Hedervare. Orville Damp was a physician in Birnamwood about 1930.
BIRTH INDEX is online for surnames A - H... please note that the spellings
are not always correct so you will need to search for variations. Also,
MOST Shawano County Births for this time period were HOME BIRTHS and many did
not get reported. |
February 21, 2007 |
this update are:
Researcher Tom
sent in EXCELLENT information about St. John UCC in Cecil... I've updated
the cemetery page and also we created a page for
St. John's UCC -- very interesting church
history and again THANKS Tom for a job well done!
for HUTCHINS TWP is indexed... and we have a few more plats up there that
could use volunteer's with some free time to index...
And, several months ago I purchased a
1963 Shawano City Directory on eBay... we posted it in
two different ways. The EXACT page scans are online but, because a page
scan is seen as a picture, the search engines will not read the text names that
are on the pages. To allow our search engine to locate the individual
names, you either retype or OCR scan the image in -- I opt to OCR (grin). Optical Character Recognition,
usually abbreviated to OCR, is a type of
computer software
designed to translate
images of
typewritten text (usually captured by a
into machine-editable text -- GREAT INVENTION but... it's not 100% and it does
have problems with recognizing symbols, etc. The City Directory pages do
have the OCR feature, but it also has mistakes... mostly of symbols. What
I have done is to list the actual scanned page image first and then the text
after for each page. Hence, if you see your surname, go back UP the page
to the link (marked with apples!) that will take you to the exact image with the
correct entry. Hard to explain, but once you get to the page, you will
understand what I mean... The actual CITY of Shawano is done and online,
consisting of about 87 page scans. The Shawano RURAL ROUTE directory is on
deck. Also, I loved just browsing through the pages and "walking down
memory lane"... Senior pics at Trapp Studios, Bilmay Restaurant, Mason's Flower
/ Greenhouse, shopping at Chaimson's, Spurgeon's, Lauerman's... ENJOY!
Til next time... Anne
February 7, 2007
The last few weeks I have been working on a project
SHAWANO COURT CASE INDEX.... I debated about adding this large database
(approx. 10,000 names) to the site... the PROS: lists mortgage
fulfillments, divorces, etc. that is of help in locating ancestors and providing
leads to other records.. the CONS: lists a multitude of charges & crimes,
etc. This info is not new to the web -- I actually found it all online --
it is ALL PUBLIC RECORD. And some of the charges that were made THEN
wouldn't cause a person to bat an eye NOW. Please also keep in mind that
divorce in Wisconsin back then required FAULT -- you had to have CAUSE and there
were only a handful of acceptable CAUSES -- this seems a little odd to us when
we are used to NO FAULT but back then, you had to list the cause. I opted to list the files
with the NOTATION: If you find ANY ENTRY about your ancestor that you would like
deleted from the Shawano Court Index page, email me and we'll try to accommodate
you. I can't delete the entry from other databases online nor can I change
ANYTHING associated with the case.. this is just an index of cases that were
filed DECADES ago... and do keep in mind this is an INDEX OF CASES THAT ARE
PUBLIC RECORD -- this does not reflect how the case was resolved or who won the
case... it is merely an INDEX.
And, this is an ongoing project -- I just
have a few of the pages up and running at present...
If the page has been of benefit to you,
email me as I would like to know this in determining if we'll keep the pages
ALSO, additional illustrations pages have
been added to the
1898 PLAT MAP...
Thanks, Anne |
January 13, 2007 |
New Year has been busy here -- we have added the following for you research
enjoyment -- and thanks again to everyone who sends items in. No matter
how big or how small, if the one entry is something that someone has looked for
years to find, it's a tremendous help!
1912 Class of
Lake May School, Town of Hutchins was prepared and sent in by Karolyn Roberts --
her nicely done home page is at:
Linda sent in some great pictures -- and some are not identified.. yet.
We're hoping you can help with this!
from the Aniwa/ Birnamwood area
Mehlberg is researching the Surname Bohr. They immigrated to Shawano County and
lived in Waukechon Township in 1881.
CEMETERY UPDATE: Jenny Hoffman, aka
jensearch, has been photographing cemeteries. Jenny regularly posts these
to the site and sent us the update
on Pella
Evangelical Cemetery, now known as Riverbank
Cemetery. We've updated the page and MANY THANKS Jenny for the great job!
1920 Maple Grove
-- thanks Mary Schelm. This truly is a big help as you know, Maple Grove
had quite a few Polish surnames... and the plat map had quite a few
Til next time.... stay warm! Anne
January 1, 2007
Leland Fischer, aka Antigo
Genealogy Gopher, compiled a chart of Historical Schools in Shawano County --
we've updated our
SCHOOLS page and if you know of the NAMES of these schools,
please email me so we can complete the chart. Thanks Leland for a job
And, we've also updated the
1930 census project to include an index for
PELLA TOWNSHIP -- it'll be online shortly.
Thanks again for all your help
and support in making this a great resource for Shawano genealogy researchers...
December 16, 2006
Hope your holidays are off to a
A BIG THANKS go out to all
of the researchers who posted to our MESSAGE BOARD -- we now are over 11,000+ --
BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE. I rec'd an email from Dave Maas regarding this and
I do believe the Shawano Message Board has hit a record in the county boards for
Wisconsin!! Thanks to all of you!!! (Quick note for any newcomers -- you must go
to the Message Board and search for the name -- the Pico Search in this site
DOES NOT search the boards.) And thanks to Tasha for her patience with
posting the Shawano Leader obits to the board -- it was down for a while a few
weeks back...
1920 Germania Plat Map has now been indexed by Mary Schelm -- thanks Mary for a
great job!!
1920 Bartelme Plat Map
is indexed and up &
running -- we had a AOL crash here and so I lost the email of the person who
sent it in -- pl ease
contact me if you sent this!!!
And yes, AOL problems again
(sigh!) -- if you sent any emails in the last few months and have not heard back
from me, please resend them!!!
Now, back to writing the
family newsletter and addressing Christmas cards!!! Happy Holidays to you
and yours!!!
Til next year!!! -- Anne |
September 2, 2006
your Labor Day Weekend is off to a great start -- the summer is already gone!
If you're in the Shawano Area. remember the County Fair is in full-swing...and
you have to check out the great food stands, especially the cream puffs!
A BIG THANK YOU to Mikki for
all her help with
the various look-ups and
projects over the past few
years (including the 1947 City Directory). Mikki is taking time off to
spend with her family and if you need items looked up at the Shawano Public
Library, please visit their direct link for their policies and fees.
The past month has been busy with updating our
MAP collection. The 1898 plats are complete and
we've been busy adding photos and the extra little tidbits that are included in
the 1898 plats.
And, we've added the following maps:
Although they do not show
property/ownership (these are not plat maps), they do show the then
ever-changing borders with Shawano's neighbouring counties, as well as a few of
the town names that no longer exist.
If you haven't checked out
MESSAGE BOARDS recently, do stop up there for a quick check on your
surnames. Tasha keeps us up to date on the current Shawano Leader obits
(many thanks Tasha!) and there is plenty of room up there to post YOUR OBITS and
QUERIES. With the thousands of visitors each month to the site, this
greatly improves your chances of someone else working on your same lines!
Great opportunity so do take advantage of it.
Til next time...
Anne |
August 6, 2006 |
We have more unidentified photos -- and gorgeous
ones at that!! Please check out
Page to view them all -- thanks Yvonne for
the lovely photos.
SHAWANO COUNT MARRIAGE PAGE is being updated with 1939 Marriage
Licenses... it's ongoing and we hope to have most of 1939 completed soon.
Chris Lewis Gaffron sent in the following:
Surname: Reiland, Dora 1880-1905, Shawano area
Surname: Cleveland, Loal 1880-1905, Shawano area
Broder sent in:
Surname: BRODER - Shawano Area
Ken Benson sent in:
Benson (Benjaminsen) and Iverson (Everson) This is
my fathers parents who came from Velfjord and Sřmna in Nordland, Norway in the
late 1800s to Waukechon township, Shawano.
Til next time....
July 14, 2006 |
This hot summer day update:
We rec'd the following questions -- if you
can help, just email me and we'll post the answer in the next update!
RESEARCHER QUERY: My relatives and I own the building that used to be the Bluebird School
House. I am wondering if anyone would have a picture of it when it was the
school. (We had several relatives attend there).
My GGrandpa was Jacob Kozlowski married twice that we know. First to Petronalla Kurzaua. They moved to the US from Prussia he became a US Citizen
in 1879 in Holgate, OH. He moved to Maple Grove between 1880-1883. His second wife is Catharina Niyedlick (Married 11-1-1893). In
first marriage there were 4 kids according to the 1880 census Hedwig (10),
Joseph (5), Citharina (2) and John (1 month). John is my grandfather, he married Elizabeth Kasprzyka in 1898
there had 13 kids. Did you ever come across any information or pictures of
Jacobs Family? Jacob was a constable in Maple Grove year unkown. Jacob is
buried in Hoffa Park. His headstone use to read 1819 to 1931.
I am trying to make contact with a descendant of
Frank and Effie (CLEVELAND) HITZKE of Shawano Co., WI. They had the
following children:
Louis b. 1890 m. Myrtle FULSHER
Ida b. 1891 m. Walter BERKHAHN
Mark b. 1893 m. Lillian HOPPE
Ethel b. 1895 m. Henry GERONDALE
Hazel b. 1897
Crystal b. 1899
Effie (CLEVELAND) HITZKE was my g.g.grandmother's half-sister. I would be very
interested in sharing and swapping information.
I appreciate any help you can offer!
next time -- Anne |
June 22, 2006
FAMILY GROUP RECORD for Edward J. BUBLITZ and his wife Anna LAEDTKE.
And, I just rec'd this email today regarding
Shawano research:
Please post the following question on the Shawano
site: I am looking for relatives of Robert Menning that many have information
regarding the marriage of Olga Gatz Menning to Charles Archibald. At the time
of Olga's death in 1945 she was living in Minneapolis, MN. I am also working on
information regarding the Gatz/Papke and Matz/Eickstaedt lines. Both the Gatz's
and Matz's lived just outside of Birnamwood, WI. Relatives of both families
still currently live in the Birnamwood and Shawano area. Pat Menard
Donna Hance sent in a sketched map of the
layout of the
Forest Home Cemetery to add to our
site -- THANKS, DONNA! The map is basic but shows where the new graves are
as opposed to the older graves, etc. A nice addition!
SPECIAL THANKS to Myke Rachu for indexing
the 1920 Pella Twp. Plat Map for us!! Job well done!!
And we still have more plats available for volunteers to index.
Jenny Hoffman sent in an update to the
Roosevelt Cemetery in Gresham -- this was the
former LDS Cemetery on the corner of Roosevelt & Campground Roads. There
is also a link on the website to where there are pictures of individual headstones for
this cemetery -- very nicely done, Jenny!
REUNION! Rec'd this in the emails and
sent it out to the lists but wanted to post it here, too:
There is a Jeske/Rusch reunion June 25, 2006 11:00
a.m. to dark. It is held at the Shawano athletic park by the children's play
equipment. Bring a dish to pass; coffee, iced tea and water provided. Bring
your own soda and beer; no glass bottles. Plates, napkins and plastic cutlery
is also provided. We eat at noon. There are books for each family to add
info re: births, deaths, address changes, marriages, etc. I can be reached
at 715-623-6329 or email me at Thanks. Darlene Schreiber
Good luck, Darlene!
Is there anyone on this list who lives in Shawano
County who might be able to check a local calendar for me?
I understand that the little Norwegian Lutheran Church out in Navarino has a
special service once a year around the beginning of July. My great-grandfather
(Rasmus Paulson) was a woodworker who built the steeple, baptismal font &
communion rail in the church and is buried in the little cemetery there. I
would like to find out exactly when the service will be taking place as that
little church is apparently opened only on this one day during the year.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks... Linda
And, last but not least, we've
finally got our
SUCCESS PAGE up and running.
The page is an opportunity to post some of the GREAT emails I read to the site
for the other volunteers as well as other researchers to read. This will
allow you to share your success stories and tips/hints with other researchers
allowing them to get fresh ideas and new motivation -- we all need new
approaches and ideas to some of our literal DEAD ENDS. We appreciate our
volunteers and this is a great way to let them know what materials/look-ups
helped you and how...just email me as usual and let me know you'd like it posted
Again, til next time... Anne
June 02, 2006 |
Many thanks to John Pejza for
the awesome
Shawano County Map from the DOT.
It's very detailed, CURRENT, and even shows the townships.
Many thanks to Karen (Schlemmer) Baker, Sue &
Arlene Ebert for sending in the
1964 - 1965
class photo from St. Paul's in Bonduel. We have not posted the
identities of each person due to privacy issues but have added the pic to our
site. If you have any old class pictures, send them on in and we'd LOVE to
post them!!! |
May 29, 2006 |
surprise for you as you are resting from parades & bratwurst is:
WWI Draft Registration Index -- this is an
INDEX only for Shawano County. The actual documents are available online,
through microfilm or if your wish list is short, I'll be happy to help out with
Not sure what the WWI Draft Registration
Index is? On 6
April 1917, the United States declared war on Germany and officially
entered the Great War. Six weeks later, on 18 May 1917, the
Selective Service Act was passed, which authorized President Woodrow
Wilson to increase the military establishment of the United States
during the war. As a result, every male living within the United
States between the ages of eighteen and forty-five was required to
register for the draft. Each card lists information regarding
the person's birth date, birthplace, citizenship status, personal features
(Height/Build/Eyes) and includes the person's signature. The person did
not have to serve in the War in order to be listed and have his information in
the Index Cards.
last but not least, another tip for searching military records: CIVIL WAR
records are available from the National Archives. Here's a link to search
for your ancestor:
And if
you wish a copy of these records, there are TWO types available -- the service
record and the pension record. The service record tracks the movement of
the soldier and his regiment during the war -- the REAL GENEALOGY is in the
where you will find marriage and death info of the soldier and/or his
spouse/dependents as it pertained to his government pension.
NARA-Great Lakes Region (Chicago),
7358 South Pulaski Rd., Chicago, IL 60629-5898.
Phone: 773-948-9000.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin,
816 State St., Madison, WI 53706. Phone: 608-264-6400.
ENJOY and stay safe til next time! Anne |
May 27, 2006
Lorelle VanFossen sent in an email looking for ANDERSON
family information. The families lived in Lessor Twp and here's a link to
-- Good luck in your search for Hans, Lorelle.
Warm welcome to our 2 latest volunteers Tracy
and Tammie -- both will be helping out with postings and transcribing items for
the Shawano GenWeb site -- WELCOME ABOARD!
Shawano GenWeb Project is a non-profit
website -- all of our time is volunteered.
PAGE for FREE HELP -- our awesome VOLUNTEER LOOK-UP staff donate their
time and we greatly appreciate EACH AND EVERY ONE of them!
Occasionally, we notice mass advertisements on the mailing lists/message board
for products and/or services that are in violation of this core belief. If
you have encountered ANY violations of this policy on our website or
message boards, please contact me immediately so that appropriate action can and
will be taken.
And let's keep MEMORY a big part of MEMORIAL DAY! HAVE A
Til next time.... Anne |
May 4, 2006 |
Postcard Photos
and Class Photos have been added for:
1919 7th grade class - Gresham
Gresham School 1915 - grades 2 & 3
1921 Valley View School - Grant Twp.
Thanks Shawano FHC for the photo of
Dingeldein and family. I've also included some genealogy on the family
and if you can add to it, just email me.
And... the PRE 1907 MARRIAGES have been added
to the
Wisconsin Historical
Society -- Pre-1907 Wisconsin Vital Records Index -- this is SUPER
COOL as it has the PRE-1907 Marriages for SHAWANO COUNTY!! Prior to this, didn't even have the early Shawano marriages available on their
system... Be sure to check it out!! |
April 18, 2006 |
looking for the identity of this woman -- Karen Hoffman Craig sent this
lovely portrait.
Thanks, Karen.
Bay Area Genealogical Society now
has a website. The
feature has been activated. For free you can see if a person is buried in any of
the Brown County, WI cemeteries. This is a site that does have a
subscribe feature, but the index and some dates are FREE -- and one of the
cemeteries just over the county line from Shawano is St. Mary's Cemetery - Assumption BVM.
Slab City Night Club 1897 photo -- Slab
City is located just south of Bonduel on Hwy 47 -- years ago it had a gravel
pit, lime kiln, Frieden's Ev. Church and Cemetery.... and "establishments"...
including 4 taverns and 1 brothel... yes, in Shawano County...
Just finished adding some more pages scans to
1947 Shawano City Directory, sent in by Mikki.
Originally I was retyping the pages so the names would be searchable in our Pico
Search Engine. We've modified our aspirations somewhat and have posted the
actual scanned pages for you to use in your research while we are working on
retyping the scans. The City Directory is pretty cool -- it lists the
occupants of the houses -- head of household plus minor age children...
occupations and it even lists businesses. The residential names are
alphabetical and also street by street... |
April 6, 2006 |
The recent updates include:
St. Matthew’s Cemetery (Abandoned) Town of Morris.
Stacy & Leslie have photographed 3 cemeteries in
the Gresham area -- we've updated the cemetery web pages to show the links.
I also have the photographs of headstones done by Jenny Hoffman for St. Francis
Solanus in Gresham that we'll be adding as we get time, along with St. Mary's in
And, if you have a photo of a headstone in
Shawano County, we'd love to add it to the site. I know that I have pics
of grandparents' headstones but never photographed the ENTIRE cemetery.. no
worries, we'll add a photo at a time... just send them to -- jpeg, gif or
bitmap and the larger the pic the better!
And relatively NEW from the
Wisconsin Historical
Society -- Pre-1907 Wisconsin Vital Records Index
-- They began the index
with nearly 1 million birth records and are excited to announce the addition of
nearly 400,000 Wisconsin death records. Check it out at:
And.. be sure to check out our
MESSAGE BOARD for obits & queries. We have over 10,000 pages of obits
up there and it grows by the day!!! Every day obits are added and if you have obits you would like to share,
just go to the Message Board and add yours! It's easy! And many
thanks to Tasha who diligently keeps adding the Shawano newspaper obits
online... One of
the programs I work with is RAOGK -- Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness.
The theory behind it is that if you ask a favour (look-up) then you are to make
yourself available to do a look-up for someone, in keeping with the
program, I'm offering look-ups in the WWI Military Draft Registrations
for Shawano County.
If you have a name you would like checked out, just
email me and I'll see what I can find.
for several people to help enter data from scanned documents to the Shawano
site. What's cool about volunteering is that you work when you have some
free time and there's little pressure! Since the GenWeb Projects are done
solely by VOLUNTEERS,
we know first-hand that you have work, families and other commitments, too.
We're happy to have whatever free time you can spare! And these projects
can be emailed ANYWHERE
-- you don't have to be in the Shawano area... Just
email me if you are interested.
Til next time... ATCz |
March 31, 2006 |
Happy Birthday
Grandma Emma (1894 - 1958)! She'd be 112 today!
The more recent updates include:
1884 German Confirmation Hermann BULL -- Pella
Opening Lutheran Church. Aimee in PA ran across this GREAT document
and is trying to find the family it belongs to and return it. I've posted
it and any clues or tips would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks again,
Aimee! We LOVE these old documents and if anyone else has some to
post to the site, WE'LL MAKE A PLACE FOR THEM!!!
St. Peter Lutheran Cemetery, Pella
Opening has been added -- thanks to the Shawano FHC and my daughter Cobi
for graphics' help.
Til next time! Anne
January 24,
2006 |
And I'm finally
back to the
1930 Census Project -- this time I've finished up the 3 Townships
for the Menominee Indian reservation and the Village of Cecil. The Indian
Reservation was part of Shawano County in 1930 so I thought we would place it up
in our site -- and the Village of Cecil was a fun trip down Memory Lane for me
as my Grandparents Laedtke lived there...also, Hutchins Twp. in Northwestern
Shawano County has been completed
for 1930.
Pages have been added for POULSON from Pulcifer area by Robin Paine, as well as
BRUMM from the Birnamwood area by Jessica VanHove.
Jessica also sent in Family Group Records, too. Deb Walsh has sent in two
photos of the SPERBERG's from Red River that she needs your help putting names
to the faces. Karen Hansen sent in photos of the Kielman - Parmer family...all these are linked on our
page. Paul
Wollangk posted some old histories of St. James Lutheran Church and School in
Shawano, Wisconsin on the church's web site. The address is Click on meet the staff then click on "From the
Archives". -- also, there is information about their sister parish St. Jakobi
there also. NICE WEBSITE, Paul, and thanks for the link!
After 30+ years of great,
dedicated service, Marge Stoehr retired last fall from her calling as Director
of the Shawano Family History Center. Marge has done an excellent job and
I personally would like to give her a BIG THANK-YOU HUG for all the countless
hours she has given to making the FHC one of THE best in the country -- I've
been to quite a few, worked as Asst. Director in the largest one in New England
and nothing compares to the Shawano FHC. The new director, Pat Stephenson,
has been working on organizing the FOUR long drawers of family group records.
If you haven't been to the FHC lately, it is well worth the trip as they have
extensive data and microfilm resources. Our best wishes to Pat in her new
calling and MEGA HUGS to Marge for a job well-done! We love you!!!
Til next time!! -- Anne |
January 14,
2006 |
Happy Belated New
Year! I'm in the process of catching up on all the neat items you have
sent in to post -- as some of you know, eyeglasses and vision are a problem for
me so my computer time is not what it used to be. But the Shawano site is
"my heart" and your items will get added as soon as possible. If you don't
see them after a while, send me a gentle nudge via email!
Jan P. Tonnessen
from Norway sent in a gorgeous portrait to post for the
Peter Hanson Family of Green Valley Twp. -- the
photo was unidentified until recently and Jan would appreciate any additional
info on this family.
page has some new additions...
obituaries online! These are current ones and some have photos -- good
CASTLE GARDEN, the NYC ship port (1855 -
1890) that served as one of the largest immigration processing centers, prior to
Ellis Island has an online database. Thanks for sending this tip in!
2 PAGES of Penny Postcards
added to the
PHOTO page.
Descendants of Friedrich
Ludwig Pegelow sent in by
Gary Lloyd Pegelow --
again, thanks Gary for a very nice job!
Gail Lane is researching the
SCHATTL Family that was living in
Mattoon, Shawano County in the early 1900's -- she sent in some photos and
hopefully someone researching this family will be in contact with her.
Margaret Prehn Nielsen,
grand-daughter of Adelaide Walker Magee, sent in various photos of the
MAGEE family -- thanks Margaret and she would love to
hear from anyone researching the MAGEE family.
Until next time.... Anne |
October 22,
2005 |
Descendants of Wilhelm Bonnin sent in by
Gary Lloyd Pegelow -- thanks Gary for a very nice job! |
August 12, 2005 |
Unidentified Family Photo -- GREAT photo
but no names for any of the faces!!! Please take a look and just see if you
might know one or two of these people! |
July 1, 2005
HAPPY 4th of
JULY!!! By now you
have probably realized that I might not list the updates often, but we are
constantly updating the site and the message boards... since last time, we have
added HUNDREDS of obituaries, THOUSANDS of names in the 1930 census, updated
surnames, and just recently, 400+ names from the Red Springs cemeteries (Thanks
Stacy and Leslie..) and here are the new links to these!
1930 Federal Census is another on-going
project of mine... it started when I was searching for family SCHMIDT in
Hartland Twp. and found every variation of the name you could imagine in the
indexes... so I put our own online and SCHMIDT is spelled SCHMIDT. To
date, we have Hartland Twp., Almon Twp., Village of Eland, Village of Bonduel,
Seneca Twp., and part of the Menominee Reservation. The Reservation was
part of Shawano County in 1930 and as we get quite a few questions about it, I
thought we would include it in our site for the 1930's. And I'll update
the pages as I make them...
Kreuser and her niece Leslie Blom recently walked the
Red Springs Twp Cemetery and the
Old Stockbridge Orthodox Cemetery near
Morgan Siding -- and I hear pictures are on the way, too!
And we are busy indexing the
1920 plat, thanks to the kind help of the Shawano researchers -- YOU! And
if you are looking for something to do to help out, and you can even do this
from Outer Mongolia (Ü) -- we still have 1920 plat maps that are online but not
And be sure to check those
surnames on the MESSAGE BOARD -- Tasha keeps us up to date on the Shawano Leader "goal" is to have 10,000 entries up on the Message Board by the end
of the year!!! And we're about 1000 shy... so if you have obits or queries, etc.
POST them as I get emails all the time of people connecting with the missing
link that someone inadvertently mentions in their query. MESSAGE BOARDS
I've recently started to
SCAN in the actual obituary or newspaper clipping to the MESSAGE BOARDS... this
is faster for me to post more obits in the same amount of time, PLUS the
researcher gets the actual clipping to print or store in their files. When
you go into the actual site, there will be a link that says "Actual obit, etc"
-- just click on that link and you'll see the scanned obituary. If you
would like to PRINT the obit or SAVE TO FILE, just right click and follow the
directions. ALSO, I get asked occasionally HOW to PRINT the plat maps on
one page, etc. The easiest way is to right click on the image, save to
YOUR hard drive and then open in a GRAPHICS EDITOR on your computer. This
can be ADOBE, PAINT, etc. Then resize it to fit your paper and print.
REMEMBER, these are for your PERSONAL
USE ONLY -- don't place
these online or in a book you are publishing... this isn't allowed and is
against the copyright policy of the website. I have left these available
to right-click copy for your PERSONAL
USE...most of my other
sites are NO RIGHT CLICK, meaning that function has been taken off the site... so I don't expect to see any of this
site's material in another website or book, right? Right...
The volunteers and myself spend our funds & time to make this available to you
for FREE...
And, drum roll please!, we
hit 100,000 visitors to the Shawano site!!!! THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!! 100,000
means a lot to our volunteers and myself -- our efforts are not going to waste!
Til next time!!! And have a
SAFE 4th of July...
Anne |
March 16, 2005 |
New for this week are:
Shawano Area Funeral Homes webpage -- lists the
local funeral homes and contact information, as well as AREA funeral homes in
various adjacent counties. |
March 1, 2005 |
New for this week are:
Quite a LONG time ago, Mikki from
the Shawano Library sent in the scanned pages of the
1947 Shawano City Directory. I started working on the project and,
after 3 major computer crashes (yes, Windows operating systems!) I finally found
them!! So, instead of waiting til the project is done to upload, I've
started uploading them as I work on them (Hopefully, Rootsweb won't lose them
once they are up!!! lol... they back up their files better than me, but I'm
Plat Map - Lessor Twp indexed by Tasha Treptow
World War II page -- I thought I had already done one of
these, but couldn't locate it when I needed it .. so we now have one. In
the past, these pages have been for people who lost their lives in the wars --
this page, I would like to include anyone that served in WWII, either home or
abroad. The page lists the individuals that are listed in the National
Archives -- I'd like to extend the page and need YOUR HELP. If you have an
ancestor that served in WWII and you would like to add his/her name,
email me, won't you?
Have you been keeping up with the
obituary/message board? We have about 8200 entries with this board growing
And, I need your help to keep
me up to date on "links not working" in the Shawano GenWeb site -- if you hit on
a non-working link, email me and let me know the page, etc. -- otherwise, if I
don't visit there, I don't always know the links failed. THANKS!
18, 2005 |
This week, we have added:
1920 Hartland Twp. Plat indexed by Tasha Treptow
St. Paulus German Ev. Lutheran Cemetery
1920 Waukechon Twp. Plat by Tasha Treptow
Roosevelt Cemetery -- also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints in Seneca Twp.
Bob Gehrke sent in a great postcard which could use your help to identify the
location - possibly
Stach Meat Market.
Kathy Fuhrman sent in some awesome older photo
that can use your help identifying also.
1920 Almon Twp. Plat
indexed by Sue Pukall
>>> has added Wisconsin
Marriage Indexes for 1973 - 1997. BTW, they also have Minnesota Birth Indexes
for 1935 - 2002. <<< If you need a look-up for either of these and
haven't made the costly plunge into the network, let me know and
I'll gladly check it... they do have the market on genealogy but the fee keeps
going up! up! up!... but if you use it a lot, it does pay off. |
1, 2005
added the following this week:
Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, Bonduel
Lutheran Cemetery, Tilleda
1898 Aniwa Plat Map
Peterson has indexed the
1920 Navarino Plat
Map -- thanks much for a job well-done!
site in Antigo has great info if you are looking for ancestors from the
NW corner of the county. The indexes are free but if you want copies
of obits, etc. there is a charge. I generally don't pass on info
from pay sites, but because there is a wealth of info free, I'm passing
it on..
Adams Michael sent in the following great link -- (I've used it for years
and I know you'll enjoy it, too):
"This link will take you to All Newspapers in Wisconsin. I have this one bookmarked and check
various papers often looking for family news and obits. Perhaps
others might find this page useful as well." -- thanks Pat!
Gary Tonn sent in some
obituaries and two nice photos to share online. There's a
1929 Navarino class photo
that turned out
excellent and the clarity is there -- now we just need the student's names...
Thanks, Gary!
1934-1935 Confirmation
Class - St. Paul Lutheran of
Bowler was sent in by Randy Fuhrman... he's identified some of the folks, but
could use your help putting names to the rest of the faces. -- thanks, Randy for
the very nice picture!
If you have any other
Confirmation class photos, etc. we'd love to post them as there are descendants
of these folks who might not have access to family pictures -- and they would
love to see them!! |
22, 2005 |
update is for a few projects that I have had on the desk, but never completed.
So here's the list:
have been updated....check to see if yours has been added. If not,
send me a gentle reminder that I slipped up...
Paul Lutheran Cemetery, Bonduel - completed
Evangelical Church Cemetery, Pella - completed
Tom Davis has indexed the
1920 Green Valley
Plat Map -- thanks much for a job well-done!
This was sent in some time
ago -- if this is your family, let us know!
awhile ago someone came in with a family bible they purchased at a rummage
sale. They gave it to the FHC in case someone from this family was ever
looking for it. Here are the names of the owners and their family
members as we have listed from the records kept in the book along with
what could be put together from our researching.
4 Nov 1859 in Watertown, Jefferson Co. WI
8 Jan 1886 - Died Mar 1919
father Christ Kohn
9 Feb 1868 in Pommern
18 Mar 1924 - Her Father Carl Brede
3 Oct 1886; Alma 3 Nov 1888; Anna Hermine 21 Sep 1890; Adolph 13 Jul 1894;
Frank 10 Apr 1897; Emil 10 Jan 1899; Eldon 18 Dec 1901; Clara (Lora) Angelina
16 Jul 1904; Eloise 9 Sep 1906; Walter 5 Jul 1909"
warm!!! and if you have some free time while you are snowed in, the 1920
Plats are calling you!!!
next time,
OK, I usually can refrain from jokes on the website, but this one was very
cute -- reminded me of driving out on Shawano lake during the ice fishing
season... Nothing against blondes, you can feel free to substitute redheads
in there instead of blonde...<big grin> and thanks BB for the chuckle!
A blonde decided she needed something new and different for a winter hobby.
She went to the bookstore and bought every book she could find on ice fishing.
For weeks she read and studied every book, hoping to become an expert in
the field. Finally she decided she knew enough, and out she went for her
first ice fishing trip.
She carefully gathered up and packed all the tools and equipment needed
for the excursion. Each piece of equipment had its own special place in
her kit. When she got to the ice, she found a quiet little area, placed
her padded stool, and carefully laid out her tools.
Just as she was about to make her first cut into the ice, a booming voice
from the sky bellowed, "There are no fish under the ice!"
Startled, the blonde grabbed up all her belongings, moved further along
the ice, poured some hot chocolate from her thermos, and started to cut
a new hole. Again the voice from above bellowed, "There are no fish under
the ice!"
Amazed, the blonde wasn't quite sure what to do, as this certainly wasn't
covered in any of her books. She packed up her gear and moved to the far
side of the ice Once there, she stopped for a few moments to regain her
calm. Then she was extremely careful to set everything up perfectly; tools
in the right place, chair positioned just so, everything. Just as she was
about to cut this new hole, the voice came again, "There are no fish under
the ice!"
Petrified, the blonde looked skyward and asked "Is that you,
The voice boomed back, "No, this is the manager of the skating rink!" |
15, 2005 |
your NEW YEAR is off to a great start & the snow isn't too deep or
the weather too cold. Makes you think twice about how our ancestors
must have bundled up for the short trips to the neighbours or the longer
trips to church and back. They must have been hardier stock than
is our latest project and I can use volunteers to complete it -- and since
it is all online, you don't need to be in the Shawano area! I occasionally
get offers from out-of-staters to help with the website, so this is your
opportunity! Kris Pinkerton completely surprised us with the
Plat Maps for Shawano County. She scanned and sent them in and
I'm in the process of putting the images online. The problem is:
the Pico Search Engine only sees the map as a picture, and will not be
able to read any of the names for the pages. If we can get volunteers
to index a plat map each, we can get the index online along with the map
and make it "searchable". I know how much you enjoy the plat maps,
as I do, too! I'm not looking for 1 person to do all of them -- several
volunteers to take a township each. The original pdf maps are available
in case you want the original scan to transcribe
me with your favorite plat township, and if it's available, it's yours.
THANKS IN ADVANCE!! and in Zachow even!! (a little Shawano County humor
there... very little...)
next time... and many thanks to Kris for the plats!
Anne |
15, 2004 |
CHRISTMAS!!! I feel I only update for a new season! Things have been
BUSY here to say the least and I find longer lists of "TO DO" and less
time to "TO DO" them in!
two pet projects, cemeteries & obituaries, are still being worked on....we
add hundreds of obits each month to the message board. Tasha is doing
a great job on the Shawano Leader obits and I try to take care of the Appleton
Post-Crescent & Green Bay Press Gazette obits every morning.
The Shawano FHC has me well stocked for the winter months with cemeteries.
I'm currently working on one that is close to my heart,
Paul's Lutheran in Bonduel. Although this page will load, it
is not completely done yet so if your family is from that area, do check
back when it is done, also.
for your patience & the emails! and have a great holiday and a super
2005... Anne |
26, 2004 |
hardly believe the summer is almost gone! I'm hoping the fall will
allow more time to catch up on all the neat items you have all sent in.
a GREAT BIG THANKS! to Donna Hance for all her time & efforts on clipping
Shawano obits for us for YEARS! Donna will continue on with the Wittenberg/Birnamwood
area obits and she's done an awesome job of finding the older obits from
that area of the county -- she keeps me BUSY! And Tasha Treptow has
taken on the Shawano Leader obits, plus she continues on with Peshtigo
Times and other various papers she encounters that deal with Shawano ancestors.
And we are almost at 7500 obits/queries on our message board -- YES!!!
And thanks to everyone who keeps that project going! When I run across
a new surname in the families I work on, I check out the obits there first
as I usually find the surname somewhere in various family obits -- I can't
say enough about obits! A good one will have at least 3 generations
mentioned -- and sometimes this is the only place you will find married
names of the women...
CEMETERIES: The first one up is
John's Evangelical Lutheran, Town of Washington. It's just west
of Hwy 117 south of Cecil -- almost kitty-corner to St. Paul's Lutheran
church on County Hwy E. The next one on deck will be Jerusalem Lutheran,
Waukechon Twp -- this one is AWESOME as it has a lot of info about the
individuals -- someone worked hard on this project!
the summer, I've added new SURNAMES as they come in the emails -- remember
to recheck there for your family surnames and make sure your email addresses
are up-to-date.
a great Labor Day weekend!
Anne |
28, 2004 |
updated the following 2 items:
Pukall sent in the LEISKAU FAMILY CEMETERY in
the Town of Almon; and Dave Maas sent in additional info for the
WAR I -- Company F page.
thanks for your patience -- I've received numerous items that will get
posted shortly. Keep the great work coming!
have a happy and safe 4th of July!
next time, Anne |
3, 2004 |
has sent in a series of mystery postcard pics for
us to try to identify -- these are gorgeous photos and I left them large
so you could see the detail in the faces.
you have mystery pics you'd like us to post online, just let me know!
And if you know who they are, GREAT!
was my pet-project a few months ago and I lost track of it. I had
purchased a box of old pictures on Ebay that were from the Wittenberg area,
& BLOECHER seem to be on a few of the pics. I've scanned
18 of them online and if you can identify ANY of them, I'd love to know
the names to add to the pictures. |
27, 2004 |
a note ~ added 1898 Hutchins Twp. Plat Map. |
13, 2004 |
ST. PATRICK'S DAY -- everyone is IRISH on St. Paddy's Day! Remember
to keep checking the Message Board because we are adding HUNDREDS
of obits every month -- thanks to Donna & other volunteers. And just because
you don't find the one you're looking for up there, it doesn't mean it
doesn't exist! We post them as we locate them! Again, much
thanks to Donna & the other volunteers -- they keep Shawano GenWeb looking good!
couple of GREAT research sites online that I have been "playing" in lately:
Death Records
Wisconsin State death databases are comprised of entries 1959-1979 displayed
in graphic presentation form. Specifically years 1959-1979 is a virtual-fiche
database. Years segment 1820-1907 is a link to ~ this fiche
system takes a while to get used to, but it is well worth the perseverance!
Shawano County, Wisconsin (ED 159) Federal Census is online in the
WIGenWeb Archives. Thanks to Lisa Gerving!
& Schulta Funeral Home (Wittenberg & Birnamwood, as well as
Bevent, Bowler, Aniwa, Hatley, Mattoon, Tigerton, Galloway, Elderon, Eland,
Easton, Ringle and surrounding areas in Langlade, Marathon, Portage and
Shawano Counties) has recent online obituaries and condolences. They
have done an awesome job, with most obits having PHOTOS! I
sincerely hope the other Shawano County Funeral Homes follow their lead!!!
When you click on "obituaries" you'll see the past few months...the search
engine on the right of the screen will allow you to search for the past
25 YEARS!!! and they are linked to obituaries of people mentioned!
REALLY, REALLY COOL!!! Definite two thumbs up & 5 stars!!
while you are spring-cleaning, keep us in mind! We are always looking for
older year-books, annuals, newspaper clippings, high school graduation
programs, church centennial booklets, etc. to post to the site. All
we need is a good clear xerox or scanned copy... Til next time -- Anne |
4, 2004 |
a really quick note: One of our VERY SPECIAL Genie-Angels, Marj Stoehr
(who has been so generous with the FHC resources by allowing us to post
maps, obits, and cemeteries online) could use your good thoughts sent her
way this week -- Marj, feel better soon!!! WE LOVE YOU!!! |
14, 2004 |
Valentine's Day! and all the other holidays in-beween! Today's posting
adds 1898 Belle Plaine Twp PLAT MAP.
Hundreds of obits have been added the past few months to the Message Board
-- thanks again to Donna, who faithfully sends my monthly obit package! |
23, 2003 |
TURKEY DAY!!!! and save room for dessert! Thanks, Carol for sending in
Twp School Census 1912. We're still looking for more Shawano
area researchers to copy more census pages!
School pics are being added... |
21, 2003 |
this finds you getting ready for the big TURKEY day and then on to the
Christmas holiday Season. Personally, there should be two months
between Thanksgiving and Christmas -- way too close and not enough time
to get all the Christmas preparations done!
update has 1898 Lessor Twp. PLAT MAP --
thanks again to our "ANGELS" at the Shawano FHC that make this project
and so many of our other ones possible! Can't say enough good things
about the GREAT work they do -- if you live in the area and have a few
hours a month to volunteer, I'm SURE Marge will find a nitch for you there
-- EXCELLENT way to LEARN GENEALOGY RESEARCH!! You don't need to have all
the answers to volunteer, just a willingness to learn and help out!!! |
12, 2003 |
M. Gerbig Siferd;
Tasha Treptow sent in a great update of the
Luth. Cemetery, White Clay Lake - Washington Twp. Both copies
are online on the cemetery page - WHITE CLAY LAKE CEMETERY.
trying to start a new project (yes! yet another one!) of early Shawano
County School Censuses. We have a few online, but I'd like to try
to place as many as possible online, just like the cemeteries. In
some instances, these folks didn't have birth certificates issued, so the
early 1900 censuses can be used to establish age. They are currently
stored in the Register of Deeds office -- if you are in the area and have
a few hours, let me know as we would love to have copies of these -- even
if you can just copy 1 school for 1 year -- every little bit helps!
This site is proof of that! |
7, 2003 |
Fall! This s my FAVORITE time of year, leading up to Christmas! Hope you
are enjoying the fall of my ALL-TIME favorite drives for foliage
was the backroads from Gresham to Bowler...
this time are 1898 Fairbanks Twp. PLAT MAP
& a 1912 TEACHER'S CONTRACT for Maple Grove
Twp. sent in by Ella POWELL'S granddaughter Mary Russell -Thanks Mary! |
18, 2003 |
added the Zion Lutheran Cemetery in Herman
Twp. Gresham -- many thanks to the Shawano FHC for submitting
the data!
I enter the cemetery data, if I locate a death date from SSDI, I put it
in as a note...IF you ever find someone LIVING that I entered a SSDI date
for, PLEASE tell me!!! It has happened.........
next time......Anne |
30, 2003 |
to believe it's Labor Day weekend already -- our summer just seemed to
fly by!
update includes the
1898 Plat Map for MAPLE
GROVE in the southeast corner of Shawano County. And a special
thanks to hubby Bob -- he saw the project on my desk and finished it for
me! (I'll have to leave more unfinished projects on the desk!!!)
starting to get caught up on the more recent SEL obits (posted to the Message
Board) -- thanks to Donna, who FAITHFULLY sends me the BRIGHTEST
colored envelopes each month with the obits -- they do stand out on the
desk!! (which is a good thing!)
Just added the 1898 Plat Map for PART of
Richmond Twp -- there are two separate maps for Richmond. |
12, 2003
on our SURNAMES page.
Shawano County census for Angelica Twp. has been placed in the Wisconsin
GenWeb Archives by Lisa Gerving --
Brady just emailed me this morning and has had the "feared & dreaded
happen" -- her computer crashed and with it, all the correspondence and
emails that she was working on for you Shawano researchers........I live
in fear that will happen to me, too ....
if Barb is working on an assignment for you, please email her at
with the specifics and information again. Barb is one of our awesome
volunteers & we can't say THANKS enough to her for her willingness
to help in so many ways!!! |
1, 2003 |
update to a on-going project, courtesy of Tasha Treptow -
Lutheran Church - White Clay Lake has just been updated to include
BAPTISMS (1871 - 1896) -- what makes this super cool is that these dates
are before Shawano County mandatory birth registry. If any of you
run across old parish centennial booklets in Grandma's Attic, etc. that
might be of value, we'd love to incorporate them!
and I LOVE your emails & comments!!! |
15, 2003 |
update to the 1898 Plats -- Angelica Twp.
is up and online -- I lost an email from a researcher asking about it and
I made it a point to be the next project!
to Pat Adams Michael, we have an explanation of the
of Town Names.
9, 2003 |
is almost 1/2 way through! Time does fly...hope your summer and your
research is going great. THANKS to all the PATIENT people who are
sending in such GOOD things for the website. Once they are here,
they will get posted eventually.
to Carol, we now have a great picture and some early membership data for
or Peace Lutheran in the Belle Plaine Twp.
thanks to Donna, who keeps us supplied with current SL obits...they will
get posted, too! |
10, 2003 |
know, twice in the same week....the
Town of
Hartland 1898 Plat has joined the online maps. And thanks to
Dave Maas, we have added the
Jung Cemetery
in the Town of Herman, just outside of Gresham. |
7, 2003 |
your summer is off to a great start -- I haven't abandoned ship, just to
let you know! This update has more of the
Cemetery in Birnamwood, and I just have a few more names to add to
finish up the project. It's probbaly taken me longer to finish these
pages, than it did for Donna to walk and record the whole cemetery.
I might not be fast, but the price of the site is right! Til next
time......Anne |
25, 2003 |
quicker update -- Waukechon Twp. 1898 Plat. |
, 2003 |
a quick update -- Birnamwood Twp. 1898 Plat
is online. Also, we have a new on-going project, courtesy of Tasha
Treptow..Tasha has copied and made an index of the parish records for
Ev. Lutheran Church - White Clay Lake -- this is absolutely COOL --
I have found some of my LEMKE, SPOHN's, etc. there. What's online
today is BAPTISM's 1887 - 1889...and more will be added as we have time...
ENJOY!!! |
15, 2003 |
to the site this week is
Forest Cemetery
in Birnamwood, PART III -- finishing up the Middle section. R. J.
Samp is looking for info on
families. Laurie Martineau is looking
for information on the Jennings House Hotel located in Shawano -- can anyone
help? 1898 Plat of
Washington Twp.
should be up by 3/17/2003.
that's about it for this time. Have a great weekend and SPRING IS
ON IT'S WAY!!..but, then so is the TAX MAN!! -- Anne |
6, 2003 |
Plat Map of the week is
Green Valley Township.
We've been BUSY working on transcribing obituaries and marriages and
page from 1881 until 1891. Jenny Hoffman sent in this AWESOME
tidbit: The Shawano Register of Deeds office has the Shawano County
school census records starting in 1912 and going up through 1954.
These records are dear because in early Shawano county, birth registration
was not required until the 1920's. Like in my Mom's case, these school
census records can help establish birthdates. (And Jenny found my Mom and
her siblings listed!!!) Welcome to Tasha Treptow, who will be posting
Peshtigo Times obits to the Message Board for us. Tasha also is transcribing
early Immanuel Luth. Church records, White Clay Lake, for the site -- as
soon as I get the pages ready to go.
that's about it for this time -- our next LONG term project will be old
telephone books / city directories. If you run across any pre-1962
telephone books in "Grandma's attic" this spring --(or your own!), we'd
be interested in posting the entries...we do emails, faxes, or xeroxes...for
the time frame between the 1930 census and the SSDI indexes, phone books
can help locate where and when families might have been in the county.
Never thought of them as a genealogical resource before, huh? So
send them on in...they have got to be out there in someone's attic or garage.
Until next time, ATCz |
18, 2003 |
of the week is the
Forest Cemetery
in Birnamwood, PART II -- which consists of the Middle part -- again mega
kudos to Donna for undertaking this project! 1898 Plat Map of the
week is Grant Township and also we've completed
were added for 1900 Tigerton Railroad Crew; Aniwa - 1910; 1910 Main Street
- Shawano; Jolly Jester Minstral Show - Wittenberg; 1916 Tigerton Lumber
Co.; 1919 Franklin St. - Shawano; 1962 Cecil Bird's Eye; 1910 Birnamwood
High School; Bonduel downtown; Caroline, WI postcard; Lincoln High School
- 1930; Lyndhurst Trainwreck 1912; 1950's Main Street - Shawano; 1913 -
Murdock House - Shawano; 1915 - Mattoon School; 1910 Shawano High School
- Shawano; Shawano Main Street; Zion Evangelical Church, Bonduel; Zilesch
Homecoming - Tigerton; Residence Street - Wittenberg; Government Indian
School - Wittenberg; 1947 Wittenberg Public Library; 1925 Wittenberg High
School; Netzel & Van Dree's Store - Wittenberg; 1911 Wittenberg Street;
BRADY sent in this cool link:
Harbor Casualty List - DECEMBER 7, 1941
surnames this week are for ZIEMER, SPLINTER and WATTERS by
a cool site I use for computer translation is,
remember it is only computer generated, so it won't be perfect -- but you
should get the general gist of a phrase or website. Hey, it's free
and it's quick!
of my earliest "springtime" memories of growing up in Shawano County was
Fritz Bartelt and maple sugaring. Fritz was the father-in-law of
my mother's cousin -- took me YEARS to figure that one out! Anyway,
Fritz was about 65 years old and had his "sugar camp" in the woods just
south of Bonduel in Waukechon Twp. Visiting Fritz in the woods was
an annual event for us and we knew it was time when Mom would send us to
the cellar to bring up the glass gallon A & W jugs to take to Fritz.
Now, Fritz I don't think heard about the "40 gallons of sap = 1 gallon
maple syrup" rule. His syrup was THICK, like molasses and a beautiful
dark amber color...cooked out in the woods under the stars, over a wood
fire. Half of the thrill was trekking out in the woods and then sitting
by the open fire to warm up and visiting with Fritz -- the other half was
finally getting the syrup home, and dunking strips of homemade bread into
it -- we didn't wait for pancakes! <grin> One of my treasures that I
have of my Mother's is a 1 quart mason jar of Fritz's Maple Syrup from
the early 1970's. We found this on a shelf in the cellar when the
farm was sold and I have carried it on every move we have made since.
My uncle in Ireland says it's like a fine wine, improves with age and to
open it up some Christmas morning and enjoy with homemade waffles..and
he wants to be here. I'd miss the memories it brings when I see it
on the shelf, all deep amber colored. And, hey, my kids were raised on
Mrs. Butterworth...they probably wouldn't appreciate Fritz's work and labor
that went into that 1 quart of maple syrup, from clearing the path to the
sugar camp, to tapping all those old maples, gathering the 40+ gallons
of sap in buckets in the snow, and then the all-night cooking of the sap,
until he had the BEST maple syrup! |
11, 2003 |
of the week is the
Forest Cemetery
in Birnamwood -- this is a large cemetery and I've divided it into 3 weeks
-- this first part consists of the back or newer section. Big thanks
to Donna Hance for walking & transcribing this!!
directory for the 1898 plat maps has been completed -- Pulcifer to
Whitcomb are finished. 1898 Plat maps have been added for
Township and
Pella Township. Pella
isn't a "township" any more, but was in 1898 -- kinda nifty to see!
4, 2003 |
are 1898 Almon Township (I) and
Almon Township (II); The 1898 Plat maps contain photos, ads,
and a business directory. The photos and advertisements will be added
later. Business
directory lists each town & their
businesses -- pretty cool. We have Aniwa - Morris done for this week.
Hance sent in the GREATEST tip I have heard of lately -- she is printing
some of our "unidentified photos" and taking them to a local elderly housing/home
and THEY ARE IDENTIFYING THEM!! These senior citizen's can be our
BEST resource out there!! You might want to try this hint for your
own unidentified pics--there's nursing homes and senior centers throughout
the county. If you need an address to the town nearest your homestead,
just email me. Not only is this a great help for US, it keeps THEIR
minds young and most will tell you a great story that goes with the pic!!
remember GRANDPARENTS on Valentine's Day, too!! |
29, 2003 |
cold, but I hear there's a 40 degree heat wave coming soon! Just
latest endeavor here online is the
1898 Shawano
County Plat Maps. Barb emailed me this past week and sent
in Almon Twp. and so we are back on top of this project. The two
townships that are done for this week are Navarino Twp. & Seneca Twp.
with Pella on deck for next week. The maps for 1898 are not like
1911 -- these use numbers and grids. Basic format of 36 sections
to the township is the same, but once you see the pages, you'll understand
the differences. I did create an index on the bottom of the individual
pages, allowing our browser to access the names -- but remember to check
for spelling variations as there are MANY.
if you find any links that do not work on the website, please email me
with the page & details -- makes my job easier!!!
Anne |
20, 2003 |
it's REALLY cold outside!!! Hope this finds you warm in your neck
of the woods -- it's definitely not warm here! The cemetery-of-late
is St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery, Stoney
Hill, Richmond Township -- thanks Shawano FHC. Thanks
to Donna & Barb, we are in obit-heaven -- be sure to check the
message board as we add a couple hundred obits some weeks. New surnames
dear friend of mine sent this in...I was fascinated as I thought there
were no surviving Civil War widows
as an aside, and of some genealogical interest, the Los Angeles Times has
reported that the last surviving widow of a Civil War Union veteran has
died at the age of 93. She was Gertrude Janeway, who married, at age 18,
Janeway in 1927, who was 81 at the time. He died 10 years later. Mrs. Janeway
had been receiving a $70 per month pension from the Veterans Administration.
Her death, according to the Times, leaves only Alberta
of Alabama, age 95, as a widow of any Civil War veteran. Her husband was
in the Confederate Army. It is difficult to believe that widows of veterans
of a war that ended nearly 140 years ago could still survive, but
they married as teenagers to elderly veterans, it could - and has - happened.
to trying to stay warm!!! Anne |